Two new Ruby Red Fashion Friends for Susette… Meet Nicholas and Angela!

Oh, what fun pictures today! You’re going to love seeing who Susette received in the mail…and I’m going to use her emails to me as your commentary. I did a few little giggles when she was dressing them. She received 2 dolls… they were the 3rd Anniversary dolls for Ruby Red Fashion Friends and sold separately but meant to go together. Each doll had 2 wigs to play with and LOTS of little accessories. I hope you enjoy her pictures as much as I did. Let me introduce Nicholas and Angela! The pictures will enlarge if you click on them. If you are on a computer or laptop, I suggest you look at the details… I am AMAZED at how these outfits are constructed! Fabulous sewing from the ones making these things.

I started dressing the Nicholas doll at 3:39 this afternoon and finished at 4:29. I know this because the pictures are time stamped. Ha, ha. Unbuttoning the little jacket was very difficult, and buttoning the cuffs was even harder.

This is the case he came in. I hope you can see at the top middle that the black overlays the blue satin. The zipper has a little heart ❤️ charm on it. (Sorry Susette, that picture apparently wasn’t sent!)

This is what’s inside with two wigs, one red and one platinum. Don’t know where the inspiration for the platinum came Take a really good look at the tiny socks by enlarging the picture. They are machine knitted exactly like real ones with the heel and toes properly designed.

Really pretty blue eyes. Tiny belt.

Challenging buttonholes on the shirt and cuffs, Nailed the saddle shoes.

(I included these couple of sentences from Susette’s email… and YES, I DID LAUGH… well sort of giggled at what she said…)

You’ll laugh when you hear that it took me 50 minutes to unpack and dress Nickolas but an hour and 50 minutes to do the same for Angela. Come to think of it, that’s about right for the difference in the time it takes for a woman 👩 to get ready as opposed to a man 👨.

A pretty peach travel case.

All the pieces. Pearls and a bracelet in the tiny case by the purse.

I’ve decided they’re fraternal twins. Cute little dress with pearls, earrings, bracelet, belt, pretty shoes and purse.

I don’t really get the platinum hair color. A stretchy band would not hold the wig on. Had to use Quack Wax which allows the wig to be changed with no residue left on the wig.

Well, that’s it for Nicholas and Angela. I have a feeling Susette is ooohhhing and aaahhhing over them still! Aren’t dolls fun?

I originally said I was going to show Rosemary’s house being built and her English Paper Piecing project on Monday, but since Sissy sent me some St. Patrick’s Day pictures of her dolls dressed in green… I hope Rosemary won’t mind waiting till Tuesday! :o)

See you all Monday… Have a wonderful weekend.
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Two new Ruby Red Fashion Friends for Susette… Meet Nicholas and Angela!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, before I forget, Linda, Rosemary and Susette, I replied to your comments yesterday.

    Susette, thank you for sending pictures of Nicholas and Angela. I should be getting my Angela any day now I expect!!

    Yes, Nicholas’s socks are amazing!! Well, everything about both of their outfits truly is. I’ve held for quite some time now that Ruby Red does about he best job of making clothing for their dolls of any company I’ve seen in recent years. My limited editions have had fabulous outfits. Plaids match, zippers work, pockets are functional, and on and on it goes. Accessories are equally wonderful. I especially love the little purses!! And the travel cases are such a nice idea, and easier to store than fancy boxes that you have to be so careful with and not tear or dent them!

    I’m not a huge fan of the platinum hair color–much prefer the auburn, so my Angela will probably mostly be in that wig.

    Again, thanks for sharing pictures. Now I am more eager than ever for my Angela to get here!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Charlotte, I really hope your Angela, comes today. Have you been tracking her? You can take her tracking number and put it on Fedex Tracking and receive updates for every time she is scanned. It’s fun to follow the journey. You’re going to love her. 🙂

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      I’ve found that the outfits that come with the dolls are pretty amazing but the ones you buy from are less so. The outfits are cute but I sometimes find the fit a little off and they seem more cheaply made. But I do like their selection of shoes and they are pretty well made and the prettiest styles.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    What an amazing set of dolls and clothes, plus accessories that you have, Susette! All the pieces are top notch, and so realistic! While I do have a RRFF doll, my Sara, she wasn’t new, and was dressed in an Etsy dress when I received her, so I never knew that RRFF dolls came undressed. That sounds like quite an adventure to dress them, and I wonder if there are instructions for that.

    I completely understand that these dolls are not for children, although I’m sure some do get them, but I wonder how difficult it must be for a child to dress them, if it is difficult enough for an adult!

    I do prefer the red hair over the platinum, or gray too. Those sunglasses look so real, and the purse, belt with buckles, and shoes are really accessories that make the outfits stand out, but oh that little coat is just perfect too!

    You are so lucky to have the pair, and that carrying case is beautiful enough to carry as a purse!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Hi Linda,
      Just to let you know that you can order any of the dolls from RRed already dressed. Many do that as they don’t want to have to fiddle with the tiny buttons etc. You can add that to the instructions box when ordering. 🙂

  3. I absolutely concur with sharing Saint Patrick’s Day dolly festivities with Sissy on Monday!
    Reading your comments and enjoying all of your doll adventures and outfits makes me so happy. I think about all of you, as I am here overwhelmed with memories and what to let go of.
    Susette, your new dolls are beautiful! I agree the platinum hair is a bit edgy for me. I do see many young people having their hair colored like so. I think, what is the hurry?
    Your dolls are so neatly wrapped. I adore both of the outfits, they are very exquisitely sewn, wow. Really beautiful…. and adorable.
    I did go back and read yesterday’s comments. Thank you for the replies about jello.
    My girls did not enjoy jello. You know I think we had much simpler food when we were younger, jello was a treat! All of you speak of how much time your mothers put into the house management with 4 kiddos. Yes, I was one of four. My mother was a first born to her parents in Rotterdam, Netherlands, she was born with only one hand, her right arm ended just past her wrist, so she had the carpal bones. I do not know how she managed. My dad adored her. She did every thing you can imagine including sewing all of our clothes and making meals.
    I hope all of you enjoy a happy week-end. I hope the weather is extra sunny and mild.
    My goal is to pack one fragile box today without getting distracted by discoveries, albums, old antique memories, or old suitcases full of treasures. (mom and dad’s things)

    1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Rosemary, I missed the jello discussion since I got busy sewing yesterday. I remember jello well, it was all the rage with my mom and all the ladies back then. We all loved it. My mom made tomato aspic a lot and I still miss it. I still have her little metal serving cups she used for it.

      I am really feeling for you for your having to pack up everything. The last time I moved was 1999 when we moved back to GA and rented a house while our home was being built. They we moved it to our home 25 years ago this June. I have REALLY acquired so MUCH stuff with all the sewing and other crafts I have been doing over the years. I also have so much that belonged to my mom and her family. I have been able to sell a few small things to an antique shop on commission, there just is not much that my boys and family want. I have told them to have an estate sale when the time comes. I wish you well in your efforts.

  4. Karen from Kentucky

    I enjoyed seeing your doll pictures yesterday, Linda, but didn’t get to them until late. Could you tell me more about the Russian? dolls that fit inside eachother that are by the Crucifix? Who are they? Thanks 🙂

    It is fun seeing what Nicholas and Angela are like. The detail in their clothes is amazing. Thanks so much for sharing, Susette and Jeanne!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Hi Karen! Those nesting dolls are from AG Rebecca’s Bedroom Accessories. I don’t think they are supposed to be anyone in particular, just Russian nesting dolls, and I just put them there, because they fit in! They are retired now, but I got them when they were new from AG. I found two on EBay, for (get ready for this), $199 and $184! But they do come with a cute domino set in a wooden box, a Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm story book, a bag for her crocheting supplies, a finished doily and crochet hook, but oh my, the price!

      1. Karen from Kentucky

        That’s so interesting! Thanks for sharing! American Girl sure came out with a lot of accessories to discover!

    2. Hi Karen,
      I was waiting for you to comment again before writing to you. I saw that you are 1/2 hour from Cincinnati. Cincinnati was my birthplace and I lived there for seven years. My grandparents lived there as well. My grandfather immigrated to there from Germany as his sisters were already there (his parents would follow with the youngest) and my grandmother moved there from Texas when they got married. My mom was born there also.
      I’ve visited many places in Kentucky and one one aunt, uncle and cousins lived there as well.
      Yes, I recall you have a sister named Laura. How sweet! No, I’m not going to the doll convention. It’s too far for a day trip only and I don’t want to have to pay to stay at a hotel.

      As to the Russian Nesting dolls. I have a set of real ones made in Russia that my great-aunt brought back to me as a gift in the 1970’s. I was probably six or seven at the time.
      I’ll send photos to Jeanne.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Well, Susette, you win first prize in doll dressing. Great work. Here, however, my two recent dolls remain in disarray. Well, Serena. That is because she is the only one of the two out of her box. Poor thing. Her clothes are in a pile but she does have on her wig. I chose the red for her and removed the pony tail. Easily returned if I decide to. Her outfit is the same as Angela’s only in blue. And her carry bag is in greenish. Guess I’ll have to allocate a very large chunk of time to get her dressed soon and her partner Nicolas, too. I’ve been spending any free time working here and there on a St. Patrick’s Day outfit. Will it be done in time? I don’t know. I keep changing things around and ended up wanting a collar on the top so it has become complicated. Thanks so much Susette for the description and time needed to get these dolls dressed. I’ll have to locate my hemostat for the buttons I guess. The pair are so adorable together. I love how they are posed in their photos. Thanks so much for sharing Susette and Jeanne.
    And we had rain all night last night. Dark and gloomy so far. However, I’ve been told by the weather people that we will have some sun later. Looks like a good day for doll dressing and sewing. 🙂
    Have a great weekend everyone.

    1. Joy, you are getting some weather!! I have been looking at the eagle camera at They have three babies, I bet they are hungry.
      With the wind, I would hope it will blow away quickly and bring you sunshine!

    2. Your mentioning hemostats made me think of old button hooks. Maybe a crochet hook will work? I need to try that.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        You know, I think I have a button hook somewhere. Would need a small size I think. But, I also have crochet hooks. Great idea. 🙂

  6. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Susette, your 2 new dolls and all they came with are just fabulous. I love the outfits and accessories and the red wigs. I have never gotten into collecting those dolls due to my age and needing to down size, but I really enjoy seeing them. I know if the RRFF had been introduced sooner in my life I would have collected them. Thank you for sharing all the details! Happy for all of you that are enjoying them.

    Jeanne, I emailed you one more photo for St. Pat’s and also sent some dialog to go with them. Thanks for wanting to share them on Monday.
    Wishes for a great weekend for you all.

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    I’ve been looking at the RRFF Fan Page on Facebook, something I rarely think to do, and saw all the comments on Nicholas, Serena and Angela. I haven’t bought any of them so I’m glad that others who did are sharing in pictures. What wonderful outfits and accessories for them! I never thought of timing myself when dressing the dolls but I know that it took me quite a while to get Polly dressed and I had to look at the picture as a go-by. I never did get Sage’s boots to work right so I slipped the straps with the buckles off. The boots looked cooler with the straps but I never could get them hooked, but they’re available if I ever want to try again.

    I somehow missed commenting on the Jello. I love Jello but seldom think to make it.
    We didn’t have it often when I was growing up because no one remembered to make it in time for dessert after supper. My sister would sometimes make it but she never got it stirred properly so the bottom was like rubber. When I visited my grandmother in the summer she always made Jello with bananas. I loved it but you had to let it set up some before you put in the bananas. I tend to forget and let it get too firm so it’s more like Jello garnished with bananas.

    Looking forward to seeing Sissy’s St. Patrick’s Day photos.

  8. Congratulations on your new dolls, Susette. Yes, I am amazed at the intricacy of the outfits. The accessories are absolutely amazing. As much as I love AG I think these smaller dolls if they had had the vast historical wardrobes and accessories the PC dolls had would have been the best of both worlds. The PC/AG accessories do work remarkably well and sometime look even better to scale..

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