Some REALLY sweet St. Patrick’s Day Dolly dresses from Linda!

Hi everyone,
We were out of town again today… you guessed it, another doctor’s appointment for my hubby. They had the followup on the ultrasound of his leg and said the vein was all closed up and now it’s time to wait for the accumulated blood to simply reroute to healthier leg veins. It will take a few more weeks, but we have already noticed a difference in the swelling in his ankle… YAY! We didn’t find out when his 3rd surgery will be, but we asked for it to be ASAP.

We got home about 4:00 this afternoon and we were both dragging, so we tried to take a nap. My brain was too busy with things I wanted to get done, so I never fell asleep. He said he didn’t get to sleep either. I remembered Linda’s St. Patrick’s Day dolly dresses and almost shouted Hallelujah! I didn’t even have to work for this post! Thank you Linda! So we’ll be seeing her dolls dressed in green! My hubby asked me if I had made any “green” dolly dresses this year and I dropped my head and said, “no…” I tried… Mae’s dress started with green shoes and I thought I was going to make a green dress to match it, but I ended up using that “green AND blue” fabric and then it sort of turned out NOT to be so much of a St. Patrick’s Day dress… even with the green hat, I still ended up calling it “Easter Charm.” Then I tried again to make a St. Patrick’s Day dress for Rozen… I had the green shoes and thought I was going to for sure make a St. Patrick’s Day dress, but the green shoes were replaced with blue ones when I added that denim jacket. Then I ended up calling that set “Easter Blues” so, I guess I totally missed the whole St. Patrick’s Day holiday. Oh well, there’s next year!

Just a quick note about those M&M Easter bunny cookies. I looked at a few recipes on Pinterest and they can be made with chocolate chip cookie dough after all… so I’m guessing you could make oatmeal cookies too… a few of the recipes said to cut the M&M’s “bunny ears” in half but most recipes just pushed the whole M&M in place whole. I also read to take the cookies out when they look slightly under done…(which I ALWAYS do) as they’ll still bake a little on the hot baking sheet and then wait a minute before pressing the M&M’s in place.
Here is another picture of them made with chocolate chips…

They are so cute, I think I just might have to bake some of them for someone! *wink* *wink*

Tomorrow we’re going to see something from Susette! YAY! You’ll want to see it too!

Then on Monday, I’m going to show Rosemary’s new house “in the works” and her English Paper Piecing!

Here are Linda’s pictures with her narration for each. If you click on any picture, it will enlarge!

First up, the 40’s girls. Looks like they found the leprechaun and pot of gold! Sara has her new Irish dancing costume on! Betsy is wearing a dress by a lady on Etsy, from long ago. Everybody else has AG dresses on.

The modern girls are standing along the street waiting for the parade to start! All are wearing AG outfits from different collections.

Cecile is dressed for Mardi Gras! Kirsten has her green Work Dress on, and the apron I made for her.

(Linda, I have to tell you, your Kirsten is JUST beautiful! She REALLY is! I’m so glad you bought her!) :o)

Felicity is once again waiting for guests! Is she ever the party hostess around here! She is wearing AG Elizabeth’s Holiday Gown. I was going to put her in her green Riding Habit, but she wore that last year, so I decided to change it up!

Molly’s table is set for an Irish treat! She is having green jello with fruit and a shamrock shaped shortbread cookie! Green punch too!

I hope George is doing well. Thinking and praying for him,….and you!
Love to you,

Thanks SO MUCH Linda… I’m so glad you sent these pictures to me!
Blessings, Jeanne

31 thoughts on “Some REALLY sweet St. Patrick’s Day Dolly dresses from Linda!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, thanks to all for the sweet replies to my comment yesterday. I appreciate them all. I’ll let you know when Angela arrives.

    Rosemary, I’m sorry about that Loooong stint at the dentist’s office, but glad you had something to keep you occupied. I am working on an English paper piecing project myself–am ready to sew the hexagons together now, after sewing fabric around the paper hexagons. I’m looking forward to seeing your pictures on Monday–both of the EPP project and your new house!

    I have made M & M cookies, where the M & Ms are put into the cookie dough. They don’t melt/spread like chocolate chips do, but they do tend to crack, so if you can press them into the hot cookies, that would probably work better for this purpose.

    Joy, glad to hear the dollies got into the house okay, without too much fuss on the part of other person. I’ll look forward to pictures, should you get a chance to take some and sent them to Jeanne.

    Jeanne, I’m glad to hear that the surgery has had a good effect on George, with less swelling in his ankles. That’s really good news!

    Linda, your displays are, as always, fantastic–everything is wonderful, and looks so festive. Thank you for sharing! I particularly love Sara’s Irish dancing outfit. I’ve seen Irish dancers in person, and some are absolutely exquisite, and highly embellished. The other outfits and decor are also wonderful, and so festive! Thank you for shoring.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you Jeanne, for letting us know about those cookies! At the price of M&M’s, I would hate to have them melted in the process of baking them, and have some pretty sad looking cookies! It does look like most of the cookies are drop cookies, so it would be kind of hard to place the candies to look like a rabbit on a ball!

    Thank you for showing my pictures and I am more than happy to give you the chance to do the things you need to do. I am thrilled to hear that George’s leg is looking better, and here is hoping the next procedures will be successful too!

    Thank you, Charlotte, for the compliments! I too, love that outfit on Sara! It was made so expertly and I am quite happy with the way it looks on her! Years ago, my husband, Michael and I, went to see the Irish dance group “Riverdance”, and it was wonderful! All I could think of while watching, was I wonder what those dancers knees are going to feel like when they get to be my age! LOL

    1. okay, you got me Linda, as an olden orthopedic nurse, I worked for 14 years in a surgical practice however do not recall any Irish dancers back then in Alexandria Virginia…. but you sparked my brain.
      In simple non medical language, they do get a lot of ankle sprains, and knee injuries. I would imagine regular physical training will help them protect those meniscal (knee padding between the thigh bone and lower leg bones) I would imagine ligament strains and tears could be common, and I bet as they get older, those parts are worn.
      As an olden figure skater, I can attest to the knee crashes, and landing on my butt crashes and followed me long after I stopped that crazy nonsense (fun, but rink people are tiresome) haha

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Rosemary, I think that because I had arthritis in both knees, and also having total knee replacement in both, it just really made me wince when I saw how they danced! I couldn’t do that in a million years!

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Linda, our neighbor kids all did Irish dancing when they were young, and when the twins (a year older than my son) were in their 20s, they danced with the US part of the Riverdance team! Not with Michael Flatley, but the group that danced after he left, if memory serves. I’ve also seen them, along with their older brother, doing some Irish dancing at the wedding reception of one of the twins! It was pretty exciting, as all three boys were excellent dancers!

  3. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Linda, as always your photos are so adorable. Yours show your love of playing with your dolls and enjoying the outfits and the settings you place them in. When I show mine, they simply show the outfits i made to sell because I just don’t play with mine anymore. I do have some sitting around in the house wearing outfits I have kept, but they are not fixed up like yours. Thank you so much for sharing yours, I never tire of seeing them.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Oh Sissy, thank you so much! Yes, I do treat my dolls as a part of our “family” I guess you might say and try to put them I. Real little girl situations that I remember so well as a child! It’s fun and gives me a reason to smile in spite of all the problems going on in the world! We need to “play dolls” more!❤️

      1. My older daughter and I remember so many times playing dolls
        We do want to play with dolls.
        When I visit them my entire visit involves playing with dolls.
        I am the gramma that plays with dolls

        1. Sissy on the GA Coast

          Rosemary and Linda , how I loved playing dolls as a child until my friends grew out of it before I did. Then I had 2 sons, no doll playing, but they gave me granddaughters. When we visited I played and
          Played dolls with them. They are too old for that now so, even though I love my dolls l went to just sewing for them .

          1. Linda in St. Louis

            My granddaughters are too old now to play dolls too, but I’m still doing it, I guess! No sewing here anymore, but I’m still dressing dolls and buying for them!

  4. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, I have sent you some St. Pat’s outfits you may want to use on Monday since it is St. Pat’s day. I am not sure if I have sent them to you to use before, so just do what you want with them or not.
    So glad for the good news for George and praying for continued better health as time goes on.
    Will let you know when I make the Easter cookies.
    God bless you both!

  5. Good morning dear friends.
    Jeanne, I am happy that hubby’s circulation is adjusting to the procedure. It does take time now that we are older, and we have to take care and follow all of those instructions like never before! I am very happy to know this progress.
    Linda, Your dolls are beautiful and your settings are charming. the first photo the girls look so pleased to have found that pot! What a happy scene, I adore those dresses with embellishments, well, the embroidery! and those excellent shoes.
    The second display is lovely, an outdoor scene ready for the parade! the next two scenes are charming beyond words, Linda, all of those cute tiny details the tiny dolls and dishes and the lace. photo 5 looks fun, I love that kitchen. Did your mom ever make jello in glasses? Mine did sometimes. Do you recall “1-2-3 jello” that developed into those three distinct layers. The table scene is really nice, and that kitchen!
    Thank you for the sentiments on the dental adventures. I too have had many dental adventures. I hated the dentist and I do believe my first dentist long ago used to take meds before I came into the office. haha I do not think he really wanted to be a dentist.
    Today I love my new teeth. What a funny thing to say.
    I cannot describe the process of packing over here. You would imagine just going room by room but no. I am not doing that. I am all over the place. My only caution is to make clear paths through out the house, My hubbs, Rex, has glaucoma and I do not want him stumbling or tripping on boxes and clutter I’ve discovered and left laying out because I am kind of unfocused… that occurs when you really do not want to do a particular thing, right? I am notorious for abandoning such projects lately
    I hope all of you have a super lovely day., The sun is shy here in Northern Virginia, it actually looks like it could pour rain, but there is none forecast.
    Today continues, a little bit of packing a little bit of sewing.
    Excellent exhibit today Linda, I am looking forward to tomorrow’s surprise from Susette.
    You know Jeanne, I used to read your blog a long time ago… then I stopped because I got so busy, mainly taking care of mom and dad in their late 80’s and into their 90’s for 13 years. So I am happy to have found your blog again.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Rosemary for all your kind words! Oh, yes, my mother often made Jello in those goblet type of glass dishes, and I have them now! I never seem to think of making Jello early in the day when I should, and I can’t believe my mother had the time either, with 4 little girls, plus she made dinner every night from scratch, with none of the modern conveniences we have now. Refrigerators back then were so tiny, and the freezers we just big enough for a couple of ice cube trays and a container of ice cream!

      I have been collecting things for my dolls since 2005, so that has given me time to have lots of accessories for them, not to mention clothes!

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Rosemary, now that you mention it, I remember the 1-2-3 Jello, too!! I think we only got it a few times as I have never been a big Jello eater as an adult–my mom made it All. The. Time. when I was growing up, and I think I got tired of it! But to my husband, it was a treat, as they didn’t have a fridge when he was growing up and the only time his mom made Jello was when it was cold enough outside to make the stuff congeal! She’d cover it and set the bowl outside overnight.

  6. Susette from Southern California

    I am playing catch up as I wasn’t somehow getting the blog for a few days! I’m caught up now but do think that I was missing a string of the most interesting subjects all in a row. I’ll have to second everyone’s comments but special thanks to Karen for the wonderful pictures, the picture of the winner of the dress, Charlotte’s wonderful blog and Linda’s pictures. I’m sure I’m missing someone.

    So glad George is doing well. It’s still amazing that the doctor caught his problem while seeing him for yours! You are both blessed ❤️❤️!

  7. Joy in northern CA

    Very glad to hear that George, is doing well and ready for more surgery soon. I’m sure that he’ll be pleased with the results when it is all over.
    So exciting to see Linda’s girls all ready for St. Pat’s. The 40’s girls look so cute. Love Sara’s outfit and Betsy looks so sweet as do the others as well. Fun. The modern girls look so festive and definitely ready for that parade. I’d forgotten about Mardi Gras, but both girls look so nice and the kitties look happy too. And Felicity, wearing Elizabeth’s gown is sparkling. Her table reflects her poise of decorating as well. Love the pink set. And look at Molly’s table. It is set so invitingly. There should be a table settings for dolls Facebook group. I look at one for adults all of the time. 🙂 Thanks Linda and Jeanne for sharing all of the great photos.
    Here, I’m still working on an outfit for St. Patrick’s Day for one of my Ruby Reds. Will it be done in time? Maybe. We’ll see. I’m hoping to be able to dress both of my latest RR’s today. Then, there may be some sewing time. Since it rained all day yesterday, I’m hoping for some outdoor time to get in a walk too.
    We are all ready for Monday, and have the corned beef and other things ready for the crockpot. Love corned beef and cabbage even if it isn’t traditional in old Galway, from where my Irish roots originated. 🙂
    Don’t forget to wear your green Monday. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I love corned beef and cabbage. What time do we eat? Do you know where it is traditional? I always thought it was all over Ireland. My ancestors were from Northern Ireland. Maybe it’s there.

  8. Linda in St. Louis

    Thank you, Joy! You always seem to notice every little thing in my scenes. I try to make things different each time, but am limited by space, which we probably all are. I do like to have different table settings out according to the seasons, and have fun with that. It’s a lot less trouble than fixing up my “big” table!

    I hope you send a picture to Jeanne of the dress you are making. It’s fun to see what everyone else is making or doing.

    Since neither my husband or I like corned beef and cabbage, we will be having Reuben sandwiches and sauerkraut (for me) Monday! I guess we will be going back to our German roots for that, although Michael is fully 3/4 Irish!

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    Thanks for the information on the cookies, Jeanne. I was wondering that myself. I think I’d like the sugar cookie best. The M&Ms and chocolate chips would make them super sweet I think.

    I always love seeing Linda’s pictures. I made a St. Patrick’s Day dress for my LD Greer Adele last year but never took a picture. I think I need to get her changed and do that.

    The 40s girls look wonderful in their St. Patrick’s Day attire. The Irish dancers’ costumes are beautiful. Although I have Irish roots I also have Scottish and that seems to be what we’ve celebrated over the years going to many Highland Games. So I’ve seen a lot of Scottish dancers. They are wonderful to watch but their costumes are based on the clan tartans so not so decorative as the Irish dancer’s costumes. As always Betsy is adorable. The modern girls look great. Hopefully they will have lovely weather for the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Cecile is all ready for Mardi Gras and she looks lovely. Mardi Gras seemed to have been off my radar this year. Galveston usually has a Mardi Gras celebration, but I wonder if they did this year since I saw nothing on the news and usually they cover it quite thoroughly. Felicity is the epitome of the grand hostess. She looks lovely and her table is beautiful and awaiting her guests. Molly’s table is always set with yummy-looking things. Linda has amazing accessories for every occasion.

    So glad things are looking well for George. Two surgeries down and two to go if I remember correctly. Keeping you in my prayers.

    Congratulations Joy on another successful dolly delivery. Mostly because other person has no idea of the myriad deliveries he missed. LOL

    I’m still finishing up things to get to my tax person next week so I can get on to other things more enjoyable. It seems my granddaughter, Jaiden, is moving toward following in the footsteps of the family’s performing passion. She has never had the opportunity to do much in that way before as it often takes money and there hasn’t been any for extras. But she’s getting her start where I did. Singing in church. She auditioned to be part of the singing group a few weeks ago and will be joining full time the end of March. It seems that I have become her singing coach so she will be coming out here regularly to practice using the computer kind of like karaoke. She will be singing contemporary Christian music which I love but I usually sing the more traditional songs which I do in church and Chorale so it will be fun to learn some of the newer songs too.

    Another gorgeous day but the high for the day will be 88. But then it goes down in the 70s for a few days. Definitely too soon for the high 80s.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Ha ha. Yes, other person has missed a lot of deliveries. I think I need to up my game though. Don’t like getting caught. 🙂

    2. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you Barbara! You are always so observant when mentioning my dolls! Mardi Gras is pretty big here in St. Louis, also I just had to put Cecile in that outfit with Mardi Gras colors, and have her hold that Mardi Gras nutcracker, since she is from New Orleans.
      I do wish I had more Irish dance costumes, but they are hard to find. I actually bought Sara’s dance outfit for Betsy, and she can wear it, but then .the dress Betsy has on doesn’t fit Sara, so I had to do it this way. It’s funny, but I have three 14 inch dolls, and some clothes fit one or two, some fit only one and some fit all three. You just never know until you try them on. Same thing with shoes.

  10. Such fun scenes as always, Linda! You put so much detail into them, just as I would if I had the time. I love Sara’s Irish Dance outfit as well as Betsy’s sweet shamrock dress. The pups in their glittery bow ties and hats are too cute. Felicity has a charming tea awaiting her guests and Molly has delectable fare as well. I see a tiny Anne of Green Gables on the shelf. Thank you for sharing your lovely scenes. Yes, “Riverdance” is wonderful. Dublin, Ohio where I lived as a child/ very young teen has a Irish Festival each year that we’re gone to many times.

      1. Linda in St. Louis

        Thank you Laura! Oh, I didn’t realize that mini Anne of Green Gables was on the shelf! I had to look myself to see her. However, I must put that snowman away!
        I can’t forget the dogs in my scenes! After getting twelve pets for the dolls,I think I am done! They always add a special touch to my scenes, and I know you appreciate that!

  11. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Linda I always love seeing your displays. I had intended to do that but then Sam moved in and there is simply no room to spare here. None of my grandaughters had any interest in dolls at all. Not the ones we love anyway. Of the ones they liked they weren’t interested in changing their clothes.
    Rosemary I am looking forward to seeing your EPP quilt. I have made three with hexagons and one Lucy Boston but I won’t be making any more. My middle finger on my right hand has become very arthritic and misshapen. And very painful. Hand sewing has had to be limited to necessities! I still manage to bind a quilt but if I can use the machine instead I will. I’ve taken up knitting again so I have something to do at night, a friend is having her first grandchild soon, she began to think it would never happen. She had her son in her late thirties and he is now 35. Unfortunately she has fibromyalgia (amongst other things) and she can only knit a few rows at a time so I have offered to knit for her. My children, grandchildren and great grand children are all too old for hand knitting and none of the grandchildren now that are in their twenties are interested in getting married and having children so this is a win/win situation. I help her and she gives me something to do at night.
    Have a great day everyone

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Anne! My daughter only played with Barbies, and my granddaughters did too, although I did give them their first AG dolls, and we played together for a few years before they outgrew dolls, but look who is still playing, me! Actually got my first doll, Molly, so that I could play along with them when I would babysit.
      The only reason I have room for the dolls now, is both my children have moved out, and now the dolls have taken over their rooms and closets!
      There is no room for them or anyone else to move back!

  12. Debbie in North Carolina

    Linda, I love the way you have repurposed the AG outfits for St. Patrick’s Day! Sara’s dance costume is so festive. Did you make that one?

    Those cookies look tempting Jeanne. I think I will try them out too.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Thank you, Debbie! Oh, no, I didn’t make Sara’s dance costume! I’m not THAT good! I got it from a shop on Etsy. It was very reasonably priced, a d so well made. I believe it is still on Etsy.

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