~ Little Lambie ~ for 8″ Ten Ping and others is now listed on Ebay…

HI everyone,
I actually got Ten Ping’s dress set listed on Ebay. We even gave Reuben a haircut and I STILL managed to get the dress listed! I’ll give you the link to Ten Ping’s “Little Lambie” set. Remember, this will fit the Ruby Red Fashion Friends Mini dolls like Bella, Gigi, Sara and Hanna. You can find it by clicking the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE. Yippee… I got the first bid 15 minutes after it was listed! Way to go, Ten Ping! :o)

This won’t be just an announcement about Ten Ping’s dress, but we have a link from Anne about the “Girl With a Pearl” quilt she told us about the other day… This one is made with 2823 1/4″ hexagons. I can’t even imagine how it must look close up.

Hi Jeanne
I didn’t send the actual photo because there was a lot of extra space around it, in order get the actual picture you had to stand quite a way back. Closer and it was just a jumble of pieces. I cropped it then added the label that goes with it but if you don’t want to add that in her name is Ruth Marshall. One of the nicest ladies in the guild and very clever, runs a lot of classes for us. I can send the photo if you prefer it.

Girl With a Pearl

I’m wondering Anne, how big is the quilt? Maybe send me the photo of it just for fun…Thanks so much for sharing!

Well, I’ve got to get back to my house cleaning! :o)

I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “~ Little Lambie ~ for 8″ Ten Ping and others is now listed on Ebay…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Ten Ping’s outfit is just as cute as it can be, and she certainly does love her little lambie!! I wouldn’t be surprised to see an exciting finish to this one!

    Oh, my, what tiny hexagons are in that Girl with the Pearl quilt! I’m currently working on a small English Paper Piecing project of hexagons, but they are about 1-1/4″ across, I think! I am currently attaching the 5th row of seven (6 hexagons per row), so am more than half done with this part of it! I used 11 different fabrics, and have been taking pictures along the way, which I will post at least to my FB page, and can send to Jeanne if people want to see. It will probably be a while before I’m done, though!!

  2. Wow, the dress is adorable, that hat is a winner with this dress Jeanne… and the shoes!
    Sweet as can be!
    The Girl with the Pearl EPP, it is difficult to see how large it is but yes, this is a quite common quilting/sewing endeavor. I have seen this with a few other images. This one looks intense, and for ME…. it is like cross stitch and something i would some time later discover I made an error haha
    This is a lovely quilt
    Wednesday again – and sunny here!
    Enjoy your day.

  3. Debbie in North Carolina

    Ten Ping looks great in her purple Easter outfit. The adorable hat and details of the dress make this one a real winner and I am not surprised that it got such a quick bid. You had me searching for Ten Ping in all the likely places and their are none for sale anywhere. I am really waiting for the 12 or 13 inch Siblie size.

    Oh the house cleaning; that is what I have been doing everyday for a week. We got rid of our kitchen dining set for one that is a better fit and that just generated a flurry of spring cleaning. Well it is spring, right?

    I did make dinner and the cute bunny ear sugar cookies for a neighbor the other day. The cookies were delicious but almost too flat to hold the MM&M’s upright. I bought the Betty Crocker mix and used one stick of butter, not oil. I monitored the cooking time and took them out before they were too brown. What did I do wrong?

    That quilt design is so intricate. The result will be quite a statement. We did buy a quilt at a show recently that looks like a painting of a pelican. I did not study the piecing but it has rows and rows of abstract stitching for the sky and the ocean. Ours is wall hanging size and complements our Louisiana room.

    Back to getting ready for the new table and some new dolly clothes – so excited!

    Happy Hump Day!

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Debbie, your cookies sound delicious, and I’m sure that you did everything right. Here, when I get around to trying them, I’m going to use the store bought premade cookie dough that comes in a roll that you slice. Very lazy here. πŸ™‚

        1. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

          Debbie, I use bought chocolate chip cookies, 2 packs of the cheapest Walmart ones, every week to send to our church free lunch for the county. (They serve at least 160 a week). These easy and cheap cookies are delicious and every one fusses when I am out of town and don’t send any. I plan to get the same brand to get their sugar cookies to try the M&M ones. These are the cookies that come in little squares to put on the pan.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    How great for Jeanne. Three bids already this morning. πŸ™‚

    Thanks Anne for sending the tiny squares quilt photo. Such an amazing feat to make something like that. Such patience.

    Well, our high yesterday was 85 and today we’re heading back down to 59. Plants will be very confused.

    Our toilet install failed. We discovered a drip drip drip in the garage underneath the bathroom. Of course, after we had the beast in, I had asked other person to go down and check for leaks. But, he didn’t do it at that time. So, some hours later, I found time to check it out and discovered the leak. Grrr. Covered what it was leaking on and put a pan out to catch drips. Then, I turned off the water to the toilet and we decided to call it a day. We surmised that the leak was coming from when we were struggling to center the heavy toilet and apparently pushed the wax ring accidently and caused the leak. So dejavu, we took out the toilet and after buying another wax ring, retraced our steps. This time, we devised a way to line up the beast toilet on top of the ring without shoving, matched up the bolts and set it down. Yay. Of course, we had to take the tank off the toilet as well, so that had to go back on too. Then, the clean up. Tools everywhere, paper towels, newspapers to hold old wax rings, the level, you name it, and we had it. Then, I got to wash the floor again. Oh goody. Another exhausting day, but no leaks this time. In an adrenalin high, I was even able to do a little sewing late. Pretty rummy today though.

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      I will replace furniture over toilets any day! Hopefully got all that behind us when we bought this house and updated the bathrooms. I hope today is better without plumbing debaucle!

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Great day so far. Got in a walk before it started sprinkling. More yardwork awaits when it dries out. πŸ™‚ Maybe I can get some sewing done later.

    2. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

      Joy, you and that other one are really workaholics! Your other one should appreciate such a help meet as you and BUY dolls for you instead of your having to hide them!

    3. I second Sissy’s comment. That’s it, Joy, when Abigail (or whoever is next to arrive) remind other person about all the money that was saved on the toilet installation because of your help and not having to hiring someone.
      Have you ever seen the movie “Life with Father”? Vinnie’s logic regarding the pug dog and house expenditures is a hoot.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        I like this idea. I’ll keep it in mind next time I get caught. :)I’ve seen Life with Father. Great movie. πŸ™‚

  5. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Jeanne, you have hit it out of the park once again! Three bids already, and I couldn’t be sweeter! Can’t wait to see what you do next, and also see what you and your family visit get up to.
    Ann, the picture is small but still is amazing! I have always loved that painting. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I’m not surprised that Ten Ping’s outfit auction is going great. What’s not to like about an adorable little-girl dress, new white shoes, a beautiful Easter bonnet and a precious lamb to go with it all.

    I haven’t been able to access the quilt yet but I will definitely do that. I need to see what everyone is talking about. I love that picture too.

  7. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, I just love that outfit and cute Lambie! It is perfect for a beautiful spring day, or Easter, or ?? Ten Ping looks like a pretty little flower, just like the way the trees and bulbs are making their early appearances now. The redbuds are just beautiful and many blooming trees are now showing off!! However, after putting mulch down, the helicopters are now falling off the trees, which doesn’t add to the ambience! That means more raking!

    Anne, that quilt is one in a million! And probably a million pieces too! I wish I had the patience for making things like that, but after doing the same stitch over and over,I just have to stop, and get nowhere! Thanks for sending the picture to Jeanne!

  8. Ten Ping’s dress, bonnet, and little lamb are very sweet. Of course, all little girls need new white shoes for spring. She is all ready for Easter. I’m sure all the dolls are clamoring to be picked next.
    What an exquisite quilt, Anne, and a perfect replica in cloth of Johannes Vermeer’s, “Girl with a Pearl Earring.” I can’t even begin to imagine the time that went into this.

  9. Joy in northern CA

    I didn’t realize that Pixie Faire has a how to on English Pattern Piecing. They even have a how to on an American Girl size tote bag, but I think you have to join to get the pattern. I did read there for free about how you actually do the EPP. Very helpful.

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