HI everyone… and Happy Valentine’s Day!
I appreciate many of you helping me out while I try to finish up in my sewing room… I’m getting there!! Good news! My finger is healed now and I can use it! So you know what that means… I can SEW AGAIN! I had to wear a band aid on that goofy cut for 22 days!
I have a few ladies who sent things to share so we’ll call today… Fun Free Friday! Free information, Free pictures, Free inspiration, and Free chatting!!! :o)
I’ll just go in order for the emails and pictures I received…
First up is a few seconds video of the stairs at Joy’s house with the water pouring down them… I mean pouring!!!!! If you click on it, it will open in a separate window.
Next from Joy is a picture of an “island” made from a Singer Treadle sewing machine base. Isn’t that fun???
I received this email from Anne when we were all discussing the “need” (but maybe not the “want to”) of disposing of our sewing supplies and fabric stashes should something happen to us. Maybe this is your answer… just click on the link to see the “Will.”
Hi Jeanne
I mentioned in my comments that my friend had written a living will to help family when she passed or if she wasn’t able to dispose of her stash herself. I asked Julie if I could share it and she has sent a modified version that anyone could use. As you see it is a Quilters will and is quite specific to her but it might be useful for anyone to modify if they have a large stash or collection that family would have no idea what to do with. Particularly if they have no interest themselves in the items. I know some of my family think my stuff is mostly worthless but I certainly wouldn’t want it in landfill. For example, in the US the fabric anyone has could go to Project Linus (or similar) but would anyone in the family know that or know how to contact them? When I say ‘Family’ I am not including Sam in that. She is unlikely to want to dispose of anything LOL!
Here is something from Laura…
Hi Jeanne,
Two small pictures to share with the Sofa Sisters and wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day! โค๏ธ๐๐
Gilead would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day! Here she is with the wooden music box my grandfather gave to me on my 16th birthday, the antique brass Dresden Victorian music jewel box that belonged to my maternal great-aunt, and my partial collection of The Chambers Candy Company (England) candy pill boxes. I loved the beautiful sweet graphics on them, so I saved the tins after the candy was gone. They had unique floral, which I love, and then fruit flavorings – lavender, rose, violet, jasmine, lemon, strawberry, and peach.
What treasures you have there, Laura. Thank you so much for sharing! Happy Valentine’s Day to you too!
Here are 2 pictures from Susette…
Hi Jeanne
Here are a couple of pictures from ten years ago when I first got inspired by your blog to start sewing again. These were for Riya when she was five years old.
Happy Valentines Day โค๏ธ๐ฅฐ๐
Those are SO sweet, Susette! I think they still make that music fabric… I’ve seen it at Hobby Lobby!
And here are some Orchids that Susette gets to see every day when they are blooming. They are on her patio.
Oh, I thought you might like to see how the orchids are just starting to bloom. Four of the seven stems are in full bloom. They are sooo enjoying the rain today, the first real rain in many months!
Ready for its closeup.
My favorite color orchid.
Hereโs half of my small patio where lots more orchids live. The tall fronds are papyrus. Thereโs some Spanish moss hiding out there on some of the branches. Rain at last!
Thank you everyone!
I hope you have a very nice Valentine’s Day! My hubby has another follow-up appointment so we’ll be celebrating somehow… just not sure how! :o)
See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne
Before I say anything, I want to thak Anne for her kind words about the orchids! That is wonderful that you got to see some in person too, and also travel to see them, Anne! That Quilters Will, is nice to know exists, especially when you have a lot of sewing materials and the family is left wondering what to do with it!
A big welcome to Diana, who sounds like she is from the St. Louis area too! I can’t say we live close, because I am way south, almost in Jefferson County, and I-70 is north, but it’s nice to see that I have company here on the blog! So nice to hear that your JoAnn’s is safe there too, like mine is!
Good heavens, that water running down your stairs, Joy, that would scare me if it lasted too long! You certainly have the challenges with the weather there!
I love that little table/island made from the treadle sewing machine! I have a Singer too, that my grandmother gave to me, but it still in the original condition and a treasure that I showcase with a Dept. 56 wedding chapel on top.
Laura, it looks like we think the same! My Felicity is also dressed in the same riding outfit for Valentine’s Day, and I love how you have put some family heirloooms around her that mean so much to you! Lovely!
Molly looks darling in those dresses, Susette! I hope Riya hangs onto them as keepsakes to remember you by! Your orchids are out of this world! You are so lucky to live in an area that lets them grow and thrive, and your patio looks like a tropical paradise! So many beautiful plants to admire!
Happy Valentine’s Day to all the sofa sisters, and especially to you, Jeanne for being so kind to all of us and brought us together!
Happy Valentine’s Day and thank you, Linda. Elizabeth’s Riding Outfit seems very appropriate since it is a warmer outfit and also pink! I loved seeing your Felicity in it the other day.
So many interesting things in today’s blog post, thanks to the sofa sisters!
Oh, my, Joy….that is quite a little “waterfall” you have there! We haven’t had that, but one year we ended up with a large puddle of water in the basement (gives new meaning to the phrase “pool table”–there was a pool under it!). It turned out the mortar in our fireplace chimney had just eroded away, and once we got the chimney tuck-pointed, that took care of the problem.
Loved seeing the dolly pictures, of course, and the beautiful orchids, Susette. That terra-cotta-colored one is certain unusual and lovely; I can see why you especially love it!
Happy Valentine’s Day, Charlotte.
Sorry about your basement. The waterfall was even bigger, but I didn’t think to try for a video. First time I’ve tried with my phone. Missed the huge water spout coming from the retaining wall though. Maybe next time. ๐
I am just going to post this adorable dance before I read and then the comments
Happy Valentines Day to all of you
and this fancy image for you to study:
Happy Valentine’s day dear friends. I did first post two links, I hope they posted. Kind of cute. tap dancing in skates!! and some valentines art interpretations
I hope everyone has a nice day.
Dear Suzette, beautiful dresses, I also made some dresses like this, however yours are
truly perfect with the lace and piping. wow. precious! Your back yard is so nice. Yes, I do love that red rust orchid too. Such an elegant color.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Rosemary.
Thanks so much Jeanne, for sharing all of the fun photos for Valentine’s Day.
Laura’s, Gilead, is so perfectly dressed for today. A great photo. The Chamber’s pill boxes are a special memory. I’ve never seen them before, but they are perfect for display along with the lovely music box. Lucky Laura. ๐
Loved seeing the sweet outfits Susette, made for her grand. Definitely, family heirlooms. The patio covered in lovely orchids, gorgeous specimens, lifts my spirits after all of the rain we’ve had up here. So glad that some has traveled south for a change. Hopefully, not too much for LA though.
Thanks so much Anne, for the quilter’s will. So helpful.
Well, on to what looks like a day without rain here. Sure hope that we can dry out a bit as we had that waterfall coming down the steps again yesterday. We did manage to keep the drain clear so the water had a place to go rather than into the garage. ๐
Hope Jeanne and George can celebrate after the appointment. Here, kind of the same as I have that eye appointment that was cancelled earlier in the week. And my Valentine dress for the Ruby Reds, is swimming along. ๐ Hope it is done soon.
Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone.
Happy Valentine’s Day and thank you, Joy. I’m glad you enjoyed seeing my photos.
Dear Jeanne and Sofa Sisters, Happy Valentine’s Day from my dolls’ house to yours!
Jeanne, thanks for sharing the wonderful photos from the Sisters. It is fun to see what folks are doing.
Happy Valentine’s Day and thank you, Dorothy. Don’t let Charlotte Noelle eat too much candy!
Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Fun photos to celebrate the day. Except for the river flowing down Joy’s steps.
Linda, the orchids at the Biltmore Gardens are housed in the glass ceiling Conservatory. It is a cramped, often crowded greenhouse at the end of the walled garden. The orchids on Susette’s patio are just as beautiful as the hothouse plants here in the East.
Happy Valentine’s Day, Debbie.
HAPPY VALENTINE”S DAY!! What a fun and varied post this afternoon.
Wow, Joy, you have you own waterfall coming down those steps. The Singer island is neat. It would also make a unique cutting table/ display place in a sewing room.
That music fabric dress is so pretty, Susette. I like the slightly turned collar and the pretty piping. The red and white is lovely. Molly looks like a frilly Valentine card herself.
Your orchids are spectacular! I love Spanish moss. I’m very tempted to try growing some to hang around outdoor places for the summer.
I hope George’s appointment goes well, Jeanne.
Laura, Gilead looks ready for Valentine’s Day in her lovely pink outfit. And all your memorabilia is wonderful. I had no idea about The Chambers Candy Company pill boxes. You are truly blessed to have so many mementos of your family.
Happy Valentine’s Day and thank you, Barbara. Yes, I very happy to have so many family heirlooms.
I have been to busy getting my guest room and sewing room ready for mhy DIL and my sweet 13 year old granddaughter. I have loved seeing the orchids, so gorgeous and today’s lovely outfits, too. Also love the sewing machine table. My mom had her mom’s made into one, too. She but a marble top on it and had breakfast there every day.
Thank you all for the fun and happy Valentine’s Day!
Happy Valentine’s Day, Sissy.
Happy St. Valentine’s Day!!
I know I’m probably going to miss sharing this with a lot of my Sofa Sisters since most have probably commented and gone on to other things in their day, but I wanted to share what David and I did for Valentine’s Day this year. Usually we maybe just get a Cupid Cake from Diary Queen (got one of those too) but this year I happened to see something that gave celebrating the holiday a bigger purpose. We have a community of people with disABILITIES (the way they write the word) in a neighboring town. It is an amazing place. It’s called The Brookwood Community if anyone wants to check it out. They raise beautiful poinsettias and many of the churches in the area buy from them for Christmas Eve. Only one of many things the community does. They also have a wonderful cafe and Stephanie had her bridal shower in one of the rooms there. I was looking at their website a few weeks ago and noticed they had a special deal for Valentine’s Day. A home cooked meal with them providing all the fixings. We got two nice sized ribeye steaks, two of their special strawberry salads, asparagus, garlic mashed potatoes, rolls, their citrus butter and tiramisu and berries for dessert. David has to cook the steaks and the sides and rolls need to be heated up. It also came with a complimentary bottle of cabernet sauvignon. In addition to paying a very reasonable price for the dinner fixings we also donated to them. I had to set a date and time to pick it all up but got to thinking that we should eat lunch at the cafe before we picked up the dinner package. The cafe is a lovely place and the servers, etc., are citizens of the community. It was David’s first time to eat in the cafe and he was impressed. It just seemed a lovely way for us to celebrate St. Valentine’s Day with love. Looking forward to dinner this evening. Everything looks so yummy.
That sounds lovely, Barbara! We too are going to a dinner that is for help. This is a low Country Boil and the money goes to our after school kids program. We are leaving soon, it is held at our church parish house.
Thank sounds like a wonderful way to help others, Barbara. I hope you enjoy your special dinner
That’s a great idea. I’ll bet it will be a delicious dinner too. ๐
I was going to comment to Susette but see she’s not here so I’ll add another regular comment. I love the two doll dresses. Riya is a lucky girl to have such a wonderful grandmother. I also love your gorgeous patio. How fortunate you can grow orchids where you enjoy them every day. Your patio is almost like a tropical rain forest.
Laura, thank you for sharing your beautiful doll, music box and those lovely little pill boxes. They really are all treasures. Joy, thatโs really something cool to do with a Singer. Molly thanks you all for the compliments on her dresses.
Barbara, thank you for sharing what you did today. What a wonderful way to celebrate. I do enjoy having the plants outside with sliding glass doors in both the living room and dining room, so I see them all the time. A dear friend gave me an orchid plant for Motherโs Day one year when it was very rainy. I had set the plant outside after it bloomed and was so surprised the next year to see a 3โ bloom spike. Most of the orchids are divisions from that one plant. There are five more pots like that outside on the balcony upstairs.
Weโll be waiting to hear how you trip for the checkup went. ๐ฅฐ