Meet my new sewing machine…

I bought a new (old) sewing machine and Cindy brought it to me… It just so happened that the auction I won was from Gettysburg, PA. The seller was very nice and I made arrangements with her to meet Cindy and they met and Cindy picked it up for me. It saved me $70 on shipping! :o)

It’s NEW to me, but really it’s 70 years old… don’t worry, it’s a Singer and they are made with all metal parts and can be that old and still work like a dream. All the parts can still be found for them; just like my Featherweight, and they are easy to service yourself. No more taking them to the sewing machine shops for repairs.

The Featherweight is the most sought after Singer machine, but the 301 just might be the next one in line. They sometimes call the 301 the big sister to the Featherweight. It is known for sewing at a faster speed but super straight stitching! The feed dogs can be dropped, and you can do free motion stitching with them. The Featherweight is the lightweight of the bunch and weighs in at 12 pounds. The 301 is just a bit heavier at 16 pounds. It is supposed to be a heavier duty machine and can handle a bit thicker fabrics… even some leathers! Both of the machines share the same bobbins, which is really nice!

The nice thing about the one I bought is, it’s close to my birthday… it was made 2 years earlier… in 1954. Lots of people try to get the machines in the year they were born. (My Featherweight is a 1956… the year I was born!) The machines all have serial numbers on the bottom and you can look them up and find out when they were made. There were 700,000 301 machines made and only 30% of them were black long beds. The majority of them are short beds. (The beds are the triangle part that lowers and raises up and lets you rest whatever you are sewing on.) Most of the machines are the short beds which has a bed of about 4″.

The 301 machines were made in 3 different colors… black, chocolate brown, and LBOW or Light Brown, Oyster White.

You’ll see mine in black,

I’m looking forward to using it… and really want to give that free-motion sewing a try.

Here are some pictures Cindy took of the machine…

The machine comes in a grass cloth case… like a suitcase. The foot pedal can be locked in place in the case if you take it somewhere.

She’s really glossy black and in very nice condition, for being 70 years old.

This machine doesn’t run with a belt… the motor is encased in the machine.

Here is the best shot to show you the long bed…

I see lots of future sewing with her… She is a slant needle machine, which means the whole machine doesn’t sit straight up from the base. It sits slightly tilted to the back 9%, which is supposed to make it easier to see what you are sewing.

Well, that was probably more than you wanted to know, but I just wanted to share my new baby…

I will see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

17 thoughts on “Meet my new sewing machine…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    What a beautiful machine, Jeanne! That’s the kind of machine I like to see! The newer computerized ones might be nice, but I have an aversion to them for some reason!
    Also, what beautiful photography, and such clear close-ups! Were these pictures from the seller, or taken from Cindy’s?

    When do you decide what machine to use for anything? You have quite the collection now, and I wonder what makes you pick one machine over another to sew on?

    Snow again today and it is only 2 degrees out as I write this! Who wants to go anywhere, so I will be watching my grandson who doesn’t have school today!

    1. Thanks Linda,
      She really is pretty and once I get her totally shined and waxed, she’ll be even better. The nice thing about these older machines is they are made with metal parts inside and not plastic. You can only have the newer machines repaired so many times, and then they become obsolete. Cindy took the pictures at her house… I was wanting to see it even before she brought it to me.

      It’s kind of hard to answer when I’ll use the different machines. The Singers ONLY do a straight stitch… unless you have some attachments that makes them possible to do a zigzag stitch. They even have a buttonholer, but for now I’m happy with straight stitching. I can use my serger to finish the edges.

      We aren’t supposed to get snow tonight but I think it’s going to drop down to 9 degrees and then tomorrow it just might get up to 31!

      I’m going to make some homemade bread and maybe some soup!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Congratulations on your new “baby”!! The decals are still nice and bright and crisp. So nice that you got the long bed, too, since that’s less common. That next-to-last picture was an excellent illustration of what a “slant needle” is. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture quite like that before. And it’s a real plus that you can drop the feed dogs and do free motion work if you want to! I don’t think I could do that on my old 1970-ish Kenmore!!

    I meant to tell you yesterday, if you touch the wall or the woodwork before you touch the light switch, it might help you avoid getting shocked all the time. It’s called “grounding” yourself. Not sure how that works, but it does.

    And to Barbara, may I suggest silk long underwear? I wear those in the winter, under my slacks and even under my jammies, and it really helps to keep my legs warm. You will have to do an internet search for them, but they are out there! It was easier when we still had Wintersilks, but, sadly, they are no more–they went from making really high-quality silk underwear in several weights to making mostly “fashion” items, and the silk stuff got poorer in quality and more limited in styles and weights, until they literally put themselves out of business. But I know other places carry it (try LL Bean, Land’s End, etc.) Believe me, it is Much harder to find lined jeans/trousers than to find long underwear!

    I’m heading off to bed. Have to set my alarm because sewing expo class registration starts at 9a.m.! I have my list all ready!! Yay!!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I found out what you mean about it being difficult to find lined pants. Most of what I found were exercise clothes for outdoor exercising in the cold. I hadn’t even thought of going the underwear route. I was looking for something casual that would work for all occasions but couldn’t find what I was looking for. I have nice dress pants but they are not good for really cold weather but with the silk underwear they would be fine. I used to be able to find all kinds of nice lined corduroy pants but couldn’t find one pair of those. I will check Duluth , LL Bean and Lands End to see what they have in winter underwear and the prices. Thanks for the suggestion Charlotte.

    2. Thanks Charlotte,
      I’m thrilled to have gotten this black long bed machine. There are lots of people who look and look and look and still can’t manage to get one. It’s really in great condition for 70 years old… I hope I’m as pretty when I turn 70!! :o)

      Last night my hubby brought the humidifier down from the attic. I hope that helps, but I’ll try the “grounding” as you call it, and see if that helps.

      I’ve never heard of silk long underwear. I might have to check that out too…

      I hope you got all the classes you wanted for Sewing Expo… let us know which ones you picked…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    How fun to find a new machine, and so clever to be able to have your sis pick it up for you. Someone in our family must have had one as the case looks very familiar. Yours looks to be in great condition too. I would love to have one, if there was a smidgeon of room in this place. Hope everyone in cold zones will be warming up soon. We’ve been so cold lately, that we take a ride in the car that has seat warmers. Nice and toasty. Next car, I want steering wheel warmers too. I know, crazy old people. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Do love my seat warmers. They activate faster than the car heater and also help keep my legs from getting stiff. With living in a small town most of our errands, restaurants, etc., are so close that the car doesn’t heat up before we get there. But the seat warmers do. We have them in both our car and David’s pick-up. I’m with you on the steering wheel thing. Actually I would like it to be climate controlled so it wouldn’t get so hot in the summer.

      1. Barbara,
        Our heated seats in the Rav heat up quickly too… much quicker than the heater. It really warms you up when you can “sit” in the warmth! :o)
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. HI Joy,
      I have a bit of a “room” problem too… my sewing table will only hold so many machines… I might have to have a shelf when I can take turns putting the ones not being used out of the way. I’m looking forward to sewing with it…

      Our Rav4 has heated seats and I never appreciated them as much as I do now. We are supposed to warm up to 31 tomorrow… I can’t wait! :o)

      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    3. Your new baby does look like a good one! Just old enough to be a great model and new enough to have a powerful motor!
      I’m surprised the new Singer it is only 16lbs… appears heavier.
      It is supposed to be 24 tomorrow… holy heat wave!
      I have been double wearing tops and sweatshirts for a couple weeks🤪
      Stay warm ladies

      1. Hi Kathie,
        I was so cold in the house yesterday, I almost put on my coat and gloves! Today it was slightly better and tomorrow it’s supposed to be 31! Break out the shorts and flip flops!
        Thanks Kathie,
        Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Interesting pictures, Jeanne. I’m sure you’re very happy with your new machine and that you can’t wait to use it! It will be interesting to see what you create first using it.
    It’s always exciting to find a treasure.
    Nice pictures taken by Cindy.

    1. Hi Paula,
      I love finding a treasure too… this will be a fun one to play with. I can’t wait to see if everyone was right who said the 301 is the best machine I’ve ever sewn on…
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love your new machine. You do find some amazing deals on “antique” sewing machines. And how great that Cindy could bring it to you rather than your having to pay that hefty postage. It’s hard for me to imagine how people can part with these wonderful old machines, but I guess if you don’t sew their importance can be lost on you. Unfortunately the one machine I would have loved to have had was my grandmother’s treadle, but then she had it electrified and eventually my mother gave it away because she had a new Singer that had a reverse stitch among other things. With the old treadles you have to turn the fabric. I do have an old treadle we got at an auction. I have a repair instruction book and extra belts for it. I don’t know if I’ll ever need to use it but just in case I intend to keep on sewing.

    It never got above 25 degrees here yesterday and so far today it’s 24 but the sun is shining so maybe we’ll at least get above freezing. I need to do some laundry but was waiting for it to warm up some. In the past my washer was in the garage on a non-insulated wall and would freeze up if it was really cold outside. Now it is in its new facilities with the pipes inside an insulated wall but I am still shy on using it when it’s below freezing. Old habits die hard I guess.

    1. HI Barbara,
      When you are a seamstress like me, it seems like your eye naturally gravitates toward sewing machines and sewing cabinets. I can spot one a mile away in an antique shop. I love to stumble upon machines and figure out what kind or model they are.

      The sun is shining here, but the temp is moving up very much… it’s 19 outside now… it was 9 this morning… I’m ready for MAY! Anyone else with me?
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, yes, I am with you. Come on May! Only 106 more days!

    About your new baby, does she have a name? Happy sewing.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I’m rooting for May to get here in record time this year!
      I haven’t thought of a name for her yet, but I was toying with the idea of Dolly! Sounds fitting, doesn’t it?
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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