Five little girls and ONE dolly to share???

HI everyone,
We are back home again from another doctor visit to St. Louis. Both doctors saw my hubby and removed the 25 staples from his stomach… and said he is healing well. We prayed on the way to the appointment and both agreed that whatever the doctors told us, we would have peace. And as they told us why things had to be as they are now, we “sort of” understood and decided to think of all the things we could to be thankful for….
First of all, my hubby is alive… they saved his life by the surgery they did 5 years ago and then they realized something needed to be done the last few months, and they did the best job they could with the revision surgery.
We were in a nice hospital with great care!
We prayed for the doctors to have wisdom about what to do, and they did the best they could. We thank the Lord for His wonderful mercy on us and thank all of you who prayed and are still praying.
My hubby is getting stronger every day and soon he’ll be back to the handyman, repair guy, fixer upper, do it yourself, MacGyver guy I love so much!

As you know, Karen won the drawing last week for the little 6″ Lori doll set with Siena and the little doggie and lots of accessories. She sent me the best pictures and an email explaining how they are sharing Siena!

From Karen:

Dear Jeanne,
Thank you so very much for sending us the pretty package, the sweet note, the beautiful Siena doll and her lovely set! We all love her. The girls decided to divide it up, so they can more fully call it their own. Rose chose the Pomeranian. Marion is getting Siena, but she wants to rename her Arietty after the “Borrower”. She has a larger beloved doll (who she named Sarah) that looks a lot like Sienna. Lucia is claiming the brush, and Avila got the white blanket. They let me have the water and food bowls, and we are all sharing the dog stroller.

Thank you so much for everything!!
May God bless you! You are in our prayers!
Karen, Marion, Rose, Lucia, Avila, and Lilly

I don’t know much about computers, but here is an attempt to send you a short video of Lilly patting the doll set. She pats things she loves. Also a picture of the girls playing…
Thanks again so much!
God bless you!

What a GREAT lesson in sharing, Karen! Thanks SO much!
Blessings, Jeanne

30 thoughts on “Five little girls and ONE dolly to share???”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Thank you for the update on your husband, Jeanne. I’m so glad he is continuing to recover and gain strength. That is good news, indeed.

    Karen, thanks so much for the pictures of your beautiful daughters. It does look like Lilly’s hair is maybe a strawberry-blonde, like my youngest cousin’s was (she’s in her 60s now, and first got blonder, and now has quite a bit of gray, but when she was a little girl, her hair was gorgeous!) You have all worked out the sharing so nicely. Tell Marion I think Sienna would make a very good Arietty. (I’m a huge Borrowers fan, too! Have been since I was about her age, and discovered the first book in our local library.)

    I have some good news for everyone: Ron made it to church today!! One of the caregivers, Charles (who was a pastor in his native Kenya) opted to come along to so he could see how Ron did and help as necessary, and he liked our little church so well, he wants to come back!

    Anyway, you’d have thought Ron was a big movie star or something, all the attention he got!! Everyone was thrilled to see him–it’s been several months since he’s felt strong enough to go. It really did help to have Charles with. Afterwards we all went out for dinner together.

    1. Karen from Kentucky

      Thank you for your kind comments, Charlotte! I like to think Lilly has some red in her hair, because that would be neat, and it seems like she didn’t have much of a chance at it. But whatever it turns out like will be fine 🙂

      I am so glad Ron seems to have a lot of energy! Take care! 🙂

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Charlotte, what wonderful news! It is truly a blessing that your husband can continue with his regular activities while getting the care he needs. And it looks like your church gained a new parishioner!

    3. Barbara in SE Texas

      How great that Ron is doing so much better that he can attend church again. I know that’s very uplifting for him. And Charles being able to go with him and help out while enjoying the opportunity so much he wants to return is wonderful for everyone. A whole lot of answered prayer going on here.

    4. So glad Ron was able to attend church, Charlotte. I’m happy to hear he is getting stronger.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, I’m so happy to hear that George is recovering as well as expected, and to hear that he is still receiving care from his doctors. I take it that you were up here in all that horrible heat we had! I never want to go through that again, I’ll tell you that! My prayers continue for both of you, such dear friends!

    Oh, Karen, you girls are just so sweet and caring! I myself am the oldest of 4 girls, no boys, and I can tell you that giving us one doll with some other little things would not have gone so well as your girls did! You have done an extraordinary job of teaching them to be kind and sharing!

    That little Lilly is an absolute doll! The video of her patting the doll was darling and you did it perfectly! She is so lucky to have those 4 big sisters to teach and show her how to be a sweet little girl! You certainly have your hands full, but I must say you are doing a wonderful job raising those darling little girls! Thank you for sending these pictures to Jeanne! They certainly made a great start for our week!

    Great news about Ron, Charlotte!

    1. Karen from Kentucky

      Thank you so much for your sweet comments, Linda! They are appreciated! 🤗

  3. Susette from Southern California

    Linda has said everything so well that I am thinking about the wonderful post from Karen, so I second every word. Thanks for sending the video and pictures that were so well done. You have indeed a wonderful idea for sharing. I don’t think I would have thought of that approach. The girls certainly have a wonderful mother!

    So glad George is progressing and that the doctors did the best they could. Thanks for the update.

  4. Lovely good news today, happy to hear about George and Ron. Prayers continue.
    Karen’s girls are so adorable and the sharing is beautiful to see. Thank you all for the lovely news.

  5. Jeanne, it was so nice to hear how you and George are doing! I hope George continues feeling better and his health improves. Hopefully soon, he’ll be back to doing what he likes to do.
    Charlotte, what a wonderful day Ron had. I hope he has more during this transition. I’m sure you were thrilled to be with him at church.
    Karen, how sweet your girls are and it was fun to see them opening the package. Good plan for sharing too. Loved the little one patting the gift. Such pretty girls!

      1. Kathie from Omaha

        Hooray for Ron… what a great weekend he had. That is great Charlotte.
        Jeanne, So glad the Doctors think George will be back to feeling good before too long !
        The Sisters are awesome about sharing and I can see them playing together each one sharing the items that made up the cute little Dolly set. You are a good Mama Karen.
        Had an urge to clean so there are 4 drawers and 2 bedside tables that were emptied and had things thrown away. Books I’ll never read although they sounded good at the time, will get put in the little free library.
        I found so many cords to various electronic items…some that we don’t even have any more…chargers that I have no idea what they go to. Even the charger to the laptop that was stuck under the end table….and we had already replaced it…darn it😌😲. I need to do that to every nook and cranny now🫣

  6. Karen from Kentucky

    Dear Jeanne,

    I am so glad to hear the doctors think George is healing well! Thank You, Jesus!
    That is a great reminder about counting our blessings.
    Thank you for sharing the pictures and the video! I am glad the video worked. Thanks again so much for the doll set!

    Love and Prayers,
    Karen and All

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Karen, thank you so much for sharing photos of the precious girls on YOUR Sofa. It is wonderful to see your lovely children. Blessings to you and to them.

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am happy that your husband’s health is improving. We will pray for continued healing for him and strength for you as his caregiver.

    I am delighted to see Karen’s girls, the next episode of Who’s On Your Sofa. They are such beautiful children. I can’t wait to read more” Stories From The Sofa” (smile).

  8. Joy in northern CA

    Thanks so much for the George update. At least now, he won’t be setting off any metal detector alarms with those staples removed. 🙂 Hopefully, he will also be more comfortable as well. Go George!
    Karen’s family of girls are just so sweet. Have no idea how she does that sharing thing, but she has it down for sure. The video of Lilly is priceless. Such an adorable group. 🙂
    Looking forward to seeing Charlotte’s new Diana. She’s sweet. And congrats to Ron for making it to church. Sounds like he has a great caregiver as well.
    Going to be getting some heat around here. So glad for that AC. 🙂
    Have a great week everyone.

  9. Marilyn in Colorado

    What a beautiful family — and as nice as they are pretty.

    I’m glad to hear that George is continuing to make progress. That news seems very encouraging. And gratitude seems to be the right mindset. It’s so easy to forget what we have when we’re thinking of what’s gone, even temporarily. Among other things, you have done so much work on the house during the last years that it must be nice just to be able to look around and admire the changes. Though George is probably looking around, plotting the next changes.

  10. Your girls are just lovely, Karen, It’s wonderful how they share so well together and are so close. Lilly is adorable in the video. Everyone is so pretty and sweet. A real testimony to wonderful parenting.

    So happy to hear George is continuing to do well, Jeanne. Prayers that he will continue to recovery quickly.

  11. Barbara in SE Texas

    This has truly been a good news day. It’s wonderful to hear that both Ron and George are doing so well. Thanks Jeanne and Charlotte for sharing your amazingly good news with us.

    What wonderful pictures of Karen’s girls. What a stroke of genius to have each girl – and their mom – have a piece so they have sole ownership of one piece to share with the others. I had three sisters but except for me and my sister next in line we were so far apart in age that sharing was not an issue because as things got passed down they became the possession of the sister next in line until the next in line became old enough to pass them down to her. Sounds convoluted but you get the idea. The only problem with this is that by the time the fourth daughter was finished with them, since I was the oldest all my childhood possessions ended up either being given away or were so worn out they were thrown away. It really didn’t matter much when I was growing up but now I do wish from time to time that I had something from my childhood that had been truly mine for keeps.

    I see where people north of me should be getting a reprieve from the heat soon. I would just settle for being in the 90s again with lower night temps. Usually the dome that causes the heat is mostly over Texas in the summer but this year the whole center of the country got a taste. I don’t think we’re going to get a real break soon because the front doesn’t look like it’s coming far enough, but although it is hot in September too here, we can at least start looking forward to things cooling off. My mother used to visit every other year for her birthday which was October 8th. It’s often hot here in October too but during her visit we would have a wonderful cool front go through and the weather would be absolutely beautiful. She was an Army nurse during WWII and was stationed in California for a while. She always assumed Texas weather was like Cailfornia. Her only experience with Texas weather was a good one and I never could convince her otherwise.

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      I know what you mean, Barbara, since I too am the oldest of 4 girls. I never did get to keep anything from my childhood, since the others also got to play with them, and by the time the youngest played with anything, it really wasn’t worth keeping! My youngest sister is 8 years younger than I am and she always thought I was a grown up!

    2. Karen from Kentucky

      Thank you, Barbara! We had 6 kids for a long time in my family, and then my sister was born and another was adopted. I was the second oldest girl and the 4th in line. I think what mainly got passed on down the line were clothes, although my sister Laura and I inherited a couple of Care Bears.

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