Day 2 of “Questions” and an Ebay reminder!

Don’t forget:
My dress set, (“Darling Dirndl”) for Kirsten, or any American Girl doll, that’s listed on Ebay, ends this evening. (Tuesday) If you haven’t checked it out, you can click on the picture at the right side bar of my post, or you can click HERE. Here’s hoping YOUR doll wants it! :o)

Now, here are a couple questions for today!

Question 1:
What was your favorite job you ever had?

Question 2:
What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud?

If you want to answer one of both of them, please go right ahead!
I’ll see you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “Day 2 of “Questions” and an Ebay reminder!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I presume George has had his surgery now, Jeanne? Keeping you both in prayer.

    1–I guess I had two favorite jobs. In the early 80s, I became a certificated instructor of the Stretch & Sew method of sewing on knits, at a S&S store that opened just a couple of miles from my home. I had been looking for a parttime job, and when I saw the ad, my first thought was, good, a store closer to me (I had previously taken all the classes about 10 years earlier at the store up in Everett–and I really LOVE sewing on knits!} and my second thought was, you dummy, go and apply!! So I did. When I first started, all the fabrics were dyed to Ann Person’s specifications, and Everything matched!! Cotton interlock solids, matching ribbings, print interlocks and striped jerseys that carried the seasonal colors in them, pant weight fabrics, sweaterings, you name it! It was wonderful. A shipment was like Christmas, because we’d sometimes get as many as 14 boxes at a time!! Whee!!

    My other favorite job was in the last 90s, when I worked at a small doll shop. Such fun! I especially enjoyed fixing up window displays, and got to meet a lot of wonderful “doll people” that way, including Lloyd Middleton, who was head of Royal Vienna Dolls at that time (he died some time ago, so the company is no more, I think), and Reva Schick, who designed dolls for the LEE Middleton doll company. Both came to our shop, separate times, for special events. Such fun!!

    2–The last thing that made me laugh was probably something funny I read on Facebook!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    I’m not sure if you mean a job making money or just a volunteer job, Jeanne. I never worked for money as a teen, just volunteered as a Candy Striper for four years at a hospital in St. Louis. My first “real” job was a teacher. Both jobs were very enjoyable and I learned from both of them. The money part was the least of it, and compared to what teachers make now, I should have been on welfare with the little I made! I think for both jobs it was a sense of purpose and contributing that made them so enjoyable and fulfilling.

    As for the last thng that made me laugh aloud, it must have also been somehting on Facebook too. I find so much to laugh about, that I lose track!!

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    I just checked Facebook and found this funny quote that made me laugh! It’s not my quote or situation, but I think many of you can identify with it!😊

    “I always double check that our garage door is closed at night. I don’t want someone stealing all of the stuff we’ve been trying to get rid of for years!” 🤣

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Linda, well that takes care of my answer to Jeanne’s number 2 question!

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      I’ve read it several times and laugh each time. It’s too appropriate. But it reminds me of a story a friend of mine once told me about a man she worked for. He was redoing the offices and had some bookshelves he was trying to rehome. They were in good shape so he put them in front of the business with a sign that said “free to good home”. They sat there for days with no takers. Finally he put a sign on with an amount. When he got to work the next day they were gone. I guess if you say “free” it means they have no value so you wait until there is a price and then you steal them. That made me laugh out loud too.

  4. Like Linda, I volunteered as a candy striper for awhile as a teen.
    My first adult job was working at a bank. Btw, at that bank, one of the neatest things happened. I don’t know how it was acquired, but all of our departments got to see a beautiful sized piece of moon rock. This was in the 70’s.
    Then I worked several years at a hospital in medical, then billing, which was my favorite.
    Later, after my children came along, I worked in medical records at a different medical clinic. I enjoyed the organization of filing and proofing records more than anything.
    And lastly, I worked in a few fixer upper houses for my husband who was a home builder. That was an eye opener! His craft and talent was amazing on all the homes he built including the fixer uppers he found for my son and I to renovate. What an experience.

    I’ve had many laughs lately but one great laugh was playing Pictionary and the attempt of my partner’s drawings! Too funny for words.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    I think my favorite job was probably my first. Rec Department, Locker Attendant at the local pool. A whopping $!.35 an hour. We had a great group there, and whenever we closed the pool due to fog/poor attendance, we’d take off on an adventure. One of the lifeguards had the key to the pool too. 🙂 Lots of fun memories.
    Loved Linda’s funny quote. Maybe I’ll think of something later.
    George and Jeanne, are definitely in my thoughts this week. We’re all pulling for you.

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, prayers continue.

    Dear Sofa Sisters, Here is my answer to Jeanne’s Number 1 Question: My Favorite Job
    I was the Director of PR at a YMCA many years ago. We had an awesome staff. We were all about the same age, even the director, and had that youthful energy. Our building was getting a facelift and there were going to be construction interruptions to our daily programs. As a nice gesture, the director took us all to see the comedy Money Pit and then to dinner.

  7. Kathie from Omaha

    Still🙏🏻of you and George.
    My first real job other than babysitting, was a Long Distance Telephone Operator…think Lily Tomlin as Ernestine 🥹. We were monitored all the time except after 10:00 pm so we had fun after that…like answering a call with “ alligator” instead of “Operator”… most folks didn’t even “get it”
    I was lucky enough to stay home until the youngest of 4 went to school. Then I sewed for an Accessory company home. Paid by the piece. The owner asked if I would work in the office so managed that for 11 years. Learned so much and had a wonderful boss.
    Charlotte I loved Stretch and Sew so much. Would have loved to have taken a class from you!
    We are working on a Garage Sale at my daughters this week so have had several good laughs finding old stuff🤭

  8. Favorite experience wasn’t a job at all but rather an apprenticeship course I did in college. My favorite of my psychology degree courses for sure. I was the children’s counselor/care coordinator at a battered women’s shelter. Two jobs I loved were emergency room liaison between the doctors and family members and well as substitute teaching, That was after my daughter graduated from high school as while I was homeschooling I did all my dad’s payroll, bills, accounting, and taxes for his dental practice.

    As far as laughs, definitely something my kitties did. A couple like to take the “shortest” way across a room which mean instead of straight across the floor it’s up and across each piece of furniture.
    I also loved a quote I saw on the fan club. “When people see my dolls and think I’m rich. Bro, I’m just irresponsible. LOL!!

    1. Pretty I interesting on the job front, Laura- it doesn’t surprise me.

      Love the kitties’ room travel story!

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