WOW! TWO listings on Ebay at one time!!!

I can’t believe I have 2 listings on Ebay right now… how did that happen? I guess I was slow enough on Ten Ping’s set and then I got caught up on Noel’s so they were done a day apart, but listed 5 minutes apart. They both end Tuesday evening. If you want to see them, click on the pictures at the right side bar, or click HERE and HERE.

As much as I thought I liked the auburn wig on Noel, she has been my little blondie since the day I received her, and I just couldn’t get used to her in that darker wig… so I worked at taming down her blonde wig a little bit and when I tried it on her, she was my “girl” again… but I did show a few pictures of her in the darker wig in my listing.

She was quite photogenic in our photo shoot this afternoon… I loved these 2 shots of her…

Okay… Ten Ping, I’ll show 2 pictures of you too!

Joy asked if we were taking down the Christmas tree because it was February… Well…not exactly… We just had Christmas with Kristoffer and his girlfriend because it’s going to be a while before Rebecca and Karn get her. They were still having truck troubles and Rebecca said since her dad’s birthday is in March, could they just wait for that… it’s also Reuben’s birthday the day before his… So… we are still turning on and enjoying the lights on our Christmas tree and we will be until the middle to end of March! It was the one thing Rebecca asked when she called last time… “Could you still leave up the Christmas tree?” What’s a mother to do???

We worked on paperwork things today, and then I started on Noel’s listing… so my day was spent.

BUT… Charlotte came to the rescue today with an email and some pictures of her new great grandson…

Hi Jeanne,
Finally I am getting around to sending you a couple of pictures of our first great-grandchild. The first one is of Skyler at four days old. He’s really such a “pretty” baby (although when he’s 17 he probably won’t want to hear that!!), and, despite his size (he weighed 9 pounds 14 ounces!!) and the delivery problems, his head really kept pretty rounded.

The second picture is of me holding him. He was 10 days old there, and a real snuggler! He had awakened and his mom changed him, and then put him in my arms. I put him back to sleep!! (Normally I would have picked him up from his mom, but considering my arm is still healing and muscles aren’t 100% yet, I thought this would be the best way.)

Yes, I made my jacket–it’s a sweatshirt conversion–you cut the sweatshirt up the center front and add lapels; the patch pockets and the back medallion are quilt blocks. I’ve included a picture, taken about 5 years ago, of the back. I just finished another one–this is a Christmas theme, and I used a dark green sweatshirt.

Well, that’s it for today… have a great Friday!
I’ll see you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “WOW! TWO listings on Ebay at one time!!!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, Jeanne, double congratulations–not only did you get both outfits listed, but they Each have a bid already!! Woohoo!!! Way to go!!

    I’m glad my pictures “rescued” you tonight. The funny thing is, I had them ready to send last night, and forgot they were ready to go (I was in another tab/window when I headed to bed) and when I opened my computer tonight, there was that email, so I finished what I was writing, and hit “send”. Talk about timing!!

    Thanks to all that commented on my redwork trees, etc. last night. I did reply to each one of you, so if you go and look, you will see what I said.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, I was kind of “iffy” aobut Noel’s hair when you first photographed her while you were making her outfit, but since then, you have worked wonders with it! I actually like it now! I’m one who sees a doll a certain way, and don’t like her to change it, so I can’t quite understand people who like the idea of changing wigs, although I know a lot of people do just that! And now each outfit has a bid! You are off to the races!

    Charlotte, what a beautiful little great-grandson you have there! He certainly is a good size! My son also weighed over 9 lbs., and all the “newborn” clothes went pfftt in no time at all, if we could even try them! Did you make that cute sleeper? It looks like the two of you are color coordinated!

    What a creative top! So, that’s a ready-made sweatshirt that you embellish yourself? So creative, and I love that you showed us the back too! Very nice!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you, Linda! Yes, Skyler was already growing out of Newborn size when I saw him. I didn’t make that sleeper, but I did make a sleeper for him–size 9 months. Maybe one of these days I’ll have a picture of him wearing it!

      Yes, that’s a ready-made sweatshirt–although the pattern says you can also start “from scratch”, making your own sweatshirt (which might be a good idea for me, as my shoulders are very narrow). The pattern I used is “Quilted Sweatshirts” by Marilyn’s Machine-Stitched Sew Simple Quilts. I bought it many years ago at a local fabric store. The copyright date is 1994–so you know I’ve had it a while! I have made it five times so far–I like that it has pockets, and of course it’s a way of using some of the beautiful quilt fabrics I’ve collected along the way!

  3. Oh, Charlotte, what a gorgeous baby! Love the photos you sent of you and that sweet thing and your beautiful jacket. You are so talented!

    Thank y’all for the great Advent calendar ideas. Simone loves leggos. I didn’t know they had calendars of them.


    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you so much, Sissy! Yes, I’ve said from the start that Skyler is a pretty baby!! I’m glad you liked my jacket, too–it’s a favorite.

  4. Charlotte, love the pictures of your great grandson, he is adorable! Also love your sweatshirt!
    Jeanne, I can’t wait to see how your auctions end, both of the outfits are so cute! I need to look at my doll “stash” and see if I have a Ten Ping.

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Charlotte’s great grand is such a cute bundle. Fun photos. 🙂
    Jeanne’s girls are already delighting the bay and looking forward to the grand finale on Tuesday.
    And on to the weekend! 🙂

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I forgot. If you Google ways to get rid of ice, there are some hilarious You Tube videos. I think the best one and most useful is a flamethrower from Harbor Freight attached to a propane tank. Really melts that ice on steps fast. And Linda, people do use heat guns as long as they are used in a grounded electrical outlet, no problem. 🙂

  6. What a beautiful baby grandson, Charlotte, That’s a nice picture of you holding Skyler. Thank you giving us a peek at him.

    My youngest son was a large baby also. Directly after his birth, he appeared to be actually looking around the delivering room!

    Jeanne, I like Noel in her blonde wig more. Perfect with her facial features and a much softer look for her. Both outfits are really sweet and with bids already!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you for your comment, Paula, and you are welcome. I’m a typical grandma and great-grandma, I guess–I like to show off the babies!

  7. What a beautiful great-grandchild, Charlotte. You will have to find lots of opportunities to “help” out. Your sweatshirt is lovely. The design is so pretty.
    I’m glad you put Noel back in the blonde wig. She looks so much prettier in that one with her fair coloring.
    Happy Midwinter, everyone! Today we are halfway to spring. I hope Dorothy is PA is fine. We need her here to start counting us down to May.
    Hi Barbara, you could always keep your Christmas tree up. Just swap out the ornaments for the next holiday. I used to leave our smaller sunroom tree up in January and February switching to snowflakes and icicles, and then to pink lights, various hearts, and doves. Made things look cheery. Oh, and there’s a complete Rose in brown up on eBay, although the cost is already up there with two days to go. I’m watching it just for fun.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you, Laura; I’m already looking forward to seeing them again. Not sure when it will be yet, though. We’ll see what works out!

      I’m glad you like my sweatshirt. The fabrics just came together so easily for that one. I call it “singing”–the fabrics “sing” together!

  8. What a fun post!
    Harlotte…That baby boy is such a pretty baby…and to think that Mama had a very hard delivery. Not even a cone head😍 The picture of you holding him is priceless !
    Jeanne your auctions look wonderful these pictures are fantastic…glad they have bids already.
    I missed out on an auction a couple days ago because I couldn’t find the place where you raised your bid. I was so disappointed…then I got a “second price offer” So I was able to still get it…WHOO hoo🤗
    It is a stay at home day as is so cold but have a darn Dr appt so will bundle up!
    Have a great weekend everyone!❄️🥹☺️❤️

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you, Kathie; yes, I was surprised that even in the photos immediately after Skyler’s delivery, his head still seemed pretty round, although Eric (the dad/our grandson) said that it had further rounded out since his birth. He was quite fortunate, as I’ve seen some babies where it was quite pronounced and took a while to resume its normal shape.

  9. Debbie in North Carolina

    That is one beautiful baby! So happy that you are close enough to shower him with some love. Cute jacket!

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