Just a few comments from me to you!

HI everyone…
Not a fancy post today… I worked all day until just now, when I finished my business books for the year. Woohoo1 I am excited to have that finished, but it’s now 11:40pm, Monday evening and nothing for you in the way of a blog post… so I thought I would read your comments, since I haven’t all day, and see what the talk has been today!

Thank you Charlotte… Yes, we did have a good turn out… not as many as we had planned for (130), but we had 101, and maybe a few more than that who slipped in just for the dinner. It was a nice cozy time with wonderful friends! Thanks too, for your compliments on Lian’s dress set. I’m hoping to get back to it tomorrow… I’m especially hoping it might be a nice day so I can take some outside pics!

Hi Linda, Thanks for liking Lian’s dress and for saying so… It’s what makes me try harder on the next dress. I ask myself… now will the ladies like this? :o) I did tell Dorothy, May was coming up, so don’t wait too long to come back! :o)

Hi Sissy… I hadn’t thought about Lian’s dress coming together from that bunny eraser. We used to have a toy store in our mall that had all kinds of erasers and they had the cutest little bunny erasers… I wish I had bought more of them. They were like real little bunnies and so cute. We have SO many different nationalities in our church… it’s really fun… one week you might be sitting between someone from Congo and Taiwan and the next week it might be Russia and Pakistan! It’s always fun and we share lots of laughs from the differing cultures and the way they do things.

Marilyn… thanks for your sweet compliments on Lian’s dress… I’m glad you were one of the ones who picked the purple print. It’s VERY pretty in person… and has just a tiny bit of silver gilding in the print. I almost couldn’t believe I had those flower colors… I’m not kidding, sometimes I think I must have as much inventory as Hobby Lobby… :o) You asked about the flags? They all represent the students who have come through the church from the various nations all over the world… Peru, Germany, Uganda, Vietnam, China, Japan, Sweden, Brazil, Columbia, Kenya, Zambia and many, many more! When a new student comes from a nation we don’t have a flag for, we get their flag to display… Who’s next? I haven’t had time to even think about that, but maybe I can tomorrow… :o)

HI Joy… yeah, it was too bad the Siblies weren’t just a little bit chubbier… and maybe taller so they’d fit into the Little Darlings clothes… There might be some things that might work… Glad you liked the checked inside lining…why have just boring white? :o) You were quite the Super Sleuth getting those girls into your house without being detected! Maybe you are getting in a groove with how to get them inside! :o)

Thank you Paula… Yes, our founding pastor shared the story of the history of our church, when he first came here and had lots of pictures to show on the screen. I’ve heard the story over and over so many times, but I never get tired of it… Then the dinner was very nice and there was no program… just visiting at your table and moving around if you wanted! I do have extra bunny erasers… maybe I can appease Lian by giving her one of them to hold on the dolly shelf! :o)

Hi Barbara, Yes, it was nice to hear from Anne and Dorothy… when one is missing there’s an empty spot on the sofa… We need to have roll call every so often to check on everyone… The food was downstairs and they let the families with children sit at the tables down there, and go through the line first. We were asked to come upstairs, and by the time our table was dismissed to go down, I forgot to grab my camera and take any shots… but I can tell you we had every kind of food you could imagine… lots of International “specialties!” Yes, I will do a tutorial on how to make the slips the way I do… just so you can see how it’s done! I’ll give some measurements this time, maybe that will help…

Thanks Laura, When I saw those Iddy Biddy Bunnies… I thought how perfect was that… tiny chocolate bunnies to go with my tiny white bunny! :o) It was nice to hear from Anne and Dorothy… I miss Dorothy’s witty comments too and miss seeing some of Anne’s handwork…she’s So talented! Thanks… we did have a lovely time…

But before I go, I hate to have a post without any pictures, so here’s one for you… someone sent this to me. It’s not great, and I think it was in probably 1985. My hubby and I took 6 kids on a Missions trip down to Faith Mission International, in Del Rio, Texas for a week. Crazy thing was, that van didn’t have enough seats for everyone… so we used 5 gallon pickle buckets to sit on… it was a long trip riding on a bucket but we had a great time! (I can’t get this screen shot cropped…)

Well, I think I got a little bit said to every person… now it’s on to bed. I hope I don’t have numbers going through my head all night as that’s what I’ve been working with all day… :o)

See everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

6 thoughts on “Just a few comments from me to you!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I was thinking, as I read everyone’s comments on yesterday’s blog, you hadn’t had time to comment–but now I see that you did. And what fun to see that old picture! I can’t imagine riding on a pickle bucket for very long. I hope those who had regular seats traded off with the bucket people now and then!!

    Great news: Ron is settled into his apartment at the assisted living place, where he will be for two weeks. It was a busy and exhausting couple of days–I had to do most of the packing, as he just isn’t strong enough to do a lot, but i did put him “in charge” of getting his personal items (razor, toothbrush, etc.) plus his DVDs and CDs that he wanted together. We have a small portable DVD player that also plays CDs and he took that with him.

    With all that, he managed to leave without his cell phone!! After we had unpacked everything and still couldn’t find it, I told him I’d look when I got home. It had “escaped” and was hiding in a dark spot where it was hard to see, but I will bring it to him when I go up there for lunch tomorrow. Then on Wed. I leave for Expo and will be home on Sat., so if i don’t get a chance to comment on one of those nights, you’ll know where I am!!

  2. Joy in northern CA

    Well, more rain today. News said that every pass out of northern CA is closed. Just tons of snow. Everything is buried up in the sierra. I think we’ll get a few days of clearing soon, so seeing the sun will be nice.
    Glad to hear that Charlotte and Ron made the move and that he will have his cellphone back today. Can’t wait to hear how the Expo goes.
    Guess Jeanne’s trip must have been before seatbelts eh? I know car seats were required by that time as we had two in our backseat by 81. 🙂 Glad everyone made it safely. Such a fun photo memory.

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, I too, am wondering how you pulled that trip off without seatbelts! Was that before you had your children? You two looked so young!

    Yes, May is coming, but first let’s get to March! Everywhere I go, Easter candy and gifts are out! For heavens sakes we just had Valentine’s Day! It’s nice to have a breather between holidays, and I’m all for warmer weather, so it looks like you will be able to get some good pictures outside today. Going to the low 60’s and sunny!

    I do believe St. Patrick’s Day is coming up and wonder if you have any green fabrics to make a dress for a little someone to celebrate!

  4. Linda in St. Louis

    Just happened to think that maybe you have a sweet little red-headed girl to make a green dress for?

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Jeanne, I found your tutorial on the slips with the yoke thanks to Linda’s suggestion. But you’re right, measurements would help. If you do it again you can use the same pictures (they were great) and just add the measurements.

    You mentioned tax preparation. I usually input business expenses on my computer so I can print out a category report at the end of the year. I got lazy last year and didn’t do that. I usually do our taxes but last year we had capital gains and a different situation in several ways so we are going to have a CPA do them for us this year. I realized the error of my ways when I was gathering things to take to him and had to go back almost to the beginning of 2022 and put everything in. Finally I think I have everything ready to go so I can make an appointment. I won’t make that same mistake again.

    Linda mentioned St. Patrick’s Day. I bought some fabric to make St. Patrick’s Day dresses for my dolly daughters since so few have them. I never got around to making any, but I was delighted when the Paola Minis could wear the dresses from Ginny Doll Creations, so I bought them each a cute St. Patrick’s Day dress from there. Now nearly all my little girls will be dressed for the occasion. Still haven’t got anything for the big girls just yet.

    Some mentioned seatbelts. Seatbelts were not mandatory in the early 1980s, at least here. We had car seats for our babies born in 1981 and 1982 but there were no rules for that back then either. I did not realize how much that had changed until I saw the requirements for my grandchildren’s car seats. I remember once Dionne called me to pick up the kids from school since she was coming from Houston and in a traffic jam. They were under six years and still in car seats. I went up to the school and signed them out but we had to sit on the bench outside until Dionne showed up since she had the car seats. But I’ve always been a strong advocate for seatbelts. I lost a dear friend because he would not wear a seatbelt. He was in an accident and with no restraint he hit the steering wheel breaking his ribs and puncturing his aorta. The medical staff did not realize this at first and pumped pints of blood into him to no avail because it was collecting in his chest cavity. And then there’s the fact that I owe my life to seatbelts. When I had my rollover accident my airbags did not deploy. but thankfully I always use a seatbelt. It caused some injury to my shoulder that took months to fix, but at least I was alive to do it.

    As for the weather here, at the moment it appears we are springlike. Jason is out doing the first lawn mowing of the season. We could get more cold. We once had a cold front come through in May. The day of the church Spring Fling. It was so cold many shut down their booths and went home early. The wind was ferocious and tents were blowing over. We had a booth and I was buying blankets from the “garage sale” booth to put on my chair because it was so cold. Another year we had one come through in April right at Easter. People decided to forego their Easter attire in favor of their winter clothing. Weather here has always been unpredictable.

  6. Weather always keeps us hoping…are we really having worse weather or just hearing about it more? My gosh…the snow in California is really something! We got an email from a friend that has an Arial video of the enormous crack in the earth in Turkey and it looks like the Grand Canyon.
    Your Church celebration looked so awesome…everything so nicely laid out and I’m sure all the foods from different nations were yummy.😛
    This latest Easter purple explosion is the cutest…those little felt flowers are a fantastic match🫢 Good luck with this auction

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