A question for you on this last day of 2022!

Thank you everyone, for all your kind comments on my Christmasy looking living room! I enjoyed reading your comments to each other too.

I’m already enjoying the time together with my sisters and we are hoping to explore a few places in Springfield tomorrow!

So I’ll ask a question but if you want to “stray” from it, that is totally fine… just keep my spot on the sofa warm! :o)

If you were free ALL DAY LONG, (no commitments, no laundry to do, no dinner to cook) on January 1st, what would you LOVE to do?

See you Monday!!!
Have a very Happy New Years Day!
Blessings, Jeanne

19 thoughts on “A question for you on this last day of 2022!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    If I had an entire day to myself, with no commitment, no meals to cook and nobody needing any help with anything, I would love to spend the day in my sewing room, just sewing and sewing and sewing! Maybe some cutting out, too…after all, eventually I would get those UFOs finished and would need something else to work on! 😁

    When I needed a break, I would probably curl up on the bed
    with a good book for a while; then get back to sewing. Having a whole box of See’s lemon truffles nearby would be helpful, too!!

    Now, if I’m going to be really GRAND about that day, it would be spent with my best friend, June, in her sewing room–but that’s 2000 miles away from me, and would involve more than one day, as travel would be necessary! June and I have been best friends since we met in first grade, November 1952. We have many similarities in our lives–even our married last names are one letter different!! (She’s Troyer, I’m Trayer.) Totally coincidental, I can assure you! She’s the sister I never had.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      You are truly blessed to have a true BFF. I’ve just been conversing on Facebook with the daughter of a very dear friend. We met in 8th grade and became good friends. She lived one development over from me so it was easy to hang out together. Our lives went different ways, mostly because I moved from Bethlehem, but we met up again on Classmates.com, shared e-mail addresses and through that and Facebook kept in touch for several years. A few months ago I realized I hadn’t heard from her in a while, so I checked her Facebook page only to find she passed away in March of 2020. The first thing I thought of was COVID but I couldn’t figure out how to get in touch with anyone. Then the other day I saw a posting from her daughter on my friends still open Facebook page so I clicked on her name to get her page and sent her a message. I had no idea whether or not she would answer me because we are not Facebook friends. She did and we’ve had wonderful conversations since. My friend’s death was not COVID related but it did make things difficult for her family. She had COPD and emphysema and was finally going to get a lung transplant. She did great through the surgery but got a bacterial infection they could not stop and she passed away shortly after her surgery. Only her husband and one daughter were allowed to be with her, the other two daughters were in the waiting room waiting for a text telling them their mother had passed. They couldn’t even give her one last hug. I sure do miss our chats but I’m enjoying sharing memories with her daughter.

      1. OH, Barbara, how sad for the family. And for you, too, of course, but so thankful that her daughter contacted you and you found out what happened.

        Today would have been the 77th birthday of my other best friend, Joyce; we met in 1967, as she was a member of the church we had just moved to (daddy was a pastor), and he came home and said, “there’s a girl your age I think you should meet, I think you could be friends”, and he was right. After we were both out of college and working fulltime, we shared an apartment for four years, and our friendship endured until she died five years ago (multiple/massive strokes). I am thankful that Joyce and June actually got to meet each other once, when Joyce and I took my then-5-year-old son back to Michigan. Joyce told me later, “I see why she’s your best friend”.

  2. Linda in St.Louis

    I’m not sure of what to say to this queston, because, since I am
    retired, I have been doing what I want just about all the time! You might say the only commitment I have is to make dinner every night!

    I absolutely LOVE to clean house and work in my yard! I love decorating too, and have the time to do those things, for which I am very grateful. I would much rather do those things myself than to have others do it for me. Am I crazy or what? A lot of people love to go out and leave their homes for this and that occasion, but me? No! Our home is where we put our time and energy and we like to reap the rewards. A day out is fun, a weekend trip is fun, but the best part is always comng home! You might think that I am this way because I am older, but no, I have always been like this!

    When I need a bit of “fun time”, there are always dolls here to dress! 🙂

    Happy New Year everybody!

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      Linda, I am happy to know another that feels as I do. When I was headed out the door every morning I would tell the cat, “I wish I was you”! I love having the time to prepare decent meals and keep the house the way I like it. And have time left for my family and friends (and dolls!). I too have always been like this.

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      I’m a homebody too and have always been a bit reclusive and often chose being alone in my room creating or in the dining room sewing as opposed to hanging out with friends. I’m always glad to be home from a trip and keep them short if I can. My one sister is the world traveler. I’ve been to Europe and the UK and have fun memories of that, but I just don’t like leaving home long enough to make that kind of trip fruitful. But unlike you my time never seems to be truly my own and others have no problem interrupting me from what I want to do to do something they want me to do. After all I’m retired and that automatically means I’m sitting around all day looking for things to do. I’m thinking of putting a giant “do not disturb” sign on my sewing room door. Probably wouldn’t work though. Others would put caveats on it like “do not disturb except for (fill in the name)”

  3. I am with Charlotte! After checking my computer and have a bit of breakfast, I would head up to my sewing room and sew, sew, sew! I have 7 orders waiting and this is a busy time of year with parties, singing in a cantata twice, two funerals, :>( , one out of town, and of course, Christmas and New Year’s dinners with invited guests. What I really should do is organize my sewing room……but you asked what I would LIKE to do, LOL!

  4. Marilyn in Colorado

    I’d cook and read. Good things for snowy and rainy days. I count baking as cooking.

    The Rijksmuseum is putting together an exhibit of all the Vermeers not too fragile to travel. If I could do anything at all, I’d go see it. There’s one in Dresden that traveled to the National Gallery some years ago. It was in the last room of the exhibit, and so lovely that people sat down on the floor and watched it as if it were a TV. Here’s a link

    The top picture is the way I’ve saw it, but the back wall was apparently overpainted. The painting on the wall was uncovered in 2019-21. If you click on the lower picture, you’ll get a larger image.

    Charlotte mentioned See’s. My dad liked See’s so I used to get him a box whenever I was in California. Eventually there were See’s stores everywhere, so getting it was easier. Then our store closed but I discovered I could have it mailed, so for the last 32 years of his life, my dad was never without See’s. There was an unwritten family rule that the See’s was his, and not for sharing. He ate it slowly, never more than one piece a day.

  5. Debbie in North Carolina

    Despite my best intentions, I did not get to comment on your Christmas decorations. Your living room is so cozy and inviting, George’s nutcrackers add to the charm. I think Rebecca and Karn will appreciate the holiday spirit in the dreary month of January. Enjoy your sister time, prowling around in the antique shops – perfect sister time!

    If I could spend New Years Day my way I would spend it in my best friend Jan’s doll room. It truly is a museum and every time I am lucky enough to spend the day there are new displays and dolls I have never seen before. Jan has been an avid collector her entire adult life which leads to unique groupings and displays. Our early doll adventures, before the internet, were regional trips to doll shows and doll shops. The dolls we collected in those early years (the ’90’s) are some of my most treasured dolls, not due to value but the joy of the hunt. Now we are happily adding RRFF and Little Darlings to the mix. In the words of Jan’s daughter, “keeping each other stirred up”.

    Wishing Jeanne and all the sofa sister a happy and healthy New Year!


  6. Joy in northern CA

    If I had a day to myself, I would probably hop on the computer and visit a bit and after breakfast, take a walk. Then, I’d love to go to a local antique mall to check prices and hit a couple of thrift stores as well. Upon returning home, I’d probably watch an old movie while doing some sewing. Then, the maid would arrive and clean the entire house. The gardener is next who would rake and mow and weed the front and back yards and haul all of the debris away in his truck. A lovely dinner arrives by courier and after some tv, the perfect day is complete. 🙂
    Lots of rain here. Yay! Hope everyone stays warm and healthy for the New Year.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Joy, your special day is hilarious. I especially liked the idea of dinner arriving by courier. I’m not too fond of cooking but I’ve often said I wouldn’t mind so much if I had someone to come in after dinner and clean up.

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Barbara, although I’m a pretty decent cook, it’s definitely Not my favorite thing to do, and I’m thankful for a husband who likes leftovers! A big pot of soup or a casserole, and there’s dinner for 3 or maybe even 4 days! As I am wont to say: “I only have a kitchen because it came with the house!” 😂🤣😂 The older I get, the truer this becomes! I’d rather sew–or read!

  7. I want to copy paste Joy’s day and Charlotte’s. Then give me Linda’s idea of fun at cleaning. Maybe redress all my dolls and make some clothes for my RRFF. HUMMM…Thst may take more than a day😉

  8. Barbara in SE Texas

    What would I do if I truly had a whole day to myself? I would spend it in my sewing room undisturbed. I should be able to do that now. I’m retired. But not really and it irritates me often. It seems my administrative duties around here are endless. There is always something that needs to be done in my office/study rather than my sewing/crafting room. That’s my New Year’s Resolution. To find some way to insist I get to spend so many hours a week in my sewing studio. During COVID my quilting friend’s husband was working from home. She spent her days in her sewing room turning out wonderful, quilted items. She said she couldn’t go anywhere, and her husband was busy working at home, so she just stayed out of the way in her sewing room. David loves hanging out with the boys all day doing projects but I really value my solitude. He doesn’t understand that I don’t feel left out of all that is going on around me.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Although I’m an extrovert, and I enjoy spending time with friends, I, too, need my solitude (I am SO my father’s daughter! Part social butterfly and part hermit! LOL), and I get really antsy/edgy/grouchy if I don’t get it!

      That first year after Ron retired, I had a permanent shadow! The only places I could go to be alone were the bathroom and my sewing room! If I went into the bedroom to read, ten minutes later, there he’d be: “I think I’ll join you.” I’d wait until he fell asleep, and then I’d go do something else! Once he started doing some part-time work, and, after that, volunteering for Crime Watch, I got some of my “me time” back!

      Now he’s not able to do much at all, so he’s home all the time, usually in front of the TV. I get some time reading in the bedroom, and working in my sewing room, but I do make sure to come out and sit with him for a while, several times throughout the day, so he doesn’t feel like I’ve deserted him.

  9. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Joy and Barbara I love your idea of a perfect day, Linda’s not so much lol. I don’t like cleaning, never have, not massive on gardening either. Now I don’t live alone it is much harder to get to my sewing room so a whole day with nothing to do but what I wanted sounds bliss. I loved lockdown, I had the perfect excuse to indulge myself, read lots, made lots of bread, buns and other bread related items, sewed a lot, When I got up in the morning I didn’t have to think “where do I have to be today” but “how shall I amuse myself today”. A lady in Dunedin (about 5 hours south of here) set herself a challenge of making a 12 inch square quilt every day. She would watch the 1pm update every day (usually, but not always) given by the Prime Minister and the Director General of health. Then she would make the block to interpret how she saw what was said. She made 80 blocks. I am not sure where they are now, whether they are on display somewhere, but they should be.
    Sissy, like you I really need to sort my sewing room but I would much rather sew!
    Happy New Year everyone, it is Sunday am here. About 9.15 am to be exact. I really hope it is a good one for you all.

  10. Elaine M. Hoffman

    If I had the money and the time I would travel to Europe and go toy shopping for dolls and stuffed Steiff animals. I miss doing this so much. It is so expensive to even purchase a box of 36 eggs. I spent $28 for 36 eggs at Walmart the other day, crazy. I would take advantage of the outside Cafe’s if there was good weather and walk all day and into the night. It is so romantic in Europe during the Christmas season. My favorite time to visit Germany is in the early Dec when the Advent and Christkindl Markets are active over there. I would get some Gluwein,(mulled wine in my Christmas mug) and eat a bit of Apple Streusel or a warm soft Bavarian Pretzel and later get some of those tiny steak sandwiches off the grill. So good with grilled onions. I miss all the smells and aromas of Europe and eating outside. I remember when I lived over there in the 1980’s I would pass by someone who was making Split Pea soup which I was not a fan of in my youth, but for some reason it tasted so good outside at night walking around Frankfurt. The man just ladeled it into my cup and I paid him and I ate it and it was so good. I remember how excited I was in my 20’s looking at all the store front windows for Christmas. It has changed a lot since the Berlin wall came down, but before that it was so magical. Animated Steiff toys dancing around with music in the windows and children and their parents watching from outside. I miss watching the mother’s strolling with their Kinderwagons and tiny babies all bundled up from the Winter Chill. Kinderwagon means Pram, or carriage in German. I still have my son’s it was in a Knorr’s shop window in 1983 and I had to have it even though I was not pregnant until 1986. It is brown carmel colored corduroy and brown basket weaved on the bottom. The interior has all matching duvet cover and pillow case for the down comforter and pillow stuffed with down. It even has a outside cover and a wind shield for when the weather is brisk and windy to protect the baby. I could not use it for my Grandsons because they were twins. So I used it for one of them to sleep in when they were little and the other twin slept in my son’s Mose’s basket. I am truly fasinated with different things from different cultures. I miss that and wish I could go back one day soon. This is what I would do if I had a free day or a free couple of weeks to go somewhere.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Elaine, your day sounds Fabulous! I’d like to tag along! I’ve never been to Germany. I’ve been to England, but only as a stopover on the way to/from South Africa and Swaziland, back in 1999. I would love to go again sometime, and see the Victoria and Albert Museum, etc. And Germany at Christmastime. Maybe Sweden, too–my dad really wanted me to go to Sweden with them when they led a tour there, but I had a young son at home at the time….and of course now my parents have been gone quite a while.

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