I’ll be “laboring” in my sewing room on this Labor Day!

Today is my 41st Anniversary… Actually it’s “OUR” Anniversary… I am so happy to be married to the most wonderful man on the planet. He is my best friend and I love doing things with him… which is good, because we have LOTS of things to keep us busy! I wanted to get some pictures out and show you, but ran out of time… so I’m behind on a birthday post and now an anniversary post. I’ve written it down on a list and hope to get to it soon… But for now, my sewing room is a DISASTER and I’ll be working in there on this Labor Day! It needs some serious attention. Rebecca and I made havoc of it when she got here… We were looking at laces, trims, ribbons, charms, buttons, beads, and lots more… as you’ll be able to tell when you see the pictures. I was doing alterations for her while she was beading for me… then she was searching for things to use to make necklaces and chokers for herself to sell. She has LOTS of beading things at home, but she was looking for things for the “Cottage Core” look. Anyone besides me never heard of that? We had fun dreaming and planning, but my sewing room took the brunt of the hunt!

I don’t know how it got this way so quickly!

Something pretty came out of all that mess though. One night after they went to bed, this “one eyed” crafter put together a collage for them in honor of their 1st Anniversary, which is Monday too! Cindy’s hubby married them and last year after the wedding he gave me his original notes and said I should put something together for them with them… So I tried and this was what I came up with…

They loved it and said it was going to be the first thing they put up when they got home… :o)

I’m hoping to make lots of progress on the sewing room today and maybe I’ll even be able to post some “after” pictures.

My sisters and their hubby’s are coming this Saturday… so I’ve got to put things in high gear! YAY!!!

My eye bubble is much smaller now… it’s about the size of a nickle and solid navy blue now. It’s wonderful not having those floaters anymore… I’m ready for the right eye now… but will have to wait a little longer…

Thanks everyone,
I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day, whatever you do!
Blessings, Jeanne

9 thoughts on “I’ll be “laboring” in my sewing room on this Labor Day!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I have to tell you, Jeanne, your sewing room doesn’t look one bit worse than mine does–only mine looks that way most of the time, I’m afraid! I’m one of those sewers who has to have everything spread around her or I forget what I have! Knowing you, though, you’ll have it put to rights in short order, I’m sure.

    I love what you did with those notes and pictures for the kids for their anniversary gift, and I’m sure they’ll love having it. What a perfect gift for their first anniversary!!

    I’m glad to hear your “bubble” is gradually shrinking. I’m sure you’re relieved, too!!

    Happy anniversary to both of you! You’re just a few years behind us (48 last May).

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Seeing your sewing room, it does look like you will be “laboring” there today, Jeanne! There is no way you could possibly sew just yet! Creating is messy, but it’s fun trying out different things, and coming up with something that you like. Some people don’t like the putting away phase, but I enjoy that and making things “pretty” again! You might as well stay in today, it looks like rain for the third day in a row!

    What a touching and thoughtful anniversary gift you have given to Karn and Rebecca! It is so personal and it brings out the emotions and memories of that day! No wonder they love it! Things like that tend to remind us of our vows and keep us on the path we started when marriage was new. While I certainly am NOT a newlywed, after being married 55 years now, we still have our weddding picture in our bedroom, along with our cross cake topper, and a framed marriage blessing from the pope in our hallway. Just seeing things like that in our home help us remember that day and remind us of the sacred pledge we made to each other.Those days are long gone when our wedding album was the coffee table attraction!

  3. Sally from Colorado

    Holy cow, Jeanne! Looks like a tornado swept through your sewing room, and it just seems like a short while ago (a year? Less?) that you gave it a really good overhaul. Bright sides? You gals had a lot of fun. Also, you can retake current inventory as you tidy up. Down side? Oy. Knowing you, though, it won’t take more than a day and I am SO glad there was so much fun and laughter and love in your home this week. Again, happy anniversary, and what a perfect gift for the first anniversary. Sisters are coming, too; you are such a lucky duck to have them.
    Also, great news about the eye, but sorry to hear the other eye will need this. Good grief!
    Happy Labor Day to all. Joy, don’t overdo out there in that heat!

  4. Joy in northern CA

    How fun that your sisters will be arriving soon. And nice that the gas bubble is getting under control. Has your eye pain gone away?
    Well, yesterday, we topped out at 103, but today it will be much warmer. We can usually stay fairly comfortable for a couple of days, but even with the windows open to let in the cooling breezes at night, the temperature starts to rise. I think it was 87 inside late yesterday and will be hotter today because the overnight temp wasn’t as low last night. Doesn’t look like we will get a break anytime soon. The whole week is punctuated with possible over hundred’s. I know it is hard to understand that we don’t have air conditioning, but usually with only a few hot days a year, it has always been fine. I think that there is only one house on our block with air conditioning. They just didn’t have it back in 1949, when our house was built. My mother used to tell me about frying an egg on the sidewalk when she was a child, but I never believed her. Maybe she was right. 🙂

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Happy Anniversary to the newlyweds and the “old married folk”. We’re at 42 1/2 and I’m still wondering where the time went. I worked in Employee Relations for years and women would come in to get the change of name forms, etc., when they were getting married. I would ask them if they would like the change of beneficiary form for their insurance. You won’t believe how many times I heard, no I don’t want to bother with that in case this doesn’t work out. I was appalled to hear them say that. If you think that before you’re married, it would seem to me you shouldn’t do it in the first place. Andrea and Jamey have been married 17 years and Sean and Dionne 12. Thankfully they have taken their vows seriously.

    We have our wedding invitation in a frame on our bookcase in the living room. David always said it was so he would not have to worry about the date of our anniversary. My birthday was easy being the day after Christmas but he was worried he might forget the date of our wedding. He never has but I love having our invitation and a picture of us coming down the church aisle after our wedding for us and all to see. It just doesn’t seem that long ago.

    What a wonderful anniversary gift you put together for Rebecca and Karn. I always loved doing things like that. For our daughter’s 18th birthday I took the words from the song “I hope you dance” and framed them along with pictures of our daughter through the years. She loved it.

    I have to agree with every word Charlotte said about her sewing room. Ditto, ditto, ditto here. But there is no hope for mine since I have many things in a room that is a good size for a bedroom but not for my sewing/crafting room. I’ve got a lot of stuff. David marvels at how well I have it organized but it always looks in an upheaval. He promises someday he will see that I have the space I need for my endeavors. But, considering I’m nearly 76 years old, I wonder if I will even care when that day comes, since it’s at least three years away. But there are women creating very late in life and I’m blessed with no arthritis in my hands so I might get to enjoy it for a few years. I just reread this and realized it does sound a bit morose, but I just lost another classmate recently. She was my best friend in first and second grade. We moved but I caught up with her again in junior and senior high but lost touch after we moved before my senior year. She was on my mind the last few days so I did an internet search and found she had passed away in May.

    No big plans here for Labor Day. Usually Sean and family came out for the day so Dionne and I could take the kids to the pool while the guys grilled. Sean said since he drives out here every day of the week he really didn’t want to do it today. To me Labor Day has always been sort of a non-holiday other than getting a day off from work. When I was growing up we never went anywhere since Labor Day was a “school night”, the first of the new school year. I was just planning to stay home and sew today but when we saw Dionne at church yesterday she said she was making stroganoff and that’s David’s favorite meal, so we decided to join them for dinner. And I have to help Jaiden look for the missing leg for her Wellie Willa. I told her I’d have her fixed if she could find her leg. Since we bought her a wheelchair for her doll for Christmas, she’s had little interest in getting her fixed.

  6. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Hi all
    Jeanne my sewing room usually looks like that about one sleep after I have cleaned it up. I loved your gift to Karn and Rebecca. I hope you had a wonderful anniversary. You have a good man there but he has a good woman too. I think the problems often arise when one partner thinks it is the other partners responsibility to make them happy (not the other way round) so when they feel that is not happening they try and find someone else who will.

    On a different note here, we are into spring now, the daffodils are looking lovely the blossom is glorious, the trees are starting to show a little green …… and last night it snowed!!!! I took a couple of pictures but the garden is looking a bit like a builders yard still. Neither of the younger two cats (and probably not the older one) have ever seen snow since we haven’t had any for a few years, my Dad was still alive the last time we had any and he died in 2014. It won’t last long I don’t think.

    The sleepouts have their first coat of paint. The power is all wired up (though not to the switchboard yet). The inside lining goes in this week, we have a carpet layer organised, the free carpet is in the garage and the heat pumps will go in next week. Hopefully the power can be connected by next week as well. We still have to wait for the Power co to connect the new, bigger cable to the street (“it won’t be in September” is the nearest to a date we have) but as long as we don’t use more power than we are using now Jono at least can move into his unit as soon as the carpet is down and then I can get my workroom and kitchen back. Unfortunately, I needed the kitchen to work in this week as I have a very big cake which was ordered before Sam moved in and had to be postponed because of lockdown restrictions last year. I would have cancelled if I had realised how long it was going to take to get the sleepouts finished!

    Try to keep cool people while we cosy up to the heat pump. An oxymoron if ever I heard one lol.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Anne, I have a question for a quilter that lives in an area that uses metrics, so I thought of you. I have a 1/4″ piecing foot that I use for quilting and doll clothes. Is there an equivalent in metric? I have a metric machine but the smaller measurements are under the foot so it’s hard to do a small metric seam easily. Since I buy a lot of patterns created by people using metrics I’d like to use the seam they recommend. Some of my patterns come without seam lines and I add 1/4″ then but I searched and could not find a metric piecing foot. Is there such a thing?

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