No Monkeying around here… I finished Sydney’s Dress Set!

I haven’t finished reading all the comments from today, BUT I did get my new Ruby Red Fashion Friends Siblie, Sydney’s, sock monkey fabric dress set finished! She looks better than I thought she would with those glowing purplish pinkish eyes. Oh and I held onto her left leg, (looking at her) and kind of pulled her right leg down with a yank. It made her trunk a bit crooked, but both feet touch the floor now… You can still see she’s a bit crooked in my pictures, but she’ll do until I get some better advice on how to correct her uneven legs.

I was busy today… I finished sewing the snaps on the back of her dress today and evened up the hem at the back.

Then I decided she needed a slip to hold out her dress…

I debated about which kind of shoes to make her… flip flops or sandals…and came up with a combination of both… kind of…

Then it was time to decide on what to do for her hair accessory… a hat, a headband, a hair ribbon… and I decided on a wool felt sunhat with a tiny polka dot bow and edgestitched in the brown thread…

Since we had “all the pieces” I told her it was time to start modeling…

I also tried it on one of my Little Darlings… BONK… too small for them… Janie tried it on for me and it wouldn’t even come close to snapping in the back… rats again!

I’m hoping to get this listed on Ebay Saturday evening… I’ll put a link to the side bar picture if I do!

Thanks everyone,
Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you Monday!
Blessings, Jeanne

26 thoughts on “No Monkeying around here… I finished Sydney’s Dress Set!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Another winning outfit, Jeanne! All the parts just “sing” together!!

    I noticed clouds moving in late this afternoon while I was coming home from practicing at church. (I’m on my own for music Sunday, so wanted to be sure I’m ready.) Looks like we’re in for a couple of days in the 60s, and possibly a little sprinkle or two. I’m not done with sunshine yet!!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      Ok… I did the impossible.. I got it listed by using an old method of getting to the website I use… I’m happy now… not so happy an hour ago… now it’s 9:15 and I need to get my hubby taken care of. He put in a long day at the church… using his cane and doing the best he could to get around. He can drive now too… slowly and for short distances…
      Thanks for the compliments on the set for Sydney…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Love it, Jeanne! I don’t notice Sydney crooked at all! And of course, you are only selling the outfit, not the doll, so I think it is fine. I think this dress will appeal to those who don’t like frilly and overly fancy doll clothes. This is a breath of fresh air and so fun for a modern doll!

    The hat is perfect and just tops the whole outfit off nicely! I like the sandals done with the dark elastic too, just perfect for this outfit. A pretty slip to hold it all out is just the thing too! I guess that sock monkey is going to g with the dress, and what an added bonus that is! This is going to make a lot of people want a Siblie!

    1. HI Linda,
      She’s still crooked, but I take my picture and then slide the straighten bar at the bottom so she looks like she’s standing upright…
      She’s fine… I can manage… I’m glad you like the set for her. She is a little sweetie and her dress came together pretty quickly. That’s what I like.
      Yes, the little Monkey is going with her… and lo and behold, I figured out a way to get her listed using my old program… took a little doing, but it’s on Ebay now… under a not so unfamiliar title… Monkey Business… I was rushing to get it listed and just didn’t have time to think of something new…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Love seeing Syd looking so cute in her new outfit. The thongs are perfect with it as well.
    Speaking of new dolls, today orders for the latest RRFF kids are open. It also looks like Ed at is also going to carry the dolls and their outfits. Maybe others as well. I ordered Sunny, as some of her friends here really wanted her to join them. 🙂 She won’t be coming until some time in August so I’m sure they will have time to plan a welcome party.
    I sent Jeanne a pic of the little felt boots I made for my Rose BBFlockling, Winnie. Now that her friend Remmie has arrived, I may have to make another pair. They have very tiny feet. We’ll see if my eyes can take it. I have to admire Jeanne’s great shoe work. Hers turn out so nicely.
    Have a nice weekend everyone.

    1. HI Joy,
      I had left a comment at the bottom that my software for listing my things had changed… I searched and searched for a way to get into my program and finally succeeded and now it’s listed on Ebay. Thank goodness. I hope I don’t have to do it that way every time now…

      I’m glad you like all the pieces for this set… It’s pretty cute in person and Sydney looks charming in these colors.. .especially her ever evolving reddish purple eyes!
      The new doll Sunny looks a lot like Sydney…and I was temped when I saw her, but I think I’ll wait and see how the world reacts to Sydney…

      I got your pictures and will share them next week… my goodness those tooties on the girls are teeny tiny… They look as small as the Chibbi’s feet. Your boots look great!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, well good for you and Sydney and your Monkey Shines! The outfit all came together.

    As for making her stand evenly, you could put a piece of cardboard under her shoe for now. I am trying to remember what the term for that is in the field of building. I see folks do that often on TV when they are leveling cabinets on the floor. Oh, I just remembered it’s “shim.”

    Happy third weekend in July to you and the Sofa Sisters.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Hi, Dorothy. Are you thinking of a shim? Very useful in truing up door frames and many other things. They are used a lot around here.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Barbara, yes, that is the word. Jeanne could shim the shoes.

        I am obsessed with watching the decorating shows on TV. My favorite is Restoring Galveston. I also like Unsellable Houses, Restoration Road, and Married to Real Estate.

        1. Lauren From The Land of Lincoln

          Jeanne your dress looks fantastic! The flip flop 🩴 sandals, and hat 👒 really make it all come together! Don’t worry about her leg, you just have a doll with a disability now! This month is Disability Pride Month too! Oh, and Dorothy, I really like the renovation show“Flea Market Flip!”

          1. Dorothy in PA and the World

            Dear Lauren, I have a friend who likes that show also. She is a crafter and she really appreciates the talent of the other crafters. I don’t even like getting glue on my hands so I am hopeless (laugh).

          2. HI Lauren,
            I received your check today for your doll outfit and made it to the PO to ship it your way. Thanks so much! I’m glad you like how Sydney’s outfit turned out…
            Thanks for your comments…
            Blessings, Jeanne

      2. You really put together a darling set for Sydney. She seems so happy…but as the new girl does she understand she only wears it until it sells? She may have figured it out since the other girls are in their undies on the shelf😉
        Enjoy your weekend☺️

        1. HI Kathie,
          I’m so happy you like Sydney’s outfit… She does too and she hasn’t been given the scoop on how long she gets to wear the outfits around here. I thought it was going to be a while longer, but fortunately, I figured out a way to get my software program back to the old way of doing things and got it listed on Ebay this evening. yay!
          Thanks Kathie,
          Blessings, Jeanne

    2. HI Dorothy,
      I had to laugh at your “shim” remarks… It’s funny. We should have taken out stock in the companies that make shims… our house has THOUSANDS of shims in the walls and under the windows and along the door frames… etc… We’d be rich!
      I managed to get the outfit listed… by using some unconventional ways of getting to the website that offers my software.
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Jeanne, it sounds like you used “electronic shims” to get the item posted (laugh). I am glad it all worked out.

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Oh, I love the shoes. The dress is cute too but I’m a shoe junkie so I always notice the shoes. Great idea for the hat. Precious!

    Surprise, surprise! We had a good rain Thursday afternoon and Friday afternoon. The kids weren’t over the moon yesterday because we couldn’t go to the pool but we really needed the rain. It really cooled things down. It was 84 when David and I went to pick up our pizza around 7 p.m… Some nights it has been in the 90s at 10 p.m. Hopefully this will continue and help our grid. We’ve been asked to not do laundry or use the dishwasher between 2 p.m. and 9 p.m. No problem with the dishwasher since I never put it on till late evening anyway and only do that every third day, but I have to really think about timing the laundry and you pretty much can only do one or two loads a day unless you have great water pressure (which I don’t but they are adding new water wells – a lot of building go on around here lately).

    1. Thanks Barbara,
      I’m glad you like everything about the new set for Sydney. She’s pretty cute in it! I wasn’t sure those eyes were going to work, but so far, she’s not looking to devilish in them…

      I managed, somehow, to get her dress set listed on Ebay this evening. It was a challenge and I’m even sure I remember how I did it… guess I better go back and see if I can figure it out.. before I forget. :o)

      Congrats on getting some much needed rain. Last week we had a few days that the heat index was still over 100 even after 10:00! That’s too too hot for me!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Marilyn in Colorado

    I think Sydney is going to work for you. In most of the pictures, her eyes just look warm brown — I think they’ll look fine with a lot of colors. The dress is cute on Janie — it looks like she could have her own dress without a lot of adjustment. The red and brown combination, especially with the polka dots, is very appealing for late summer/early fall. I do think that all the work you’ve gone to to learn about shoes will pay off — they complete the outfits so nicely.

    Barbara’s comments about water use are interesting. I think we’ll be seeing a lot more about more careful use of resources. On another blog, I’m seeing people who think we might as well give up on the future. If you feel you’d like a little encouragement, I’m recommending Hope’s Edge about people who are pushing back on negativity and giving scientists and researchers more time to find solutions. It calls itself “the next Diet for a Small Planet” but it’s not about food, Diet for a Small Planet is the author’s best known previous book.

    We still have weeks of summer. Keep enjoying it.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Marilyn, thank you for the positive, upbeat words. We all need to be uplifted during these challenging times.

    2. Hi Marilyn,
      I really should write down which pattern I use for which fabrics… maybe a sort of log to keep things straight. I was trying to find a bodice pattern to fit Bailey when I was working on those Sock Monkey dresses. I can’t remember which pattern I used, but need to be better about recording which fabric goes with which pattern.
      I did manage to get Sydney’s dress listed on Ebay… I figured out a way to find my old software program and using my very shaky TECH skills I managed to get it listed this evening.

      I’m not giving up on things, no matter how bad things get around here and in the world. I’m doing my best to stay positive!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    3. Barbara in SE Texas

      No negativity here. I tune into a lot of positive things and I’ve always looked on the bright side. It’s something I’ve learned from my rather negative childhood. I’m very resourceful so I guess things don’t frighten me much. Our problem here is not so much water conservation as electricity. Texas has gone heavily for wind generation. A year ago we were all freezing because the wind turbines froze up. Now we’re having a problem with no wind to turn the turbines. And they are asking people not to charge their electric cars. I’m willing to conserve electricity by not doing my laundry or dishwashing during peak periods. I’d rather do that than do without my A/C altogether because of black outs. I turn the A/C down at night to sleep but up during the day. David also uses a fan. Until around 1950 Texans did not have a lot of A/C. I can’t even imagine. My house, built in 1945, had no central heat or A/C until the people before us realized they couldn’t sell it without both. For heat the people used gas heaters in the rooms attached to gas jets. At night in the summer they often slept on “sleeping porches”. Considering that the temps don’t go down much at night here I imagine it was better than inside with no air circulation at all, but not much.

  7. HI everyone,
    Well, it appears I won’t be getting Sydney’s dress set listed on Ebay anytime soon. The photo hosting software site that I use for all my listings, has decided to upgrade their site and everything is all brand new to me..and confusing. I’ve been using this software since 1999 and I’m sure they probably needed to upgrade, but not right now…not when Sydney needed to make her debut!

    I thought I could just wing it and see if I could figure things out, but nope… I didn’t even make it past the first set of instructions. I’m not very happy with the change. So give me some time and I’ll see what I can figure out. I studied this program for 6 months before I ever felt comfortable enough to use it… Hopefully, Hopefully, Hopefully, it won’t take me that long time time around.

    Sorry about that…. but there are pages and pages of nothing but instructions… and it’s not even close to the way it used to be…THEY SAY IT’S SUPPOSED TO BE SIMPLER! We’ll see!
    Thanks for your kind comments everyone…
    Blessings, Jeanne

    1. I googled “ software for listing on eBay, etsy and Pinterest” and it brought up quite a few. Might be worth looking at and maybe this is a nudge to use a new one that could be easier😉🤗

      1. HI Kathie,
        I searched and searched for a way to get into my old software program and fortunately I was able to. I don’t know if I can remember how I did it, but I’m glad I found out how… I managed to get Sydney’s dress set listed on Ebay this evening… Thanks for looking and thinking of me about the software programs…
        Blessings, Jeanne

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