Day 3 of my Online Yard Sale for American Girl Doll outfits…

I have some more things to show you today and hopefully you’ll find something you and your doll can’t live without.


Today will be the third and last day of my American Girl doll outfits/misc. yard sale. If you bought anything from me on Thursday or Friday, today is your last day to find something and have it added to your total. I’ve removed the things from the previous 2 days posts that were bought, so you can see what’s left. If you hesitated about something on Thursday or Friday, just let me know what it was and I can add it in if you still want it. Remember the shipping fee will ONLY be $5.00 no matter how many things you buy.

I will list my final (for now at least) 8 items Friday (today) and they will run ONLY ONE DAY…until midnight tonight. (Central Time Zone) Each item will start at $5.00. You can bid on any of the items below by emailing me at this link Jeanne Wiedlocher email with the name of the item/s you want to bid on and the amount/s you want to bid.

The winner of each item will be the person who has the highest bid in BEFORE midnight… I’ll keep track of the bidding, and if necessary in case of the same amount bid, I’ll use the time stamp to see who put their bid in first. That person will win that item.

At the end of Saturday night, at midnight, I will add up all the winning bids for each person who bid on something and add ONLY $5.00 for shipping to each total. I will email that person for a total due for the items won.

Remember to make your bids unusual amounts, like $8.88 or $10.67, or $19.32… to make it easier for you to see if you are in the lead when I update the bidding on my blog post. I will do the updated bids on the same line as the title of what’s being sold… in bold lettering. As new bids come in, I will post the new amounts on this blog post… It may change several times in the course of the day, so come back to this post to see if you are in the lead.

I am NOT an expert with American Girl items, and most of my information about these items came from Ebay, but to my knowledge I assume these are legitimate American Girl outfits.

All of the pictures will enlarge if you click on them… Remember NO DOLLS ARE INCLUDED!

These are today’s offerings… with a starting bid of $5.00.

American Girl Purple Boots starting bid $5.00

I found several listings for these boots on Ebay, and some said these went with a jumper. I found they went with a Just Like You Doll and this is a picture of the boots with that jumper. (The picture is just for reference… it’s not included. The boots are in wonderful condition and have a Velcro strip in the back for easy on and off…

Girls American Girl Black Tee shirt from New York and Dolls AG Tee from Chicago… starting bid $5.00

I’m not exactly sure what size the “girls” tee shirt is, (maybe a 10/12?) as the size tag has been cut out, but I used a tape measure and maybe you can figure out from the pictures if it might work for some little girl you know. The blacks are just a wee bit different, but still dark black. My phone was making it look gray, but it’s black and not faded like it appears in my pictures. It’s dark black and I see no spots or stains on it. It is from New York and has sparkly studs on the star shape. The doll tee is from Chicago and is in very nice condition too… it includes the hanger. The doll tee is from Pleasant Company.

Well, that’s the end of the 3 Day American Girl Online Auction… make sure if you want anything, you get your bids in by midnight tonight (Central Time Zone). Then keep an eye out to make sure no one outbids your bid. :o) Remember, shipping is only a one time fee of $5.00 for everything you buy.

I’ll be adding up everyone’s totals and sending you an email with the amount you owe…
Thanks SO much! I hope you enjoyed it. I still have lots more, but I had to call it quits for a few days…

See you Monday,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Day 3 of my Online Yard Sale for American Girl Doll outfits…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    It looks like you have saved the best for last, Jeanne! I think most of us like the historical things, me included! Although I do have most of it, there are some little things missing in my own collection that I would love to have!

    As for as “missing” in the Twilight collection, actually what you have is what you would get from AG. The extras were a separate item that you could buy in addition to the basic set, which you do have. Those pieces can be mixed and matched with other outfits, so this is a great buy!

    Those so called bloomers, must be Addy’s, because Felicity never did have any! While I don’t have Addy, I do have many of her outfits for my Cecile, and those bloomers are not in my collection, but certainly do look like they belong to Addy. If anyone bought Addy by herself, they would know.

    Your starting price is very reasonable, and I’m sure today will be a flurry of activity! Good luck to bidders!

    1. Linda in St. Louis

      Come to think of it, those bloomers look like something I do have, namely, Josefina’s
      bloomers! Looks like I am finally waking up! 😉

      1. Laura in Ohio

        Hi Linda,
        Just so you and everyone knows, Josefina’s and Addy’s bloomers are identical.just as Samantha’s and Nellie’s are. Kit’s are slightly different and Kirsten’s, Caroline’s and Marie-Grace’s are distinguishable by the decorative edging. Of course, you are right Felicity has none! Excluding Julie, that covers the dolls my daughter and I have. I hope the underwear lesson was appreciated..LOL

        1. Linda in St. Louis

          And Laura, Molly’s bloomers are identical to Samantha’s too! I don’t have Nellie or Addy, so never knew about them. I will say, as a little girl I grew up in the 40’s, and I never had those bloomer panties! I can’t figure out why Molly does.

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Linda is right: Felicity did Not come with bloomers! (I have her, BTW) I remember it being a very big deal at the time–imagine, no underpants for a doll!! But historically, it was correct. They didn’t wear them. (Think about it: outdoor “facilities” and long skirts with layers and layers of petticoats? How would one manage if on also had to pull down bloomers in addition to holding one’s skirts out of the way?! Later on, there were bloomers with no crotch seam–for the same reason, convenience. Not how *I* would wish to dress, but back then, it was normal!)

    Well, I forgot to check your auction today, so I missed out on something, but that’s okay; my girls do have plenty of clothes!! Have fun shopping, everyone!

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      As to the girl’s t-shirt, I checked the American Girl website for their sizes, and best guess (considering how big the t-shirt actually measures around, which would be 36″, and allowing for ease), I would say it is probably a girls’ size Medium (10/12). That would allow for 6″ ease thru the chest and 4″ ease thru the hips,

  3. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, you have some very cute items today. I like that some of them are the original Pleasant Company designs.

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Looks like lots of fun things today.
    I believe my RRFF Daphne caught a plane last night. Haven’t checked yet this morning. Hope they reschedule delivery soon. 🙂

  5. Sally from Colorado

    Looks like some very desirable items today, Jeanne, and I think the AG fans are having fun. They get good prices and you get rid of stuff. That was quite a bin you got. Maybe that is what I should do. Bin up bunches of AG stuff and take it to a consignment shop. Alas, I am so very, very done with AG, but it was great fun for years!!

    Fireworks! Ugh. Idiots that have to set off the big booms at 11:00 to 11:30 inside the downtown city limits should be clobbered over the head, spend a night in jail, and pay a heavy fine because they are illegal. My dogs go nuts…I have them in Thundershirts, give them Benadryl to try to calm them, but still heavy pacing, drooling, panting, whining and I do my best to try to calm them, staying up very late. When I finally went to bed two nights ago, one did what she did last year. Pushed out a window screen and bolted around 12:30. I thought she was fine so went to bed. A young gal the next street over was coming home from work and almost hit her. Took her into her house for the night. The dog collars have our wrong phone number as our landline got hit by lightning a month ago and we decided to ditch it. A friend saw Kip’s picture on FB with her pink Thundershirt and gave me a call. It all ended well, but sure makes me stinking disgusted with people who think it’s appropriate to do this kind of thing.

    And that’s my story. Hoping for another good night’s sleep…
    Happy bidding, ladies! 😘

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Hi Sally,
      So sorry to hear about Kip bolting, but so grateful you got her back. The fireworks went off quite late around her as well as starting the day before.
      There’s a lovely set of CDs I have called Noah’s Harp by Susan Raimond I don’t know if the are still available, but they are so, so calming. There’s also free anti-anxiety pet music on You Tube.

      I’m glad PC/AG were fun for years. I don’t think I would have ever tired of Samantha and Felicity and their PC stuff even if I had bought for myself in the early 1990’s when I got them for my daughter.
      You are still having doll fun though, just a new kind. Your house is being overrun with Rubies. : -)

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sally, I am so sorry to hear about your doggie getting out. I am glad you got her back. I have heard of folks putting chips in the dog’s collar so that she or he could be found if lost. I don’t know if that would work for you but I wanted to share it.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Lots of really nice things today. I will be checking in all day. I love hearing what’s what from AG collectors. I would love that t-shirt set for my granddaughter but sadly it wouldn’t fit. She is only 10 1/2 but already in size 14. She looks more like she’s 12. She is quite tall and very slender so while we bought her AG top in a size 14, they didn’t have the matching skirt in that size so she tried on the 12. It fit fine because she’s slim around and the length actually looks better than I think the 14 would have. She told me she will be wearing it to church Sunday. When my daughter was growing up she was tall too and back then I don’t think they had the girl/doll matching clothes in the larger sizes so my daughter missed out on some very pretty dresses.

    Spa day today for Cocker Chelsy and does she ever need it. David and Jason clip her and I bathe her. We do have dog groomers here but they cost more than we can afford at the moment. Since it has been so dry her hair keeps picking up the dried burrs in the grass not to mention the dried grass that comes in every time she goes out. With all the other things going on around here she was behind in being clipped so David and Jason did it this morning. I will bathe her this afternoon after she makes her mid-day trip to the loo. Then I will tidy up her kennel and her settee on the breezeway. After that I will collapse in my chair for a much needed toes-up.

  7. Laura in Ohio

    It’s been a couple of busy days around here, but I have to jump in and comment today. You have some very nice things today, Jeanne, and it does seem the best it last. Kirsten’s nightgown has to be from 1998 or a tad later. ALL Pleasant Company clothing from 1986 – 1997 was dated. After Mattel acquired PC in 1998 they continued to tag things PC for awhile before switching over to American Girl tags.. Felicity’s dress tag is the funny one. My PC 1991 West German Felicity has a dress tag with the 1991 West German date, but my daughter’s 1993 German Felicity came in one of those 1986 West German gowns. I think that was a transitional year when some of the accessory items were beginning to be made in China. The 1986 tag is strange anyway as Felicity didn’t debut until 1991, but that’s what she had. Also her socks are wool as the German dolls socks were. Luckily, my doll’s are hole-free. 🙂
    Happy bidding everyone and I hope you win want you want. I won’t be competing against any of you as I bought the final historical clothing set (hello, Kirsten’s Skating outfit. 🙂 ) I wanted for the dolls I have/collections I collected from early this spring. After ten years of searching, watching, and waiting for right prices it is nice to be finally finished with all the retired items. AG has their work cut out from them if they want me to buy something new.

    1. Debbie in North Carolina

      Hi Laura, Like you I don’t think I would have ever tired of Kirsten and Felicity if I had been collecting since the early ’90’s. I am very happy that I kept my daughter’s Kirsten collection but I always knew that it was not mine to dress and display. In 2018 we took a trip back to Amish country where I lived during my childhood. When we got home I ordered an Ashton Drake Amish doll on ebay. She was just the perfect representation of that culture and I remembered that Felicity that I never bought for myself. I began my quest to find a 1991 Felicity, and all of her outfits that are Pleasant Company. Like you, I am finished but I will always love those first PC dolls for their quality, charm, and outstanding play value.

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