Changes for my Little Darling’s Patriotic dress…

First of all, how about an update on the baby birdies just outside my kitchen window… after all, I do have a “birds-eye” view of them…

Turns out they aren’t Mockingbirds, but Sparrows… Yep, I’ve seen the mama several times fly to the bush and then fly away… She must mix the feed she picks up at the feeder or on the ground, with water, because she almost always stops at the bird bath, just in front of the holly bush, and gets some water before going into the bush. Anyway, I snapped that picture and those baby birds looked scared out of their minds… They were as still as statures too! I don’t know how many there are, but I think at least 3, and maybe more. I think there were 5 eggs… so there could be a hole passel of them… (Maybe it’s the Clark birds!) :o)

Okay, I’ve made some changes in Lian’s dress since yesterday. First of all, that bodice I had on the dress yesterday wasn’t working for me either… I’ll show you why… See how the armholes look on the first one?

They were perfect but the neckline was too large. So I fixed the neckline and got it right… but the armholes were still too large to suit me…

So I took my pattern AGAIN and modified it and I think this third one is good! It has the closer neckline and the closer to the armholes look I wanted. I also added 3 smaller red buttons because with the checks and the print and the red and white fabric, I thought it was too much to have polka dot buttons…

Since I redid the whole bodice, I decided to make it sewn into the waistline this time… I trimmed it so it’s not bulky…

You can see I added some buttons to the first tier of the skirt…

Joy asked about the back of the dress and how was I going to make the ruffles meet… It was just a matter of lining them up evenly… well, as evenly as I could get them…

I thought I’d show you the inside too… one side just barely had enough fabric to turn back… You can see the snaps are all sewn on too…

I decided to make a blue hat so I could add a red fringed flower on it… (Marilyn wanted a fringed flower!) I used my machine and edge stitched it in red…

It’s sort of Patriotic but very pretty for several times throughout the year…

Lian was thrilled with it and wanted to show you a few more poses…

Here’s one last picture of it a bit closer…

Sadly, this will probably be all I can do on this until after my hubby’s knee surgery… I’m running out of time to do things that absolutely have to get done…

But I’ll write something… it probably just won’t show any new sewing pictures…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

19 thoughts on “Changes for my Little Darling’s Patriotic dress…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Lian’s dress turned out just darling, and her hat is a cute addition to the ensemble. I think we have a winner, here!!

    When is George’s surgery, Jeanne? I didn’t see the link to your blog in my website tonight, and wondered if it was today, or something, but when I looked up your blog with the web address, it was here. (And now I see the link in my emails, too.)

    BTW, I replied to Joy’s, Kathie’s, and Anne’s posts in yesterday’s entry.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      I thought the same thing about the Clark sisters and their names. 🙂

    2. Thank you Charlotte!
      I like it just laying flat on my table… I think that’s a good sign I did something right after all!
      My hubby’s surgery is Monday about 1:45 I think. It was supposed to be at 8:00 that morning, but they called today and changed it… He was really hoping for the early morning slot… but guess things changed.
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Adorable, Jeanne! I’m talking about the dress ensemble, not the birds, although they are cute too! I like the smaller buttons, and think the way the skirt and bodice are pieced together is much better now. I love the boho “fringe” look too, and that flowered hat is perfect! Now all Lian needs is a pair of cute flip flops, and you had pictures of some in your Etsy shop, but where is your Etsy shop? You don’t seem to have a link that I can see.

    It looks like a rainy day ahead, but that’s fine with me! I can get things done inside without having to worry about watering outside! Next week we will be in the 90’s and we will be praying for rain!

    1. I’m glad you like it Linda, and so happy for the way it turned out. I like the ruffles very much now… unlike a few days ago… when I created “whatever that was!” :o(
      I think I’m going to try my hand at a pair of sandals for Lian… she doesn’t have the slit between her toes like the RRFF dolls so, but I think I can make a cute pair of sandals.

      I took the link down to my Etsy shop when I thought I had been hacked… I haven’t put it back up yet…

      Next week is supposed to be unbearable… not looking forward to it… but it is what it is…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Joy in northern CA

    So glad to hear that you have sparrows and not mockingbirds. 🙂 And yes, they do mix whatever they are feeding the tiny ones with water before regurgitating (kind of gross) the food to each chick. 🙂 It is fun to watch the crows around here do the same. Once they can fly, mom brings them to our deck railing to have a snack from the bowl of cat food we provide. However, they often just stand there squawking until mom feeds them. Oh, my the wonders of nature. 🙂
    The dress has become a decorators dream. Love the introduction of the large star buttons. Really adds some interest. Thanks for sharing how you did the back ruffles. They look so nicely done.
    Wren Feathers is having her sew along again this year with 18″ patterns incase anyone is interested. Just started today with a pair of felt boots. I’ll probably mess with them and see if I can reduce the pattern. But, it will take a trip to Joann’s to find some felt in a color I like. 🙂
    So, when are Rebecca/Karn arriving? I forgot.

    1. HI Joy,
      I didn’t realize the birds mixed their seeds with water for the babies… 65 years old and I didn’t know that! Until you just “learned” me! :o)
      Thanks for your compliments on the dress. Glad you like it… me too!
      I looked at Wren Feathers and saw that pattern for the boots… they looked promising…
      Rebecca and Karn are getting her Sunday… hopefully before we leave… She’s going to let us know more tomorrow night… they stopped off at a friend of hers in St. Louis for tonight and tomorrow night…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Best wishes for George’s surgery. Hopefully this time it will be perfect.
    The bodice could not be any better… the fit is snug but not too tight.
    I wondered if there would be something for her head🤔…that hat is one of the cutest you have made. I’m hoping there will be some flip flops🥰 what a great emsemble!

    1. Thanks so much Kathie,
      I appreciate your kind comments so much! After the start I had with this dress, it’s a wonder anyone had anything good to say about it… But somehow, miraculously, it worked out.. Yay!
      I can’t do flip flops because the LD’s don’t have split toes, but I’m hoping for a pair of sandals… I hope I can get them right the first try…
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    Cute dress and I love the hat. The buttons on the skirt are perfect.

    What a great vantage point you have for watching the maturing baby birds. We have a bird that likes our tree outside the bathroom window for her nest but it’s not where I can see it from inside. One day I was walking by and saw this poor injured bird having trouble like she had a broken wing. I remembered that mother birds will do that if something is near their nest so I moved on. I had seen this on nature shows but seeing it up close and personal was pretty amazing. She puts the nest up so I high I can’t even take a peek.

    1. Thank you Barbara, for your sweet comments. I’m very happy with it now… finally!

      We have birds here called Killdere that play like they have a broken wing to keep you from getting too close to their nests… I think they are about the most dramatic ones I know of… You can even find videos of them acting hurt… :o) Anything for those babies protection!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Marilyn in Colorado

    I was right about the fringed flower on Lian’s hat. It looks like a cross between a flower and fireworks — very nice for a red, white, and blue outfit.

    All the best to George for his surgery and to you during your long wait.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      You are SO right… it does look like an exploding firework! Thanks for suggesting it… I was probably just going to use buttons… but NOW we have fireworks! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Aww, sweet sparrows. I LOVE sparrows! The reason I thought Mockingbirds is is the first photo to showed the eggs looked bluish with the brown speckles on my laptop.

    Lian’s dress is cutely casual which is perfect for summertime events.
    The fringed flower Marilyn requested is lovely.

    Joy, I got the Wren Feathers email also and it looks like fun

    1. Hi Laura,
      I love sparrows too! She seems to be a good mama… always flitting back and forth for those babies… I hope to get a picture again soon…

      Yes, Marilyn was right about the fringed flower…and she even suggested it looked like a firework… I think it does too!

      I saw the boots pattern too… happy felting! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the outfit looks adorable. Lian looks proud to be wearing it.

    We will hold you and your husband in prayer.

    In case I don’t get to post tomorrow, I want to wish everyone a Happy World Doll Day! My doll club is having it’s annual luncheon tomorrow so the day will be very busy.

    Here is a link to information about the World Doll Day celebration:

    On this day, we in the doll world, give a doll to a child or adult collector. This wonderful tradition allows us to share our dolly love with others.

    Dolly hugs to Jeanne and the Sofa Sisters!

    1. Thank you Dorothy,
      Lian does enjoy this set… but right now, she’s standing in the nude because I was going to try my hand at some shoes for her… maybe sandals…

      I’m going to check out your link to World Doll Day… I hope you have a nice time at your luncheon tomorrow… Are you taking a doll with you and if so, who gets to go?

      Oh, you may be taking a doll to someone… just read that part…
      Dolly hugs back to you, Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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