The next doll up is waiting for her dress…

I had a really busy weekend and this is some of what happened…

Remember the hole we had to cut in the stairway to get the sewer router down into the pipe in the basement? It looked like this…

Well, my hubby saved the plug he cut out, we glued it back in, spackled the rough edges, sanded it, painted it, and viola!! Lookie…no more hole!!

We had a lovely baby shower for a sweet friend and it’s pretty obvious she’s having a girl. Here are a few pictures from that…

When I got home from the shower, I wanted desperately to straighten up my fabric shelf… It has been “askew” for a few weeks and was driving me crazy… it’s the first thing you see when you walk into my sewing room and I decided I was going to take a little time and get it back in order… I got the top 4 shelves done… and, “ahhhh” … much better! :o)

As I was putting my fabrics back where they belonged, I saw these 2 fat quarters laying beside Rozen… remember I told you she would be getting a dress from them?

Well, I got it cut out, but that’s all…

She is VERY happy!! :o) Just look at that smile! :o)

I’ll see what I can get done on it Monday!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

8 thoughts on “The next doll up is waiting for her dress…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, I am impressed–you can’t even see where the hole was! Great job!

    I love the decorations for the baby shower. Definitely “girly”!!

    Your fabric shelves look beautiful! If I didn’t know you better, I’d say you had a partiality to blues!! 😂

    That really is a pretty fabric for Rozen. Can’t wait to see what you do with it!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Are you kidding me, Jeanne? There was a hole in that wall? George can really do it all!

    That balloon arrangement for the shower is beautiful! Can’t imagine how long that took to put it together, and I love the little sprays of tiny flowers among them. So pretty and everything looks so feminine! I had no idea what I was going to have when i was expecting, so things like this weren’t done. I believe the only time you would have an ultrasound done, was when there were concerns about something wrong with the baby, so it was something you sure didn’t want to go through!

    Yes, I see what you mean about the fabrics! It kind of gets me dizzy looking at it!! 🙂

    So blue for Rozen! She certainly looks happy about that color choice!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Great patch job on the door threshold. Hope you don’t ever have to use it again. 🙂
    You’re so lucky to have those display shelves for your fun fabrics. Around here, I still have not found the right belt match on that Easter dress, so yesterday, switched to lace. I think that will finally work. Only have to tack it in a few places and that dress will finally be done. 🙂
    So nice of you and friends to throw a baby shower. I would love to see the presents inside the wrappings. 🙂
    Looks like Masha is arriving today. I expect to definitely be caught on this one. No place to hide. 🙁

  4. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, another home project tackled! The fabric shelves look lovely.

    I saw Ed yesterday at the Lancaster Doll Show/Sale. He said to say hello to the ladies on the site. He had a few of the Fashion Friends dolls and one Dianna Effner Li’l Dreamer doll.

    I tried not to purchase a doll but I decided to get a Mary Hoyer doll. I had been eyeing these dolls for a while. I got a newer one as opposed to one of the classics. The dolls were made here in PA initially by Mary Hoyer herself and now by her granddaughter, Mary Lynne. Mary Hoyer created sewing and knitting patterns for these dolls.

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      oh, Dorothy, you will LOVE your new Mary Hoyer doll!! I have several (have been getting them for maybe 20 years now) and have met Lynne Saunders several times at MH events she’s down out here on the west coast. They are such lovely dolls! I hope you’ll share pictures when you get her!! Have fun!! My MH dolls are very excited to get a new MH cousin!!

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Arrghh!! That should say I’ve met Lynne Saunders several times at events she’s DONE here on the west coast!!

  5. That patch is invisible now….good job.
    Your eye catching that fabric for Rosen is right on! Matches her eyes so well and she likes it…you can tell by her Smile.☺️
    The shower was fun I’m sure….a friend has the Balloon decorating franchise here. I didn’t know it was all over. They do a great job…I’d like to watch them do it. Has to be time consuming…but so pretty!😍
    If the crazy wind ever stops we may actually have Spring.
    Have a good week!

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