Of course my Ruby Red Fashion Friend, Rozen, HAD to get shoes to match her purse…

Thanks everyone, for your prayers for my hubby’s procedure Thursday. His doctor said the Watchman Implant inside his heart has healed nicely and he was given the go ahead to get off the blood thinners. Oh happy day! :o) They had some trouble getting the camera down his throat and he has a very sore throat, but other than that, he’s good! Thank you!

Now, Rozen was super thrilled to get that leather purse yesterday, but you should have seen her face when I told her I was going to attempt to make her a pair of leather shoes to go with it! And when I got them finished, she was all in for a photo shoot!

I spent a big part of my time tweaking the pattern I had used when I made her the fabric shoes to match her debut dress. (She is a stunner in this color fabric!) I knew it from the very beginning! :o)

They were fabric and self-lined and fairly easy to make… but the leather is thicker, doesn’t have to be lined, but the fit needs to be tighter on her foot to keep them secure. I finally just copied around her bare foot to get a snug fit and revised the upper part of the shoe so it sat lower on the front of her foot.

Fast forward to my teal leather shoes… (I know my pictures look blue, but they are really a teal color.)

I wanted to make them with tiny little straps but didn’t have any dolly sized buckles, so that was out…

Then I wanted to make them with my new flower punch that I ordered, but it’s not supposed to arrive now until Monday. Rats!

But I did remember I had gone to a bead shop with Rebecca and picked up 3 tiny sets of thin leather flowers… orange, green and white… Yay… and I found them in my sewing room. They were on the dolly shelf, so I wouldn’t lose them and I remembered I had put them behind the dolls!

So here are some pictures…

I stitched them together using a saddle stitch and trimmed them as close as I could to my stitching.

Then I sealed the edges and sanded and burnished them… the leather I used for the soles but a bit too soft so they are a bit wavy instead of firm.

I didn’t know exactly how long to make the leather to be able to wrap it around her heel… I’m still working on getting the back of the shoes to look better…

Rozen seems quite happy with them…

Now, here is something strange… the whole time I was working on adding the flowers, I was just looking at the right shoe and then the left shoe, trying to get them evenly placed and mimicking each other. I didn’t notice ANY difference in them UNTIL I saw them when I was putting them in my post just now…

Look at this one…

…and now the other one…

See anything?

One has teeny tiny pin pricks in it and the other one has some but not nearly punched as hard. I NEVER noticed it until I had these 2 pictures blown up about 8″ by 8″ on my post. I don’t think it’s enough to worry about and I might try pricking a few more holes in the one which has less… It’s obvious since I’ve pointed it out, but I just went back to my sewing room and gave it a look to see how I could have missed this, but as I was standing there looking at them and them being 1/2″ in size as compared to 3″ on the screen, you can really only notice it if you are looking for it.

So, after all that work, these aren’t perfect… I never said they were, but at least you know now…

Here is one final look at Rozen showing off her new “accessories!”

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “Of course my Ruby Red Fashion Friend, Rozen, HAD to get shoes to match her purse…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    How wonderful, that George can get off bloodthinners now! Yay!! That is worthy of a celebration. I hope his throat is feeling better; maybe dinner out would be a good way to celebrate?!

    Rozen’s new shoes are lovely! How nice, that you had just the right color/shape of flowers to echo the print! No, I really didn’t notice the tiny pinpricks until you pointed them out. Whoever wins this outfit is going to have one very happy doll!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    I first flipped through the pictures before reading your comments, Jeanne, and thought why in the world did she make those shoes with that pattern for the new dress, and you said they were matching! So those were from another dress set! I like the way you added the spunky flowers on the shoes to make them look daintier and more ladylike, and no, I did not notice any pin pricks until you mentioned them! I guess I would think that was the way the flowers were in the first place, no problem with that! So now Rozen has a dress, slip, purse and shoes! anything for her head? A pretty bow made of the same fabric of the dress? I guess we will see tomorrow!

    So glad to hear that George is doing well, but understandably has a sore throat. You mentioned that he asked for mashed potatoes for dinner. We too had mashed potatoes, and while making them, I thought of you, making them too!

    And the rain keeps coming! Its a good day to stay in again!

  3. Marilyn in Colorado

    We need some of Linda’s rain here — the water from our mountain feeds the Colorado river and the Southwest. The weather reports promise rain, and then it doesn’t happen.

    In case I forgot this yesterday, here are the prizewinning quilts from this year’s show in Padukah

    and here is the winning quilt from a couple of years ago — my sister Sue lives in a small town in Colorado– the winner was her neighbor


    1. Hi Marilyn,
      Whenever I click on that big long link you posted, it usnt showing quilts but engraved glass glasses from amazon…
      Paducah KY is just about an hour from me but I didn’t make it there this year. I have gone for years and years to the quilt show…
      Loved seeing all the vendors!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Sounds like someone needs to invent a smaller camera for these procedures. Hope George is feeling better today.
    How funny Linda, but I was thinking the same thing when I saw the pink and blue shoes. Will Rozen have some tights or little socks Jeanne? I always worry about dye color transfer to the doll vinyl. I would love to see some springy little fabric sandals with the next Ruby Red fashion outfit. Shorts and a cute summer top? or a sweet sundress? Or a vintage style swimsuit. I’d love that. 🙂 Just thinking ahead. Oh, and how about a balloon skirt? Haven’t seen those in a long time, but I love how they drape.
    Thanks for sharing the quilt winners Marilyn. How exciting that your sister’s neighbor was a past winner. Amazing quilt.
    More sunny lovely weather here and like Marilyn not a drop of rain in sight.

  5. Sally from Colorado

    Hello sofa sisters.
    Jeanne, I am glad George is off the blood thinners and sorry he needs round three on the knee. Seems like this next one better be final, and I hope a different (and young) surgeon. You have my prayers for sure.
    This dress is a smashing color and perfect on Rozen. Your leather skills are progressing rapidly. I am in Joy’s camp though. You have mastered these little dresses and they are treasures, but with your amazing talent, I would suggest you challenge yourself to different kinds of ensembles with unusual pieces like you did with Monkey Business. Someone suggested your timing of auctions might impact your results, and that may be true. I also think, though, that seeing something very different coming from your shop for these RR dolls would also attract a larger audience and price. Just my humble, crumby two cents. Joy’s ideas sound great to me. Meanwhile, this is a truly gorgeous set indeed. Absolutely.
    I have enjoyed everyone’s pictures and stories over the past several weeks and thank you all for sharing them.
    Most of our trip was really lovely, but the end was a nightmare. I tested neg to fly home, my husband positive and he had to stay in Amsterdam another 10 days. Then my DIL and her mother tested positive but were asymptomatic. So many conflicting protocols and information. Well, we picked up my hubby at DIA Tuesday late afternoon, the mother flew back to Seattle on Wednesday, and my dear DIL is in the air now for Boston. Good to be home. I don’t think Covid is ever, ever going to go away.
    My best to all of you wonderful, dear ladies and especially our dear Jeanne Marie. ❤️🙌👏

  6. I’m so glad all is ok with George, off the blood thinners, Yay!!

    Yes, that color is beautiful on Rozen,, I love the whole outfit,

  7. Another “winner, winner chicken dinner!” Rozen is such a great model and all the fabulous leather accessories are striking. She will not be happy when all of those things go out the door.
    Maybe just a flat hair band or ribbon would be all she needs for her hair?
    Make poor George some Jello with applesauce…always a must for sickies around here😉
    We need a rain dance too…. When it is forecasted we get just a dribble. 🙁
    Have a good weekend!

  8. Karen from Kentucky

    I am glad to hear that your husband has healed well. I hope his throat feels better soon. Rozen looks very nice in her charming outfit. I especially like the fabric shoes that you made for her earlier.

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    A very nice ensemble for the Fashion Friends. Your leather skills are really taking flight. I’d forgotten about the fabric shoes you made previously for Rozen. They are so cute and I’m sure easier than the leather shoes. I have a Kruseling doll who has shoes that look like Rozen’s leather shoes with the flowers. They are so tiny. It was fun seeing that style in a (much) larger size.

    How wonderful for George. When David was on blood thinners after his surgeries he was almost afraid to do things. He does so much with his hands using tools and it’s rare for him to not hurt himself in some way. Usually it’s no big deal but taking blood thinners it sure could be. I was glad when they took him off them.

    I understand the frustration with those who can’t get rain. So often in the summer it rains around us but we get left out. I’ve even seen storms on radar that head our way and actually split and go around us. Once one of the weathermen from a Houston channel was giving a talk at our church. I asked him if he knew why that was. He hadn’t a clue.

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