When making doll shoes, I can be my own worst critic…

Being a shoe cobbler can be messy…


There IS a black table underneath all this stuff… I’ve got my paper patterns I’m trying to get perfected, all my leather tools I use, stitching thread, scissors, the sealer for the edges, leather scraps, a few different punches and awls and a whole lot more…

These are some clips I use to hold the soles in place after they are glued on… my hubby thinks they are funny looking when I put them on the shoes…

I worked most of the evening and got a pair of boots “almost” finished, but I don’t think they’ll be going with the pink coat… they aren’t good enough to me… They look “okay” from a distance, but up close… they are a bit crooked…

You see, when you make a pattern and then you punch all the holes along the edges for stitching them together… you HAVE HAVE HAVE to have to same number of holes on the soles as you do on the upper part of the shoes… I counted and punched 19 holes on the soles BUT BUT BUT I punched 20 holes on the upper part of the shoe and the heel section… Well, let me tell you, when you try to stitch 19 holes onto 20 holes, it DOESN’T work… and you know why? Because they get twisted and crooked… that’s what happened to mine…

Actually I discovered my mistake on the right shoe, and corrected it on the left one, but that didn’t help much… now I have one half way decent shoe and one that is sorely crooked…

I know where I went wrong and what mistakes need to be corrected and I have already drafted a new “revised” pattern that SHOULD work much better now. Making doll shoes is truly about trial and error… you try something and if you make a mistake, you fix it and try again… and sometimes again and again until you get it right… I know what I need to do!

The soles aren’t finished on these either… but Ten Ping, trying to be an encourager…said, “Oh, come on, let’s show them… maybe nobody will notice!”

Dolls… it’s always about the modeling with them, isn’t it?

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

12 thoughts on “When making doll shoes, I can be my own worst critic…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    OH, my goodness, what you don’t go thru to get a pair of shoes or boots made for our dolls!! And you’re right, the number of holes do have to be the same in order to match and come out even!! BUT…you are partway there, and I think Ten Ping is looking a little happier tonight, knowing that she, too, will get some pretty new boots!! Then she can say “neener neener” to Navi, as she prances around the workroom in her Own new boots!! 😂🤣😂

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    That is amazing to see what you have to go through for a pair of shoes or boots, Jeanne! I don’t think I would have the patience for that! Do you do all this in your sewing room? If you can do this, you can easily make jewelry too!

    Ten Ping needs a bit more patience and soon she will be modeling “perfect” new boots made just for her! Almost there!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Oh, no! Punxsutawney Phil, saw his shadow. Six more weeks of winter. Sorry for all getting snow. Wish it were here.
    I think Ten likes the shoes with 19 or 20 holes. Dolls can be very forgiving I’ve found. I don’t see the mistake, but know you want perfection. Looking forward to seeing them tomorrow or when you find time to fix them. I do like her little checked temporary cover up. Maybe she needs a dress in checks? 🙂
    Have you ever made little furry animals like pups? I think she would like a very tiny one. 🙂
    Off to feed the cat as I heard her familiar thump when she clears the gate. 🙂

  4. Kathie from Omaha

    Your shoes always look so nice…and on those super tiny feet too! I think anyone buying them is pleased with the metallic ones because they will go with everything.I’ll try and remember the equal number of holes on top and bottom if I ever get brave enough to try making some.
    6 more weeks of winter here is very normal….in fact the few times the Groundhog didn’t see his shadow it was worse! I always thought Groundhogs were cute until I walked in the kitchen and one was under my table! They are not so cute up close. Freaked me out! It was very hot and I ran in the house to use the Biffy and there was that critter. I had left the door to the patio open a crack. Luckily he turned and ran back out😳

  5. Little Ten Ping looks very happy to have some little silver boots. Your talent for making shoes gets better and better. I’m sure you will master making shoes for all doll feet soon.
    Those who live in the snowy areas, keep warm and stay safe out on the roads if you have to go out.

  6. Happy Candlemas Day and Groundhog Day, everyone! Did anyone else catch that today’s date is written 2/2/22? Well, Buckeye Chuck did NOT see his shadow . so an early spring is in store for us. It’s completely overcast here today and raining. We are expecting more snow and ice. I think my poor snowdrops are still buried under the snow.

    Wow, those boots are difficult, especially on such tiny feet. i’m sure you’ll get it, Jeanne. Ten Ping does look more cheerful knowing she will get her own pair.

  7. Sally from Colorado

    Jeanne, congratulations on last night’s auction, and very interesting pictures of boot making, especially on this scale. Oh, my aching head. I think that would drive me bonkers, but maybe if I were 20 years younger, I might think it fun. Good for you and good for matching holes! 👍👏

    Dorothy in PA and the World….is everything all right? When you commented late yesterday, you asked about any sisters going to any doll conventions this summer, and added you probably wouldn’t be able to go. That was a red flag to me. I have been thinking about you lately and wanted to ask if you had been at any fun tea parties lately. Well, dear lady, I dearly hope you are all right and still having lots of doll fun with your local doll pals. Sending a hug.

    OY. Old Sal JUST took down our Christmas tree and I’m exhausted traipsing up and down the steep cellar stairs and in and out of the side garage. But glory hallelujah, it is done. Raise the flag! Time for a nap. Got 5” snow last night. It has warmed up to 14 but with the wind, like 2. Bracing!

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sally, hello. Yep, all is well. The writing projects that I have been putting off for months have all caught up with me and now I am trying to get them done (sigh).

      The conventions are not near PA. Madame Alexander Doll Club convention is in Spokane and UFDC is in St. Louis. I don’t fly and the train is a gazillion dollars. I checked.

      Yes, tea parties are still happening. We had one last month. One is set for Saturday. We are so happy that the tearoom didn’t close. I am only going to one or two a month until the weather gets better. In December I went to six (crazy, right?).

      And speaking of weather, I am not happy with Phil for seeing his shadow. I think I am going to start a petition and get him sent to another state. Anyone want Phil???

      Thanks for the hug. My dollies and I send one back to you.

  8. Marilyn in Colorado

    I wonder how many of us have Ten Pings. Are there enough for a just for us auction of the slightly imperfect boots?
    Groundhog Day, and there’s enough light here for him to see his shadow — the problem is that no one here can see the ground. Schools are closed and probably some stores because neither employees nor customers can reach them. Fortunately for me, I got groceries Monday.
    So — it’s definitely coat and boot weather and they are selling well — do you have more lovely warm-looking fur around? I’d think 2-3 more coat, stocking, and boot sets would be well-received by people lookin out at the same scene I am.

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I know you will work out the boot issue.

    I love Marilyn’s idea! You can set a price for the boots; put names of interested Sisters in a hat; and pick a name.

    I hope you and the Sofa Sisters are safe and snug at home.

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