Doll Shoe Cobblering… but not for Ten Ping…

Oh my goodness, I just checked and there were 28 comments on today’s post… since it was midnight when I checked… I had to just read them to see what the gist of the day was about… that silly little silver dress I whipped up (actually just so Ten Ping wouldn’t be standing there as a nudie…) seemed to be a hit… maybe I’ll have to see if I can’t “refine” one a little better and include it…

As far as the snow goes… we got hit this time… not terribly, maybe 2-3″, but I didn’t go anywhere today… underneath the snow is a layer of sleet… so I’ll just stay busy in my sewing room…

The birds were going crazy over the birdfeeder… my hubby filled it up 2 times I think… They were waiting on a limb beside the feeder to get a chance at getting to it…

Here is a 13 second video of what was happening at our bird feeder…

I did make a little hat for Ten Ping, but that’s all I got done for her, so I’ll save it for when I have her coat finished… and some more pictures taken… hopefully in the snow, or beside the snow… :o)

I found a You Tube video of a guy making doll boots totally in a different way than most people make them… the video is only 15 minutes long and it’s in Japanese, but I’m a visual learner, so I copied his ideas and made a pair of boots for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends… I wanted to try something a little bigger this time… and I think I learned a lot from his video… He is SUPER GOOD at making these tiny little leather shoes…

You Tube Video for making Leather Doll Boots

Anyway, I made a pair of blue leather boots and Stella volunteered to model them for me. They are different in that you glue your pieces down and THEN punch your holes all at one time so there’s no matching up this hole to the hole on the sole… I need to tweak this pattern I drafted just a little bit but it’s pretty close. I need to make the sole more narrow instead of being so wide… I did trace the outline of the silver boots Freida came in, so I have the basic shape of the sole that fits her foot. That might be a big help to getting them to fit closer to her foot.

A few of you suggested using a Dremel sander tool. My hubby has one and I tried it, but they are pretty powerful and one fraction of slip and it eats into your stitching. See, you make the whole boot, stitching and all, and then you trim off the soles as narrow as you can with a knife. Then you sand the edges and seal them… I do have a very sharp Exacto knife and tried using it, but it was pretty scary cutting so close to the stitching… If you cut through the stitching, the whole boot is ruined… you can’t fix it! Waaaaahhh! :o(

But gluing the layers of the sole together really helped… I do think I need some thinner, yet still a bit stiff, sole leather… some vegetable tanned leather… I’ll have to look at Hobby Lobby and see if they have some… I’m sure they do.

So here are a few more pictures of what I accomplished today… all in all, I was pretty pleased and now something in blue or denim will work well with these…

You wet the leather to get it to comform to the shape you want. I put the Sculpy foot molds I made in the boots and will let them dry overnight… then the toes will be rounded and stay that shape… (I had taken this picture earlier, after the boots had been wet, but will still put the foot molds into the boots overnight just to help them conform.)

Well, I better get to bed…
See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

30 thoughts on “Doll Shoe Cobblering… but not for Ten Ping…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I noticed lots of comments on that little dress, too. I think it’s a winner, or will be when you’ve tweaked it to your satisfaction!

    Sometimes it just takes a different person’s viewpoint for that “aha!” moment–gluing, Then punching, I mean.

    Unless there is a smaller and less powerful Dremel, that probably isn’t going to be your best thing to use on those little boots. That’s why I suggested a good old-fashioned sanding block (sandpaper wrapped around a block of wood). You can make it small if you need to, and, although it’s slower and more labor-intensive than a Dremel, you have a lot more control over it.

    Barbara, I enjoyed your story about David discovering that box with Kayla in it! Too funny! Now, see, if you’re a bit messy, it’s easier to “bury” things! Haha….

    Several people remarked on thimbles, and using them. I had to really discipline myself! I would put it on my middle finger–and then push the needle in with a different finger! Finally I decided I was Going to learn how to use it, and I made a conscious effort to use that thimble as much as I could. Eventually (I think it took several weeks of off-and-on stitching) it became more comfortable to sew or stitch (I use it for embroidery and smocking, too) using it, and I got to the point where I would forget I was wearing it when I went to do something else!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I guess I better figure out how to make that little silver dress with the 2 holes cut out for arms… :o)

      I have been searching for a sanding tool that is on a stick, kind of like the one he used in the video. I think the white tool with the black roller wheel was a polisher…

      I tried using a thimble, especially on the leather projects, but I guess I wasn’t patient enough… I gave up and just decided to punch holes in my fingers! :o)
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        Jeanne, I think you could just glue or nail a piece of sandpaper onto a small piece of wood. I’ll bet that’s what he did! For small areas, use a dowel with sandpaper wrapped around it, or a small, narrow block (maybe long, but small and narrow, say 1x1x6″ or so) so you can hang onto it, but still have that flat area with sandpaper on it. Worth a try, anyway! Or maybe check miniature-making sites (like dollhouses or model railroads) and see if they have something.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Your snow pictures are so pretty, Jeanne! We got around 8 or 9 inches, and today is the day to go out and try to clear some of it off the driveway, although it won’t get us very far, since the streets haven’t been touched yet. But it’s a way to get outside and some fresh air!

    Yes, that little silver dress is just the thing Ten Ping needs to go underneath her new pink coat! Valentine Sparkle is just the name for that little outfit!

    Charlotte, I was cleaning out drawers yesterday and happened to come across my old thimble and spoon collection from various places we have visited. Forgot all about those! They really aren’t to be used, just displayed, but it was fun to see them again! I never could figure out why in the world anyone would use a thimble! You put it on your finger, then it was just something in the way! I had no idea you were supposed to push the needle with the thimble, since I just pushed it along the sides!

    1. HI Linda,
      I went outside to the garage today and I think we got more than 2-3 inches.. more like 4-5 inches. It was pretty deep!

      Thanks for the name Valentine Sparkle… I’m going to use it and that will make me HURRY and get it listed… If for some reason I don’t make it in time for VD… I might just call it Pink Sparkle… but I’m hoping for Valentine Sparkle!

      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Well, for heavenā€™s sakes, my comment about the boots is missing, and thatā€™s the topic of the blog today! I mentioned that those blue boots are darling, and would work very well with a denimā€œsomethingā€! It does seem to me, though, that many RRFF dolls already come with boots on. I am missing some Jeanne Marie dresses to comment on!

    1. Linda,
      Thanks for the compliments on the blue boots today. I’m getting there… slowly but surely!
      I haven’t forgotten that I’m a seamstress… there will be something coming soon for a doll that’s not a RRFF! :o)
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Dorothy L - near Pgh Pa

    Love all the boots, the blue color ones are so versatile, like denim goes with most things. I think a raffle for your mistakes or discards would be wonderful!

    For the other Dorothy (in Pa and the World) just so you know Victoria is the same face mold as Luca. I couldnā€™t get Victoria either but I did get Luca, changed the wig and redressed him/her and so cute. Lighter skin tone than Victoria but still adorable.
    Keep off the ice everyone and have a great day!
    Dorothy L

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sofa Sister Dorothy, I did not know this. I will take a look at Luca. I really like that face mold.

      How about that Phil seeing his shadow. I am certainly not happy with him (smile).

      1. We were talking with Rebecca and Karn a few nights ago and Karn was giving us the statistics on Phil being correct about predicting the weather. It seems to me like it’s about 50/50 of Phil getting it right. I hope he’s wrong this time! I’m ready for Spring… May would be nice! :o)
        Thanks Dorothy,
        Blessings, Jeanne

    2. HI Dorothy,
      I’m glad you like the blue boots.. so does Stella, and now she thinks she’s next in line to model again… but I told her she needed to be patient… there are other girls who want to wear something pretty too!

      I thought Victoria was a Luca mold and once I realized it, I debated about doing the same thing as you did… but then Freida came out and I was sunk! I HAD to get her!

      We made it OUT of our driveway, but got stuck getting back IN the driveway. I had to get out and make sure road was clear both directions so my hubby could back out in the road and make a run at it… he got up the driveway, but then got stuck on the top… couldn’t get IN the garage until he shoveled some of the snow out of the way. I’m done for a day or two… :o)
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Oh boy, snow!! It’s beautiful. How fun. Love your gazebo photo. Now, about those cars? Don’t you have a garage? I thought you did. That’s where I’d park, if one was available. šŸ™‚ Fortunately, you only got a few inches of snow, so getting it off the cars shouldn’t be a problem. Or so I think. šŸ™‚
    Interesting about the Japanese shoe making. I wonder if you can get subtitles in English? I somehow don’t think that Ukrainian shoe guy uses sandpaper on his shoes, but something to make smooth edges on all of the leather pieces as well as the soles. Maybe a special die cutting machine? I wonder if a very sharp blade would prevent the rough leather edges? Don’t know, but with your expertise, you’ll figure it out. The blue boots are sweet. Love the color.
    What a wonderful flock of birds. I kept looking for the feeder, but figured it must be behind the bush? So nice that the birds have food with that very cold weather. I’m sure you have seen all of the frozen iguanas falling out of trees in Florida. At least your birds won’t meet that fate.
    Keep warm everyone in cold country.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      And I forgot. Valentine Hanna arrived yesterday afternoon. Other person was taking a nap just a few feet away from the front door, and didn’t hear her arrival. Neither did I. I happened to check the map again to see the location of the UPS truck, and it said delivered? What? Looked out the bedroom window and there was the package on the porch. How did I miss that? The truck must not have had many more deliveries after the UPS store and headed to our house. So, I was fortunate that other person woke up and headed to another room giving me just enough time to snatch the box off of the porch and place it in a hidden location. Later, I pulled her box from the shipper and checked to be sure that I had Hanna which I did. She’s still in the box and undressed, but hopefully, there will be a few moments today. Phew! šŸ™‚

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Joy, I just love your stories!

        When someone makes a film about doll collectors, you and Other Person are going to have staring roles. Oh, wait, maybe not because then Other Person will know the truth. Hmmm, we will have to work on that (chuckle).

        1. You aren’t the only one who loves them… If I EVER write a book, I’ll have to get the “rights” from Joy to publish a few of her stories!

    2. HI Joy,
      Yes, we do have a single car garage and the Rav goes in there now… :o)

      We got more snow than I thought we did… I think 4-5 inches of the stuff. In fact we got stuck getting back IN our driveway this afternoon… George had to do a little shoveling to get it in the garage.

      I do have a sharp bladed knife, but the thicker the leather the harder it is to cut… I’ve debated about a Cricut Maker 3, but that’s a lot of money for doll shoes. It seems like all the Russians and Chinese and Japanese and Belarus people cut theirs out by hand… so I figure I can too. It’s just a matter of finding out what works… I’m on the lookout for a new sanding tool.

      No, I haven’t seen the iguanas falling out of the trees… I’ll have to search for that!
      I went to the Food Pantry… actually George and I BOTH went, so I’ve done my good deed for the day… I’m in for now… it’s cold and breezy out, so I’m in my sewing room as soon as dinner is over!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Marilyn in Colorado

    I’m glad you are thinking of creating a real silver dress for Ten Ping. It really is a winner.
    The new boots are really cute and a denim outfit will work nicely unless you have coat fabric that will go well with blue — we have sun today but it’s shining on several inches of snow. Definitely coat weather.
    Nevertheless we are halfway to spring and denim will soon be the “in” material, and you already have a cute pattern for denim. I’m pretty sure you’ll come up with something new as well. Maybe we can all start coming up with denim ideas — a denim jumper with a casual corduroy coat?

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I guess I better put on my thinking cap and see how I can make this silver dress magically turn into one that is acceptable!
      Yes, denim will be seen soon and very soon.. maybe something denim for one of my girls, or maybe a coat with a blue dress underneath! :o)

      I have wanted to thank you for the longest time and never seem to get around to it, so while I’m writing to you, I wanted to thank you for the Advent Calendar… I loved it and every day I opened up a new page, I saw things that reminded me of other things…
      Of course the pigeons reminded me of my hubby’s love of birds…

      He also had a student worker named Valarie who ended up at the San Antonio Zoo. She worked in the Penguin area and was in charge of the Emperor Penguins! She loved her job… I’m not sure if she’s still there or not.

      The tree that you could decorate had ornaments to pick from, and one of my favorites were the little birds that had tail feathers on them. You put them on your tree with a clip… George’s mom had those on her tree and I ended up with them when she died. I use them every year on our tree…

      I enjoyed seeing all the different things at Christmas time and didn’t want another day to go by before I thanked you! What a sweetie to send it to me…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I have to laugh every time Joy posts details of receiving a doll and trying to grab it while her ā€œ other personā€ isnā€™t paying attention. Luckily most of the dolls I get are to be fixed so my other person doesnā€™t care. šŸ˜‰ My Freida is still in her box and she is staying there until I can decide on an appropriate name and hairdo. Still thinking of what kind of outfit to make for her but canā€™t do anything until the ā€œ Grandson quiltā€ is done. Really not fond of too much hair . I think a thinning and a trim are in store. šŸ˜³
    Since there is a u tube on everything I may see if there is one on using a thimblešŸ˜‰ As soon as I have a minute I will watch the shoe video.
    Have a wonderful weekend SistersšŸ˜

    1. HI Kathie,
      I think we ALL laugh at Joy’s escapades with her dolls! Boy, if Joy’s hubby ever goes away for a trip or something, she better BUY, BUY, BUY!!

      I was half way debating about trimming the bottom of my Freida’s hair too. Because it was pulled over to one side with that braid, when you take it down, her hair is uneven because they braid it and then trim the hair…

      I hope you get your quilt finished soon so you can move onto other things… Sometimes I feel the same way, I can’t move to the next project until the first one gets finished!
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Susette from Southern California

    Having lived in Japan decades ago, I stopped reading and switched immediately to the video because I knew it would be good. Japanese craftsmen spend far more time taking care of and sharpening their tools than they do actually using them on a project. Many tools are beautiful and little works of art in themselves. He really seems to have the process refined. The Japanese actually have a designation called a National Living Treasure for craftsmen and women who excel in keeping arts and crafts alive. These include such crafts as creation of fine paper, designing and manufacturing fabrics by hand, basket weaving and a whole range of other creative endeavors. Thanks for sharing the link to the video.

    The little dress is genius, inadvertent though it may seem. The neckline is very clever and fits so well.

    Everyone stay warm and let that snow stay there for a while. No rush to shovel it.

    1. HI Susette,
      I’ve seen one video of a Japanese guy (I think) who uses the sharpest knife I’ve ever seen used to make doll shoes. He just takes the knife, which has a square tip and uses the knife upright and pushes it down where he wants the leather cut off. It looks like butter when he slices it off… Of course, one mistake and you’d be slicing off the tip of your finger. I’m not that brave! :o)

      Some of the videos I’ve seen of people making doll shoes MUST SURELY be in the National Living Treasure with how skilled they are. I wish I could go visit just one of them and watch them make a few pairs of shoes and ask them a few questions! I bet I would have so much fun!

      I went to the Food Pantry today but George went with me. I’m planning to stay home tomorrow! Maybe a whole day devoted to sewing… could it be??? :o)
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Barbara in SE Texas

    What cute boots! They look very professional, and I love the color. I love the video of the birds feeding. I didn’t realize at this time of year that you had birds to feed. When I was growing up in PA we didn’t have birds in the winter. I remember how excited we all were when we saw the first Robin in Spring. Here we have birds year round, and they don’t have trouble finding things to eat so I don’t much think about them. It’s fun to see a Cardinal or a Blue Jay every now and then but mostly our birds remind me of the birds in the movie “The Birds”. When I see them sitting en masse on the power lines it reminds me a little too much of the movie.

    Thanks for including the link to the video. I will definitely check that out.

    I’ve never developed the expertise of using a thimble although I have made many tries at it. Since I don’t do much hand sewing these days, I haven’t concerned myself with it. But if I get back to smocking, which I hope to soon, I will definitely think about using one.

    I love the pictures and the description of the snows people are getting. I’m living vicariously on that one but the cold I can relate to. It was 21 degrees when David woke up this morning. The wind is still pretty strong and I don’t know what the wind chill is. Sean was here yesterday but left earlier than usual. When he came up to the house before he left he said it was sleeting. He had just put a new door handle on David’s shop and he said it was covered with ice. It’s supposed to be above freezing during the day today and back in the low 20s again tonight. So far we have heat and water. David put heat tape on the lines to my washer and our water lines are under the floor of the house so as long as there is heat in the house the lines won’t freeze. Jason in the mobile home is a different story. His water lines are under the mobile home and exposed to the air. David told him to use heat tape but he said he would just insulate them and then open a tap inside. This morning he woke up to frozen pipes. Hopefully they won’t break like they did last year. Right now we have no precipitation so the roads are clear and I think we’ll be good for another couple days when it will start to warm up again..

    1. HI Barbara,
      Thanks for your kind words about the blue boots. I really tried hard on these and was hoping they would look as nice as the little red ones I showed… closer but not there yet!

      Oh gosh, I remember “The Birds” and the first time I saw it, it scared the daylights out of me! Yes, we feed the birds all through the year but mostly in the winter. They were having a heyday today!

      It’s 17 degrees right now (7:30) but the wind has picked up again the wind chill is 10… Yep, I’m staying inside. It’s supposed to get down to 2 degrees tonight.. and tomorrow’s high is supposed to be 26… not much snow melting for us!

      Stay safe and warm in Texas!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Lots of snow here. We received about eight inches between early last evening and this morning. We fell under a Level 3 late last evening and are till under one today. I was out attempting to snowblow the driveway and sidewalk as were our neighbors. Food and water to the porch kitties and the birds and then back in. As it was, it took me an hour. Right now there are cardinals, blue jays, robins, a woodpecker, and tons of sweet sparrows flocking around.
    I’ll have to check out the video later. i’m a visual learner as well, so that’s great.
    Stella’s new boots look wonderful. I like the fabric she is wearing. it looks similar to some I have in my stash. Well, yesterday was Mid-winter , so we at least headed in the right direction.

    Loved your comment yesterday, Barbara, about David getting to open the new doll.
    Always funny to hear of the work you go through, Joy, to avoid “other person” while smuggling a new doll in. You always seems to manage it undetected though.

    1. HI Laura,
      It takes longer to get all the chores done outside and when it’s cold or snowy and icy, it takes even longer.
      We have quite the variety of birds too… cardinals, blue jays, nuthatcher, sparrows, chickadees, snow birds, red winged black birds, red bellied woodpeckers, downy woodpeckers, hairy woodpeckers, tufted titmouses, red headed woodpeckers, wrens and probably a few I missed.

      If you’re a visual learner, you’ll love his video… at first he’s just talking but then he starts moving along pretty quickly… I’d like to spend a day with HIM too! What he could probably teach me! :o)
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Sally from Colorado

    Jeanne, what a treat to see so many cardinals! Havenā€™t seen any out here in Salida and they are another thing I am looking forward to when we move back East in a few years. Thanks so much for that video.
    The boots are really wonderful! Looking very professional and such a pretty blue. Well done.
    Lucky sofa sister who have hubbies who donā€™t mind new dolls coming in. Nice job, Joy!

    1. Thanks Sally,
      I’m trying hard on the boots… it seems like it’s taking me too much time, but once you get the pattern and the details right, then it gets easier every pair you make after that. (and quicker!)

      I get a kick out of the different hubby’s and how they react or how we “think” they’d react to a new doll in our collection… We’ve got all the bases covered on this subject! :o)
      Thanks Sally,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the shoes are so pretty. I am sure you will have your own line of doll footwear soon.

    We didn’t get snow here. We got icy rain.

    1. Oh brother Dorothy,
      You crack me up… doll footwear? Probably not, but I do like having the ability to make a pair of doll shoes to go with an outfit when I don’t have something that goes.

      We got icy rain first and then snow… neither is very much fun… but hey, May is approaching quickly! Aren’t you thrilled?
      Blessings, Jeanne

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