Some belated Christmas dresses and a LONG LOST DOLL….

I think I might be able to make it back in the driver’s seat tomorrow …but today I have a few things from others for your viewing pleasure…

We didn’t get much snow here… maybe 1/2″ – 1″ so no snowmen could be made! (not that I’d have been out in it, but…)

I did see a picture on facebook to share. Remember Claudine…my hubby’s niece who practically remade my website recently when it was all messed up? Well, her kids made this “snow-woman” from their snow. The snow was the super-packing kind of wet snow that stuck together like glue… and the kids rolled the balls but they were TOO heavy to pick up so “they improvised!”

All the dolls featured on my blog are special and they ALL deserve to be seen, even if they are late for the previous holiday. Joy made these 3 Christmas dresses for her girls and even though Christmas was last month, they said she had to take their picture. Joy said the dress in the middle is the same as the one she made for her granddaughter. She said she was pretty proud to be able to make two dresses from one fat quarter. I did have to piece a sleeve in this one, but it doesn’t show. 🙂 Hope you are feeling better.

Then I received a very sweet picture of 2 dolls in coats from Kathie… they are so adorable! I think I’d call them cotton ball coats, or puffer ball coats! They look warm, don’t they?

…and now, I wanted to share this story from Paula about a lost doll… I’ve shared it before, but I still laugh every time I read it, or even think about it. There are some new readers who may be reading this for the first time… I’ll copy and paste the post so you don’t have to click on a link… this was from a post written December 8th, 2018…

The Doll That Waited a Year in the Closet…

I was lamenting a few days ago about the mailman losing the little gold dress set I had made for Navi. It was supposed to be delivered to the buyer on the 13th of November, but somehow the package got lost. It’s been over 3 weeks so I remade the set and according to the tracking it’s supposed to be delivered tomorrow. The buyer is probably going to be sitting in a lawn chair out by the mailbox this time.

Well, when Paula read my story about my lost dress, she shared a story about a doll in the comments… actually a LOST doll that I think you’ll enjoy. You may have already read it, but I hope you enjoy it a second time! AND guess what? She sent me pictures!!!!

I LOVE a good story and this one certainly is! ENJOY!

From Paula…(who lives in Ohio but also has a place in California where they stay part of the year.)

I have a story about a doll I bought on EBay and lost after it was delivered!! She was a beautiful redhead with green eyes. In March of 2017, we were in California and I told my son to look out for several packages that would be arriving at our house back home (back in Ohio.) A few days later, he said they had arrived.

Shortly after that, I had my niece open all the packages on Face Time to assure me they had arrived in good condition. She opened them all and even though the tracking number said my redheaded doll arrived, she was not one of the packages!!

I called the post office and their records showed the box was delivered. My niece checked with our neighbors in case it ended up there by mistake, but that hadn’t happened- I hated to think of it but could it had been stolen? We didn’t think so because the other packages arrived with the doll. I thought it must be in some black hole in outer space then. It will always be a mystery.

Roll ahead to November 2018, we’re driving out to California again. I get a text from my niece. She was going to mop our kitchen floor for us and got the Swiffer box out of the closet where we keep our supplies. She opened the box to find a redheaded doll with green eyes hiding in the Swiffer box!!

We found out, my dear son, thinking he was being helpful, put the packages on the counter and the Swiffer box in the closet where supplies went!!! He never noticed the post address label.

What’s worse, I cleaned that closet out later on that year and never noticed the post address label either on that postal box.
My niece sent me a picture of the postal label – sure enough, my name and the seller’s name was plainly on the box!!
So the doll had been sitting in that Swiffer box for over a year in our closet all this time !!
So now I’ll have to wait till I get home next spring to see “my lost doll!”

Here are some pictures to go along with the story. If this doesn’t make your Saturday a little brighter… you might need more coffee! :o)
I have laughed so hard and will never be able to look at a Swiffer box again without thinking of this story and Paula! :o)

Isn’t she beautiful? I’m a bit partial to red heads, but she’s really pretty! Congrats on your long lost girl, Paula! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Some belated Christmas dresses and a LONG LOST DOLL….”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a cute snow-lady, Jeanne! I remember a time or two in my childhood when the snow was just too heavy to pick up and stack the snowballs without supreme effort! I’m glad they found a clever solution!

    Joy, your dolls’ new dresses are so pretty! And even though they were for Christmas, the two snowman-motif ones will work all winter, and the middle one looks like it will work equally well for Valentine’s Day.

    Kathie, your dolls in their puffy fluffy coats are adorable! They look vaguely familiar (the dolls, I mean), but can’t quite place them. What are they, please?

    Paula, fun to read about your “lost” doll again! She really is beautiful!

    Doreen, I wanted to comment on your post of yesterday. My mom, too, gradually lost her memory (arterial dementia), and even, after some time, her speech. When she was still somewhat functioning and able to be home, I remember one time I brought down a Zook doll I had recently gotten. She was a toddler doll, about 24″ tall, and with an expression that reminded me of a young child who had just seen Christmas lights for the very first time, that sort of “ooh!” kind of expression. My mom (who really never was much of a doll person) sat and held Lizzie (the doll’s name) and “talked” to her (by then it was part words and part babble) for the longest time. She was just enchanted with my doll. I’m not sure just what my dad thought abou tit!

    I hadn’t thought of that in some time; thanks for the reminder. (Mom’s been gone since 2007.) Enjoy these precious times with your mom, and try to remember and write down some of the things she tells you, while she can still remember them!

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Kathie’s dolls are Paola Reina dolls. One of my favorite dolls. They are so cute and their hair is amazing. I have two Cleo and Liu.

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, I meant to say, I checked tonight and Freida is now in Lynwood (the main post office for our part of this county), so I’m pretty sure I’ll have her tomorrow!! Stay tuned!

  3. Linda in St. Louis

    Jeanne, I loved that sassy snowwoman laying there! She looks like she is having fun! Although we had snow too, I did not get out in it to make anything, except to feed the birds!!

    Joy, your doll dresses are too cute! It looks like a dress and apron pattern, that can be made to match any holiday you choose or just for an outfit that goes with anything! Darling! Yes, that middle dress can be used for Valentine’s Day too!

    Those coats are adorable, Kathie, and the knit hats are such cute additions! Did you make those?

    Paula, that lost doll story was hilarious! What a beautiful doll she is, and I wonder what she was thinking that long year wrapped up in bubble wrap and laying in a Swiffer box? She didn’t age a day! Maybe that’s what we need, to take a year off, without any of the cares of the world and less wrinkles!

    Looking forward to tomorrow, Jeanne, to see what you have been up to!

  4. Joy in northern CA

    Very creative snowwoman! Love it. 🙂
    Kathie’s girls in their spring puffer coats are so sweet. Great colors and styling.
    Paula’s red head looks no worse for the wear after emerging from her Snow White sleep. Love that story. 🙂
    Hope Charlotte’s Freida shows today. Can’t wait to hear her travel stories. 🙂

  5. Great photos today, Joy’s dolls are always so well dressed and I especially love the one on the right with the striped dress and snow men.
    The puffy coats are wonderful, I never saw anything like that!
    I loved the Swiffer box story! I was reminded of the time I mailed a doll in a box that had held a remote sprinkler, (we buy them to ward the deer off my hydrangeas). The buyer said her husband wondered why she had ordered a sprinkler, LOL! At least he didn’t open it.
    Jeanne, I sent you a photo you can use, did you get the email?
    We are vacationing in Helen, GA, and really enjoying the snow from our condo. We feed the birds off the balcony railing and they are really busy!
    Dolly Hugs, y’all.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Thank you for the nice comment about the dresses. If you were looking around here, there would be a lot of dollies in their undies or in whatever they can find whether it fits or not. 🙂

  6. Glad you all liked the puffy coats…but…. I did not make them. 😳🥴In fact I don’t remember where I saw them….maybe Pinterest? I sent the pic to Jeanne to show her that fabric…and those hats….they are so cute! The dolls are the Paola Reina dolls.
    Joy…your dresses are so freaky cute! Love them all ….maybe the middle one is my fav☺️
    Paula the Swiffer story is hysterical! I certainly understand how that could happen. Thanks for the good laugh!
    Hope you are better Jeanne!
    We have plenty of snow but I think I’ll leave the Snowladies to the kids😵‍💫
    Had a terrible time getting the Christmas family pictures to print without cutting off the ones on the end but finally got them all in the letter… and then the printer dealt me fits…now it is a Christmas, New Year, Valentine Day Letter. So I better get them in the mail!

  7. Sally from Colorado

    JEANNE, it’s great news hearing you’re about ready to tackle your “normal”. I must say, you have been wonderful at keeping the ball rolling. The SS women have been wonderful providing pictures and stories.

    I often get on this blog late so my comments are probably missed.

    LINDA. I loved your doll scenes. They are treasures and you are so good to share. They make us all so happy.

    ANNE, I sure loved the birthday story and your cake! Wow! A red panda no less! What talent!

    CHARLOTTE, I mentioned enjoying your purses and how colorful and practical they are. Hope Freida jumps into your arms today. Also happy to have a face to your name now from FB!

    DOREEN, I wrote a note similar to what Charlotte said above about you and your mom and dolls. What a lovely way to “reach” her especially on the worse days. My heart goes out to you.

    KATHIE, great tutorial on the doll body. Wonderful use of a simple and easy to find onesie. Thank you! And look at your sweet girls in their cotton candy coat sets. Cute as can be.

    JOY, I’ve already told you how much I enjoyed this picture of your happy kids in their sweet duds.

    PAULA, wonderful story about your Swiffer doll. Looks like she was none the worse for her prolonged incarceration! Thanks for sharing.

    BARBARA. Sounds like David is doing very well. Good for him and fantastic for you!

    Have a great day, everyone!

    1. Jeanne, glad to hear your feeling better. Take it easy though, sometimes it takes a little time to get your strength back.

      Clever idea with the snowman/snowwoman! He/she’s just relaxin’

      Joy, your girls look so sweet in their dresses. Fun winter ones. The red dress is really pretty. I’m curious, how many RRFF dolls do you have? And which ones? Your travel and delivery stories are very funny.
      I know that feeling of getting them quietly in the house and why I do that I don’t know because I really don’t think my husband minds me collecting dolls.

      Interesting pink and blue coats. I’ve never seen that type of material. The girls look as snug as a bug in a rug.

      I shared the Swiffer doll story from your post with my niece this morning. She’s the one who discovered the lost redhead AMG doll. She said she needed a good laugh and that did it. I’m sure she remembers me whining about my missing doll for months before she found it!

      Hard to believe we are half way through January already! !

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Paula, I guess I need to do a head count as I have no idea of how many RRFF kids are here. Bad mom. 🙂

  8. Hi Sally, I’ll just answer you here so you don’t have to look back. I’m not sure if the Downton Abbey movie will be in theaters or on tv. I saw the last one on the DVD from the library.
    While I’m always happy to see a new AG historical doll I will have to see her first to decide. I might get a piece or two of the collection for my time traveling doll (a Nellie with #33s wig). The last doll/collection that AG made that interested me was Caroline, but mine isn’t canon. The 1930’s is the last era I collect for so Maryellen, Melody, and Nanea were all a pass and even though Courtney was my teen years, her collection did quite hit the mark for me.

    Great job on the snow lady. Maybe she’s getting ready to make snow angels.

    What darling dresses, Joy. So glad you shared them. Your dolls look so pretty. The snowmen are perfect for my weather here. We have about four inches on the ground.

    Kathie, those doll coats are super cute. i love the little pom pom ears.

    Loved reading about your “Swiffer doll” again, Paula. She’s beautiful. I’m sure she was so happy to be let out of the box and join the others in the dolly room.

  9. I forgot to mention- my Siblie, Sydney, is somewhere in LA. Perhaps she wanted to see Hollywood? There’s no arrival time that’s mentioned.

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, thanks for re-printing Paula’s story. I was just thinking about it on the sofa a few days ago but I couldn’t remember who had “lost” her doll. Paula spoke right up and I had a good laugh again.

    I can just imagine the dolly knocking on the box saying, “let me out!”

    Joy’s dolls and Kathie’s doll are truly adorable in their outfits. They deserve to be showcased.

    I hope you are feeling better and getting tons of rest.

    Soon our dollies will be exchanging valentines. We will all need to have energy to keep up with them.

  11. Barbara in SE Texas

    Joy I love your three dresses. I believe the two with the apron/pinafores are made from one of my favorite Trentsation patterns. I love it because you can do so much with fabrics. The dress in the middle is really lovely and the headband is perfect.

    Great snow lady. What a great save when a traditional snowman wouldn’t work. The stick-arm pose is hilarious.

    Kathie I love Paola Reina dolls and yours sure look precious in their puffy coats. I was about to ask where you got them but then I read that you didn’t remember. I’ve never seen anything like them and I’ve done a lot of looking. And the hats are adorable.

    No matter how many times I read Paula’s story about the doll locked up in a Swiffer box for a year it will always be funny. She is a beautiful doll and I’m so glad she turned up. I haven’t had the experience of “losing” a doll because of the box it was in, but it’s a wonder when I see some of the boxes dolls, etc., have arrived in. Recently I got something in an X-box package. I thought, I didn’t order that. Since it wasn’t clothes I was pretty sure my girls hadn’t ordered it. It turned out it was something they ordered but not an X-box. They probably told the person sending the item to disguise it so I wouldn’t know they’ve been online shopping again.

    Doreen, your story yesterday was very touching. What a blessing to find something where you and your mom can connect. From some of the stories like that I’m reading, I’m beginning to think that dolls like music come from the soul.

    Hopefully by now Charlotte and Freida have met up and are getting to know one another.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Yes, the pattern is Trensations. I resized it from a much larger size to fit the RRFF kids. I too love that pattern although, I changed out the collar to two rather than the single piece collar. 🙂

  12. Joy in northern CA

    I was thinking about Anne in N.Z., wondering if they had any Tsunami waves from the Tonga volcano? I know the communication has been poor with the island and that both N.Z. & Australia are sending help. We’ve seen very few pictures except the satellite eruption. There are lots of groups sending out supplies from CA. Those going by container ship are going to take 5 1/2 weeks to arrive. Not so helpful it seems. Thinking of those islanders.

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