A red capelet and beret for the Ruby Red Fashion Friend dolls…

Thanks for all the compliments on the stockings I made. I really enjoyed making them and hope the kids get years of use out of them. Now I can find things all year long to send them so they can put little presents in their stockings.

I went into my sewing room while they went to dinner with some friends of Rebecca’s who were visiting their parents here in town. I wanted to do “something” else for the red plaid dress I had started…and this is what I came up with… a capelet and a beret… I hope you’ll like it. For some reason whenever I photograph red is just all seems to blend together so you can’t see the “depth” of how it really looks. It just kind of looks flat when I look at it in my pictures, but in person, it’s totally different… much more dimensional…if that makes any sense to you.

I made the beret so it would fit the Wellie Wishers head too…

It’s made from a bright red wool boucle knit fabric. It was originally a little girls size 3T jumper made in Morocco that I found at the Goodwill and cut up. I loved the nubby feel of the fabric and thought it would make a great cape.

It’s unlined and I trimmed it with a black trim that’s a bit lacy like.

I added 6 more buttons to the front and a 1/16″ satin tie from a black ribbon. The tie is actually sewn onto one side and the fronts of the capelet meet and hook together with thin pieces of velcro. It just “looks” like you have to tie the bow. I did pin two pompoms on the ends of the ribbon but need to find a couple of black beads that have a little bit of weight to them to hold the ribbons down.

Another black pompom was added to the center of the beret…

I like the look and hope you do too…

Just a little bit more and I’ll be finished with this one…

Not to “necessarily” enable anyone, but if you hurry, there might still be a few Northern Lights Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls left. She is a new edition that just came out Thursday or Friday… There are only 300 made, so you”ll have to hurry… I didn’t get her but maybe you might… Click on the Buy Now to see the details of her. I’ve already heard from a few ladies who have bought her… She has on the most adorable Ski outfit in the prettiest blue color.

Northern Lights Ruby Red Fashion Friends doll

Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll see you Monday!
Blessings, Jeanne

32 thoughts on “A red capelet and beret for the Ruby Red Fashion Friend dolls…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I love the capelet and beret! That fabric looks (even just in photos!) pretty nice. Boucle is always so rich-looking, I think, and the black trim is really elegant. (In looking at the pictures again, the part of the hat towards the right in the first picture really shows the depth of the boucle, I think.)

    Did you do anything to the buttons on the dress? It looks like you may have moved them closer together, but it’s hard to tell.

    1. Susette from Southern California

      Now you’ve done it! Again! I sat here and ordered that doll! Why? I know I can’t possibly make the kind of beautiful little clothes with the tiny zipper and all those details and the knits. I can’t remember when I last spent that much on an outfit for myself. I’d love to have the beautiful red plaid outfit you’re sewing right now, but I know it’s going to go for more than that for sure because it’s a one-of-a-kind Jeanne Marie Original! Is there any logic, much less excuse, for what I just wrote?

      Now to the beautiful plaid dress with the darling cape: Your thought process and carry-through is amazing. With just little bit of time, something so creative is accomplished. Congratulations on another wonderful ensemble.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Congrats on Northern Lights. So cute. I saw an adorable pattern on Pixie Faire this morning that would make a great dress for her. Inverted pleat, high waist and cap sleeves. Simple and demure. I’m thinking about purchasing. 🙂

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    I love the capelet, Jeanne! It gives the dress just what it needs to make it an “outfit”! I myself, would prefer a smaller beret, maybe not so full.

    The black trim on the capelet let looks so rich and boucle is the perfect fabric for it. I don’t think the dress needs the buttons moved at all, especially with the caplelet having buttons too.
    What a perfect Christmas outfit!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Oh sweet! Now you can photo Rozen standing in the snow. Perfect winter outfit. The tam looks like she has to dip her head to hold up the weight. Might fit a larger girl a bit better, but it is cute. Maybe she just needs to lift her chin up. 🙂 I love the pompom on the hat and those on the cape ties too.
    The Russians appear to be getting all of the RRFF dolls we love too. There is a new cutie, Anna, that sports a camel colored coat and dress shorts. Oh, would I love to have her. There are also two with Asian outfits. Very sweet. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      Just curious as you seem to always have firsthand knowledge of the latest RRFF dolls, just where do you see them. I’m not on Facebook, so is there another place. I see the ballerinas were on FAO Schwartz and Northern Lights was on Ruby Red main page. Before she died, Poppets and Posies kept me abreast of all the dolls.
      Thanks for your help.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        As to the dolls, sometimes U.S. dealers will put out a notice about them, or you might find them if you check the doll manufacturer rubyredtoys.com to see them, but really, the FB groups are where everyone shares information. Sometimes, Rubyredfashionfriends Global will show new dolls on Instagram or Twitter. The FB group from France seems to find out things quickly and post. If you search on FB, I think all of the groups will come up. Usually, when someone sees a post of new dolls, they quickly go to all of the groups. Even though I receive FAO updates, I did not see the new dolls there, but from someone on FB. It isn’t necessary to be active on the groups. You can just join and check out posts. And I really miss P&P especially now that there are so many new dolls coming out. Since it is still on for now, I do go back and look at some of the dolls I wish I had known about. Maybe someone else can add in more information that I’ve missed. 🙂

  4. Dorothy L near Pgh Pa

    Love this outfit. The pom poms on the caplet marching the beret are perfect I agree with Linda others that the beret seems a little too puffy. I always love red and black and this outfit seems to have Victorian Cham. Love it.

  5. Elaine M. Hoffman

    Happy Thanksgiving and soon Advent Everyone! I love all your creations Jeanne and I am so sorry I haven’t commented in a while. I just lost my 17 1/2 year old West Highland White Terrier Lilly Pup on Thanksgiving Evening around 10:30 PM. My husband and I, are hearts are broken. We miss her so much. She was good till the end and even ate Turkey and a little bit of Liver hours before she passed away. We prayed that the Lord would take her quickly because she had labored breathing and her toes were very cold. I knew she was ready to leave me soon. I have been holding her for the past year or so and telling her how much I love her and how when she is ready to go up to Heaven she just needs to close her eyes and I will understand. I was so Thankful to my husband for getting on the floor with her and telling her as she was taking her last breath that she will be okay and how much he loved her. I was too distraught and worn out from crying so much that I could not hold her most of the time. It was so hard for me having MS and feeling stressed out like that. Hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey day. I loved seeing Rueben in your photos and seeing how good he is doing and how he loved having Rebecca home. So adorable. God Bless Everyone of you women!! I am truly Thankful for all of you. Elaine

    1. I’m sorry you lost your precious little luv. So sweet how you and your husband loved on her and comforted her.
      I’m sure it helped her to pass peacefully.
      How we love our fur babies.

      1. Elaine M. Hoffman

        I wish to Thank each and every one of you women for your condolences for my loss. I have not even thrown out her food dish in the frig yet because it is too painful for me to do. I just can’t do it yet. When will it get easier for me? I spent 24/7 with her for 11 1/2 years. We adopted her at age 6. Just turning 6 years old. Her family had to rehome her due to their busy schedules at work. I was chosen over 60 other families to be her new Mama. It was quite the honor for me. Westies have always been my dream dog and I wanted to name my first Westie Lilly and that was her name already. Divine intervention it was for us to adopt her. My husband told me she can’t be more than $100, has to be a female, spayed, and not a puppy. Lilly was all those things and more. Good news, we put a deposit on a new Westie pup, a girl for next year some time to be born. Picked out the parents already. The parents are pretty petite like Lilly Pup was. When we got her she was only 13 lbs. These parents are 14 lbs. each. We both made sure they looked like Lilly Pup as well. We love her looks so much. She was a beautiful dog and so smart and had a strong prey drive. She had 9 lives. Thank you all again for helping me grieve for her in this trying time. God Bless all of you. Love, Elaine

      1. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

        Elaine I was so sorry to hear you lost your beloved Lily Pup. Had me in tears. Our pets hold a special place in our hearts

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      It took me a couple minutes to reply to this. I had to keep wiping my eyes. I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet little Lily Pup. What a blessing you had her for 17 1/2 years. I love Westies. When we were participating in Scottish events there was always a dog show for Westies. Prayers are with you while you are going through this time of sadness. There’s no doubt in my mind our pets will meet us in Heaven. There are none more deserving.

    3. So sorry your Lily passed, but so glad you and your husband were there for her, and could say goodbye.

    4. Linda in St. Louis

      Elaine, I’m so sorry to hear about your sweet little Lilly Pup. Having a pet pass away is one of the hardest things to go through, especially when they have lived with
      you for so long. Know that she is no longer suffering and that you gave her the best life she could have.

    5. Kathie Welsh from Omaha

      So sorry about Lily. She was such a friend to you and your hubby. Hugs and prayerful thoughts for you

    6. Susette from Southern California

      There was just an article written by a veterinarian who said the saddest thing he ever sees in his practice is when a cat or dog is left by their owner and looks up at his unfamiliar face. He knows the pet is looking for his lifelong friends. I know is very difficult. Thanks to your husband for taking care of both you and your beloved Lily Pup. ❤️ Written through tears.

    7. Sally from Colorado

      Oh, dear Elaine,
      How devastating to lose a long cherished pet. My heart and love go to out to you both; it certainly sounds as if Lilly Pup knew how much she was cherished to the very end. What a lucky dog to have such loving owners, but what a pit the loss creates in our guts. I still talk to Chester every day. What friends they are, forever. ❤️

    8. Joy in northern CA

      So sorry to hear of the demise of your sweet Lilly. Our pup also died on Thanksgiving some years ago. Sounds like she had a wonderful life and caring parents. A very difficult time, but the fond memories will remain. Thoughts with you and family.

    9. Charlotte Trayer

      Oh, Elaine, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. You were so fortunate to have Lilly as long as you did. I’m sure she knew you were there, even though you couldn’t hold her. May God comfort you and your husband at this sad time. Hugs.

  6. So nice that you heard fro Alba. I hope Sara is doing well. Is she still sewing? Somehow I missed that in yesterday’s post because in truth I had to skim it since I was in the middle of things.
    The plaid dress and capelet are adorable. Gives off a very Victorian vibe. Since others have said it, I guess I will as well. The beret does look a tad too big. Rozen will look wonderful standing in the snow singing carols.

  7. Love this red plaid, Jeanne. Another beautiful outfit !
    I’m slowly getting into the RRFF dolls but still enjoy my American Girls. I think the AM girls are easier to dress because of their size. Still those RRFF’s are hard to resist.

    Putting up my Christmas trees today. 🎄🎄🎄
    Love this time of year!

  8. Anne Coldron in Christchurch NZ

    Jeanne I love the cape it looks so Christmassy, I am inclined to think the beret looks a tad too big, maybe because of the thickness of the fabric.

    We have an exceptionally busy time coming up next weekend. Sam is moving in on Saturday morning, the afternoon is the last Patchwork meeting for the year and I have promised a decorated Christmas Cake for the raffle (I usually do one every year), then Sunday Sam has a photography course field trip in the morning and I have a Christmas market at my friends house in the afternoon.

    If you want to see the sort of things we sell she is putting photos of everything on Facebook under Helen’s Crafty Corner NZ. (The dot at the end is important)

  9. Marilyn in Colorado

    The cape and hat make this outfit for church at Christmas. The red is lovely on my computer — I don’t see how it could be prettier. I agree with the comments on the hat — is there another style that would be a little smaller and more delicate — and do you have enough fabric to redo it? I’d hate to lose the pom-pom — it ties the pieces together and seems just right for RRFFs..

    You’ve had a wonderful holiday — I hope you have leftovers enough to get you through the weekend.

    OK, sofa sisters, your mission, whether you chose to accept it or not, is to stay well through the holidays! Stay well, safe, and happy, wherever you are.

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      Mission accepted! I have to stay well. Hubby has his second knee surgery on 12/7 and since he will only have 1/2 a leg to stand on (still recovering from other knee surgery) I figure my services will be needed more than ever. But back to you. Stay well, safe and happy yourself.

  10. Barbara in SE Texas

    What a lovely, lovely outfit and definitely very Christmasy. Maybe the beret is a bit big. Can you cut it down? I never judge sizes of anything because I’m never sure it’s not my glasses making it look that way. Last week I was doing some Christmas shopping at a children’s store in the mall. I was looking at some onesies for Azure. They were size 18 to 24 mo. They looked more like 36 mo. Then I took off my glasses and they shrunk a size.

    I’m hoping to get Sean’s help to get my tree up next week and check out the outdoor lights and help me put up my blow-up tree, etc. I’d like to get that finished up before David goes for his other knee surgery.

    At the moment I’m switching my closet from summer to winter since lately I have been pulling from the winter closet in the other bedroom and it’s getting old. I took a break to rest my back, but now I must get back to it. All the winter things are on the bed and I must get them put up before I can go to sleep tonight.

  11. Kathie Welsh from Omaha

    What a darling cape and tam! It is absolutely perfect with the dress and the lace on the dress is enhanced with the trim on the cape too! The red looks awfully nice but if it is better in person then the winner will be thrilled when she opens it :0)
    Hope all the sisters are full of turkey ….and remeber to turn back your scales so the Holiday pounds won’t bother anyone ( he he)

  12. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what a lovely outfit. Some sweet doll is going to receive a holiday surprise!

  13. O.M.G.!!!
    I LOVE this! AAMOF, I recently finished a (little) red (riding hood) cape for my granddaughter. It was initially going to be a “dress-up” item made of some fleece from my stash, but when I went looking for some lining, i found some WONDERFUL red sorta boucle fabric and also some red and white plaid flannel for the lining. Then I thought I might as well buy a little more plaid and whip up (rolling eyes, because I never can do these things fast) a plaid dress to coordinate. I gave them to her for her birthday, and of course my daughter thought is was supposed to be a Christmas dress, so then I decided I’d have make her older sister a coordinating dress, and then I thought “heck, why don’t I make ALL of the grandchildren (we welcomed 2 new ones to the family this year, so 4 total) coordinating outfits?” See how these things snowball? I’m making my grandson (he’s almost 11 months) a vest, but I had a HECK of a time finding a pattern small enough, so I tried grading down a size 3 – it’s been trial and error, but I think I finally have something that will work. And then the tiniest one (she just turned 5 months) will hopefully be quick. And THEN, I decided that I might as well make the two oldest one’s matching dresses for their baby dolls. Lordy! I’ve got pieces of almost all of them started. Hoperfully I’ll get a picture of all of them together in their matching outfits.

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