THREE Christmas dresses for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls…

I tried to get Susette’s video of the piano playing but I failed… I tried 8 times and finally gave up… let me just tell you it was wonderful… I can’t seem to get her video transferred to my blog… sorry, Susette!

Okay, I have a favor to ask of everyone who reads my blog… I still haven’t been able to get my Etsy shop figured out…it’s still there, and you can see my stuff, but I can’t get into it to run things… It’s an awful feeling…

I have tried and tried to get ahold of someone or find some website that will give me the help I need but so far…nothing… There is a phone number for BUYERS, but nothing for SELLERS… I have worked on it off and on all day long.

My biggest concern at the moment, is for the lady who bought the Patsy Tonner doll slip. She bought it on September 1st and has just been waiting and waiting and waiting for it… or to hear from me… I’m fairly certain now that my Etsy shop was hacked… I did receive an email from Etsy saying I needed to reset my password… HOWEVER the email sent to me was not my shop name… it was just a bunch of gibberish; letters and numbers and definitely not me OR my shop. And so I wait…

But here is the favor I’m asking… All I know is the lady’s name is Carolyn Marker and she apparently likes Patsy Tonner dolls. Does anyone here on my blog belong to the Patsy Tonner doll forum and if so, is there anyway you could check the members and see if there is a Carolyn Marker? I tried looking on Facebook but got nowhere with that… I just want to find her address so I can send her slip to her…
Maybe she’s a member of other doll forums too… so if anyone knows her, please let me know…

Okay now onto the doll dresses. They are looking quite festive and I hope you’ll enjoy seeing how I’ve “embellished” them… each one just a little bit different. I think it was Sally who asked if the fabrics were stiff… no, they aren’t… they are very nice quilt fabrics and the red plaid is a homespun cotton metallic print and is the softest one of all…

They aren’t hemmed yet and still need the snaps down the back… and then all the rest that will go with each one, but I thought you’d like to see them as they are right now…

If you click on the pictures they will enlarge… just remember to enlarge them all and THEN go back and write your comments, but don’t enlarge then in the middle of a comment… somehow that makes your comment go away… sorry…

I did fix that crooked black button the red plaid dress. It was off just a little bit and still looks a bit cockeyed, but it’s not…

So, do you like them?

It’s back to laying on the table, until I see them tomorrow… :o)

I hope to see you too!
Blessings, Jeanne

19 thoughts on “THREE Christmas dresses for the Ruby Red Fashion Friends dolls…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, I apologize for not commenting yesterday; not sure what happened but apparently I completely missed looking at the blog! I have seen everything now, however, and really enjoyed all the wonderful pictures. So much fun!! Thanks, everyone, for sharing!

    Yes, Jeanne, it does sound like your Etsy account has been hacked. Maybe one of your regular Etsy customers could call that special just-for-buyers number and report it? I don’t often look at/buy from Etsy, so I’m not familiar with the workings of it. I hope it will get resolved soon, however. First, perhaps, change your password? If it will let you.

    Now, on to the dresses. They are wonderful! Of course, my favorite is the red one, but the green one, with it’s special embellishment, is running a close second!

    I still have to send you pictures of the swap to share, but that will have to wait for another night, as I need to get to bed. It will be soon, however!!

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    Three beautiful dresses, Jeanne! I’ sure everyone will have a favorite, but I don’t really think one is better than the other! They are three sweet dresses, that are perfect for a little girl in their simplicity! I’m not a fan of overly gussied up dresses that take away from the doll, and these dresses are the perfect ones to show off the doll wearing the dress, not the other way around.

    Yes, your Etsy shop must have been hacked. I certanly do hope you find the lady who bought your slip. There has to be some way to fix this!

    Without taking too much space, I want to thak everyone who commented on my little “bridesmaids” yesterday! It was fun to do!

  3. Hi Jeanne,
    Your girls look beautiful and as always the dresses look perfect. Looking forward to seeing what’s next.
    I went onto my etsy account found Carolyn’s info and sent her a message asking her to reach out to you, I mentioned you were locked out of your etsy shop and didn’t have her email or address and wanted to refund her money and send the slip. I hope she reads the email and connects with you Jeanne.
    Happy hump day everyone

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thank you, Ingrid! I hope that does the trick for Jeanne! It was so thoughtful of you!

  4. Susette from Southern California

    Great job, Ingrid! Hope the Etsy problem gets solved soon. The dresses are wonderful and anyone would recognize them as being sewn by you! Your choice of fabric, style, attention to detail and trims are all signs of a Jeanne Marie Original! Beautiful! I couldn’t pick a favorite as they’re all beautiful!

    Sorry, Jeanne, about taking so much of your time with the video. Thanks for posting the pictures and your lovely comments. The grand piano was an AG item several years ago and the upright is current. My daughter-in-law hid wthe Elf on the Shelf at the keyboard one morning before Christmas and I couldn’t resist buying one for myself. It’s not really the right size for AG dolls but perfect for RRFFs and the Elf, as are the AG chairs. There are pianos available on eBay with listings between $100-350. I like the mini furniture every bit as well as the dolls.

  5. You have definitely been hacked on your Etsy account. The password has been changed by the hackers… that’s why you can’t get in:( There must be a phone number for Etsy .. Google and look for it.
    Great job Ingrid in tracking down Carolyn!She must have wondered what happened as Jeanne always ships immediately !

    The 3 dresses just speak “Christmas!” Im partial to red, but the two green ones are beautiful as well! Im finding that The Rubies are so much fun to sew for!
    I’m up to 5 now..Bella, Sara, Layla, Arielle, Vacation Bella.. pink fairy Freya just arrived…oops, Thats 6. They are all asking for a brother, so Luca should be showing up soon. Christmas Jennifer and French Victoria will be my Christmas gifts to myself this year:)

  6. Joy in northern CA

    Seeing the wonderful dresses really wakes me up this morning. Each so pretty and with beautiful details. Love how the lace on the bodice is interpreted differently for each. I don’t remember the lace on the cuffs, but I don’t want to go back to look on a prior post to look and lose my comment again. Yes, I did exactly what you said not to do, but I wanted to look at that lace. Hope you can fix that problem soon. Bad me.
    Can’t help you with Etsy, but what Ingrid did was wonderful. Hope it works. Now I’m wondering if you didn’t get something from Etsy yourself? Seems like they would have contacted you before locking you out, so maybe it was a hack. I’m sure you checked your spam file, but seems like something may have gone there from Etsy. As to publishing the name of the person of whom you want to contact, I wouldn’t be surprised if several unscrumptious people email you asking for a free slip and refund. Hope not, but you never know.
    Spent the day taking the car in for it’s check up. Specifically, wanted the air conditioning checked and made that known. After we called the dealership to see if the car was ready, even though they said it would be ready at a specific time and that they would contact us with an update which we didn’t get, we were told, oh yeah, it was ready. After driving all the way back down there and looking at the paperwork, there was no mention about the air conditioner. Blank look. So they switched us to some one to placate us. Then we got a verbal how to fix it, which is why we had come to start with. Wasn’t working correctly. Since, they had forgotten to check the AC, they offered us a loner car and to leave ours overnight as the mechanic had left for the day. No, we didn’t want to do that and lose another day fooling around so I said I wanted it documented that the air was a problem. I got the look! All of this through masks of course. So, now we’ll have to make another appointment and go through this again. Ugh.
    On a lighter note, our Amazon purchases arrived unscathed. Got a little concerned when they were turned over to the post office after coming across country with Amazon, but the P.O. came through like a charm. Trying to get things for the grands ordered and here as early as we can. After all, Christmas will be here very quickly. 🙂

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I’m sorry you had a problem getting what you initially wanted done to your car fixed. Since I have to drive several miles to the car dealership I’m always worried that they will need me to come back for something. So far everything has been taken care of fine except for a silly little sticker that needs to be put on somewhere. It’s so inconsequential that I probably wouldn’t even care it was there but it has to do with some regulation or other. I have had my car in four times since I knew about the sticker and still do not have it. The dealership orders it but then puts it on someone else’s car if they get there before me. Why they can’t order more than one at a time I have no clue. It has nothing to do with the way the car runs so I have no intention of driving in nearly to Houston just for that.
      I don’t worry about it until I take the car in again. But each time I mention it, they don’t have one again.

  7. Kathie from Omaha

    Holiday Happiness! They look soooo nice. The close ups of each one show the awesome detail too. One of the last pics of their little faces together sure shows the difference in their coloring. That is especially interesting.
    “Way to go Ingrid”… so glad you were able to help Jeanne. The Sofa Sisters always find a way 🤗🤗🤗

  8. Great job, Ingrid, in hopefully solving part of Jeanne’s problem. Your account is definitely hacked.

    All three dresses are lovely. Can’t wait to see what little extras go with them.
    The red plaid on Rozen is now my favorite, but nearly tied with Stella’s green

  9. Anne Coldron in New Zealand

    Hope your account gets sorted soon. Way back I had a problem with Pinterest, someone had hacked it. I ended up being locked out which was pretty upsetting. It got sorted in the end so I hope your Etsy account gets fixed too. So glad Ingrid managed to help you out.

    The dresses are lovely it is great to see you back to sewing again. I’m very tempted to buy one of the RRFF dolls. It’s the dreaded postage that puts me off makes them so expensive.

    1. Joy in northern CA

      So, ships directly from Hong Kong. Have you checked to see what the shipping would be from there? Maybe less than from the U.S.?

  10. Debbie in Tennessee

    I love all three of the dresses and the “girls” look so festive in them. I did read yesterday’s post with all the wonderful ensembles of musicians and the bridesmaids – so creative and charming. Thanks to all who shared pictures of their dolls.

    Jeanne, I had my own Etsy problem yesterday. It was concerning a refund that was promised by a seller three months ago. I never received it so I found the customer support phone number and no one ever answered. I opened a case and Etsy replied that the item was never sent to me. Fortunately I had the order # and the tracking for the return. The seller did give me a refund. My problem is with Etsy. I have much better responses from eBay as both a buyer and a seller. I am so glad you choose to list your outfits for the dolls on eBay. Thank goodness your buyer has been found! Good luck.


  11. I just might have to unbox that RRG Diana Effner memorial doll I have. 🙂 She’s ‘survived’ two doll shows so far… maybe she’s ‘meant to be here’? 🙂

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Definitely unbox her, Mary!! She wants to come out and play with the rest of her sisters and brothers!! 😄

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