I wish EVERYONE could have a Baby Blue Rozen, Ruby Red Fashion Friends doll…

DON’T FORGET: The two outfits I have for sale on Ebay end this evening… There is the Ruby Red Fashion Friends original outfit for Sara, and the original outfit for Stella Rock Star… You can see them HERE and HERE.

As much as I had good intentions about getting to your comments, it never materialized… I just couldn’t find time in my day and I haven’t even read them all yet… so sorry…

But I wasn’t laying on the couch eating chocolates… I was in my sewing room, so I hope that makes up for it…

I had decided before anyone even mentioned it, that I would make a white gauzy peasant top to go under Rozen’s shortalls (or should I call this a romper?) It’s my favorite lightweight fabric and it has embroidery and a few silver threads running through it… I just LOVE it…

I could hardly wait to see what a white blouse underneath the denim would look like…

If you click on my pictures they will enlarge…

I made it like the body suit I did before… so it’s easier to keep things from working their way up as you dress the doll…

It’s a really fine fabric and super thin, but it does have some embroidery and nubby dots on it… The back upper section has Velcro for the closure… It’s the snag free kind, though.

So, I tried it on under the denim “romper?” (I think I’m switching over to a romper)

It seemed to work okay, but it was a little “bunchy” in the sleeves… (my fault as I added a little bit extra length because I don’t like skimpy peasant tops) but I think I added too much…

The straps kind of sat “high” on the gathers or else they were only on her shoulders and the top was on the outside of the straps…

Hmmmm… what to do? How about a pretty red hat while I think about it…

Well, I started my dinner and was still thinking… and then I decided to go for it…

I made a second peasant top… with less gathers this time…

It was much better than the first one…

I can still use that first one, but just not with something that has straps over the shoulders…

So here she is with her new blouse under the romper…

I decided I liked that red hat so I tied a denim band around it and into a bow in the back…

I debated and debated about what kind of shoes to put with this… high top tennis shoes… didn’t have any… red flats… short navy or red boots… and finally decided to just make her a pair of flip flops… navy blue with white daisies on the ribbon… and this time I made the straps come back a little farther and they stay on her foot much better…

So here is my VERY photogenic Rozen in her new outfit…

…and now I must get to bed… :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on “I wish EVERYONE could have a Baby Blue Rozen, Ruby Red Fashion Friends doll…”

  1. Linda in St. Louis

    Yes, that’s it, Jeanne! This blouse is just what I was envisioning although it isn’t
    eyelet, it is a close match for it, and probably better, since it isn’t as stiff as eyelet and is more flowy. I like it that a bit of the top shows above the bib of the romper too. The original blouse could be used over a pair of slacks and hang out, not tucked into the waistband.

    The hat is what I thought would work too, although I didn’t think you actually had a red one, which is darling! The flip flops are perfect, and now all you need is a flag for her to hold and she is off to the Fourth of July parade!

    We are ready for clear blue skies, sunshine and NO RAIN !! It’s about time!!

    1. Thanks Linda,
      It was just the blouse I was envisioning too! Glad we were thinking alike!
      I am going to trim down my bib on my pattern just a bit so more of the top can show on future rompers…
      I do have a few hats that Cindy sent to me… yellow, pink and red… they fit their heads perfectly… except Rozen has those braids and the hat tends to stand up just a bit…
      I do need to find her a flag… I think I have one somewhere in my stash…

      Yes, we are getting sunny skies with no rain too… glad for that, but too bad we can’t forward it to the west coast…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Ah….perfect! Love the blouse, the red hat with denim band, and the shoes. (Maybe some day you can do a tutorial on those sandals??? In all your spare time, you know….Haha)

    We are back to “normal” weather here in the Seattle area–today was cloudy and mid 70s. We can sleep again (barring robocalls at oh-dark-thirty!), and are feeling “human” once more!! Our air quality has improved drastically since the temps dropped, too.

    1. I’m glad you like the whole set, Charlotte,
      I am very happy with it too… and want to almost do another one right away so I can see if the changes I made on my pattern really work, before I forget what I did… :o)

      It’s been in the 80’s today but the humidity has been less than 50% so it hasn’t been so sticky!
      I’m glad things have cooled off for you too… nothing like a heat wave to get you uncomfortable, is there?
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Sally from Colorado

    JEANNE, You’ve done it again! It all works and the lovely bodysuit takes care of the slack of the bib. Hat and sandals are perfect. I really do love it! Brava!
    Charlotte, that is good news about your temps. I am so relieved for all of you.
    Everyone have a good day. Off to the Springs for two doctor appointments for my hubby. It’s a big day and looks like we are heading for an interesting summer.

    1. Thanks Sally,
      I’m glad you like the set for Rozen…and about that strap in the back… the reason I didn’t do it the way it was in the picture, was my hubby kind of spooked me when he said, what if someone calls you on the carpet for copyright issues… it kind of made me think twice about copying it exactly like theirs… although theirs was a little girls and this is a dolls outfit. But it still gave me pause to think about it… I may try it that way next time… Does anyone know what the rules are for copying something like that? I don’t even know where to start to find out something like that…
      I hope your hubby got glowing reports from the doctor’s appointments today…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Debbie from Tennessee

    Jeanne, I am amazed again at how you manage to “iron out all the wrinkles” without getting discouraged. That is just the right look for a summer day. My younger self would have been happy to own that outfit. If I had only known to protect my face with a hat I would not have as many wrinkles!
    Linda, We are finally getting some blue skies and lower humidity – thanks for sending this cool front our way.
    Charlotte, So happy that you are finally back to normal temps and more sleep.
    Sally, Good thoughts and prayers for your hubby’s visits with the doctor.
    Happy Fourth to All!

    1. Thank you Debbie,
      Well, the “wrinkles” in this outfit came out pretty well… without too much work… well, some work, but it was kind of fun trying to figure it out… I would have liked that outfit too, when I was a bit younger… :o) Oh…to be young again… :o) but I’m okay with where I am in the timeline of my life…

      A happy Fourth of July to you, too, Debbie!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Joy in northern CA

    Absolutely love the photo of Rozen hip hopping on one foot. Those sandals are so fun. I agree with Charlotte that a tutorial is needed. It would be fun to try making some to fit our RRFF kids. I like the red hat, but maybe it should land a bit more further down towards the hairline? Kind of looks like it is popping off to me, but might just be her cute hairstyle holding it up though. So fun to see the outfit and great shirt. Rozen is ready for the holiday festivities. Hope she enjoys a big picnic lunch in the park after that parade Linda mentioned.

    1. HI Joy,
      Thanks for the compliments on Rozen’s outfit… I am liking this one very much and hate to see it come to an end… I have enjoyed the challenge of the romper pattern pieces… and am thinking of doing another one just so I can try out my new “tweaks” on the pattern pieces I made.
      The hat fits down on her head perfectly, when you push it down… it fits fine on Stella’s head, but Rozen has those two thick braids on the top of her head and they push the hat up… I can maybe pin it down when I take new pictures… I wish I had gotten this one done before the 4th…it’s too late for this year, but there’s always Labor Day… maybe it will be won by someone who can use it for that holiday… I did the best I could but just ran out of time… and then that pattern took me an extra day to figure out…
      I haven’t figured out what to do for pictures yet… I’d like to go outside but I might just stay inside… I’m too tired after working at the Food Pantry for 4 hours to go outside…
      I’m being a wimp I think…. We’ll see…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    I love Rozen’s outfit. It’s perfect for the July 4th weekend festivities. Her hat is really cute and will keep the sun off her beautiful face and protect her peaches and cream complexion. I love the flip-flops. I’ve made some for my Build-A-Bear bunny but to keep them on I used the clear elastic. It sounds like a good idea but I haven’t had a lot of luck with it. It tears easily for one and I find it difficult to use so it’s nice if a doll can keep them on their feet without elastic. I love Rozen’s pose. Looks like a modeling contract is in order. She is a lovely doll.

    Summers in PA when I was growing up were as perfect as it gets. They have more “weather” where I lived these days. Then I lived five years in Delaware where the weather was hot and humid. But just when you thought you couldn’t take another day of it a cool front would come through and often a sweater was in order. And it usually cooled off enough at night that a “sheet” blanket was necessary. My sister and I used to visit my grandmother in Delaware for two weeks each summer when we were kids and they never had air conditioning. It wasn’t a problem. Then people started getting A/C. I think my aunt was one of the first. Now they think they can’t live without it. There is a lot of strange things going on with weather right now and I’ve read articles that said the lack of air travel is causing a lot of it. Interesting.

    Not sure what exactly we’ll be doing for July 4th this year since it is on a Sunday. We broke with tradition last year. Son and family used to join us at the mall for the fireworks. We would go early to make sure we could get parking spots together then head to one of the fast food restaurants across the street. They had the fireworks last year but masks were required so we decided not to go. It was too hot to stand outside for hours wearing a mask. Sean and Dionne live in the county so they can have sparklers and things so they did that last year and met many of their neighbors while celebrating. We stayed home. We were going to join them for that this year but Sunday is such a busy day for us and I have to get up earlier than usual and going to their house in the evening would make a long day for me. I’ll have to see what they want to do but I haven’t heard anything yet.

    1. Thank you Barbara,
      I’m happy you like Rozen’s new romper set… I really had fun putting this one together… the pattern stretched me a little bit but I really enjoyed seeing it come together… and turn out like I was hoping it would.
      Rozen is a VERY lovely doll… the more I see of her, the more I just fall in love with her. I am so blessed to have gotten her… She is a very nice model…

      We are having very nice weather right now… and I wish it would stay like this for a while…

      You aren’t the only one who doesn’t know what is going on for the 4th… we haven’t made any plans as of yet… my hubby is out mowing the grass right now… but I think he mentioned something about staining his shed with the redwood stain tomorrow… I think that’s what we’ll be doing… and he bought a small window for up in the eave on the front side of the house… so I know that will be another project day soon… the problem is the window has to pretty much be fitted from the outside, so that means standing 12-15′ in the air it… not much fun and uncomfortable… oh well, it’s gotta be done…
      Thanks Barbara,
      Have a wonderful 4th, whatever you do.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Barbara in SE Texas

    Oops! I forgot to mention I love the peasant blouse and like the smaller sleeves with the shortall/romper. I think the other would look lovely with a skirt like Joy’s Ardyn had on the other day.

    1. HI again Barbara,
      Yes, the peasant top will be fine with something else like a skirt… just so long as it doesn’t have straps going over the shoulders… I’m glad you noticed the difference…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Laura in Ohio

    What a darling outfit. I love the flip flops. You certainly have those perfected now.
    The applique is sweet and the red hat goes so nicely with the set. The peasant blouse looks coll and comfy. Love the photo of Rozen getting ready to skip.
    Thanks, Sally, for the comment about Valentine. I like these dolls, but then they would require another whole wardrobe/ more expense and I would want to make them into specific historicals like the PC/AG girls. Plus there’s the whole accessory issue. I love the historical accessory sets and the additional things I’ve found from elsewhere for the 18 inchers. I think finding historical things in a smaller size would be difficult, but some random decor items not intended for dolls sometimes works well.

    1. Thank you Laura,
      Well, every time you make something, you get a little bit better at doing it… the flip flops are sort of fun to figure out… I spent more time trying to decide what ribbon to use, than almost the time it took me to make them… they are a fun little project to make…
      I’m glad you liked the applique too.. as soon as I laid it on the denim, I loved it.. and knew it was the one I wanted to use.

      It is hard to think about a whole new set of dolls… so I try to find ones that can wear the same wigs or shoes to help offset the price of them… that helps some… and then the props working for the same dolls really helps too…
      Thanks Laura,
      I hope you are having an okay day…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Kathie from Omaha

    Rosen is such a cute model! Joy and I liked the same pic of her with one foot in the air😉Using less fabric in the blouse was a good idea..it was too much before. Love the hat and the flip flops! So now with the bibbies being perfect and the blouse and hat and flip flops added it is fantastic! Good luck with the auction🤗

    1. HI Kathie,
      I need to get some pictures and get it listed, but I worked 4 hours at the Food Pantry and I’m feeling a bit pooped out… so I’m debating if I have enough energy to take some new pictures… I’d LOVE some outside ones… we’ll see…
      Thanks for liking it…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the outfit is lovely. I like the concept of a “full set” so that a doll can be dressed immediately and the Mama doesn’t have to shop for shoes or a top.

    I anticipate some lively bidding on this ensemble.

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I like to provide as much as I can in an outfit and if that includes shoes, all the better…
      I hope you are right about some lively bidding on this… that would be wonderful! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Anne Coldron in New Zealand

    Love the outfit and the new top looks much better.
    You are looking forward to celebrating 4th July, we have Matariki. From next year it will be a Public Holiday. Matariki is the cluster of stars known as the Pleaides and their appearing denotes the start of winter proper to Maori. It is a time of relaxation and rest. Not so applicable now we are no longer exclusively agricultural but more and more people are enjoying looking at the stars and learning to recogsnise them so it has become more popular. Next year the holiday will be on June 24th.
    So glad the weather has cooled a little for so many of you, I’m not a fan of humidity, I spent 2 and a half years in Singapore! I also lived 8 years in Napier in the North Island and hated the fact that stuff left at the back of the wardrobe, like shoes, went moldy. We normally have very little humidity here in Christchurch and my shoes stay mold free! I wouldn’t have A/C if I didn’t have the heat pump for the cold weather but do use it very occasionally when the temp goes over 30C (about 90F), I know, wuss, but we rarely go up to that, 25C is more the norm in the summer, so it comes as a shock. Also the hole in the ozone layer is right over NZ although fortunately it is getting smaller, so the sun is VERY hot. My son lived in Brisbane, Queensland, (Australia) for years and he burns in the sun here. It is why we have very high rates of Melanoma.
    Linda, we are enjoying sunshine as well after a month of rain. Not very warm sunshine but it is winter.
    Sally I hope everything is OK with your hubby.

    1. Thank you Anne,
      I’m not a fan of humidity either… there’s nothing worse than be sticky to me… well, I’m sure there is, but stickiness ranks high on my uncomfortable list… :o)
      It sounds like you have lived lots of interesting places, Anne… and had different weather in all of them…
      I hope you are enjoying the sunshine today! We are…
      Thanks Anne,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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