Two things got finished today… one was REALLY BIG!

Let’s start with the BIG thing… my kitchen cabinets! They are DONE! Let me say that again… They are DONE! I still have handles to put on the last 2 doors… they are drying overnight, but tomorrow, they’ll be added to the rest of my kitchen doors and drawers… and YES, I will show pictures… most definitely! I do have one picture of the last 2 pantry doors I was painting today… I guess I took it as a memory of what “was” and what will “be!”

I just can’t believe I washed out my paint brush for the last time… (at least for “this” project!)

We did lots of house cleaning today… putting away all the paint stuff, sawhorses, cans of paint and primer, sandpaper, sanders, stir sticks, and gobs more! It was a disaster back in the sitting room where I did all the painting… windows got washed, (me on the inside and my hubby on the outside) floors got vacuumed and mopped, showers got washed out, books shelves got dusted off and wiped down, just lots of things… and it looks wonderful in my house now… except for the plywood floors in our bedroom and the sitting room… (someday…) :o)

I even had time to run to town and got a new kitchen rug and a new bedroom rug… AND I stopped by Hobby Lobby and Walmart to find something to finish up Stella’s sandals… I was looking for something like a burlap ribbon or a jute trim… I sort of struck out because everything was too wide, but I did cut one in half and by quickly gluing it on the shoes it didn’t fray… Then Sally had a great idea to use the braid I used for the hat I made Stella. That was a great idea, but not that braid… I had some that you can’t use for hats because it’s not flexible enough… but it goes around shoes perfectly… the only trouble was I made Stella’s shoes a bit too tall and the braid was a bit too narrow… BUT the next time I make a pair of sandals, I’m going to use it… thanks Sally… I totally had forgotten about having it!

Anyway, this is what Stella’s sandals look like now…

They aren’t perfect, but a little more practice and I think they could be pretty good…

Stella likes them…

I wish I had put a strap of clear elastic on the back of them… they stay between her toes fairly well, but I don’t want the winner to have to be worried every time they move their doll that the shoes come off… I’ll figure out something…

Want to see some of my hubby’s handiwork outside?

Well, I guess that’s it for me today… thanks again, everyone, for carrying on with each other.

Oh, and Happy Anniversary to Paula and her hubby today… 49 years I think she said…

…and Happy Anniversary to Karen’s parents… 42 years for them…

Dorothy in PA… I hope you get all the details for your Doll Club Luncheon figured out…that’s a big undertaking…

I had to laugh at the ladies who try to time the mail to come (on days when dolly dearest might arrive) when hubby’s are away or busy in the basement! If these men only knew what they didn’t know! :o)

Well, I really should get to bed… and yes, I will take pictures of my cabinets and have a blog post about it…

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “Two things got finished today… one was REALLY BIG!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer, north of Seattle

    Happy dance!! Happy dance!! Time to celebrate!! The last coat of paint has been applied!! ✨🎉🎆

    Stella’s sandals are adorable. I think the burlap you used will be just fine, since all those little bits are glued down; you won’t have to worry about them fraying. However, you can keep your eyes open for something that is narrower to use on the next pair you make (I’m assuming there Will be a next pair?!).

    I wish I lived closer so I could go to Dorothy’s doll club luncheon. She will have to tell us all about it after it’s over and she has time to breathe again!

    I loved what Barbara said: “Collecting dolls has encouraged the devious side of my nature.” So true here, also, Barbara! I had to laugh I do the same with fabric, or used to, back in the day when Huge bags came home with me from work at Stretch & Sew, or my trips to various other fabric and quilt shops. These days my fabric buying is pretty slim, as I am realizing that, at age 75, I will need to live at least another 50 years to sew it all up, even if I never buy another thing–and I seriously doubt that will happen (either living to 125 or never buying another thing)! LOL

    Happy anniversary to our other “May brides” here, Paula and Sally. And any June brides, too (June is just around the corner).

    1. Barbara in SE Texas

      I can so relate to the fabric thing. I have a fat quarter fetish and find most packs irresistible. I reorganize them every now and then so I can get the rush of seeing everything again. Unfortunately if the package is small they put it in the mailbox to be found by hubby when he gets the mail at lunch while taking the dog out. The big packages I can sometimes sneak in during the day while he is at his shop. I don’t think living another 50 years would matter. We’d just buy more fabric along the way.

    2. Sally from Colorado

      Thank you, CHARLOTTE. I have to ask. What time do you get up each morning? I know you are an hour behind me, but you sure are an early bird! 😂🎈BTW, what town are you in?

      1. Charlotte Trayer, north of Seattle

        Hi Sally,

        I am definitely Not an early bird, as anyone in my family can tell you! Rather, I am a night owl, staying up until 2:30-3 a.m. or so….and then sleep until 10-11 a.m. My husband goes to bed (or at least sleeps on the sofa sometimes, till I get him up! LOL) much earlier, and is up earlier, too. After 47 years, it’s still much the same, although when I was younger and had a little boy in the house, I got up earlier and went to bed (sort of) earlier so I could get him off to school! But when Ron and I first married, I worked evening shift (3-11:30 p.m.) at the hospital, so he knew right off the bat that I would not be the kind of wife to get up at 6 a.m. and fix his breakfast! LOL He would nap in the evening before I got home from work, and then be up with me for an hour or two, often had supper ready, and then we’d go to bed. Of course, I didn’t have a computer to keep me up till all hours back then, either! LOL

        I live in Mountlake Terrace, which is just north of the King/Snohomish county line. (Seattle is in King County.) Are you familiar with the Seattle area?

  2. Linda from St. Louis

    I guess the “big reveal” of your kitchen is coming soon, Jeanne! I’m so happy for you after these three long years that you are finally at the finish line! We will be waiting with anticipation!

    Stella’s flip flops, which I believe in my day, we called thongs, are adorable, and the whole outfit looks darling! I can see her going for a summer riverboat cruise in that darling outfit!

    George’s handiwork in the yard is going to be noticed, for sure, by your guests, not to mention all of us! What a beautiful place to show off! Do I see to tomato plants growing? I can already taste them!

  3. Joy in northern CA

    A big congratulations on the cabinets. I know it took a lot to get them done, but they are and now you can enjoy them and the rest of your lovely kitchen. Yay!!
    The thongs turned out great and are perfect with Stella’s outfit. Really adds to the cuteness of the outfit. The thickness of the sole reminds me of a pair I had some years ago. Platform thongs. Remember platform sandals anyone? Fun. 🙂
    The yard is a luxurious paradise. All of that beautiful green. I think you need a rolling chicken pen so that the birds can enjoy that green too. Although moving it around everyday might be a pain. Please tell George that our tomato plants (3) are just slightly taller 🙂 , but won’t ever be as tall as predicted by the stakes in your great tomato patch. So nice to be able to access the bushes from all sides without trying to reach across a wider bed. Love seeing the yard photos.
    Have fun and hope you get some time to relax now that your home is sparkling.

  4. Debbie in Tennessee

    Congratulations Jeanne on finishing the cabinet doors! I am looking forward to the big reveal. To your hubby too for the outdoor spaces. Those are some great looking tomato plants!

  5. Barbara in SE Texas

    I know you must feel ecstatic that such a huge project is finished. I’m so excited for you. Can’t wait to see the big reveal. And having all that housework taken care of is too great. When my kids were small I would take a day off from work, put them in daycare and go through my house from top to bottom including washing curtains, etc. By the time I picked them up all was finished and I could relax and just do minor cleaning for a few weeks. Oh to have that energy again. Today it takes me two days just to clean the bathroom. My doors and windows need some attention and so does the mobile home Jason lives in. Sean has a pressure washer and I’m going to have him bring it out so I can take care of all the outside needs before it gets too hot.

    I just love your yard. It’s eye appealing from every angle. Kudos to your handy hubby.

    Stella’s platform thongs are the cutest. I remember calling them thongs or thong sandals. Today when you say you wear thongs it has a whole different connotation and would probably be considered TMI.

    Looks like you’re nearly to the point where you can relax and enjoy your guests completely.

  6. Julia from MN

    Everything looks good, Jeanne! Flipfops – cute. Painted doors – done. Yard – green.

    We got some much needed rain over night. There might be more today, judging by the clouds.

    Can’t wait to see those pics! That has to be an awesome feeling and one will be have to remind you about them anymore! Now just enjoy them ☺️
    Happy Anniversary Paula and Sally!
    The sandals make the ensemble so complete

  8. Laura in Ohio

    Too funny, Barbara, about thinking how many dolls and dolly related things you can ordered to arrive in that span of time. It will be fine, provided there is no delivery delay. I’m glad you also figured out where you lived. I did wonder with your SW because of other towns you’ve mentioned in the past. LOL I see everyone is putting In and their location, so I’ll switch as well.
    Yay, the cabinets are finished and just in time for your company. I’ll bet that’s what you were striving for.
    Stella’s sandals are very sweet and show of her pedicure.
    Happy Anniversary, Sally! Did you see my comment to you a few days back now about Salida? I’m glad you’re joining us here for the daily fun.

  9. Susette from Southern California

    I wear platform sandals like that all the time and I’d buy those if I saw them in a store, leather and jute included in my collection.

    Your kitchen is amazing from Chandie right down to the floors. To think you did it all yourselves! I’m glad you took all those pictures to keep us informed all along. Your yard and gardens look beautiful as well. That’s quite a castle you’ll be calling home pretty soon after the roof gets replaced. Congratulations on the kitchen being finished! And the garden in beautiful shape.

    Have a good time with your visitors. Then rest up for about a week!

  10. Anne Coldron in New Zealand

    So happy for you Jeanne that your kitchen is finally finished. Your garden looks fabulous too, I didn’t have time to comment yesterday as I had a meeting at 9 and I overslept as well which didn’t help but wanted to say your Rhodi is gorgeous too. I have three azaleas along my side fence line then a HUGE camellia hedge that is probably 12ft tall and the length of the house but only one rhodi, a white one that has the most glorious perfume. I’ll send some pictures in spring! Unfortunately I can’t send the smell with it sorry lol. Stella’s flip flops look great the jute braid is perfect.
    Have any of you ever had Feijoa’s? I think the tree is related to our Pohutakawa and Rata which are from the Myrtle family. I do have a tree but it hasn’t had any fruit yet, I think it was in the wrong place so have moved it. Anyway someone gave Sam a bag of them and her family aren’t keen so she gave the bag to me. I have eaten a few and saved a few but made some jam with the rest. It tastes much better than it looks! Jamie Oliver reckons they are NZ’s best kept secret!. Apparently they don’t travel well so can’t be exported. I’ll have to send a photo before I eat the last four, you may know it under a different name.
    Happy anniversary Paula and Sally hope you had a good day. There are some advantages to being on my own, I don’t have to account to anyone what I spend or hide any packages lol.
    I see I am the only ‘foreigner’ on here. New Zealand is smaller by a long way than most of your states but interestingly, very diverse, in weather, terrain and flora. It is only 1800 kms (about 1100 miles) from Cape Reinga to Bluff but in that area we have sub tropical, volcanic plateau (with three active volcanoes), hot pools and geysers (like Yellowstone), Marlborough Sounds, two mountain ranges, temperate rain forest, Canterbury Plains (pretty well everywhere else they would be desert but we have the underground water that saves us from that), and fiords. Pretty diverse wouldn’t you say/ Lol

  11. Sally from Colorado

    JEANNE. Wow. Job done! Three years. Perseverance and patience and a boatload of love and sweat. Good for you Wiedlocher’s! And the yard is a gorgeous vision. Have to say, when I read through your litany of activity yesterday, I was getting worn out just reading it. Good heavens. You’re a regular cyclone!

    Those platform thongs are cute as can be. The outfit becomes more interesting each day. It’s a humdinger for sure. Have a blast with your company and I sure hope they “oooh” and “aaahhhh” appropriately.

    LAURA in OH…I did see and responded but it was pretty late and we have an hours difference.. We looked Bill up and found he was on K. He has a wife and toddler, yes? However, that could be old info if they have moved.

    ANNE in NZ. Our NH vet and wife have dear friends in NZ and they go there for about 3 months every year. They rhapsodize about the beauty and variety of everything. If I didn’t hate being in a plane so much, I would love to come see it myself. Also, your living alone means, as you say, you don’t have to “engineer” Dolly stuff arrivals. If I were alone, this place would be insane with dolls in little scenes. Dolls and dogs, my favorite things. Anyway, I always enjoy your comments.

    JOY, Barbara says I should see your Camp Meadow pictures. Feel free to email them to me if you can find them. Sounds awfully fun!

    DOROTHY, I would so love to go to a doll convention or lunch if one were within easy reach. I suppose there are such things in Denver and the Springs. Sounds like so much work and so much fun. Enjoy it and tell us all about it afterwards.

    PAULA, hope your day was splendid.

    EVERYONE, thanks for the anniversary wishes. Have a great rest of your day.

    1. Hi Sally,
      No, not Bill. I don’t know your address on G, of course or how long that street is , but my friend’s son’s name is Mike and he’was your community development director.

      1. Sally from Colorado

        Hi, LAURA,
        There is a Mike Post who is Parks and Recreation director. Our community development director is Bill Almquist. The only other Mike on the city roster is one of the city council members. Is it Mike Post?

      2. Sally from Colorado

        Hi, LAURA,
        My first reply is awaiting moderation because I had an incomplete email address, so in case it doesn’t come through, here goes again. I searched the city roster and Bill Almquist is our community development director and was hired about 2 years ago. There are two Mikes on the roster. One is a City councilman and the other, a Mike Post, is director of parks and recreation. Is he your friend’s son?

    2. Joy in northern CA

      Hi, Sally! If you go to the search box above on Jeanne’s site, type in Camp Meadow and all of the photos will come up. 🙂

      1. Sally from Colorado

        JOY….oh my gosh! What fun to look at those pictures and all the props. Those little girls are clearly having the time of their lives. So clever and sweet. Thank you for sharing these. (Did I count 26 of these dolls???! 👍😁❤️)

    3. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Sally, the United Federation of Doll Clubs has chapters in Colorado. I can put you in touch with the Regional Director if you like. I am sure there are luncheons you can attend. I realize that you may not see this comment as I am posting late. I will make it again tomorrow.

      1. Sally from Colorado

        Hello, DOROTHY. That would be truly appreciated. If I become involved, it will give my hubby something else to roll his eyes about. I think it’s good exercise for him. 😁
        Thanks so much!

    4. Barbara in SE Texas

      I meant several times to wish you a Happy Anniversary. I hope I’m not too late and you miss this.

      1. Sally from Colorado

        Thank you, BARBARA in SE Texas. It will actually be a week from Monday on the 31st. I was just saying I was another May bride like Paula and Charlotte. We are celebrating 52 years. Thanks again; you are so kind.

  12. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I love the sandals. You are becoming a master cobbler. You can definitely make “full sets” for your dolls: outfits, shoes, and hats.

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