Ruby Red Fashion Friends, Stella, loves her new romper…

Well, it seems this REALLY IS “New Doll Week.” I had lots of responses from ladies about winning new dolls and wanting new dolls and waiting for new dolls… I think you have to love dolls to really appreciate all the comments from yesterday’s post! It touched a nerve and everyone spoke up… I am glad! I do have some new doll dresses to show you from a reader, but I couldn’t get them uploaded today as I was painting my little fingers to the bone… I am determined to get this project finished… and then we shall have cake! ;o)

I worked on Stella’s outfit today while I was waiting for coats of paint to dry… I decided to go with the romper for now, but I many have a surprise if I can pull it off… I actually had the bottom section of the romper OFF 5 times… trying to get my pattern just right… and it’s still just a bit too full to suit me but I’m leaving it this time… I had to move on… I might sell this one as a “pattern proof” but I plan on tweaking the crotch just a bit more before I make it again…

I got no arguments from Stella though… she likes it very much and said it was roomy and comfy! :o)

I added some little bows at the shoulders and just have to finish sewing the snaps on the back… then it will be finished…

So here are a few pictures I took before I went to bed…

See you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “Ruby Red Fashion Friends, Stella, loves her new romper…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, although I was one of those who was hoping for a jumper, this little romper is adorable on Stella! And you are truly a perfectionist, if you’ve had the pants part off and on the bodice FIVE times!!

    Oh, my, I do think you have a bidding war going on for Kirsten’s outfit! You now have THIRTEEN bids!! I think you really got everything right on that outfit!

    Ron had his appt. with the cardiologist yesterday. His pacemaker is still working fine; in fact, it now is working 100% of the time, so it’s a good thing he has one. She talked about some possible tests to see if he has a blocked artery; he has another appt. in a month, so we have time to do some thinking and talking about it. He’s 88, after all….that has to be considered, too. Will keep you posted.

  2. Darling romper, Jeannne:) I feel you pain… redoing the pants 5 times..,but we “know” when it’s not right even if nobody else does. This is absolutely adorable!
    I just went through that with a batiste Bishop dress for big Meadow Saffi..sometimes it sucks to be a perfectionist! LoL

  3. I think this is the perfect little romper because it looks so comfortable for play or any summertime fun. The extra roominess is appreciated, so Stella can sit down on a picnic blanket without falling over. 🙂 It almost looks like the cuffs were rolled up because she was wading in the creek. Love outfits like this, and it looks like Stella does too. Maybe she needs a little pup friend who will accompany her on her summer forays.
    Luca is here, and it looks like he has a crush on Jeanne’s, Stella. He can’t take his eyes off of the computer screen. 🙂
    I know others have mentioned buying your patterns. Has there been any thought about that? I have no idea if it would be profitable to add some to your Etsy shop. Just the pattern and brief directions so the total download would just be a few pages. I personally dislike it intensely when a pattern has 20 plus pages of directions. Too much paper and ink involved. 🙂

    1. I just spent the day turning a bunch of single-sided pattern instructions into two-sided because too many of them were 20 pages or more and were outgrowing the available storage. Some people say they put all but the pattern pieces on a flash drive but I’ve had flash drives fail with no way to retrieve the information so I’m a hard copy person when it comes to patterns.

      1. Good idea. I know some just print out the pattern pieces and return to their computer to read the directions. I personally like the directions right in front of me. Guess I’m old school. 🙂

        1. Charlotte Trayer

          And here’s another hard-copy, old-school person! I want my pattern and directions all on paper!

  4. Today’s outfit is definitely cute. Do you have time to make a straw hat to go with it? What about sandals — something simple that shows off her pedicure? And a basket of fruit or flowers or vegetables? Back to the craft store to stare at the shelves.

    I do really like the color and print. They set off her hair and eyes. Stella rocks the farmers’ market. The new shoulder bows are perfect.

    You have 5 bidders on Kirsten’s outfit. With the new (old) AGs, you should make each one a new outfit — and don’t forget to list on AGPT, where the new/old dolls are attracting attention.

    If you decide to make folders of patterns, a folder for each of he new dolls, with some inspirational pictures, might be fun to sell here and on AGPT.

    Keep on painting. We’ll celebrate with you when you are done.

    1. I love that idea of a new outfit for each Anniversary doll. I am curious, what is AGPT?

      1. AGPT stands for American Girl Play Things. It’s a doll message board mostly for American Girl Dolls but other dolls as well.

        1. I didn’t know what AGPT was either and hadn’t asked so now I know, thanks Debra for asking lol. I’ll pass that on to Sam

      2. Hi Debra,
        I’m on AGPT as well as another doll board. I know membership has opened up again recently on AGPT. Please come join us.

      3. In the right upper corner on AGPT there’s an American Girl section you can click on that shows the dolls by name and shows all of the clothes and accessories for them. I’m using it right now to find out which dress and apron goes with the meet and the cooking outfits. It also lists the original prices of the items. Oh, good heavens, why did I start collecting so late. Have fun.

  5. You mentioned adjusting the romper crotch, Jeanne. I wonder if redistributing the gathers would help? If the gathers were moved to the sides the front would be almost flat. The gathers would not be even *gasp* around the waist line but might eliminate some bunchiness in the crotch area. Gathers concentrated at the sides with fewer in the middle could be a radical design feature! 😁

  6. Love your original design for the romper! The fabric is so perfect on her. That little knit shirt fits PERFECTLY! Those gathers on the romper top are sweet.
    Julia does have a good idea…she put it into words…I couldn’t explain it that well.
    Patterns would be awesome but it would be quite the undertaking. I just bought a pattern with over 20 variations and all the directions were squished on 2 pages, single spaced. 🥴
    Haven’t even tried using the pieces yet.
    I’m so excited to see the cupboards all finished. You have worked so hard on them! It will be so nice to look at them every day and not have them nagging at you to be completed.I think I said my daughter is going to do her cabinets.. Do you remember what day you put all the directions about your coats of paint on your post?

  7. What a cute little romper. I love the bows at the shoulders. Stella looks ready for a picnic at the beach.

  8. The romper looks great. It really suits Stella. I can see her with a little dog too and a straw hat. Maybe even a fishing pole and a pail or a jam jar for catching ‘tiddlers’. We had great fun doing that when I was young. I wonder how many of them got flushed down the toilet by my mum! A very long time ago now, Youngsters today wouldn’t be able to put their phones down long enough to do that!

    OK ladies, I made a life changing discovery on Tuesday. Well, perhaps that is a slight exaggeration but it was pretty important for me lol. I do a lot of applique using fusible web and in spite of all my good intentions I always end up with gunk on my iron. I bought a new one because the last two were just so bad but even that one was gunking up. I bought iron cleaner which was worse that useless, so I looked on Pinterest. Someone suggested vinegar, vinegar and baking soda, toothpaste! I didn’t try the toothpaste ( I was going to) but, like the iron cleaner, the other two didn’t work either. Then someone on Pinterest suggested Tylenol. I had no idea what that was but kept looking and saw another post that was a UK one and she mentioned Paracetamol. Ah so that was what Tylenol was, we just had a different name for it. Well paracetamol is cheap enough so thought it was worth a shot. I got one of my tablets and held it in a pair of plyers and rubbed it on the hot iron . Well I can’t tell you how surprised I was to watch that gunk just bubbling then melting away. I had it on an old tea towel and kept wiping the stuff off on to it. I went through 8 tablets, a lot of them just crumbled,( it didn’t help that they were the shaped ones, all I had, the big flat ones get stuck in my throat when I take them) so I brushed the crumbly bits on to the teatowel and ‘ironed’ them and that got rid of some more. When I thought I had got all the gunk off that was going to come off I unplugged the iron (very important) and ran water over the plate. I am not saying the iron looked like new, I had let it get too bad for that but it no longer has stuff caked on it and more importantly, if/when I get something stuck on it again I can remove it immediately. Yay

    However it does kind of beg a couple of questions. 1) If it does that with gunk on an iron is it really as safe to take as they tell us? and 2) who in their right mind thought of using a headache tablet to remove stuff on an iron????
    I’ll leave you to ponder lol

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Anne, orange juice will take bugs off your windshield! Just sayin’….

  9. Well, finally here! I have been outside planting flowers and just had to get done, but of course, I’m still not done! I’m done for the day “playing” outside though!

    Exciting news! I ordered a new Kirsten doll from AG! That was yesterday, and today they have an offer of you order anything you get 3x the points, of all things! Oh well, I am satisfied I will finally have my Kirsten! As you mentioned yesterday, it USF be “ get a new doll week”, because I don’t get a new doll often! I caved when I saw that I clod get a brand new doll and her meet and accessories, and free shipping too, plus I will now be a Berry member again! Now I’m on the lookout for Kirsten things!

    I love that romper you made for Stella! Betsy would love something like that too! Did you make the tee to go with it? Love them both and the sweet bows on the shoulders! It looks fun, comfy and feminine at the same time without looking too tomboyish! Is there such a word? Love the color, so “ now” without being too pink and garish.You are onto something there with that cute romper, Jeanne!

  10. What a sweet little romper for Stella. I like the t-shirt fabric too. The cute bows at the shoulders are a nice touch. Looks so sweet on her.

  11. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, the outfit is adorable. I think it might fit the Little Darlings.

    My favorite cake is wedding cake, white cake with white icing, no chocolate for me. I vote for tea and cake for the celebration.

  12. Hi Jeanne,
    Your new girl is such a sweet looking doll. I love that the RRFF all have such sweet happy faces. The outfit is fun and playful and the color looks great with Stella’s hair color. Wouldn’t a pair of flip flops be fun with her outfit?
    You asked if any new dolls were coming our way, well yep I was bitten by “the bug”! I’ve been wanting a Connie Lowe doll for a while now. It took me awhile to decide on which doll I wanted. When I asked Connie if she had a Hazel sitting around and she said Yes she did. Oh my I was so excited and then the wait was on for her to be customized and painted. She finally arrived last week, I just haven’t had time to play with her yet. I’m horrible at photo’s but will snap one to share.
    Happy almost Friday!

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