My last “little” doll dress for Christmas…

This will probably be my last Christmas dress for my dolls smaller than my 13″ Dianna Effner girls. If you don’t know who Noel is, you’ll see her in a minute. I’ve had her a few years and she is a 10″ Boneka doll…

Well, she was picked to be my last little girl… after all, tiny 6″ Navi got that sweet little “Christmas Cheer” dress…

Then 8″ Ten Ping was all decked out in “Happy Holly Days!”

11″ Bailey got to show off in “Old Fashioned Christmas.”

…and 10″ Patsy Tonner got a brief moment in front of the camera modeling that same dress…

So that leaves me with 10″ Noel… and she’s here to show you what her momma got done on her dress…

This fabric is SO SO pretty but I’m not sure you can see how much the tiny silver speckles sparkle. I hope you can…

I made a dress for Patsy a few years ago and I remember using this same blue fabric, with blue wool felt for a jacket and I know it had white fur on it, but I’m not letting myself look back at that dress as I want to see what I come up with for this dress. I didn’t want to do a copy cat version, but something new and fresh… so we’ll see, I guess.

There’s not a lot to show you, so I’ve just got 7 pictures of the dress…from a few different angles…

So I got the basic part of the dress done… no snaps yet on the back, but the skirt is connected to the bodice and the inside handwork is all done… and the dress has been hand hemmed.

I have just enough blue wool felt to make a jacket, but I promise I won’t look back and see what Patsy’s look like… when I’m done, maybe I’ll show them side by side…

Wednesday I’ll be cooking for a Staff Christmas Party and then Thursday is the party… My time is limited, so if I don’t get much done, don’t be too sad…

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “My last “little” doll dress for Christmas…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Ooh, that IS pretty fabric, and yes, I can see the sparkles, particularly in that first picture. I had forgotten about the dress you made out of this fabric previously, so it’s like it’s all new again, right?! I’ll be interested in seeing what you do for accessorizing this time!

  2. How pretty, Jeanne, to see the fresh looking blue, white and sparkles fabric! American Girl always has a blue dress for Hanukkah, I should know, since I have all of them, and guess what? Tomorrow is Hanukkah! It looks like it will be pretty for winter, and a snowy background too! Just be sure Noel has some boots on to warm her feet! And a hat too!

    Oh, fur trim? That would be really pretty too, and I can’t wait to see the other dress you made from this fabric!

    Have a good time at your staff party tomorrow, and stay safe! I’m sure you will be wearing one of your masks!

  3. Lovely fabric match to Noel’s lake blue eyes. So pretty on her. I really like how well you are able to make your pattern fit Noel. So many dresses I see have the shoulders popping up. Poor fit. I like the silver ribbon trim too. This little number just sings.
    Thanks Linda for the AG Hanukkah blue dress tradition. My Meadow girls are excited to try on their new dresses. I think they will fit. Haven’t had a spare moment yet. 🙂
    Jeanne, is Noel’s wig Ellowyne wild? It is lovely and since the closure of Monique, in great demand. You are lucky to have one.
    Was hoping your party would be virtual, but looks like not, so hopefully you will wear one of your lovely masks. Here surrounding counties in the bay area have had such high hospital/case numbers, that they have closed all indoor and outdoor dining again (take out only) and limited group gatherings to your own household only. If we go much higher here, we will also be doing the same. 🙁
    We may actually get some rain Saturday. We are so behind on the wet stuff.

    1. I forgot to add, that Noel’s dress can also work for a New Year in house party and on into January. Those flakes make it very versatile. 🙂

  4. This doll has one of the prettiest faces – she has a sweet natural looking face, I think. Well, all your Effner dolls do. This choice of material is perfect for the last of Christmas and winter dresses. I love anything printed with snowflakes. Plus there’s sparkle! It will be interesting to see how you add and complete the outfit.

  5. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, Noel is adorable. I am partial to Little Darlings and Bonekas, as you know (smile).

    I like the color of the dress. I can’t wait to see it completed.

    I look forward to seeing photos of the party.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      So glad to see you pop back in and take your spot on the sofa. I missed seeing you here and I had no way to contact you. I’m glad you were just busy. In case you hadn’t been keeping up with the posts, I finally got a new cell phone and was able to share pictures of my dolls even though many were in the underpinnings only. LOL If you’re interested, I think it was shortly before Thanksgiving.
      Merry Christmas!!! Laura

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Laura, thanks for your kind words. I just got stuck in the kitchen drinking tea. Thanks for saving me a seat!

        I will go back and try to find your photos.

        I got a new phone a few months ago. It’s another flip phone with no features. I love those!

        1. Charlotte Trayer

          We love our flip phones, too, Dorothy. I have a Kindle Fire and my laptop; I really have no need for a smart phone at this point! LOL

  6. What lovely fabric I love the sparkle, looking forward to seeing how you finish it and accessorise it. I didn’t see the last dress you made in the fabric so looking forward to seeing that as well.
    It has been very hot here this last week, hard to keep up the watering, so dry. We don’t get much humidity down here, the Nor-westers drop their rain on the West Coast where it is very humid, temperate rain forest, by the time it gets over the mountains it is just hot and dry. Fortunately our Christchurch water comes from underground aquifers so we rarely have water restrictions. Until two years ago we didn’t even treat the water that came through the taps it was so pure but the powers that be decided that the danger of contamination from dairy farms seeping into the wells was too great so now we have to have chlorine added. Not nice.
    I am going to a Staff Christmas dinner tonight (Thursday), it is the Delta dinner for staff and board and I am on the board. Being ‘on the board’ sounds very grand but it isn’t really it is a voluntary position so going to the Christmas party is one of the ways we get paid!!! I did suggest at the last board meeting that we should get a pay rise and the treasurer said we could give ourselves a 50% pay rise lol!

  7. Noel is such a sweetie. She reminds me of a Kathe Kruse doll I have. That fabric is just lovely. The ice blue sets off Noel’s beautiful blue eyes. The snowflakes and sparkle can make this outfit a perfect January dress as well. I like putting up a few snowman decorations and snowflakes in January to combat the blahness when all the gorgeous Christmas decorations are down.
    Looking forward to seeing this one completed. The sheer silver trim is lovely.

  8. We like Kirsten in blue but Noel is just as pretty. This is a lovely shade of blue for her. Cool weather accessories as Linda suggested would be pretty for Hanukkah or any winter celebration, especially with the sparkles in the fabric.
    Maybe you should take masks with you to the party — after people see yours, they may want some.
    You are really doing well on Christmas this year.

  9. Beautiful dresses! It’s especially nice to look at everything together! Your outfits are like a fairy tale. Especially Christmas ones.

  10. Marti Wulfow Garner

    I am pleased to finally see a dress that will work for Chanukah. Chanukah starts tomorrow evening at sunset. I am all ready with multiple menorahs to light.

    1. Happy Chanukah Marti! My uncle was Jewish and my aunt Gentile so they celebrated both Chanukah and Christmas. A true Judeo-Christian household I guess you could say. My cousins loved it. My aunt could decorate the inside of the house but not the outside. They were amazing at compromising that way. Great respect for each others traditions. Probably why they were married over 50 years when he passed away. They were also my Godparents. I would love to see pictures of your multiple menorahs.

    2. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Marti, Happy Chanukah.

      I have participated in some programs for Yom HaShoah in the past.

      Sending blessings your way.

  11. I’m checking in late today. Between trying to decorate for Christmas and losing my internet regularly for awhile, keeping up with the blog has been a challenge. I love all the Christmas dresses you made and are making. Last year I made several but this year, unless things move along a little faster, I’ll be lucky to get one done. Noel’s new dress fabric is lovely. I can sort of see the sparkle and imagine the rest.

    I’ve got to figure out a new way to hook up the lights for my village. I think last year I had my son do it. This year I did it myself and it was a tough go. I had to crawl under the table to reach the power strip to plug the buildings into. Let’s just say I’m not as young as when I started doing this years ago. David asked if I wanted to go to Katy to eat at Texas Roadhouse tonight but I declined so you know I’m done in. I took a raincheck until next week when I hopefully will have all this done. I am so sore from just a few minutes under the table. For awhile we were supposed to get a YMCA here and I was looking forward to some exercise classes. But the city ticked someone off as they are known to do, and the Y cancelled the plans.

    As for your professional mask making, all I can say is oh dear I hope not. I’m ready for this to go away as are probably most of us. But your masks are very nice. If I hadn’t bought so many already, I would definitely buy one. The style is good because one of the problems we had, especially when singing, was fogging up our glasses. But I just spent $50 to get myself and David Singer’s Masks for church choir in addition to others I’ve bought, so I think I’ve spent enough on masks for awhile.

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