Mostly Dolls today…some living ones!

I hope you didn’t eat too much candy over the weekend. I had 12 pieces of candy corn and 1 cherry tootsie roll pop! :o)

Thanks for everyone’s comments the last few days. I was kind of missing in action because I had too many things I was involved in or had to get finished. This starts a new week and I hope a new outfit! :o)

Have you seen the new American Girl Sugarplum Fairy doll? She is already sold out… but you can find her on Ebay… but it will cost you! :o) I’d like to know what she went for regular price and if anyone happened to snag her before she sold out… Here are a couple of listings I saw on Ebay…She’s pretty cute…what do you think?

Sugarplum Fairy American Girl doll #1

American Girl Sugarplum Fairy doll #2

American Girl Sugarplum Fairy doll #3

I’ve gotten quite a few emails and thought I’d share some of those while I get things back in order in my sewing room. These are mostly pictures of dolls…but a few are “living” dolls!

Let’s start with Joy’s living dolls… her grandkids… she sent this picture from yesterday… talk about putting some work into what to wear! This is very clever! (Make sure you don’t miss the kitty down front!) :o)

Next let’s see what Joy has gotten in the mail lately! Oh boy, get ready…

This is Lenny Elf, a Kaye Wiggs doll, but Joy will have to tell us how tall she is… I don’t know… Look at that sweet face!

…and here is her new Linda Macario doll. I don’t know ANYTHING about these dolls, and I don’t know what her name is, but I’m guessing she’s about 11″ tall? Joy can tell us about her too! :o)

I received this picture from the winner of Lian’s dress set. Tween Ardyn, a 13″ My Meadow’s doll, apparently can wear it just fine. I had NO idea it would work for her. Doesn’t she look sweet in it?

Marilyn sent these pictures of a dolly top decorated with all kinds of embellishments! I hope I got the story straight: Someone made it for Marilyn’s dolls and they were hoping she would get it before election day! Looks like she used what she had to embellish it! I say, “use what you have and the more the better!” :o)

…and now it’s my turn… I got a new doll! At the Goodwill… a little redheaded thing… BUT, I didn’t buy her because I fell in love with her looks… I wanted her BOOTS! They are the tiniest little green lace up boots and I’ve looked at enough doll shoes to know they would fit “SOMEONE” in my dolly stash. AND THEY DID! More than ONE someone too!

Here they are on Lian, a 13″ Dianna Effner cutie…

…and Bailey, a My Meadow’s doll…

…and even 10″ Patsy Tonner can wear them.

I think they’ll become my Christmas boots for someone… but I think I’ll keep them… to use over and over again…

AND… I think I might be able to pry the wig off her head and use it. It’s a really nice wig and feels almost like a synthetic mohair. It’s really shiny and sweet. I haven’t even tried to get it off yet, but I’m sure going to check it out.

So the next time you’re in a thrift shop or Goodwill, don’t overlook the porcelain dolls…check out their feet and see if you find something YOU might be able to use! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Mostly Dolls today…some living ones!”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, late last night I posted a response to some of the comments on my dolls’ costumes; if you’d like to read it, just click on the link in the box “recent comments” (above).

    What a fun and interesting post today!! No, I didn’t get a Nutcracker AG doll-really am not that crazy about the purple hair, frankly (although my favorite color is purple–just not in hair), plus I thought the eye makeup would be really limiting if one wanted to dress her in other ways. However, she was made to be collectible as is, so I suppose most people will keep her that way, in which case the eye makeup is a moot point!

    Thanks for sharing a picture of your grands in costume, Joy! Clever! How ever did they manage to get the cat to wear a costume like that, and pose for a picture? I’ve heard cats aren’t always the most willing models!! LOL

    And I see you’ve had a case of dolly fever lately, too!! Both are very cute, and I’m sure you’re going t have a lot of fun dressing them up and posing them!

    That outfit you made does look cute on Ardyn! It’s always good to know your clothes will fit on more than one kind of doll.

    What an interesting sweater, Marilyn! I’m especially loving all the different colors of pompoms along the lower edge. Is each one attached separately, or did the trim come with all the colors attached already? Hm, I may need to go shopping!

    You got quite a good deal on that porcelain doll, Jeanne! Especially considering how expensive doll shoes can be! And wigs! I guess we never know what we’ll find in the thrift store!

    But what will become the poor, bare-footed, bare-headed dolly?! LOL

  2. Dolls, dolls, dolls! So fun to see what everyone is acquiring and what their “real” dolls are doing!

    Joy, love the picture of your grandkids! is that your son or daughter? Such a cute way to dress the family in the same theme! That kitty, well, as a person who has had multiple cats, I know that some of them will do whatever and don’t care what situation you put them in, then again there are a lot that won’t go for any of that! Just like people!

    Your new dolls are so cute! You have so many dolls, do you have a permanent place for them or do you store tham and get them out whenever?

    Lian’s dress set looks just adorable on Ardyn! Who knew? So glad you were able to send the picture to Jeanne to show that her outfits can fit many different dolls we never even knew about!

    That sweater that Marilyn’s friend made sure is colorful and full of things to look at! What a nice thing to do for her and so lovingly made!

    I love the new boots you have recently bought, along with a whole doll and outfit! Are you keeping the outfit, or selling it? It looks very nice! Love the curls too!

    The Sugar Plum Doll that AG had, and is now sold out, cost $250.00. While it is a nice chunk of money, they made 5,000 of them. Last year, get this, they made just 3 special holiday dolls, and each one cost $5,000.00! They sold out in no itme!

  3. Catching up:)
    That’s a pretty AG, but too restrictive for every day usage, so a pristine collectible? She would need props to redress as a fairy , so I’ll pass:)

    Great find on the green boots and wig!!$3.00 is treasures found!

    That’s Tween Ardyn.. she’s 14” tall and shares with both Little Darling and Kish Chrysalis girls.
    Their bodies are so close in size. Lucky auction winner!❤️

    Joy, your Grandies look wonderful! Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween 🎃

  4. Our thrift stores price those porcelain dolls a lot higher. I’d snatch them up for 3 bucks!

    My meadow Bailey is so adorable.

    All the kids, cats, costumes, and dolls are very cute!

  5. Wish I was as good about the candy as you were Jeanne, but those Crunch bars around here will soon be gone. 🙂

    Love seeing Lian’s outfit on Tween Meadow Ardyn. She is 13″ like the LD’s. Fun to be able to share clothes.

    Such a great Goodwill find on the shoes and maybe the wig too. You have the eye!!

    I had no idea that AG put our special additions. Great for a collector.

    The grands and family (daughter) have always dressed for Halloween. This year, the youngest, he’s 5, wanted to go as a hot dog, so they went with that theme. 🙂 Little Lucy the cat, now 11, I think, has always had a theme costume too. They celebrate her birthday also with a little kitty cake. 🙂

    I wish I could say that my new and first Kaye Wiggs girl, Lenny Elf 17″ was here, but she is not. Hung up in the voting mail I suspect, but she’s made it to the west coast so maybe soon.

    The other newbie here is Linda Macario’s Mia who is 11″. She fits in perfectly with the Meadow kids. She is available in tan now on preorder. Linda’s dolls arrive fairly quickly too. 🙂

    Love Marilyn’s new get out the vote shirt! Hope one of her dollies will wear it. A great reminder.

    So, wondering who will be next? Anxious to see. Guess it will be something for winter?

    1. I’m not sure where daughter gets their costumes every year, but they are fun. Thanks everyone for the kind comments. This should get anyone interested in Linda Macario dolls to the section that shows her dolls. There are a lot of cute ones.
      And, lucky me, but my Kaye Wiggs Lenny Elf showed up on the porch today. 🙂 Haven’t had a moment to open her yet, but soon. 🙂

  6. The outfit looked lovely on Tween Ardyn. It was lovely that the winner sent you a photo. The outfit was pretty.
    I LO o o v e the boots. Unfortunately here it would cost me more for the doll than it would to buy the boots and the dolls are in pretty poor condition compared to the one you found. What a treasure for $3.
    Loved seeing your family all dressed up Joy, especially the cat. I certainly wouldn’t have tried that with my other cat he would have scratched my eyes out! Luna never scratches me, except by accident, not even yesterday when I dragged her by the tail off the poor thrush she had caught. I managed to get it and put it in the cat cage. I left it for a while and it seemed perky so let it go ( having first shut the cat and dog in the house). Unfortunately it didn’t seem to be able to fly so had to catch it again and put it back in the cage. I took it to the Animal and Bird Hospital ( third time I have been there in as many weeks) they would know what to do for it. At least the first time it wasn’t my cat!
    Looking forward to seeing your next outfit.

  7. What a pretty AG doll if you are just looking for a collector doll. I love it when your creations fit dolls other than what you planned. I bought the Patsy Tonner dress you made for the holiday last year for my MA Lissy. It fit her perfectly. There are no clothes out there that I can find for her. There are many things for the taller MA dolls, but not Lissy. I think she’s about 11″.

    Joy, your family is lovely. What a fun thing to do having a Halloween theme for the family. When my kids were young I made matching Christmas outfits for us one year. Dresses for my daughter and myself and vests that matched the plaid skirt fabric for my son and hubby. When we went out for our Christmas celebration dinner, people thought we were a singing group. I love the two new additions to your family. I hope Lenny Elf arrives soon. She is so adorable. I have never heard of the Linda Macario dolls. Mia is cute as a bug.

    What a find at the Goodwill – again. I really need to stop by and see what I can find. When David and I were in Colorado one year we went to an antique shop/thrift store. They had a Hearts-for-Hearts doll for a steal. Problem is, it was one I had so I had to pass her up. Lovely green boots and how wonderful they fit so many dolls. Very pretty wig. The outfit is pretty too. Do you have plans for the remains?

    Marilyn’s new shirt is a sweet gesture from a friend. What doll does it fit?

    Really lovely weather here at moment. Our highs have not reached 80 in several days. Great walking weather.

  8. I forgot to tell you girls, a few weeks ago a member of our church ( the one who lent me the Doll Dressmaker book) decided she would look for books for me! She picked up two both by the same woman (an Australian, so all the sizes I give you are in English sizes). They are both Heirloom knitting books. English knitting needles sizes are currently in metric but previously the bigger the number the finer the needle. The smallest size needle I have is a size 13 which I rarely use as it is so small and I don’t make many very small baby clothes any more (I have occasionally used that size for the ribbing on some of the doll outfits I have knitted). The LARGEST needle size the patterns in this book used was 14! the smallest was a size 20!! It would be like knitting with wire! It also used DMC size 20 or 40 cotton. If they were crocheted I might have considered making something but don’t think I could manage knitting that fine! I think she has a much higher opinion of my capabilities than I do! Now what to do about the books. I am sure she is waiting for me to produce something to show her from the books!

  9. Yes, that Sugar Plum Fairy doll cost $250. TBH, I don’t care for her at all, but I wish I could have gotten one to re-sell as I sure could use the extra cash for some recent vet bills.
    Love your grandkids costumes, Joy, and it’s fun to see that even kitty. Lucy. got to join in the fun. I always celebrate pet birthdays as well.
    Your two new additions to your dolly family are cute as can be.
    Oh, those boots! I wouldn’t have passed them up either. It’s great they fit a variety of your dolls.
    Can’t wait to see who’s up next. Probably time for one or perhaps two fall dresses and then it’s on to Christmas.
    What a cute sweater, Marilyn. I love all the different colored pom poms.

  10. Joy, your grandchildren are so creative, especially the little Hot Dog. Amazing job on all the costumes! Hope you’ll forgive me taking a screenshot; they’re so clever. All handsome and lovely. I’m surprised no one else mentioned that the Tween doll looks exactly like your older granddaughter. I had to check twice to make sure she wasn’t yours. Beautiful! You must be so proud of them. ❤️

    Interesting to see all the lovely dolls getting new homes. Marilyn, the sweater is a lulu. Showing my age with that expression! The green boots are a real find. Congratulations! Must feel so satisfied to find another treasure in the “trash.” Just kidding. Love that redhead wig. Looks kind of like my hair on my Facebook page. Thanks everyone for sharing pictures.

  11. My friend Rebecca is using her down time to learn to sew. She’s always loved fashion and is now cutting up thrift shop finds to do crazy patchwork on constructed garments. Lacking a dress dummy, for a while she used an abandoned skeleton (not a real one) until she found an inexpensive dress form. I’ve enjoyed seeing her work — the skeleton looked quite odd in a fuchsia blouse with huge neck ruffles — so she made the AG sized shirt for me — and, yes, embellishment is the name of her fashion game.
    I’ve never seen Baily look happier than she does wearing green boots. I like the new elf doll — one more thing to remember to pack for the next evacuation order. The snow and the fire crews are keeping our two largest fires from growing, which helps. How are the fires in your area?
    The winner here is Joy’s living dolls, including the cat. What a lot of imagination went into those outfits. The waitresses are especially convincing.

  12. Joy’s family make the cutest Halloween look even better! What a beautiful family!
    The new dolls that Joy showed us are cute as ever. I still am crazy about the Meadow dolls though. Those little faces just grab your heart.
    OK…the shoes are a great bargain…along with the wig! Someone on Facebook said there is new interest in the millions of porcelain dolls because of their clothes. Some are very well made( if you can can find some that are not shiny satin with oodles of lace😉)
    I love cherry Tootsie Roll Pops too! Anxious to see what dolly gets a new dress this week

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