Happy Sunday to you!
Just thought I’d share a quick reminder about Chrissa’s “Get the Vote Out” dress set ending this evening on Ebay.
If you click on the picture at the right side bar, it will take you to the auction. You can also get there by clicking HERE.
See everyone tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne
Well, I see you’ve had several bids on this outfit, so someone will be getting a new outfit, for sure!!
I did a bit more clean-up today in the basement. No more super great finds though. I think I’ve got all the “wet” stuff up now and the towels, etc. in the washer. The basement is already starting to smell better! I’m thankful it didn’t have time to grow any mold!!
Dear Charlotte, I hope you are getting some rest today. Please do not over do it.
Dear Jeanne, I hope you are having a nice Sunday. I am getting ready to “go to church” on the radio.
After reading through ALL of yesterday’s comments, I wanted to mention something related. Little girls LOOOVE to play “dress up“. That’s how I view the dolls in wedding gowns or any other gown that seems too grownup for a 10 year old. Pretending to be a grownup and swishing around in long skirts is fun. Once we actually grow up, we discover adulthood isn’t as much fun sometimes. But I still love swishing around in a long skirt!
A big day for us here (Monday) today Cabinet are meeting and will decide whether we can come out of level 3 lockdown in Auckland and level 2 in the rest of the country or whether we stay where we are for another week (or more)! There was only one new case attached to the Community cluster yesterday, two more imported who were already in isolation. Importantly it it hasn’t spread from Auckland which is good news for the rest of the country. I really hope we move as this second lockdown is causing more hardship though the Government is doing what they can to make it easier. Still the alternative is to be like Melbourne and have hundreds of cases and many deaths. Interestingly, there were loads of stuff on Facebook about the first lockdown causing a massive spike in suicides which would outweigh the lives saved from Covid but that hasn’t happened here in fact there has been a big drop particularly with young people.
We had a special service yesterday, combined with the church that shares our building. We had under a hundred people combined so we were allowed to have the service. The service was to bless the lovely stained glass window we have had installed. It was designed around our Delta Pictorial Creed. Delta was created by our church to serve the needs of the marginalised who are very often illiterate or semi-illiterate and even if they can read find it difficult to understand the written word. The Pictorial Creed is a painting designed around a cross with four scenes denoting the values that Delta promotes. 1. The prodigal son and the Father’s complete acceptance and forgiveness; 2 Celebration and community; 3. The wounded helping the wounded and 4. The continuing journey we are all on to grow. I will send some pictures if you would like to see them. It was a lovely service but we weren’t allowed to sing! and no coffee and bikkies afterwards.
Anne, this sounds like a lovely service. I would love to see pictures. What’s a bikkie?