A sewing machine table is “born”…

Well, it’s not quite born all the way… but it’s closer today than it was yesterday. (I’d say it’s about 3cm along.) :o) I’m SO excited!! My hubby said this morning we were going to at least get the wood cut…and we DID!!

The wood I bought for the new sewing table was my big splurge in my sewing room…(someone else paid for my flooring). I decided to go with furniture grade, 1″ thick 4′ x 8′ wood. It’s REALLY nice…and set me back $50. There was NO room for mistakes on it…so we prayed before we turned on the saw!! :o)

This was my rough draft of the size I wanted it to be… I decided to make it 5″ longer on the right side… allowing me a little more wiggle room for sliding back and forth between machines and more space between my machines on top…

I cleared off my sewing machines, just leaving that black table as a base and set my old wood sewing table top on it. Then my hubby said, “do your stuff with a template.” I went upstairs and got some cardboard and used tape to make the table top the shape I wanted. (In case you are new here, my room has very crooked walls so this is a “custom” fit table to my walls…)

I had my hubby double check my work and he agreed that it looked right to him. We moved the old sewing table top with the cardboard pieces taped to it to the garage and laid it on top of the new wood, matching up the one long side that I wanted to go snugly against the wall behind my machines.

We did some more measuring and double checking and then the cutting began…

…and a few more cuts…

I could hardly wait to bring it inside and lay it on top of the table and my drawers…

I’m already in love with it, and it’s just a slab of wood so far… but isn’t it going to be wonderful? Look at how it fits against the wall now…

Here’s the way it USED to be… Quite a difference, isn’t there?

It needed to be just a bit wider than the 4′ to give me enough room to sit at the machine that faces out the window… so we had to add a little extension of about 6″ on the left side… My hubby gave me that job of making another template to get it “just right!” I drew it up and it looked like this… if it looks like it’s not square…it’s not…remember those crooked walls.

It looked like this laid beside the wood…

…and looked like this cut OUT of the wood…

…and looked like this from a distance…It looks crooked under my window because it’s setting up on the black table which is higher than it will be when it’s on the drawers…

Oh be still my heart!!!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

27 thoughts on “A sewing machine table is “born”…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    That is fantastic! You are so going to enjoy sewing now, with your lovely new table top!

    By the way, in regards to yesterday’s discussion about days of the week children: If you put your whole birthdate (month/date/year) into your search engine, lots of things will pop up, including the day of the week it was that year! I was a Monday’s child.

    1. Hi Charlotte
      I know I am going to enjoy sewing on this new table… it is such a blessing and I can hardly believe it’s almost time to use it… it was what started this whole room renovation!!Yippee!!

      I’m going to look up my DOB and find out what “child” I am.

      Oh wonderful… I’m a Wednesday’s child…full of woe? I think not!!! Fully blessed? Yes I am!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Everything is turning up roses, Jeanne! It is going to be so very nice when you get to sit down and see a perfectly fitting sewing table top! Actually, the pictures made me dizzy just seeing them in all their peculiarities! You and George are the perfect team, and you, together have created the perfect sewing top, not to mention the perfect sewing room for your needs.

    I’m so happy to see that you already have bids on those darling outfits on Ebay! You are back in business!!!

    1. Thank you Linda,
      Yes, things are moving right along…i am beyond thrilled….i think this is my last big project…before tackling my kitchen cabinets…

      I was in my sewing room last night, cutting out Holly’s dress and thinking back about everything that’s happened in my room…plenty!!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings. Jeanne

  3. What a marvelous purchase and now cut out table top you’ve made Jeanne. You’re nearly there with your sewing room makeover. I’m so happy for you.


    1. Hi Becky
      I AM nearly there, aren’t I? It feels so good!!!
      Thanks so much
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Love your templates. Way to go Jeanne. It is going to be so nice not to have items rolling off the back of the table and disappearing. Can’t wait to see it all done.
    On another note, Pixie Faire has a free pattern today for 18″ dolls. It’s a cute simple easy to make top. Only available today. 🙂

    1. Thanks Joy
      I’ll have to check out Pixie Faire and add to my pattern collection!!
      Yea…I’m gonna love my table being so close to the wall… finally, it’s happening!
      Thanks Joy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Oh my that is going to be so nice! Where will your cords go? Are you going to make some holes for them to slide behind the table?
    I don’t know if they will fit exactly but those clear plastic 90 degree angles that stick to the edges of doorways might be a good thing to put on the inside edges of your drawers so when you run into them with your chair it won’t chip.They would hardly show and chipped paint is never a pretty thing☺️
    Going to lunch with my daughters today….things we used to take for granted. Masks and gloves…but a fun day ahead!

    1. Hi Kathie,
      If I pull the table just slightly away from the wall the cords will fit. My hubby said he could cut some grooves in the back, but I don’t think I want that.
      I might check into some corner protectors…I’d hate to knick up my new drawers too…I might have my hubby just run a leg down beside the edge of the drawers…that would stop my chair from hitting them.
      Have fun at your lunch…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. My heart beat a little faster when I saw the post title! Yay! Looking really good. Are You staining the top to match some of the bookshelves? You and hubby were really a match made in heaven, you do such wonderful projects together.

    1. Thank you Dorothy,
      I AM planning on staining my table top…but today the glue is drying from where we had to add on that little extra end piece.
      …so I’m sewing!!
      I told my hubby yesterday, he better take care of himself…I’d never get any projects done if something happened to him. He smiled…
      Thanks Dorothy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. This is what you have been waiting for – I’m so happy for you. The work is phenomenal with having to alter pieces to fit in the areas of unevenness.
    You two are amazing and you work so well together in any dual projects!
    Great work!! Your sewing room is becoming more the way you want it!!

    1. Hi Paula,
      Whatever will I do when I have all my projects completed???? I guess I could always sew!!! :o)
      Thanks Paula
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Oooo. This is gonna be GOOD! It’s very similar to my sewing table, also custom made by my hubby. One day I’ll get mine excavated. 🙄

    1. Hi Julia,
      It IS gonna be good…waiting for the glue to dry today so I’ve turned my attention to sewing!!
      Thank you Julia,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, everything is looking good. This task will be completed in no time and you will be sewing up a storm.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Yes. I WILL be sewing up a storm…sooner than I thought!!! I’m just thrilled…
      Thanks so much
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. When you are finished with your renovation would you take a few pictures so we can see what it looks like from your perspective. I’m so living vicariously and I need a vision. My hubby keeps saying when we build in Colorado my sewing room will be huge and perfect. I just hope I’m not too old to appreciate it. We’ve been planning this move for about 20 years but life keeps intervening.

    My Boneka, Charlotte, ran in and jumped up in the computer chair this morning. She was sure she would be seeing Holly’s new dress. No problem. I’ve got her calmed down and told her to enjoy the anticipation.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      Absolutely…I’ll take pictures…you’ll probably be SICK of me taking pictures…I couldn’t move back any father to get better pictures because my machines were all on the floor in front of my bookcase..
      I’m working on it today…tell Charlotte…it’s comjng…
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Late to comment today since grocery store run this morning.
    Wow, that looks fantastic and your new sewing table will give you so much room to work. Everyone who visits you will definitely want to see your sewing room now and I will bet you will feel even more inspired when you are in there. Many lovely dolly creations are on the way.

    1. Thanks Laura,
      When I first asked my hubby back in April or May if he could make me a new sewing table I never dreamed it would evolve into all it has. I am so blessed….thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. Finally the last piece of the puzzle that is your sewing room. It will be lovely when it is completely finished. Looking forward to the wonderful creations you will be making once everything is perfect

    1. hi Anne
      Yes, I’m just about to put that last piece of the puzzle in place! My what a beauty she is!!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  13. What a wonderful room and everything right at hand. Quite an accomplishment between the two of you. Congratulations! Looking forward to seeing many more beautiful creations for all of the dolls.

    1. Hi Susette,
      Thank you so much for your kind words…what a dream this has been…I hope I never wake up… everything really is at my fingertips!!
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings ,Jeanne

  14. Its going to be lovely. You can get plugs that’s sink down into the worktop. On mine hubby put the plug sockets into the worktop at the back. I find that so handy not having wires everywhere and not having to bend down to unplug/ plug in things.

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