I’ll be back Wednesday…

I was going to be back today, but “I” had a little setback. Me…not my hubby this time. I was battling a UTI, but since the doctors are pretty much only seeing patients who are severe, I was given a “doctor visit by phone” Friday. He prescribed an antibiotic and I took it late in the evening and went to bed… I never fell asleep because I had chills and a fever and a headache and a bit of trouble breathing. I felt awful..

I woke up Saturday morning wondering what all that was about…but I thought maybe I was just tired or had eaten something that didn’t agree with me.

So I took another antibiotic pill about 10:00 and started my day. About 4 or 5 hours later, I laid down to try and take a nap. But I started getting chills and feeling hot again…and my breathing was the same as before. I laid there for several hours as miserable as I was the night before. I got even sicker but finally got up to take my temp. It was 102.8.

I realized then it HAD to be the medicine I was prescribed. When I finally got up later on, I told my hubby and he said, “Didn’t you have a reaction like this once before to some medicine you took?” I vaguely remembered but didn’t remember the name.

Well my sweet hubby got up with his walker and looked in my medical files and found this…

He wrote this post-it note on an old prescription I had gotten back in 2017. It was the exact same medicine…

He also had the papers for the new prescription I was given the next day paper clipped on top of it.

Guess I won’t forget it EVER again…and I guess I’ll know what medicine to ask for when I call Monday morning. :o)

Since I was sick, I didn’t get caught up on anything, so I’ll be back Wednesday.

I know this was kind of a personal and weird post, but I really do take my blogging seriously and only take off when I have to.

See you Wednesday,
Blessings, Jeanne

24 thoughts on “I’ll be back Wednesday…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, Jeanne, I am so SO sorry!! I just have to say, though:


    Please please please, be SURE they both have it in your records now, so you don’t have to go thru this again!! I understand that these reactions can get Worse if you take a known allergen a second or third time….it sounds like you were very close to going into anaphylactic shock! And that can be very very bad.

    Also, a Medic Alert bracelet might be a good idea for you, since you now have a Severe allergy to this medication! This is really serious, my dear, and Not to be trifled with! (One of the joys of getting older. )

    I’ve been thru many medical issues in my lifetime (including a couple of Severe reactions to meds), and have learned I have to be my own advocate!

    My doctor always hands me a list–every visit–to check over which not only includes my meds but my allergies! My husband goes to a different doctor/clinic, and they do the same thing there.

    Anyway, now you need to focus on YOU getting well, so just sit back and give yourself plenty of time! Hopefully George is well enough to maybe even help You a little bit now.

    Our exciting news out here is that we are now in Phase 2 and tonight Ron and I went out for dinner!! First time in three months!! It was only IHOP, and there were some restrictions in place, but life is starting to feel a bit more normal again.

    Even better news: Our church starts services next Sunday!! We can hardly wait.

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Our church began drive-in service last week. As Linda said, lots of hoops for even that. Service is moved from 9:30 until 11:00, you can begin arriving at the parking lot at 10:00. The parking lot can only be half full so about maybe 65-70 cars allowed. At capacity you will be turned away. You tune in to the service on your radio and you have to stay in your car with windows closed. You can’t see Pastor Jack and the most you can do is wave to others. We didn’t go and I think we’ll probably wait awhile and continue with the online service since the car will get hot and you can’t run your AC for an hour plus.
      I’m happy you get to go again and I’ll bet eating out was fun. Our restaurants are still take out only, but since we never eat out unless on vacation, no big deal.

    2. In the old days, before Coronavirus, sometimes my hubby would suggest we go to Katy to Texas Roadhouse. I love that restaurant but sometimes I just didn’t feel like going that far for dinner. It never dawned on me that I wouldn’t have the option to do that at some point. Most things, except fast food, are dine-in now so I think we’ll go this week sometime. Here in Sealy things feel more normal all the time. Restaurants in Texas will be at 75% this Friday but I noticed most tend to start a week before the announcement so maybe they know ahead of when we get the official notice. As for our church, the hierarchy is dragging their feet something fierce for opening up. We are supposed to have in-person worship this Sunday but it doesn’t look like that will happen. I think the church is worried they will be sued if someone comes and gets sick. Maybe they should do what Disney is doing, make people sign waivers when they show up. Our church did a survey and about 1/3 of the people said they will not return until there is a vaccine, 1/3 said they would come if safety measures were in effect, and 1/3 said just get on with it and we’ll be there. I think as far as the hierarchy goes, the first 1/3 may be the favored group.

  2. Oh gosh, Jeanne, what a scary thing to happen! I thought as I read along that you developed Coronavirus!
    As we get older, we just have to realize we are not super-human, and they way we did things before, are not going to work now. I can’t imagine why they gave you something that you were allergic to, but now they know and things should be better. A UTI is not fun at all, and to add more to the problem must have made you miserable.

    We are still all here, and hope things get better for you. Take you time getting better. Praying for you and George!

    Charlotte, our church has opened up, but we have yet to go. Quite a few hoops to jump through to get there. Plus, we can only have 25% of the church filled, so you have to make reservations in advance, check your temp. before you go, wear masks, sit where you are seated by ushers, far apart, no congregating before or after, etc. We are just staying home for the time being, and doing the live stream. I am happy that you can go again and that you got to go out to eat at last!

  3. Oh Jeanne, I trust that time away from that prescription and the new formula will see you through this bodily challenge. My prayers for healing attend you.


  4. That was my thought, too, Linda, the farther I read as sometimes those are the symptoms of Coronavirus. Oh, no! It’s amazing that George knew exactly what the problem was and even had the record of it. Not many people are as diligent. How many times have I picked up prescriptions only to find they contain sulfa, to which I am allergic! One can’t return medications, of course. Please see or telecommunicate with a doctor when you have a problem. UTIs can cause mental confusion which makes it hard to take care of yourself.

    This is what’s great about your blog. Even when it’s not about dolls, I always learn something useful. Thanks again for sharing.

  5. Charlotte is completely correct! Allergies to meds are serious. You can also take something with no problems and suddenly become allergic. Hope you feel better soon.

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, it was Dr. George to the rescue! He truly was your knight rescuing you.

    Take care of yourself. We will all be here sitting on the sofa, drinking tea until you feel better.

  7. Oh, Jeanne, what a horrible thing. I’ve had a UTI once back in college and it’s no fun. I had been studying very hard for a couple of exam and hadn’t obviously drunk enough. I ended up in the ER. I was told to always drink enough liquid throughout the day. I buy a Electrolyte mix from Jigsaw Health and it really hydrates you. I also drink lots of water and hot or iced tea and iced tea, depending on the season
    I agree with Charlotte that you should have NEVER been given that medication again after the first time. I have had a couple of bad reactions to medicines and I know the name in my head to always says and make certain that whatever I’m prescribed isn’t in the same “family”.Cranberry juice really helps prevent bacteria from adhering to your bladder and prevents UTIs. Yogurt and fermented foods are good as well. Using a heating pad on your stomach helps relax you bladder. Praying you’ll feel better soon

  8. Hi Jeanne,
    Oh boy! Just what you needed NOT. I’m so sorry, I pray for a quick healing. George of course is also included in that prayer. Everyone has great advice to give. Susette made me chuckle … “UTIs can cause mental confusion” Looks like I have a UTI too. lol All kidding aside, feel better soon.

    1. That comment came from years of medical transcription. I wished sometimes when an elderly man was examined for psychiatric problems that I could ask them to look for a UTI first. Sure enough, a report would come in later that the poor fellow had a UTI.

      1. Hi Susette,
        I hope I didn’t offend, I’m so sorry if I did. I know you have a wealth of medical knowledge. Silly me I was just making a little joke.

        1. Charlotte Trayer

          Ingrid, I worked as a ward clerk in the local hospital for four years; I love medical humor!! I really enjoyed that job, and learned a Lot. I still see a few of the girls I worked with now and then–and I quit after I got married in 1974! We were a close-knit group.

  9. Oh my! Everyone has given good advice. It’s good that the note was on that medicine label.
    Take care, Jeanne, and hope you feel better. Both of you need to take care of yourselves.

  10. Omgosh…just what you didn’t need! You guys Just need this week to just heal. Nothing physical or stressful. Maybe if it’s not too hot you can sit outside ( George with his ice pack. and You with a book)or just enjoy your yard and the tomato plants growing and don’t worry if the grass need cutting. Make a big pitcher of lemonade ( also good for UTI) And relax.

  11. Hi Jeanne, so sorry you had such a bad reaction. Our doctors usually ask before prescribing something though I agree it should have been in your notes. I have had a cough since before we had any cases here (back in Feb) and when I finally decided to get an appt I was given an inhaler. Took two puffs in the morning just before church (our services have started again) and had to ring my daughter to take me I was so shaky, I didn’t feel safe driving. I have an appt for a spirometry this afternoon so will talk to them then but not happy with continuing to take it.
    On a much happier note. We have had no new cases for 17 days (as of yesterday) and no active cases so as of midnight last night we are now in level 1 where the only restrictions are at the border (the advantage of an island with a small population). Now just have to rebuild the economy with no overseas tourists! Might be a challenge there.
    Enjoy your meal out and please stay safe and well

    1. Hi Anne,
      You live on an island? How wonderful! We used to go to Mackinac Island every summer and the best vacation ever was to Nova Scotia and then over to Prince Edward Island for a week. If someone had said “Go home, pack, you can move here, I would have in a heartbeat. At least I could drive there in basically the same amount of time as when we visited relatives in Texas.

      1. Not that small an Island! I live in New Zealand, We are actually 2 main islands and a very small one at the bottom of the country. We are about the size of UK (population around 65,000,000) with a population of 5,000,000.

  12. I couldn’t post earlier, so I’ll try again. Great advice from everyone. I was thinking, maybe jot down the name of that drug as well as any other that have given you trouble in the past and have that notebook available when doing phone/video appointments with your doctor. Having the notes right there during a call I know would help me. I was fortunate a couple of weeks ago with our new doctor. He went way back in my records and found that the sulfa drugs had not worked for me and skipped those and went to the right one. I’m going to write down the name of the drug in that note book so I’ll have it to refer to if needed again.
    Got the tomatoes planted this morning and put in some squash and cucumber seeds. Late start, but they’ll be welcome. When I looked back at my garden records, it’s been seven years since we did any vegetable planting. Hope we have enough water for them.
    Hope you’re feeling much better by now.

  13. Oh, Jeanne, when it rains, it pours, huh? I hope you feel better soon. Med reaction on top of a UTI is awful. You might want to invest in a med alert bracelet—Amazon has lots of options. Good vibes headed your way, and George’s. Stay safe and be well, friends.

  14. Jeanne, I am so sorry to hear about your latest inconvenience. When I had my recent sinus infection the doctor put me on azithromycin. That seems to be the antibiotic of choice at the moment since it is given to Coronavirus patients. It was the worst antibiotic I have ever taken. It did a number on my digestive system. Usually when I am taking antibiotics I double up on my probiotics. I didn’t do that with this and ended up with the worst case of anxiety. It finally dawned on me what the problem was and I started taking my probiotics and the anxiety went away in a couple days. A lot of people don’t know that most of your feeling of well being and your immune system is in your gut. And I read an article the other day that your gut actually contains brain cells that link up with your brain. All I know is that when I’m tense I reach for the probiotics and it always works.

    Hopefully you are feeling much better now and your hubby also. David needs to have his knees replaced sometime soon. He’s waiting because he says he’s planning on living several more years and he wants to make sure they don’t wear out because he’ll be too old to have it done again.

  15. Hope you are feeling better.

    Severe reactions to medications are scary. I’ve been to the ER a few times from them. Shame on your pharmacist for filling this script if it was noted on your chart. If not it should be. I am severely allergic to most antibiotics so I have to be very careful. I get a UTI’ quite often due to high level of bacteria in my body. The one I get best results from and no reaction is Macrobid. You should always make sure to have Bendryl on hand and one of my specialists suggested before I take a new med to take a dose of it a hour before the new script and a hour after. Hope George is doing and feeling better.

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