Miss Saucy Walker gets a face wash…and a dolly eye check up…

Hi everyone,
I have some news!!! Molly’s pink dress and coral coat set SOLD! I was thrilled when I heard my phone do the little cha-ching notification Kristoffer set it up to do when something of mine sold on Ebay. I checked and sure enough, it had sold! I boxed it up and sent it on its way! Yay! The only one sad was Molly… she had to get undressed and now she’s just like all the other girls on my dolly shelf… Naked!

I was working on my “something wonderful” for my sewing room I found at the Antique Store parking lot sale last week, and thinking all the while about my new/old doll I had just brought home. I decided to look up that link I had just glanced at and see if I could figure out how to fix her eyes. Here is the link if anyone else is interested in it…

This Old Doll website

It has all kinds of information on eyes to wigs and cracks in the bodies…

Next I made spaghetti for my hubby… he loves spaghetti… A LOT!! :o) Then I asked him if he could put on his MacGyver hat and take a look at my doll and see if he could figure out anything about how to fix her eyes. I showed him the pictures on my phone of what they said to do. I believe this doll has flirty eyes that go back and forth at a side glance. Is that what they call “flirty” eyes, anyone?
Anyway, he first looked at the doll, shook her a little to see what her eyes did when they got jarred a bit. Then he said, he couldn’t tell anything unless he could see inside the head…so I proceeded to show him, (like they did in the picture, how you can pull the head away from the body and look inside her head.)

Well, it happened so quickly and we both jumped. I tugged just a little bit, pulling her head up from her neck, but I guess that 60 or 70 year old super thick rubber band inside her head just snapped and her head flew off like a cannonball. FORTUNATELY, we were working over my cutting table in my sewing room so her head landed on some fabric… upside down. When I picked it up, hoping it wasn’t cracked or her face paint marred, we saw this…

All of these little pieces of gray stuff came out too… I think it was parts of the metal inside her head that had broken loose. Here’s a close up if you’d like to see those “lovely” eyes again. :o)

Well, I’m sorry to say, but we laughed “our heads off too!” We really did! It happened so fast and was so unexpected…and we couldn’t stop laughing… But finally we got ahold of ourselves and tried to carry on…

My hubby said, “well, now I should be able to see what’s inside there…”

While he fiddled with the mechanism inside her head, I worked with her legs… moving them back and forth and then all of a sudden they sort of popped and it was like they were freed up… and she could then bend them enough to sit down… yay! Baby steps, I say!

We had every kind of tool imaginable…from crochet hooks to needle nose pliers and elastic cording and magic erasers, etc… we had it all, working on from her top to bottom…

My hubby put just a drop of oil on one of the little bars that he noticed wouldn’t stay in place on the inside… and got her eyes looking pretty good…

You can see how they go back and forth, left to right…

When I brought her home…

…and after getting a nice face wash…oops… I didn’t get in all the little crevices around her nose and mouth…

I don’t know if you could see them or not before, but she has 2 tiny teeth…

I washed off her legs and arms gently with a Magic Eraser and it took off lots of grime…

Then I decided to wash off her shoes with one too… nice difference, eh?

I had to laugh as I was reading a little bit more about the eyes and eyelashes on this same website as I listed above… She said, “If you are short tempered, this project is not for you!”

My hubby fiddled and looked and tried all the MacGyver moves he knew how to do, but ended up saying, “It’s too late… I need to look at it again when I’m not so tired.” So I sat Miss Sassy Walker down and she’ll stay there for a bit until we decide what to do next.

It seems several of you had these dolls when you were a child, and it’s fun when you send me pictures of the ones you STILL have… Carolyn sent pictures of 3 of her girls…

This is her Playpal Saucy Walker, who is 28″ tall…

This Saucy Walker is 16″ tall…

…and this one is 12″ tall… 12″ of sweetness! :o) Thanks Carolyn!

I hope Joy doesn’t mind her Aya being in the same post as the “vintage” girls, but I wanted to end on this sweet, sweet face! She’s on her way to Joy’s house this week!

Well, what do you know… a dolly post, 2 days in a row! Wow!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

21 thoughts on “Miss Saucy Walker gets a face wash…and a dolly eye check up…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    First of all, congrats on selling the pink ensemble! Someone’s girl is going to be happy to get that!! It’s such a cute style on Molly, but my Molly is not a “pink girl”–her favorite color is red! (She told me! LOL)

    Yes, that’s what “flirty eyes” are. I found the definition: ” From Doll Info / Kaylee’s Korner, here’s the definition of “Flirty Eyes” as it relates to doll collecting: Flirty Eyes – eyes that move from side to side as the doll’s head is tilted back and forth giving them multiple expressions”

    But, oh, what a surprise when Saucy lost her head! I’m so glad it had some nice soft fabric to land on! It’s great you got her to sit down again (they are supposed to be able to sit).
    And once George got that drop of oil in there, it really made quite a difference in her eyes, and her entire face!! She is SO CUTE!!! And she is cleaning up beautifully. That one shoe looks almost new now, and I’m sure the other one will, too!

    Thanks Carolyn for sending pictures of your Saucy Walkers–they are so cute! Congrats, Joy, on your new addition–she’s just adorable!

    I’m working on a few more masks again. I did wear the top I made, but when I got home from my errands, I had to change, as it was just a little too warm for high-60s weather!! It’ll be great on the cooler days, though.

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      Molly is upset but some new little girl is watching for the mailman to bring her new dress and coat set! :o)
      Yay!! My girl has flirty eyes…I just like the sound of that!
      She is growing on me…when I first saw her, I thought…oh well, she’s a doll, but now I’m seeing her in a cuter way!
      We are having a beautiful day today and I haven’t been outside once!! :o(
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Too bad you didn’t have the camera going when the head popped off! 🙂 Would have loved to have seen that, but your description is great! So interesting to see how they made dolls back in the “old” days. So, that dates my doll to about 1952 or 53 I would guess. I’m thinking that my former girl was the 16″ and looked like Carolyn’s. Glad to know the name of the doll I once owned. And how nice to have George aka MacGyver take a look at the poor girl. Hopefully, she won’t remain headless for long.
    Carolyn’s girls are a lovely bunch. Thanks for sharing the pictures.
    So curious about the “something wonderful” in your sewing room? Can’t wait to see that.
    Going to be a sunny day here. Better get a head start on watering.

    1. Hi Joy,
      Once when my hubby had her eyes set perfectly, I said maybe we should just stuff her head full of batting and hold them in place…but then they wouldn’t be flirty…guess not…
      It is interesting to see how the eyes were put in her head…they are actually kind of temperamental and sensitive to how she is moved…
      I’m hurrying as fast as I can to be able to show my “other” find… so far, I’m loving it!!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Wow…great job. You and George make a great Doll Doctor couple. Having fun while you work is even better. Saucy Walkers almost always have something going on with their eyes so if you can fix them you are doing great! Carolyn’s dolls are so cute…love the 50’s green/gold dress. Her dolls eyes look good.
    Have fun putting back together😃

    1. Thank you, Kathie, for reassembling my Mary Hoyer doll a while back. I would never have the skill you, Jeanne and George have to get it done. That’s an excellent website about all things doll repair.

      George knows when to stop 🛑. That’s when mistakes are made. Have more fun.

    2. Hi Kathie,
      We do most everything together, so why not the doll stuff?
      I hope we can get the eyes in place and they STAY that way.
      Thank you Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Hi Jeanne,
    Oh my what a fun project! I’m sure you with “MacGyver’s” help will have SW looking like new real soon. I love all the vintage dolls, thank you for sharing the photo’s. I’m so loving on Joy’s Aya, she’s so cute! I think Aya is the same size as Mae who I’m smitten with.
    I really need to behave myself … the other day I had a week moment and bought a Joyce Mathews BJD Little Darling. She’s adorable and those green eye’s!!! Oh my I just couldn’t stop myself. Soon Magalie will be emailing me and I’ll have another BJD on the way. yikes hope my dolly fund grows fast lol.
    Jeanne, Kit arrived safe and sound! Thank you so very much for the surprise. You are so very thoughtful and kind!
    Here’s hoping everyone has a lovely day!

    1. Hi Ingrid,
      You have more faith than we do on this one. It seems like you get the eyes set. Then you bump her and they move out of place.

      Oh, big congratulations on your new LD…and a jointed one at that! I bet you are having so much fun with her….and another one on the way!!

      I asked Joy what kind of fertilizer she was using on her Money Tree…it must be some CA brand that isn’t available in IL!! :o)
      Thanks Ingrid
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Yeah, Molly’s dress and coat sold! You must be happy. How sweet that George get involved in even your dolly adventures. She has a sweet face and her eyes look so much better now.
    That website you shared is wonderful. I think we can find out how to restring my mom’s walking doll now. Her head in a bit loose, but she can still sit and stand pretty well.
    Carolyn’s dolls are really cute. Thanks for sharing them. Our one antique store (sadly the one that just closed) used to have all kinds of old dolls for sale. It was fun to wander around and look at them.
    Joy, your Aya is so cute. I love her little kitty toy. You’ll need to show photos of her as she meets the rest of your cuties.

    1. Hi Laura,
      If I can’t figure out something, I generally ask my hubby. He fixes things all the time, so his mind thinks of things I might not.
      That website definitely is a place I’ll be visiting quite often until I get my doll in shape.
      I hope it helps you with your doll too.
      Blessings ,Jeanne

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, well you certainly had fun! You can say that your doll literally lost her head (laugh). I am sure that you will figure out how to get it back on.

    Joy’s Aya is adorable. What a sweet smile.

    It’s wonderful that folks still have their Saucy Walkers. I still have my Chatty Cathy and my Kissy. I have had these dolls longer than I have had some friends.

    Well, tomorrow is May Day!

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      It CAN’T be May 1st 6tmorrow…I’m not ready for a new month…
      I hope we can figure how to get her head back on…shes a bit upset at me for doing that to her!

      I loved your line, “I’ve had these dolls longer than I’ve had some friends!!” :o)
      Thanks Dorothy
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I’m sorry I gave away one of my dolls that I got for Christmas when I was 5. I could have fixed her up. But I didn’t know all the fixing up stuff that I know now. Sigh. I think if I saw that doll again I’d consider buying another. She was about 30 inches tall. Her rooted hair was a wreck. One finger broke off. Still wish I’d kept her. I do have a baby doll from when I was a little girl. She needs work. I am going to do it and NOT give her away. All the dolls pictured today are so cute and in nice shape.

    1. Hi Julia,
      Oh, the things we let go of…sorry about your dollys that got away..
      I’m glad you got inspired to fix up your baby doll…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Well, goodness, it is almost 3:00 here and I have yet to comment! What an adventure you and George had with your new/old doll! So funny about the head coming off, at least not for the doll though! I’m sure she will be fixed up in no time, and will get a new Jeanne Marie outfit soon!

    I am sorry to say that I just don’t care for old dolls!! Before you run me off, I just plain like new dolls! Now, I did get old dolls, but when they were new! I loved that new dolly smell and being the first one to dress and undress her, and brush their hair, etc.. Older dolls just don’t appeal to me, since they kind of creep me out! I love the American Girl dolls, since they look so happy and more realistic than say, the kind I had when I was small. I don’t like the pinched mouths and faded facepaint, crazy hair and ragged clothes they usually are in. I guess it is just me, but I love the current dolls a lot more.

    I will say that Carolyn’s little doll is very cute, and reminds me of my Betsy Wetsy, but of course, she had no hair like that. And Joy’s Anya is just plain adorable!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I’m not so sure about the fixing her up SOON… I am sort of stuck till my hubby can help me figure something out…

      I’m a bit like you Linda…not a vintage doll collector, but thought this one might be salvageable…I’m not sure though. It’s okay not to like the old ones…
      I’ll be back to new dolls in no time!!!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Jeanne, I can already see the difference the cleaning made for your doll. I am anxious to see what you will do with her. The old dolls are so much fun to fix up and bring back to good condition. All three of the ones I have that you showed today came from Goodwill or similar places. They were all naked and dirty! I have so much fun cleaning them up and making clothes for them!

    1. HI Carolyn,
      Your girls are really cute and I love the expression on the first one…it’s so sweet looking!
      Since I’m not a doll collector, only have the dolls to model my outfits, I can’t really see myself collecting these older dolls, but it was fun for a change… who knows what might happen!
      Thanks for sending me pictures of your girls… it was fun to share them.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Mary Sue Hamlet

    Wow! What a difference a little elbow grease made in your “new” doll. Your story reminds me of 2 doll stories.
    We used to live in Baldwinsville NY where Gotz doll company had a distribution center and manufacturing facility where they made, exclusively, American Girl Samantha dolls. (They claimed to make all of them but I never met anyone who toured the place and saw anything but Samantha dolls being made. That’s how I figured out just how popular Samantha was. (This was before the AG of Today joined the line.) The doll’s eyes were installed by hand and the employees would take a big tray of eyes and take the time to match up a pair for each doll. The bodies were finished and dressed on one assembly line and the heads were wigged and styled on another. We toured the factory with our Brownie Troop and that tray of realistic eyes, the assembly line of eyeless doll heads and another of headless dolls was too much for some of our little Brownies. Not the experience we were hoping for.
    My husband and I have been restringing 10″ Ann Estelle dolls and 14″ Betsy McCall dolls. If you know anything about those Tonner-made Betsy McCall dolls they are notorious for loose stringing and falling apart. After taking apart quite a number of them we discovered that the metal hook on the legs of many dolls wasn’t round, but flattened. Because the hooks were flat, they were longer, and the two flat hooks side-by-side were longer than the space allowed for them in the doll’s hips. So, you couldn’t actually string them tight enough for the legs to be stable and support the doll. That plus badly deteriorated rubber bands really made us shake our heads. Interesting what you find when you peek inside doll’s bodies.
    Thanks for all the time to take to share your adventures, and thanks for not having all those annoying pop-ups. Yours is my favorite blog.

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