Sorry, no post today…a question anyone???

Hi everyone,
Kristoffer came over to watch the NFL Playoffs at our house and do some laundry.
After he left I went into my sewing room to see what else I could do on Eden’s new 50’s Valentine dress. I adjusted the belt and studied it just a minute. Then my phone rang…my mom had fallen again and cut the back of her head. So my hubby and I headed to the ER at 10:40.

It is now a few minutes before midnight and we are still waiting on the results of the CT Scan. I decided I could write a quick post while we waited. I think I’ll have to pass today on any pictures of Eden’s dress.

But someone can think of a question and you can all chime in…

Hope to see you tomorrow…
Blessings, Jeanne

19 thoughts on “Sorry, no post today…a question anyone???”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, Jeanne, I’m so sorry to hear about your mother’s recent fall! I’m afraid they may have to start using soft restraints pretty soon, if she keeps trying to get up and ends up falling! I always hate to see that, but sometimes, with some patients, it’s the only way to “remind” them to stay put! You might check with her care givers and see if that is an option. I will continue to remember all of you in prayer.

    We had a very nice lunch with our son and his two youngest boys today–our belated Christmas. (You remember Ron was in the hospital over Christmas….) The first thing I did was show them Ron’s scar and where the pacemaker is, and Ron had brought the pamphlet he got, and showed them pictures of what the pacemaker looks like, etc. We wanted to defuse the “fear factor”, since the boys are old enough (13 and almost 12) to be aware that Grandpa was pretty sick for a while. They didn’t really have any questions, but I think we pretty much covered the basics anyway.

    Okay, here’s a question for you all: What is the smallest doll in your collection? And, what is the largest?!

    For me, my smallest doll is probably a Skookums papoose doll I bought in the 1950s; it’s about 3″ long. I never really played with it, though, so it’s more a souvenir than a “doll”. I guess the smallest doll I have, that I actually dress and sew for is my 5″ Hitty by Robert Raikes.

    My largest doll…..well, at one time I had one of those life-size Barbies (3′ tall), but now I think my biggest doll is either my Annette Himstedt’s Mo or my Cabbage Patch “Booboo Boy”. Mo is by far the heaviest, and he wears about a size 3-6 months clothes, so maybe close to two feet long/tall. My Booboo boy (from an edition of 200) is an Original soft-sculpted/hand painted CPK; I had him done to represent our son when we first got him (at age 3). He has sort of all-one-length floppy brown hair and brown eyes, and THREE dimples (both cheeks plus chin–as has our son), and is 22″ tall. He has a “booboo” on one arm–looks like a bandage over a scrape, done with that slightly puffy stuff used on t-shirts sometimes–and is named after our son.

    How about you? Smallest? Biggest?

  2. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, oh my goodness, I am so sorry to hear this. I am continuing to pray for you and your family.

    Dear Charlotte, what a great question. I think my smallest dolls are my 8 inch Alexanders. My largest doll is my 23 inch Kissy doll (by Ideal). That’s not really a wide range, I guess.

    The local Doll Museum has a life size doll of about 5 feet tall. She is seated in a display. I have to admit that I find her a bit off-putting because of her size. It’s probably just me though; I am sure that other people would not.

  3. HI Jeanne,
    I am so sorry to hear about your Mother’s health. I am praying for her and your family.
    I lost my father on December 6th and know hard hard it is when a parent is declining.

    I thought I would add a question for others to ponder. I sew for my dolls, however, I have so many dolls, it is hard to choose which one to sew for next. Wondering how others choose which doll to sew for that day/or week. Sometimes, I think they are staring at me and silently saying…”pick me”!

    Blessings, Jeanne


    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Karen, what a good question. I don’t sew but I think I can still reply because I purchase clothing for my dolls.

      When I get a new doll, I purchase a wardrobe for her. After that, I don’t generally purchase any new clothing. I always think I am going to buy new clothing but I usually end up buying a new doll and the cycle begins anew.

  4. Oh no, no another fall! My goodness, your poor mother, Jeanne! She is and has been on my prayer list for sometime, and will continue to be. I’m just hoping you can find the strength to carry on and to find some kind of peace through all this. My heart goes out to you.

    Charlotte, my dolls, aren’t very varied, for sure! My smallest doll is a 5 inch Kewpie doll that I got at Rose O’Neill’s homesite, Bonnie Brook Farm, near Branson, MO. The tallest are my 18 inch American Girl dolls. In between, I have 8 inch Madame Alexander Storybook dolls. I don’t collect dolls like many of you do, the main bulk of my doll collecting were the storybook dolls that I collected for the pretty outfits they were wearing , and how they dressed up the cabinet shelves they are on! When the cabinet shelves were full, I stopped collecting them.
    American Girl dolls are the fun ones, so I can dress them up and have them doing various activities. I have some rooms for Molly and friends, but as far as collecting more , it seems like I just add clothes and accessories.

    As far as what doll to sew for next, for me it’s a no brainer! I haven’t sewn for my dolls except to mend or attach something since a few years ago, so that doesn’t apply to me! Jeanne is the seamstress !

  5. Oh dear, so sorry for your mom and you. I know hospitals have a sensor on the bed that goes off if a patient gets up. Perhaps, the care facility needs that also or maybe she was just too quick. Hopefully, there was no damage other than the head wound. I will never forget those middle of the night calls as my father aged. Thoughts with you and family.

  6. Oh, Jeanne, I am so sorry to hear of your mother’s fall. By now I’m sure you have the results of the CT scan. Praying that it is nothing serious.

    Charlotte, my smallest dolls are the AG minis. I have Julie and Molly. I have patterns to sew for them but just bought them so I haven’t sewn anything yet. My next smallest is my Tiny Betsy and then my three Heartstrings. I have sewn some for Tiny Betsy but love Jo Flitton’s work so I leave it up to her for my smaller dolls. My largest doll is my MA 18″.

    Karen, I’ve tried several ideas for prioritizing sewing for my dolls but don’t seem to stick with any of them. The newest member of the family gets immediate attention because they usually have nothing to wear but the clothes on their backs. Then I sew for the one who needs seasonal clothes the worst. After that I just browse through all my patterns and see what strikes my fancy to sew and the lucky dolly who wears that size is next up.

    Finally made it into my sewing room on Saturday and put the patches on the grandkids Karate uniforms so I could hand them over Sunday. I was about to hem hubby’s work pants but they weren’t exactly like the last ones we ordered even though they were the same number, so I waited to see if he was okay with them. Guess I’ll have to do them today before I start the fun stuff.

  7. Jeanne
    What a scary call to receive. A fall at her age is never a good thing. Sounds like she needs sleep bars on the bed to keep her from getting out or a sensor on the bed that alarms the staff if she even attempts to get out. They have them on the bed at the hospital I’ve been in as I have a fall issue. If the person weight shifts towards getting out if goes off. Keeping you and Mom in my thoughts. I hope that she didn’t get hurt and is back in her room resting.

    Great question. My smallest is my Madame Alexander she is about 8″ and my tallest is my Patty PlayPal which is 35″.

    As far as how I decide who to sew for sometimes it’s the fabric that makes the choice or I’ll look at one of the dolls and it’s like she looking at me to pick her.

    Stay strong, Jeanne.

  8. Jeanne, just for grins and since I’m so new to the blog, I decided to check into your My Life category from the beginning. I haven’t gotten very far yet but I noticed a pattern you used that I have and love. It’s a child’s dress pattern, New Look 6202. I made this dress twice for my granddaughter in two different sizes, the first one in pink and the second in blue. I can’t believe I did not take pictures of those dresses. I’m terrible about that. I think I was waiting to see my granddaughter in them but that didn’t happen. I still have the fabrics though so I might reproduce them at some point and put them on Etsy.

  9. Oh, Jeanne, so sorry to hear about your mom’s fall. I do hope it’s nothing serious. I’ll be praying for her.
    Fun question, Charlotte. My smallest dolls is a little plastic one that I had as a child and actually just found in a drawer over Christmas. She is three inches tall and has sleep eyes. She used to have skirt and collar, but somehow became undressed over the years. I want to make her something and have her be a small doll for for my AG Caroline. My largest is my Kathy Kruse Heidi who I think is 23-24 inches. She is packed away and not played with though.
    As to your question, Karen, I have had plans to sew for for three of my AG’s for years now, but due to family responsibilities never have found the time yet. If/when I do I have a few of the Pixie Faire free patterns I would love to make.

  10. Oh Jeanne, sending hugs and wishes for a full and speedy recovery for your mom. Also wishes that she stop falling. Might physical therapy help with balance?

    My largest doll is a Dollmore Lusion, Happy Winter. She’s 79cm/31inches tall. My smallest has to be my army of tinies, they’re all 16cm/6 inches. I don’t care for dolls much smaller than that, too fiddly. šŸ™‚

  11. Our mom health problems are so worrying. I live over 400 miles away from mine. My son and I are back in northern Minnesota with her.
    The biggest doll I ever had was probably similar to a patty play doll. I got her for Christmas when I was 5. She got loved pretty hard and was rather beat up. As a young adult when I was very Luke warm on dolls, I gave her to the Salvation Army. I have a big rag doll that my mom made for herself as a girl. That doll is approximately the same size as the patty play doll. Iā€™ll never get rid of her! My littlest doll is Barbieā€™s little sister Kelly. I love crocheting tiny cute dresses for them.

    1. I, and I’m sure the rest of us, would love to see the items you crochet for your tiny dolls. Sometimes crocheting for small dolls is easier than sewing for them. The only problem is I’m a relaxed crocheter so I have to go to a smaller hook which sometimes makes working with even a lighter yarn hard to do. I’m crocheting those cute little hats with the braids for my dolls. The pattern is for a Wellie. When I got finished it fit her okay but could have been a little smaller. I definitely need to downsize my hook size if these are going to fit my 13″ dolls. If I do them for dolls smaller than that I’ll have to go to crochet thread.

  12. Jeanne, I am so sorry about your mom. I remember when my dad was having those types of problemsā€”I spent lots of nights in the emergency room. I hope things level out for you soon.

    As far as smallest doll, the smallest one I sew for is a 10ā€ Boneka doll. I have some smaller ones but donā€™t have a desire to sew for them. Even sewing for Barbie tries my patience. The largest I have (and sew for) are the Patti Playpals. They are so much fun as they wear a standard toddler size so the pattern choices are endless. Unfortunately, my work keeps me so busy, itā€™s hard to find sewing time. My dolls are waiting patiently for new clothes, but I canā€™t do it right now. When I have free time, I tend to do themes, like they all get new pajamas or Christmas dresses. My momā€™s China head doll is on the guest room bed needing a new dress. I guess she will be next!

    Thanks for the great questions. I enjoy reading everyoneā€™s comments.

  13. Hi Jeanne,
    I’m so very sorry to hear your Mama had another fall. Praying she’s ok and heals quickly. My Mama falls alot too. Sadly it comes with the aging process I wish it didn’t.
    I’m glad to read your injuries from your fall are mostly healed, good news for sure! I’m sure you are happy to be back in your sewing studio. Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in 2020.
    Hugs and Prayers

  14. Oh Jeanne! We are praying for your poor mom! This is heart-breaking to hear about her decline. We remember her (and always will) as a poised, friendly, gentle woman with sparkling eyes. May the Lord grant you ALL great grace!

    No dolly comments for me šŸ˜„ but I always enjoy reading your posts, Jeanne, and the comments from your wonderful dolly-loving family!!! Thank you to all of you for loving my bestie so well!

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