I have something very dear to my heart I’d like to share with you and hope you’ll participate. As some of you have noticed, our in house “Researcher,” Miss Marilyn, has been missing in action for several months. She has been very ill for the past six months and is currently in a rehab center where she is receiving medical attention.

For the last 5 or 6 years, Marilyn has been in love with a particular black velvet dress that I copied from a 70’s pattern. She said years ago she’d like for me to make her Julie doll that same dress. At the beginning of the summer she asked if possibly this could be the year that she acquired that dress. I said, “Absolutely!”

I have been in contact with Marilyn’s sister and she told me Marilyn said the people helping her have been wonderful and she greatly appreciates all they do. My very own Rebecca thought of something we could all do to help with this. I would still like to make that velvet dress for the American Girl doll, and I would then auction it off on my blog. The person who puts in the highest bid would receive the dress and I would send the money for it to Marilyn so she can do something to thank the staff for taking such good care of her. Marilyn’s sister could use the money to buy them pizzas for a pizza party, or have someone put together a big basket of Christmas goodies, or something else that she can think of.

If you don’t want to bid on the dress, but would still like to contribute to Marilyn’s Caretaker Fund, I will accept any donations through Paypal and send that money along to her.
My Paypal email address is bullman@siu.edu

I will get started on the dress, and let you know when we are ready to start the auction and when it will end. I’ll try to give an update on the latest price each day on my blog. I think I’ll let it run a week, just so everyone sees it. You can do your “secret” bidding through the “Contact Me” tab at the top of my post.

My pictures aren’t the greatest, but this is the dress I’ll be making…I have the exact windowpane velvet, but may have to use a different lace trim…

This is the picture from my 70’s pattern book that I copied.

Thanks everyone,
Happy Thanksgiving Week!
Blessings, Jeanne

25 thoughts on “A VERY SPECIAL AUCTION…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m sorry to hear that Marilyn has had such a rough time, health-wise. Did she ever get a copy of this dress for her AG doll?

    But what a lovely idea to honor her, and to raise money for a treat for the staff at her rehab center! I used to work at a hospital, and occasionally a grateful patient would bring in treats for us after being released. I think my favorite was when the wife of the patient brought in trays of home-grown veggies (one tray for each shift, as I recall) plus dip. Delicious! (That was when I discovered how good raw cauliflower is!) I don’t remember anyone ever having a pizza party for us, though!

    And how generous of you, Jeanne, to make it and offer it for auction, this way. It will be a special gift, indeed–for both Marilyn and her caregivers!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      No, Marilyn doesn’t need the dress anymore… she’s doing some downsizing… and will just receive the money and her sister will help her with the in’s and out’s of how to bless the caregivers where she is staying.

      Rebecca and I were just discussing last night what we could do for the caregivers at the place where my mom is at… Lots of baking in our future, I think!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. What a lovely and thoughtful thing to do for such a deserving person, Jeanne! I certainly do miss Marilyn’s expertise on various topics, and this is such a perfect way to recognize her and how much we miss her.

    That is such a darling dress, and I can see why Marilyn also loves it! It looks like a dress I would have made for my own daughter back in the 70:s!

    Being a good caretaker is demanding and it is so nice for Marilyn to be thinking of others as they do the job they do to make her days more pleasant and comfortable.

    Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”.

    1. HI Linda,
      I miss all of Marilyn’s comments too! She really is a wealth of information and she made learning fun!
      I would have loved this dress back in high school too! I was a 1974 graduate from high school. :o)
      I just got the velvet fabric out and now I have to see what kind of lace can be used to embellish it.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Oh, I do so miss Marilyn being able to find the right answer to our questions. And provide websites too. Such a thorough librarian. Hopefully, the rehab place is giving her excellent physical therapy so she can navigate at home again soon. So, just a little confused here. Are you making a dress for Marilyn’s Julie too? That would be wonderful. I’m sure many if not most of us would be glad to contribute. What a fun idea to throw a staff appreciation party. Might also be helpful towards something Marilyn may also need.
    Seeing that pattern from the 70’s really brings back memories. Definitely made that one. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Hi Joy! I’ve got a question for you. Yes, Iโ€™m catching ‘dolly fever’, too! Look what you started, LOL. I was going to go ahead and order Saea from FAO Scwartz, but first, a question about their shipping. Please explain exactly how long โ€œforeverโ€ is? Was it one week or two weeks or ?? Thanks so much!! Love and Hugs, Ali

      1. Hi Ali,
        I ordered Sara on line from FAO Schwarz this weekend. She sells for $100.00. If you spent $100.00 you received free shipping. Because I was a new customer I also got 20% off so I bought an outfit so the shipping was still free because the total minus the discount was over $100.00. My total with tax was $120.96. Doll, outfit and free shipping not bad ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Thank you Ingrid!
          I’m glad you answered Ali’s question… I had the same one and have already looked at the FAO site 2 times today! Dolly Fever has struck again! :o)
          Blessings, Jeanne

        2. Did you need a code or anything for the 20% off, Ingrid? I’m happy you are getting her, too! She’s just sooo cute with that smile of hers. She’s hard to resist!! Thanks for all your info about FAO, as soon as I get enough money to cover her, she’ll be coming to me, too. : ) Let us know please, Ingrid, how long it takes for her to arrive to you. I can hardly wait to get my order in, too! : ) What outfit did you order? Like Barbara, I’m thinking of the sweater with the pom hat. I can’t remember for sure, but I think that one had boots I wanted, LOL. Waiting is the pits, LOL. Love and Big hugs, Ali

          1. Hi Ali,
            When I first opened up the site there was a box that popped up and offered me a discount if I entered my email which I did. Then the code was sent to me in my email. All the dolls are sweet but Sara spoke to me, I love those blue eyes and that blonde hair.
            I also love the sweater set too but I choose “Dress for Success”, I thought the skirt and the shoes were cute. I received a message that said she’s on her way already. I hoped she’d be here for Christmas looks like she might be here for thanksgiving lol

            Hope you get to order your Sara sooner than later

          2. HI Ingrid, It’s nice to see how it all works at FAO Schwarz… I think Sara is adorable too. I was looking at her and Bella last night… comparing them… I still haven’t hit the button yet, but might one of these days.
            What a fun surprise to get her before Thanksgiving… I hope she makes it! :o)
            Blessings, Jeanne

      2. I think your question has been answered, but when my doll arrived in two days from FF, the wait for the outfit took over a week or more. Must have come by truck and not air. And since I’m in CA, everything takes longer. But sounds like the savings are great from FAO. ๐Ÿ™‚

        1. Thanks, Joy!! That is what I wanted to know. How long it takes to get her from FAO. Your answer covers that, I think. Thanks, again. Love and big hugs, Ali

    2. HI Joy,
      Yes, I do miss Marilyn’s expertise in just about any area of “anything!” She knows it ALL!!
      Marilyn is doing some downsizing and doesn’t need that dream doll dress now, so she’ll be happy to see that someone else wins it.
      I hope we can bless her with a wonderful sum of money to bless her caregivers with!
      I made lots of dresses that looked like that in the 70’s but don’t think I ever made one with the lace sleeves and in velvet. You win! :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Hi Jeanne,
    Cute dress definitely something Julie would wear!
    I don’t speak up as much as I once did, busy with a very active 2 year old grandson. I still visit and love reading everyone’s comments though. I have noticed Marilyn’s absence, I wondered about her so now I know and I’m praying for her complete recovery.
    I think your idea is lovely. You are so sweet! I’m sure it will be much appreciated by all.
    PS I bought Sara off the FAO Schwarz toy store site. Thank you Sissy for the heads up ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. HI Ingrid,
      I’m glad you answered Ali’s comments… as I was wondering the same thing.
      Thanks for praying for Marilyn… add her siblings in there too! :o)
      Congratulations on buying Sara! And yes, THANK YOU TO SISSY!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. YES. Sissy, THANK YOU! Love that everyone shares here and I appreciate your info on FAO very much!! Love and Hugs, Ali

  5. I am so sorry to hear about Marilyn’s ongoing health problems. She has been absent most of the time I’ve been on the blog but I did love her contributions when she could and miss them. I think a staff appreciation party is a great idea. My mother was a nurse and she commented often on how wonderful it was to go in to work and find goodies given by appreciative patients left at the nurses’ station for everyone.

    I was curious also as to whether Marilyn ever got her dress. If not, if I were to win the auction I would donate the dress to Marilyn. This dress is the cutest. Maybe you could reproduce and sell the pattern you used. Another money-making venture. I finally found something I was looking for after much searching. I wanted a pattern to crochet for dolls those cute hats kids wear with the ear flaps and braids. Seems like most of them I found are for 18″ dolls. I can and have reduced crochet patterns down to the size I need, but if I could find one already sized right it would save a lot of time. I finally found one for Wellies that should fit most of my dolls. Most that I found were knitted (I don’t knit) but, after days of searching, I found one to crochet that also included a cute sweater and mukluks. Hopefully sometime in the future, maybe January, I’ll do a “snow day” photo shoot for my girls with everyone wearing cute hats. Unfortunately most of them don’t have “winter” clothes so I need to get busy and make some as soon as I’m finished with Christmas. I have a great backdrop and the Wellies have a wonderful sled I need to get.

    Still working on Christmas frocks. Lolla Rose and Sofie’s dresses are finished, Bella’s will be completed today and then on to making the one for 18″ Gracie using the slip I bought from you. I keep finding patterns I like better than the one I had chosen previously. I think I’ve finally made my choice for sure. Can’t wait to see how it turns out. And then maybe a simple dress using red ruffle knit fabric for Camille. One of the testers of a pattern I have did one like that and it was too cute. I will definitely have run out of time by then and I need to have the Christmas photo shoot.

    I will be praying for Marilyn. It sounds like she is in great hands.

    1. HI Barbara,
      Marilyn is doing some dolly downsizing and doesn’t need that dress anymore. She’s hoping the winner of it loves it as much as she would have!
      Congrats on snagging a pattern you were searching for. I hope the hats go together quickly! All your girls will be thrilled to wear them.
      I’ve got to get in my sewing room and get started on Julie’s dress. I found the velvet fabric and now have to see what kind of laces I have.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. You always have such good ideas! This will be such a nice surprise for Marilyn and her Care Givers. I can see why she loved that dress…it is a great 70โ€™s style too.
    So did Marilyn actually get that dress too? If she is still deciding then Iโ€™d split my donation between $ for the caregivers and $ for a dress for Marilyn.
    Iโ€™m sure you will let us know!

    1. Hi Kathie,
      No, Marilyn doesn’t need the dress anymore… she’s doing some dolly downsizing and wants the winner to enjoy it. I need to get cooking on it so I have something to show everyone. It goes together pretty quickly… just need to get in gear.
      Thanks for your concern, Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. What a great idea,, Jeanne! You come up with the best ideas about Blessing Others!! I can’t afford the price of your dresses, but I’d love to donate a little to the cause. I miss Marilyn, too, and pray she gets better fast so she can be home again! Please keep us posted on her and how she is doing. She will LOVE to get that dress she has dreamt about, and nothing better than a little party for her and her nurses! There is a special place in heaven for you, Jeanne. God bless you and all our group, too. Love and Big Hugs, Ali

    1. HI Ali,
      I’m glad you asked about the shipping on the FAO site.. I was wondering that same thing…
      Well, actually, Marilyn is doing some dolly downsizing and doesn’t need that dress anymore, but just wants the winner to enjoy seeing it on their doll.
      I will let you know things as I can… but keep Marilyn and her family in your prayers.
      I hope her caregivers have the best party ever with the funds from this dress! :o)
      Blessings to you Ali,
      ~ Jeanne

  8. Hi Jeanne, Wanted to let you know what a inspirator you are to me. Such a wonderful gift. Dolly people are the best but you go beyond that.

    I sure hope Marilyn gets well soon if that is possible. Send her hugs and kisses from me

    1. Thank you Lynn,
      As soon as I get this dress finished, I want Marilyn to see it!
      I will most definitely send some hugs to Marilyn from you!!!
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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