Time with my mom…

I guess you could call me lazy. Sunday I spent all afternoon with my mom. She was in desperate need of a haircut, so we played beauty shop. I used to cut her hair all the time…so she trusted me… :o)

The more humid it is the better her hair does… it makes it more curly… It was kind of flat here…

Then we ate some lunch and vegged on the couch watching Antiques Roadshow. That was followed by an episode of The Great British Baking Show…(I love watching it!)

While we were sitting on the couch, I thought it would be fun to take some selfies…I realized I’m not very good at it…but we had fun trying…

See, I told you I was lazy…I’ll be back to sewing tomorrow!
Hope your Sunday was a great day too!

Blessings, Jeanne

25 thoughts on “Time with my mom…”

  1. How nice that you got to spend some time with your mom; enjoy these moments, Jeanne, because, as we know, they do not last forever. She’s fortunate that you are able to cut her hair! I have absolutely zero talent when it comes to hair styling/cutting. God knew what He was doing when He gave me a son!! I just took him to my father-in-law (a barber) and he cut Daniel’s hair, usually fairly close all over his head! Easy peasy!

    I enjoyed your pictures–thanks for sharing!! I thought #5 was especially nice of both of you.

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      I’ve been cutting momma’s hair for years… been cutting my hubby’s for 37 years, Rebecca’s since she was a little girl, I help Kristoffer with his sometimes around his ears, but he does most if it himself, AND I just cut my own a few days ago…about 2″ off!! :o)

      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I love the photos. It’s great that you and your mother can enjoy spending time together.

    I got to go to the Antiques Roadshow when it came to Central PA a few years back! I wasn’t on TV though. It was a fun, though expensive, adventure. I didn’t go through the lottery system; I purchased my ticket. I didn’t have anything that would make me a gazillonaire but my keepsakes were precious to me (chuckle).

    Today we say good-bye to September. Wow, how did that happen?

    1. Thank you Dorothy,
      It was a nice afternoon!
      Antique’s Roadshow is probably Cindy’s favorite show. I dont think she’s ever been to one before though. She’d probably have a hard time deciding what to take with her if she did go…I’ll have to ask her…
      Yes, goodbye September!!
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Sweet and very worthwhile time spent, Jeanne, with your mom. Keep up the great work that you do in ALL aspects of your life.


    1. Thank you Becky,
      Making the most of every moment is important!! Thank you for your kind thoughts.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. What precious pictures of you and your Mom. It sounds like you both had a lovely time “hanging” out. You are a good daughter seeing to her needs and just spending time together.

  5. Jeanne, seeing your pictures reminded me of my dearest Mothers and the days when I travelled to SC to spend time with her, taking her to doctor, dental and eye appointments and yes hair appointments. I am her one and only daughter and I loved her with all my heart. She loved jewelry and in her memory, I am always wearing something that she gave me or that she once wore. I carry her memory with me every day. She was generous, loving, joyful and lived to be 90, Most important I know that she loved God and He was her personal Lord and Savior and one day, I will see her again in heaven where we will live eternally. Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.

    May your blessings abound,

    1. Hi Laureen,
      What lovely memories you have of your mom… and such a nice tribute to her. She lives in you! That’s easy to tell!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Your selfies are great! Haven’t tried to do that yet. We used to watch Antiques Roadshow all the time but haven’t in a long time. How nice you can cut your mom’s hair. I’m sure that makes it easier on her not to have to go somewhere and have it done. How wonderful you got to spend a day with your mom just hanging out. No “have-tos” just fun. Wishing you many, many more days like that.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      There is a beauty shop in the place where my mom now lives, and shes been there once, but I just thought since she was at my house, why not cut it myself…
      It was nice to just do what we wanted. I took her out to see my hubby’s birds and she enjoyed that too.
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Interesting, but your blog arrived yesterday, Sunday, said 7:22PM and thought it was a Sunday post. When I opened it, and clicked as usual so I could read the comments etc. it said Error 404 Page no longer exists. So I thought you had removed it for whatever reason. Maybe because you posted at an earlier time that usual?
    Anyway, this morning, there was no post so I looked at yesterdays again and tried again clicking and found the post eventually. Wonder what caused that? I’m sure others must have had the same experience.
    How nice it was to see your mom. She looks great and her hair too!
    Couldn’t help noticing that in the background, some of the cabinets have primer and some doors missing. Does this mean you’re back working on painting the kitchen again? 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      Here’s what happened with the blog…since my pictures of momma and me, I decided to do my post from my phone instead of transferring them to my computer. I wasn’t as familiar with where the buttons were and accidentally hit the publish button when I was trying to insert the pictures. It was only published for maybe 30 seconds before I cancelled it, but apparently a few of you got the first version…sorry about that.

      Part of my cabinets are primed, but I just was told by a very good friend of mine that she’s going to paint her existing cabinets white. I “can’t” let her get hers done before I do mine, so I’m all inspired to do mine now!!!!!
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Just so you know, I never received another post from you. Only that one last evening, no second version and none today. So probably a lot of people out there did not get your blog today. The mysteries of blog land…

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Come to think of it, I had trouble last night, too, I think–just went to I Dream of Jeanne Marie, and clicked on the new post, and it all came up. Maybe they were working on the website at that time or something.

  8. That is what happened to me too! I finally did get the blog, but on the 5:00 one. I usually get two everyday and delete the other, but the one I usually read didn’t work.

    Oh well, so nice that you and your mother got to spend a day together without any distractions. You know, Jeanne, your mother’s hands are beautiful! What is her secret?
    She has the hands of a much younger woman!

    1. Hi Linda, if you’ll read my comments to Joy, you’ll find out what happened with that mystery post…
      Linda, I’ll have to tell momma you thought her hands were pretty. She probably won’t believe you, but ill tell her. She doesn’t have to wash dishes anymore…. maybe that’s her secret!! :o)
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Lucky you. Those days with your Mom are so nice…nothing pressing…just together.
    Glad you were able to relax for an afternoon and enjoy her. ( Nice haircut too!)
    Have a good week!

    1. Thank you Kathie,
      It was nice to have an unplanned afternoon with my mom! Thank you for your sweet thoughts.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Not lazy at all, but a very productive way to spend the day. Great haircut job also, you could have a second career as a stylist.
    Antiques Roadshow is great. I love the twins (or brothers) that always get super excited when there is something rare. The British Baking Show is fun as well. I love to cook and bake and family heritage (German, English , Irish, Scottish, Welsh, and Cherokee Indian recipes are fun to try) Corn Pones are the only Cherokee recipe I’ve made. I should try Fry Bread sometime.
    I agree with Dorothy, what happened to September, well what happened to August? I feel most of the summer slipped away.

    1. Dorothy in PA and the World

      Dear Laura, they are the Keno twins, Leslie and Leigh.

      I loved watching Antique Roadshow UK. I can’t seem to find it on American TV any longer. It was around years before we started ours in the US.

    2. Hi Laura,
      I’m already hairstylist to my hubby, Kristoffer, Rebecca and myself…AND my dolls!!! That’s probably enough.
      It’s a good thing that baking show only comes on once a week…I could seriously get addicted to show after show after show.
      It IS hard to believe October is tomorrow.
      Thank you Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. I’m happy you got to spend a day with your mom. Looks like a fun day for both of you! I’m terrible with hair. Looks like you did a good job on your mom’s. I have seen posts where you cut some doll wigs, so I guess that is another of your talents!

    1. Hi Carolyn,
      I had a nice day…and I hope she did too!
      People hair, Doll hair… I just tackle whatever needs fixing…
      Thank you Carolyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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