Some dolls to share…and some Madame Alexander dolls to sell…

I have some pictures from Barbara… She’s been working very hard getting her girls ready for school… and yesterday she was finally able to share some pictures with me… It’s not ALL of her girls but most of them…Barbara told me the story and I’ll let her tell it to you now…

I hope you’ll click on her pictures so they will enlarge and you can see all the details! :o)

The first picture is of four of my Hearts 4 Hearts dolls. Thought I was finished with that classroom but Lauryce came running into the room yelling “Your forgot me!”. Oops! I had forgotten her so I had to take another picture to include her.

Did make it more difficult to fit them all in. Thank Heaven they were not 18” dolls.

In the third picture little Lissy is upset about the first day of school so her teacher (my 16” rescue doll Emma) is consoling her and Betsy is helping. I told everyone to face me and say cheese. It seems Taylor Jane was more interested in her new textbook and wasn’t paying attention. But it is a good picture of her beautiful long red hair.

Barbara’s fourth picture is a treat for ME! Her two Little Darlings, Claire and Fallon; my Paola Reina, Cleo Patrice; and her other rescue doll Brenna, with the excepton of a couple shirts, returned to school in “Jeanne Marie” creations. She said she was about to change their clothes when she realized she had never taken a picture of the set she bought from me. Brenna is wearing the extra skirt and she said she loves it. Since Camille hadn’t been in a picture yet she joined in.

Barbara said she kind of cheated a little since the flooring was white. She used stands for her dolls instead of spending all day mostly picking up dolls and resetting the background and props.

Thank you for sharing Barbara! Now you better get started on Christmas dresses… you have LOTS of girls to sew for. Loved the school background!

I ran into a friend today and she used to be one of my best customers when I sold doll dresses and little girl’s dresses at our local Farmer’s Market. Carol is interested in selling her collection of Madame Alexander dolls. They are in excellent condition, not played with, but only on display. I’ve seen them at her house… Very well kept!!! She has 30 of them, but sent me just a few pictures of them… She told me she would like $40 apiece for them, or if someone wants all 30 she will make a special discount for you… I told her I would let you all know about them and see if there was any interest.

Here are her Rapunzel and Sweden dolls:

This is Little Thumbkins and a Polish doll:

Here is Argentina (with the apron) and Equador:

Well, I Hope that made you smile today! It did me!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “Some dolls to share…and some Madame Alexander dolls to sell…”

  1. What a fun post today! Thanks to Barbara for sharing all your pictures and dolls with us!! They all look so nice on their first day of the school year! I remember choosing my dress for that first day each year–it had to be something really nice, maybe even new, but of course not necessarily “Sunday-best” nice (mom knew I’d be playing hopscotch and jumping rope!). I hope little Lissy found a new friend at school–that very first day can be scary for a little one!

    The Madame Alexander dolls are lovely, and I would be sorely tempted if I didn’t already have a couple dozen of them!! Hope they find some good homes.

  2. What a wonderful collection and the pictures are great. So nice to see the ensemble on all the girls and see how it stretched for three dolls. It’s nice to see how the various dolls look together in the school setting. Nice job on the details. Thanks for sharing, Barbara.

    Some collectors will be very happy that you shared the beautiful ones for sale.

  3. Barbara, your dolls are darling and you did a wonderful job of dressing them so well! Taylor Jane makes the third picture down so real looking! As a former teacher, there is always that “one child” that doesn’t quote cooperate when you want them to!

    No worries on the stands, my dolls are always on stands, since they are out all the time, and I don’t like the unnatural stance that a lot of dolls have without a stand, with their legs too far apart that looks a bit weird.

    Oh, the Madame Alexander dolls are just darling, but I already have my shelves filled with them, so no more room without crowding them up.

  4. Love the pictures Barbara!! They are wonderful and very clever. The one with the teacher is nice since she’s a taller doll. I like how Taylor Jane is distracted!! Lol.

  5. Love Barbara’s photos! So much attention to detail and what wonderful outfits she made to make each one feel special on that big first day. Only one Hearts 4 Hearts girl around here. Shola from Afghanistan. She’s waving at Barbara’s girls. 🙂 I love Taylor Jane’s outfit and matching pink shoes. So cute.
    The Madam Alexander collection is lovely. Hope one of your readers is interested.
    So much cooler around here. Definitely starting to feel like fall especially when I look up at all of the leaves on our three Sycamore trees just waiting to terrorize the village until probably December. 🙁

  6. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, what wonderful photos today. Barbara’s girls are definitely going to be the best dressed at their school. They are so well behaved.

    Carol’s dolls are lovely. I hope they all find good homes. It was interesting to hear that a few of the blog family members have Alexanders. The Alexander Doll Club Convention will be in June of 2020 in Michigan.

    Is anyone following the Brady Bunch Renovation on HGTV? On yesterday’s episode, the designers worked on the girls’ bedroom and boys’ bedroom. They found a doll that Cindy (youngest Brady) had as a child. I don’t remember what doll it was but my ears perked up.

    Fall is almost here. Only 8 more months until May (chuckle).

    1. I love HGTV but have not been watching this. Was it her Kitty Carryall doll? That’s what she always called it, but I don’t know what kind of doll it actually was.

      1. Dorothy in PA and the World

        Dear Barbara, hello. Yes, that’s it! I just did a Google search and found the doll.

        I didn’t really watch the Brady Bunch. I was more of a Leave To Beaver and Father Knows Best fan. My favorite TV show was Rocky & Bullwinkle.

        HGTV is rerunning the show so you can still see it. I am thinking it will be in 4 or 5 parts. Episodes 1 and 2 have aired already. You can probably also find it On Demand if you have that with your cable company.

  7. Thanks everyone for your kind compliments about my girls and their pictures. I was very lucky to find the backdrop on e-bay and then find the two additional desks to compliment the background. I found one desk on e-bay for $25.00 and looking further I found two desks for $25.00. No question which I bought and it did complete the room. With those and the wonderful background it ended up looking like a room full of desks. Problem is now I need to find a place to store them, since my house was built when closets were few and far between. Really need to get rid of some stuff.

    I should have never enlarged the pictures. I saw some details I missed. Such as Chloe’s (sitting in the desk, she has no stand yet) collar is turned up in the back. Ugh! How I missed that I don’t know. Taylor Jane is one of the few dolls I have that can be posed, so I wasn’t letting that go. And she does look like a kid who would march to the beat of her own drummer.

    Back-to-school outfits seem to be a thing of the past for parents today. For us it was a special day and, even though we did not have much money, we always got a new outfit, including shoes, for the first day of school. And we did that with our two children. When my son and daughter-in-law were in a financial crisis one year I bought back-to-school outfits for the grandkids. They wore things they already had for the first day, including my granddaughter wearing a t-shirt with the neck all stretched out. Back-to-school was never special for my daughter-in-law so she doesn’t embrace the “tradition”. I saw pictures of my second cousins girls on the first day this year and they were wearing clothes that looked liked they’d been heavily worn. Might have been new stuff though because that’s the look today. I’ll never get used to that. Probably age-related. All I know is my girls, all 20 something of them (some you have not met yet), all got properly attired for the first day.

    When I get back from vacation I will start some Fall/Winter things and definitely some Christmas dresses. Gracie is first in line for that so I can use her beautiful new red petticoat. Then I will go down the list I made and whoever comes up before Christmas after that will get a new Christmas dress. I’ve got a great backdrop and props for Christmas pictures. Since none of my girls actually have Christmas dresses, I need to sew like crazy.

    The Madam Alexander dolls are beautiful. They are more in the purely collector doll category though, so not for me. But I do love seeing pictures of collector dolls. My Lissy is a Madam Alexander doll. She was an event doll one year called Cotton Candy Lissy. I found her on e-bay for a good price, and she was so cute I had to have her. She is jointed, but does not hold a pose well unless she’s sitting. I would really like to see pictures of Linda D’s and Charlotte’s dolls and anyone else who has them.

    Thanks for posting my pictures Jeanne. I’m getting more comfortable with this dolly photography thing.

  8. I enjoyed seeing you “girls”, Barbara. I envy those who have time to set up displays.
    The MA Storybook dolls are lovely. I’m sure someone will enjoy them.

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