A Patriotic “romper” for Samantha

I know Samantha wouldn’t have worn a romper in the early 1900’s, but here’s how it happened. “My” Rebecca told me rompers were really popular right now and I needed to make some. So I finally gave in and decided to cut one out tonight.
Nellie was still standing on my cutting table after modeling those slips last night. So I grabbed her and started to try the bodice on her. I heard some chatter on the dolly shelf saying it wasn’t fair….Nellie had already modeled something. I looked at the girls standing in the front row…Felicity? No…Elizabeth?…No…Rebecca?…No. When I tried it on Samantha, the “winter” coloring of her skin was perfect for these deep jewel toned colors. She smiled snd I knew she was the right girl for the job.

I made a pretty good head start on this piece. It will be something quick and not too time consuming. I’m thinking this will be my last Fourth of July/patriotic set. It’s getting too close to the holiday to be listing things. I’m going to switch to summer outfits and dresses and then start on some Back to School things.

Here are a few pictures of Samantha’s romper. It will get better…promise!

Well, that’s it for today. My day was busy with packaging up slips, slips and more slips and getting them to the post office. If you bought a slip from me, it went out today!! Thank you to everyone who bought from me… it was wonderful!!! I will make some more for those of you who missed out this time.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “A Patriotic “romper” for Samantha”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    You’re right, Jeanne, that red of the bodice is perfect against Samantha’s skin! I’m assuming there’s going to be something between the bodice and the lower part, possibly something with both colors in it, to tie them together, so to speak.

    I read the comments from yesterday, and I promise, when I get baby Rurik’s things finished, I’ll take pictures and send them to you!! Thanks, everyone, for asking.

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I actually managed to get the whole romper completely finished this evening! Yay for me!
      There is “something” between the bodice and the bottom, but it’s probably not what you were expecting… ???
      See you tomorrow,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. I think Samantha is going to look just darling in her romper! Her looks are timeless, and I don’t think her hairstyle “dates” her like some doll’s do. Her coloring is just perfect for the red, white and blue you have her in. Maybe a cute bucket style hat with a pail and shovel will be just the thing for her to head out to the beach to play in the sand!

    Looking forward to seeing Charlotte’s baby things, and the “Swifter” girl soon!!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Oh, I can’t wait for everyone to see her tomorrow… Samantha DOES look very pretty in this outfit… tonight I got my lighting better. I’m not for sure what tomorrow’s weather is supposed to bring, but if it’s sunny, I might try for some outside shots… :o)
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Can’t go wrong with red/white/blue. Looking forward to seeing the details. Would be a perfect picnic in the park outfit before the big 4th show. Samantha might hold sparklers or be eating watermelon to celebrate. Just another take. 🙂

    1. HI Joy,
      I wish I had a little piece of watermelon for a prop… that would be fun in the summer time.
      Sparklers… hmmm… I might have something in mind… :o)
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Dorothy in PA

    Dear Jeanne, the outfit is adorable. I can’t wait to see what you pair with it.

    I am looking forward to seeing Charlotte’s photos also.

    I am still thinking about a name change. I am now thinking it might be
    “Dorothy in PA and the World.” That’s kind of long though.

    Hmmm. I will keep thinking.

    Are we really in the second week in June? Time is flying by for sure.

    1. HI Dorothy in PA and the World… :o)
      The romper is finished and now I just need to get it listed… It’s very pretty on Samantha… She looks good in modern day clothing! :o)
      Yes, June is zipping by faster than May did! :o(
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Yes rompers are all the rage right now for all ages. I buy my granddaughter things from Fabkids and they have a lot of really cute ones so Samantha will be totally in style. Really cute outfit. I’ve lost touch with the 18″ AG dolls since my daughter grew up but I remember Samantha and always loved her. I believe she was the first AG doll.

    Sparklers!!! I’d love to see what you can come up with for that one. Something that doesn’t spread glitter from one end of the house to the other.

    1. HI Barbara,
      Well, after I got it all finished, I showed Rebecca and she said it wasn’t “exactly” the kind of romper she was thinking of… she said mine looked more like a coulotte skirt. I guess it does but I’m not changing it now…
      Yes, Samantha, Molly and Kirsten were the first American Girl dolls who made their debut in 1986.
      I did buy some “glittery balls” that I was going to use for a prop on the ground all around. Rebecca” talked me out” of opening that package. Good thinking! :o)
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. If you have a Dollar Tree store nearby they have a weighted piece that is really made for holding down a balloon bouquet. It has wired metallic little pieces on it that would look like a sparkler in action….and of course …” it’s only a dollar”. ☺️
    At quilting today a lady had finished another quilt of valor….and of course it was red- white – blue. We are lucky our flag is such a great color combo.
    She will be so patriotic!

    1. Hi Kathie,
      I was just at Dollar Tree day before yesterday… now I’m going to have to go back and take a look… I saw something similar at Hobby Lobby, but it wasn’t a dollar! :o)

      I think patriotic quilts are some of the prettiest combinations ever! Congrats to your friend who finished another quilt… it’s been a few years since I made one…
      Thanks Kathie,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. This is going to be a nice outfit. The colors do suit Samantha and the outfit fits the weather. Who could ask for more? And I did ask for a new Samantha outfit.
    Next — Addy at the Fair? That’s always one of my favorite themes.
    I think it’s nice of Barbara to think of your house and how to keep it mostly glitter free.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Yes, you DID ask for Samantha… probably not exactly what you had in mind, but she sure does pretty in it… I have to admit. Addy at the Fair… I glanced at a piece of fabric today that I thought might be Addy’s next dress… it would work for a Fair dress… hmmm…

      A glitter free house… I’m all for that. I used to do alterations for a prom store here in town. The dresses were very expensive and sometimes I’d have $5000 or more priced dresses in my house. It always made me a little nervous as my kiddos’ were very little and I was worried that they’d get spaghetti or something on them.
      Most of them were beaded or sequined. I remember sweeping along the baseboard YEARS after I had stopped altering the dresses, and sequins would still find their way out from under the baseboards. There’s probably still beads and sequins behind the baseboard to this day in that house. Glitter is probably behind there too… I’m not a big glitter fan…sounds like Barbara isn’t either… :o)
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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