Noel and Brian and Camille and Gracie and Sara are in the lime light today…

Let’s start with Noel and get my girl out of the way first… I took a few extra pictures of her outside and put them in the listing on Ebay… Here’s one…

You can click on the picture at the right side bar or you can click HERE to go to the auction.

Next up is Brian. He’s a new doll that Joy WON in a drawing on the My Meadow Doll Fan Club page. I think there were something like 437 people who entered their name for a doll to be given away. None of us knew what the drawing was going to be for… we all hoped it might be a doll, but we didn’t know. And out of all those people, Joy’s name was drawn so she wound up being the winner of a darling little Bailey doll, like mine, only this time the doll was painted and dressed as a boy, and named Brian. He is darling and Joy’s girls are VERY excited to welcome him to their California home. Joy sent me this about Brian…

Here’s Brian right after his three point landing. Going to have to put off the welcome until tomorrow as we have had rain again all day. Two inches yesterday. Not as much today. Brian is just a cutie. Very friendly too. 🙂

I’m sure when the weather clears up Joy will send more pictures of Brian. I tried to copy the pictures of him shown on the Fan Club page, but they wouldn’t open for me.

Barbara sent me some pictures of her Camille and Gracie in new dresses that she made for them… I wanted to share them with you… Cute, cute, cute!

Tonight Sara graduated from 8th grade. It was like watching one of my own as I sat on that bleacher in the gymnasium. She had quite a few people come to see her get her diploma and then we celebrated afterwards at a restaurant. She has become so dear to my heart these last 5 years, I really don’t know how I’m going to say goodbye and see them off to Colombia, South America next week. Here are a few of the many pictures that were taken tonight…

She knew where we were sitting and gave us waves as she went by…

Her grandma called from Colombia and wished her well on her graduation… She was waving to her on the phone…

Mom and dad were quite proud of their daughter…

The sweetest thing I heard was from her teacher… He was in a few of the pictures and I talked to him about Sara. He said, “I don’t say this about everyone, but Sara has been my favorite student since I’ve been teaching!” I could understand his feelings. She is a one of a kind. :o)

Well, I better wrap this up and get in bed.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Noel and Brian and Camille and Gracie and Sara are in the lime light today…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a fun post tonight, Jeanne!! Little Noel looks so sweet in her lovely outfit!!

    Barbara, your Camille and Gracie look like real Southern belles in their pretty dresses!! “Sister dressing” must be so much fun! I never had a sister, but I do have a girlfriend (almost young enough to be my daughter) and we do that at least once every Sewing Expo–wear “twinsie” outfits, I mean.

    Sara really looks grown up now! No glasses, I see–has she transitioned to contacts now? I can certainly understand why her teacher said that, about her being his favorite student since he started teaching! Occasionally we all have a student or two who just really stand out above the rest.

    Finally, a big congratulations to Joy and her Very special prize!! Brian is just as cute as he can be!! Love his little pilot outfit and airplane, too!! Lucky you!! Now I’m Really thinking I might need to get a Bailey doll myself!! You are such a bad influence!! LOL

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I thought all the dolls (vinyl and real) were exceptionally sweet in their pictures today. Glad you enjoyed them… me too!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. What a fun blog today, Jeanne! Things are rolling right along, with new dresses, new dolls and a new graduate!

    Noel’s outfit is just darling, and Spring into Summer is a perfect title for it! If you ask me, I think summer is already here! Two days in the 90″s are a bit much for me! We are trying to get our deck and patio stained, but it is not fun working in tis heat!

    Congratulations to Joy on winning that cute little Brian! He looks like he is having a ball riding his little airplane! I have a Brian too, but mine is a “real” one! 🙂

    Barbara, your girls really do look like sisters, and so sweet in their new dresses!

    My goodness, caps and gowns for eighth grade graduation? Quite special! I can’t get over how beautiful Sara has turned out to be and I wish her all the best in life. I can just see how Edgar and Alba are bursting with pride! It has turned out to be a whirlwind month for their little family and I wonder if they are happy about returning to Columbia. For sure, most of us are not!!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I’m glad I had enough pictures for an interesting post today…and you enjoyed it.

      I’m just glad the rain has let up some…I have only been outside to go o the mailbox so I dont really know how hot it is out today…

      Brian is a little cutie isn’t he? I bet Joy is going crazy trying to find lots of “boy” things she can use for props. I know I would be.

      They are very excited about going back to Colombia but they are sad to leave all the friends they have made here. I’m sure we will stay lifelong friends.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. A day of accomplishment for the blog. I’m going to start with Brian because my dad was in the Air Force in WWII and when I was little, he bought me a plane almost like that, but child sized. It survived our back patio and 5 kids for many years and then years of storage and now lives on my sister’s indoor balcony, along with other favorite toys belonging to us and her boys. I’m sure Brian will enjoy his plane for years to come and I look forward to more pictures.
    Congratulations to Sara and her family and yet another achievement. Healthy, happy, and smart. How much better could things get?
    Spring into Summer works so well with your new moss grass, which sets the outfit off perfectly. I think you are going to get a lot of good out of that moss. It makes the blue, white, and yellow really stand out.
    I know I’m supposed to be admiring Barbara’s charming new dresses, but let’s admire that background too — the blue sky fabric and the flower meadow floor really set the outfits off. Barbara, is that your usual set-up or do you have several backgrounds?

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      Like I told Linda, I bet Joy is searching everywhere in her house for “boy” props she can use. That plane is SO cute I think I’d use it every other time!! :o)
      I was looking at Hobby Lobby for a blue background fabric to go with my “grass” a few days ago. Guess Barbara beat me to it!!
      Thanks for your comments, Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I love the lighting in Noel’s photo! The colors pop and the green of the mat is the perfect background. The dress is wonderful for an end of school party or picnic and can be worn on vacation to spruce up after a day at the lake. Adorable.

    Brian is still sporting his aviator outfit today, awaiting a break in the clouds and sprinkles we have had for two days straight. I’m hoping to get some more photos this morning. And I just glanced out the slider, and I actually see a bit of a sunrise. Yay!

    I love Barbara’s outfits for Camille and Gracie. What a great pattern. That extended collar is lovely. I can see them being appointed special helpers at the upcoming Memorial Day festivities or welcoming friends to the first outdoor barbecue of the summer. Fun!

    And Sara, amazingly grown up, marching forward at her eighth grade graduation. Who would have thought? Alba and Edgar, the proud parents. What wonderful memories. I love Alba’s dress too. She looked as radiant as Sara. Congratulations Sara! I wish you happiness and success in your future endeavors. We will miss you.

    1. Thanks for the compliments on Noel’s dress, Joy. I just got a note from the lady who bought it, saying she thought it looked pretty.

      Did you already have that aviator outfit? It is SO cute and looks like a perfect fit!!!

      I think I might have a pattern in AG size with a collar like Barbara’s. Hmmm..

      Alba really looked beautiful too…that dress is one of my favorites she wears… she’s about as big as a minute… :o)
      Sunday will be their last day at church. I’m sure there will be lots of tears.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Well we all knew Noel’s outfit was adorable and it sure sold fast! I thought eBay was acting up again when I pulled up the listing this morning (I tried last night but it wasn’t listed yet) and saw the sold banner! I also didn’t realize it was for a 10” doll, too too cute as the quick sale confirms. Maybe you’ll do another one for Noel size to give others a chance?
    Camille and Gracie’s dresses are stunning. Brian has me thinking maybe I need a little boy too, but I’ve no experience with dressing little boys hmm . . . Very glad to see Alba looking fit, and congrats to Sara. Wonderful newsletter.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Noel’s dress DID sell fast…it was very early this morning when it sold. I kind of like the idea of another one for her…hmmm…

      I dont have any little boys either, but if one came my way, I’d certainly accommodate him here! In fact, I think he’d quite enjoy it around here.
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I just looked at the auction for “Spring into Summer” (wonderful title) and it has sold already! I’m not surprised. It is a lovely little ensemble and Noel looks so cute sitting on the grass. I need to get some of that. I bought some tissue paper grass and need to see how that looks. Right now it’s flat in a package (actually 3 of them). It may end up being too tall.

    Joy, I just love your Brian. I’m glad he landed safely, especially in all that rain. I don’t have any boy dolls because I’ve always done sewing for girl dolls and never really thought about a boy. He looks so cute in his little plane with his adorable shoes sticking out the front. Too, too cute! And how wonderful you won him, especially from so many entries.

    Thanks for everyone’s kind comments on Gracie and Camille’s Easter outfits. My patterns were from Farm Cookies on Etsy. The pictures were test shots of what I’m trying to set up on my kitchen table. The lighting in there is the best and I think I won’t have to do much to get the pictures I want. The colors of their dresses are true and they made it to the blog intact. I also have the main dress fabric in peach. Someone mentioned before that finding small scale fabrics for doll sewing is difficult. There are not many out there, but Home Sew has them. They are called “vintage miniatures” and has the ones Home Sew has and a few more. These are the first sister outfits I have made for them and I was made aware very quickly that the difference between 18″ and 14.5″ is not only height but overall dimensions. Gracie is more solidly built and Camille is more dainty. The really ticklish part of the dresses was finding trims that were similar but in two very different sizes. That included the lace in a matching color. Thank Heaven for the internet. I just prayed the colors were true as shown. They were and I was good to go.

    Thanks for liking the background Marilyn. It’s a bit rudimentary at the moment. I was seeing how the lighting was and how my camera (used my digital) would photograph the colors, etc. I usually do the “sky” behind foliage that doesn’t make it look like the sky comes to the ground, but I was more concerned with how things would photograph than composition at the moment. I do love the ground cover and it came off pretty much as I hoped (mountain meadow? – still looking for a mountain background). I have a lovely background that has a lot of flowers, very spring like, but I was afraid it would take away from the dresses. I also have some tiny flowers I could spread out on “grass”. My favorite backgrounds though are the fall ones. The backgrounds are actually quilt panels I find here and there. Sometimes I really like a panel, but the dimensions won’t work well. I wasn’t paying attention once and bought a lovely fall panel that is wide but not tall and will only work for small dolls.

    The pictures of Sara and her family are wonderful. She looks so much more mature than even her latest pictures. She is really lovely. Sad as the send off is going to be, it is wonderful that she got to share her eighth grade graduation with everyone. I wish her all the very best in her future endeavors. She will go far.

    1. Hi Barbara
      Noel didn’t even get to wear her dress 12 hours before it sold. She’s been stripped of it and it is now on its way to the winner.
      I’ve seen that Farmcookies pattern but don’t have it…you have some really sweet dresses for your girls. Thanks for sharing.

      Backgrounds are always something I’m searching for…I had some pretty nice posters but for some insane reason I got rid of them…ugh!!!
      I’m glad you’ve gotten to know s little bit about Edgar, Alba and Sara. They will be missed very much…
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Jeanne, the “sky” is actually some tie-dye looking t-shirt fabric I bought once to make my daughter a pair of pants. They never got made and I have nothing else I want to do with the fabric so “sky” it is. But they do have some pretty cloud fabric out there. I think has some. The weather girl on TV sews and bought some once to make a dress. It turned out cute.

  7. Delightful pictures of lovely girls and one handsome boy. Congratulations, Sara. Nice to see such great pictures of the family together. Cute matching dresses on the dolls, Barbara. Well done. I do have an airplane like that which I use as a decoration under the Christmas tree with other toys. No boy doll, though. Molly has her pilot outfit but she’s too big for the plane. Thanks for posting the great selection of pictures. I can still see Joy running after that truck!

    1. Hi Susette,
      After seeing Joy’s airplane, everyone will be searching for one for their smaller dolls. And larger planes for their bigger dolls.
      I was glad all the dolly photos came at the right time and happy you enjoyed them too.
      I have thought several times about Joy and her escapades with Brian… makes me smile every time!!
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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