Bailey and Darby want to show off…

Yay! I’m back! There was too much going on and not enough time to even get the sleep I needed, which is probably why I ended up with the crud on Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday. I am better but only did minimal stuff today. (I actually slept till 12:30 Sunday morning!) I think you’ll be happy with what you see below!
My mom is out of the hospital and back in her room now too… thanks for your prayers.

Since Bailey’s basic set was done, I got to do the fun (and easy) stuff today…the embellishing! My favorite! I took some pictures and they are brighter but maybe a little too bright… I’ll see what you think. I wasn’t up to going outside, but before I list it might try to take some outside shots.

When I see how awful my last pictures were, I’m ashamed I used them… They really were terrible… Before….

…and after…

I added 3 tiny little red buttons on the front of Bailey’s top… and a pocket to put things in… (Okay, who, besides me sees that stray 1/8″ yellow thread sticking out at the top of the pocket?) I’ll get that clipped off.

Since I added a bow to the pocket, I decided to add them to the side legs on her capris.

I found some fun red shoes that won’t be included in the set, but I thought looked pretty cute with this outfit.

I tied a red and white checked bow around Darby’s neck….she’s gotta match, you know!

The snaps are sewn to the back and the handwork is done on the inside.

I thought this set needed a hat and I had just enough pale yellow wool felt to make her one…and then had fun embellishing it with the colors in the top.

I might call this Sunshine and Roses… unless someone thinks of something better! :o)

I hope to see you tomorrow!
Blessings, Jeanne

19 thoughts on “Bailey and Darby want to show off…”

  1. Yay! You are back. I didn’t expect that you’d manage some sewing time. Congratulations on that and getting your mom back home safely. This looks like miracle week for you, and it’s only the first day.
    What a cute outfit for Bailey — I like all the embellishments and I really like the way Bailey poses to show them all off.
    A good day — now let’s go for two in a row for all of us.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I was in a sewing mood the night I got sick… too bad it hit me so hard… but I got my mojo back last night… It felt wonderful. And I loved how it turned out!
      I have NOW taken NEW pictures and they are MUCH better than any before now…
      Bailey really is a sweet doll to pose and I’m glad I made her sort of whimsical looking… kind of my little imp, I guess.
      Yes, 2 days in a row for a post, because…I ALREADY have tomorrow’s post written and scheduled! Yay!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    I’m glad to hear your mom is out of the hospital again, and that you are feeling better, too, Jeanne!! I was getting worried, with no blog posts for a couple of days.

    This outfit has sure turned out cute!! Bailey looks quite pleased!! That little hat is just darling, and I do love the addition of a pocket on her dress. A girl has to have a place to put her hankie! Also her quarter, and maybe a frog or a pretty leaf….

    I didn’t see the thread on the pocket until you really zoomed in on it; on the other pictures, I couldn’t see it. I like the addition of the red bows, too.

    I’ve been working on a little project…..I’m doing a program at my smocking guild meeting about combining trims. I made a bunch of samples to show, and wrote out descriptions. I just need to print the handouts and pack up the samples for tomorrow’s meeting.

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I really didn’t intend for my life and things going on it to get in the way of writing my posts, but sometimes it can’t be helped. The last thing I want is for my blog to turn into some kind of Saga of Jeanne Marie! :o(

      Just wait till you see tomorrow’s pictures… Bailey really looks quite pleased in them. Me too!

      I used to belong to a smocking guild and enjoyed going to it very much… I think they disbanded… I stopped going when my hubby got sick… I miss smocking… I should do it more often… Maybe you have inspired me…
      Have fun at your meeting…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Yay, you are back, Jeanne! Wow, it’s almost like we took off the sunglasses from the first picture! What a difference the lighting makes, and your little ray of sunshine is just plain adorable! Every little touch just adds to the cuteness of the outfit, and of course, Bailey!

    The hat is the perfect touch, love it, and I love the way Bailey can pose in so many different ways, which makes her looks so impish and childlike, playing and holding Darby. This is one of the cuter photo shoots that I can remember in a long time!

    I’m so glad you took the time to take care of yourself, and that your momma is back to her place. Let’s hope things stay that way for awhile! We certainly missed you, but you need to take care of things. We understand!

    Wasn’t yesterday gorgeous? We needed a couple more rain-free days, after all the soakings we have been getting. My azalea bush is blooming, iris are opening up and the grass is really growing! This is no time to be sick!!

    1. HI Linda,
      I was going to put a sneak preview photo in my comments, but decided to surprise everyone with pictures I took outside today. They are MUCH better and not so “glowing” as the ones I shared today. I thought those were good, but when I saw what the outfit looked like outside, there was no comparison.

      I am ALL for things calming down around here… both of my sisters are coming here from the 10th to the 14th… just in time for Mother’s Day… I can’t wait to see them, and hope to get some posts scheduled so I can visit with them and you’ll all have something to see too.

      It has been beautiful here today… that’s why I was able to get some nice pictures outside. George mowed the grass and it’s so green now… love it!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Bailey is just adorable in her play outfit! The three little buttons are just right for her top and her hat is just precious. If I were a little girl, I’d have loved to have had that outfit to wear.
    It is so cute the way Bailey can be positioned with her joints. She’s a cute little doll.
    Glad your momma is doing better, Jeanne.

    1. HI Paula,
      Yellow isn’t one of the colors I use very often, but I think it looks great on Bailey. I think I would have worn this set as a little girl too! :o)
      Bailey really is fun to pose… I’ve got to make some prettier places for her outside… I need a nice tree trunk and some pretty tiny flowers for her to pose beside.
      Yes, my momma is better… me too!
      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Glad you’re feeling better and that your mom is out of the hospital. Way too much hospital time for you lately for sure.
    Bright and sunny photos of Bailey and Darby. How about Funshine and Roses? They look like they are ready for fun. πŸ™‚
    Just heard the new royal baby is here. πŸ™‚

    1. HI Joy,
      Yes, we are BOTH feeling better…and YES, way too much hospital time for me! I’m ready for a break! :o)
      I used your name Funshine and Roses for the title of her outfit… I didn’t get it listed on Ebay but I have some fun outside pics to show tomorrow. They are much nicer!
      I just saw they had a baby boy too! Congrats to them…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Love the complete outfit for Bailey. The choice of fabrics and details are true Jeanne Marie touches. Always make me smile but especially on Bailey with your darling face painting. Hate to say this but I like the first picture better.

    I would have sent this in an email but wanted to share this will your followers too. Regarding photography, I have to share the Consumer Cellular deal for $26.37/mo that I have through AARP. It has wonderful editing functions built in that take just two clicks to edit the lighting with a slide function that allows you to compare many different options instantaneously. Cropping and many other options are built in which appear at the bottom of each photo. I bought the iPhone through the AARP offer and paid for it over a six-month period. One doesn’t have to be over 55 to join AARP.

    The phone automatically adjusts the lighting if it is too dark or light and you can go from there with your own editing. It takes pictures in almost total darkness and fills in the light! You can download the pictures to a laptop or share them in an email or message and it has tons of storage space for pictures. You can immediately delete the ones you don’t want. I don’t use my Nikon anymore as the phone is too convenient. It also has options for size of file.

    1. HI Susette,
      When I looked back at my pictures for today, they are TOO yellowish… wait till tomorrow and then see what I took outside. They are a cross between the slightly drab first picture and the bright ones below… I think you’ll like them.

      I used my phone for the pictures I’ll be sharing tomorrow… usually my camera takes better pics but not this time… maybe it was outside lighting that made the difference.

      Thanks for the information about Consumer Cellular… I hope someone who is on the fence about what to use, can find it helpful. You gave enough facts to entice someone who is thinking about switching… thanks so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. It sounds like April has been an awful month for more than just me. My 80 year old mom was in the hospital the week before Easter. She’s home, but still having issues with blood pressure and possible fluid in her lungs. I’m glad to hear the good news about your mom.

    Bailey Doreen is sitting with me, admiring that new outfit. I would love to send you a photo of my sunkissed Bailey and her sister, Patti.

    Here’s hoping the week goes well for all of us. πŸ™‚

    1. HI Melody,
      If we lived closer, we could cry on each others shoulders about our moms… This last incident for my mom was a very severe UTI… it really did a number on her. I hope your mom is getting better every day that goes by.

      You’ll have to send me a picture of Bailey Doreen… and you better keep her away from the computer… I’m going to try and get it listed tomorrow night.. Include Patti in the pictures too.
      Thanks Melody,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Bailey’s outfit just keeps getting cuter and cuter. I love the pocket and the hat. The bows are the crowning touch. I love bows. And I love the way you have posed her for her photo shoot. Is Darby going to be part of the package?

    Even if the Dumplings are hard to stand up, they can sit so many ways and it adds to their charm. I have a MA Candy Cane Lissy and she has knees that bend. I have her sitting on a little settee with her legs crossed at the ankles and her dress all around her and she looks so adorable. She, Jane Tonner and Tiny Betsy are the only dolls I have that can sit with bent knees. That’s why Tiny Betsy gets to play the piano. Not only does she fit the piano but she can sit on the bench with her knees bent like she’s using the pedals. My Heartstrings Jacquie plays the harp. Her knees don’t bend but I can sit her on a small table and put her legs on each side of the harp and position her arms so it looks like she’s playing. A picture of their recital used to be on the Heartstring Yahoo site. It’s gone from there but I still have it. I’ll have to share it some time.

    I’m looking forward to getting my Dumpling, Lolla, so I can pose her nearly anyway I want. My dolls all have their own personalities but I can’t really convey what I see in them in a picture because they are so static. Aside from doing a few simple things with their legs and the LD’s beautiful “ballet” arms, there is not much posing that can be done.

    I’m working on two LD darling dresses right now, one for Claire and one for Fallon. They are summer frocks and coming along really cute. I still plan on taking Easter/Spring/Summer pictures of my dolls soon. I bought some what is called “Tacky Wax” and it came today. It is supposed to be easier to remove than some of the others and since I will probably only use it when posing them for pictures, I wanted something that was not meant to be permanent. I asked others what they thought before I bought it and they, including some photographers, said it should work well for my planned use.

    Hopefully you are finished with your trips to the emergency room for a long while. How is Alba doing? I am so glad it was nothing serious with your mother and that she is comfortably back in her room. I didn’t know you were under the weather but I’m glad you are feeling better today. Aside from losing sleep, stress can make you vulnerable to illness. And you’ve certainly had your share, and someone else’s, of that lately.

    1. HI Barbara,
      Thank you so much for your sweet compliments about Bailey’s new outfit… yes, Darby is coming along for the ride. It’s what Bailey picked out of the Dolly Toy Box for her accessory.

      I agree about the dolls with the bendable knees make it so much more fun to pose them. I like the little catch in the torso of Bailey that helps you have her sit or stand. I like to show a few pictures of the doll standing but I feel so much more comfortable taking pictures when she is sitting and safe.

      I hope your Lolla gets there soon… You just can’t imagine how fun these dolls are. You are really going to enjoy her.

      I take Alba back to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully all will go well with her visit. She has her Defense for her thesis on Wednesday…We are talking refreshments and drinks and flowers for the table… in just a few days her 5 year journey will be over… Happy and bittersweet for me…
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      I hope your new wax does the trick for your dolls.

  9. I feel like I’ve been out of things with my own family pulling me in different directions and then on the days I’m able to go out I have many errands and am trying to get the yard in order for a garden. So far, time hasn’t allowed for much garden work and certainly no doll time. I’m living vicariously through other’s dolly time. I went to the garden store yesterday and treated myself to an early birthday present. Has anyone else seen these?—Green-CCGG/?SelectedSKU=CCGG They are just gorgeous and cast rainbows all around the room. They’re made in England +So glad to hear your Mom is feeling better and that you are, too. Yes, stress can definitely make you sick
    Bailey is just adorable in that red wig and the outfit couldn’t be cuter. Darby and she seem to be the best of pals.

    1. Hi Laura
      I feel your pain about the busyness of life… sometimes I feel like I’d just like to get off the merry go round. But I guess that can’t happen..

      The sun catcher is beautiful and I can just imagine all the pretty reflections twirling around in your room. Sometime I like to watch the light shimmering in the room just from my watch. How much prettier your glass sparkling must be.
      Happy early birthday!
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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