Bailey has arrived…

I REALLY enjoyed reading all your comments about what you do with your hair. The stories were as varied as the colors and hair styles you all have. My box of Natural Instincts is still sitting on my bathroom sink, but I’ve been too busy to think about it anyway.
I’ll decide eventually…

Someone very special came in the mail about 12 days ago but I haven’t been able to enjoy her just yet. I ordered her back in August and could hardly wait for her to arrive. I only have a faceless doll to show you right now but I hope you’ll be able to see her cuteness through her blank look.

This is 11″ Bailey, by My Meadow Dolls, and made by Miroslava in Sweden. Miroslava is the same artist that sculpted my tiny 6″ Navi. I ordered her blank and plan to do her faceup myself as soon as things settle down a bit around here. I hope you enjoy seeing her…

…wait for it…

….wait for it…

…wait for it…

Here she is…

The dolls come with a random pair of glass eyes… my Bailey received BLUE eyes… yay!

Here is a size comparison with Bailey standing next to Kirsten…

Here are a few examples of how differently she can look by using different paint colors. I think all of these were done by Charlene Smith… except for the little blondie… I believe that one was done by Miroslava.

Here are a couple more pictures of Bailey dolls painted by Charlene Smith… aren’t they just the sweetest??? I just might be a little bit partial to the redheads… :o)

This Bailey doll (Marguerite) was painted by Pathy Biero… (Mae is in the front)

I’m not sure who painted this sweet little redhead, but she is adorable…

See what I mean about there being a zillion different ways she can look?

I still have many things on my plate right now, so my posts will most likely be random but I’ll share when I can.

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

9 thoughts on “Bailey has arrived…”

  1. Loved seeing all of the dollies. My Bailey, by Charlene looks a lot like the photos of the brunettes, but is coming with blue eyes. I may switch them to brown, but we’ll see. Informed Delivery says she will arrive tomorrow. 🙂 But, we are traveling south to visit the grands and babysit the youngest, so I probably won’t see her until Saturday because I have to sign. 🙁
    Hope things settle down soon and you have time to paint your Bailey. I can’t wait for my delivery so that I can see little Amanda in person. She has been named after my great great grandmother Amanda, born in Kentucky in 1824.
    Wish we all could be near you to help.

  2. These are the sweetest dolls and Bailey is adorable. I admire your desire to do the face-up yourself. No way I’d try that one. She came at a time when you needed something to lift your spirits. I received my Cleo a few days ago. All my dolls are cuties, but she does tend to stand out among them. I will send you a picture as soon as I can get my “to do” list under control. I’ve nearly finished with my taxes. Just in time. I always wait till the last minute because we get our income from so many places that we always end up owing something. Some of it is farm income and there’s no way of knowing till the end of the year what the proceeds from that will be. I’d probably do them sooner if I knew we’d be getting something back. lol

    An update on my hair situation. As soon as I finish this comment I’m heading out to get about three inches cut off it. I want to keep it a little longer than shoulder length and it’s way longer than that right now. A problem I hadn’t counted on when I decided to let it grow is I don’t have the flexibility in my shoulders I had when I was younger, and it’s hard even to put it in a pony tail. Living here I can’t leave it down during the summer, except for maybe church. It’s way too hot. BTW are you getting any of that snow that’s plaguing the Midwest right now? I have a friend whose daughter lives in Minnesota. She was raised in Texas. Here it’s been 90 the past couple days. The poor girl is probably suffering from weather-related culture shock.

    I hope things are getting better for you and your family. You are in my prayers.

  3. Oh, Bailey is just so cute, Jeanne! You sure picked one of the sweetest little one-dimpled doll there is! Did you notice that one teensy dimple she has? I too, am partial to the redheads, they certainly do remind me of your own Rebecca, it of course at an earlier age!

    I too, think you are so brave to try to accomplish the face paint, but knowing you, I am sure you will do a fantastic job? After all, what can’t you do?

    It certainly was good to hear from you after a couple of days off, and certainly little Bailey gives you—and us, something to cheer for! And spring is here too, which is another reason to be cheering! Did you like the pictures I sent? I hope maybe sometime you can share them with the others, so they too, can get their “spring fix”!

  4. Dear Jeanne, you continue to be in our prayers.

    Bailey is adorable. I don’t have one but my friend Dotti does and they are such sweet dolls.

    There are only 20 days until May first! We better get the ribbon for the Maypole before it is sold out in all of the stores (smile).

  5. Charlotte Trayer

    What fun, to hear your exciting news, Jeanne! Yes, I can see how cute your Bailey is going to be, once you have her face-up done! And all those other dolls are just as cute as can be, so I’m sure yours will be, also.

    I’m also partial to redheads. I had never thought about hair color too much until we had a little girl in our church (back in the 50s) who was born with beautiful red hair (and I’ve reconnected with her via FB after all these years!), and the my cousin Teresa, who was born 60 years ago TODAY, was born with strawberry-blond hair that was so pretty. (My aunt taught me how to change diapers on her, since I was 13 when she was born, and I would “need to know this” when I started babysitting soon, she said.)

    I hope and pray things have settled down somewhat with your mom now, so you are able to start feeling “normal” again. I know…at this time of life, “normal” sometimes changes weekly, if not daily!

    Dorothy, I’m sure I probably have enough ribbons in my stash to supply any number of Maypoles!! LOL I was going thru ribbons last night, and I couldn’t believe how many different kinds and colors I’ve collected in the last 40+ years!

  6. I liked seeing how all the different eye colors loved great with her, but I think I’d go with a grey with the tiniest bit of green and brown for versatility (or a deep blue with lighter blues intermingled).

  7. I hope all is going well with your sweet mom. My prayers for all of you are continuous.
    Your new doll is perfect

  8. It’s one special doll that is cute even with no eyes and no color. She will be so Pretty… long did you have to wait for her?
    Hugs to your Mom…is she doing any better? Hope you are taking care of you☺️

  9. I got my Dumpling Bailey last Saturday! She was waiting on the door step when we got home from a doll meet. She joins her sister, Dumpling Patti. I love these kids and hope to preorder another in the summer. I love the size and the jointing. I’m planning photos of my two girls playing with my Calico Critter Cottage. 🙂 I will be watching for the outfits you make for the girls.

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