Who remembers Gumby and Pokey?

Susette sent me a few pictures of Kit wearing a dress she made with a checked sash to tie the colors all together. She remembered a post I did where I talked about using tiny checks to accent pockets and piping on doll dresses. Somehow the tiny checks pulls everything together and works like other prints can’t. If you missed that post, you can see it HERE.

I wanted to show her Kit doll in her dress with the checked sash…

She bought the sweater from someone but did the “embellishing” on it herself! I think SOMEONE is all set for Easter, don’t you?

But the reason I wanted to show you this was because of this next picture. Susette found Kit a Gumby and Pokey set on Ebay… anyone remember them? I do… They had their own Claymation cartoon segment and I watched it as a kid… :o)

The Gumby and Pokey dolls are the perfect size for the American Girl dolls.

I remembered a dress I made for Julie years ago and knew I had a Gumby doll for that set too… I looked in the archives to see if I could find it… Yep! It was made from a swirled chiffon like fabric that I repurposed from a dress I found at the Thrift shop. It was perfect for the 70’s! Elizabeth was my stand in Julie!

Well, I’ve got the crummy sinus crud so I’m going to have to call it quits for tonight… I hope Gumby makes you smile today!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

14 thoughts on “Who remembers Gumby and Pokey?”

  1. Good morning, Jeanne! Susette’s Kit looks darling and yes, ready for the Easter Bunny! I love the darling dress and sweater set, perfect for other uses, and not too “frilly”!

    And Gumby, well, yes, I do remember him, but now I am wondering exactly when all that came about, if you said you watched him. I know my kids are younger!!! I do remember having several Gumby’s and Pokey’s laying around here in their stash of toys. They were bendable, weren’t they?

    That dress you made for Julie (with Elizabeth standing in) would have been perfect for my daughter! Everything about it says “70’s”! Since she was born in 1970, I guess it would be safe to say she did watch Gumby, along with my son, born in ’71!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I think Kit looks darling and this is one less Easter dress Susette has to worry about.

      As far as Gumby and Pokey..
      I would have been 13 when the show ended in 1969… I do remember them and still know how their voices sounded.

      Glad you liked Julie’s dress. It was a fun fabric to make a dress out of.
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Suzette’s dress for Kit is lovely. Those checks for the tie are a perfect accent and it looks like a double wrap effect Asian influence. Cute. And yes, I remember Gumby and Pokey. But, I believe my girls watched, not me. They are 37 and 39 now.
    I occasionally kick myself for not keeping a similar style dress that I made from the late 60’s/early 70’s like Elizabeth is wearing. We all wore the style at the time. 🙂
    Hope your sinus infection disappears quickly. We are due for a terrible allergy season with all of the rain that has brought forth a bumper crop of grasses. Aka weeds. 🙂

    1. Hi Joy,
      You never see reruns of Gumby and Pokey these days…wonder why? Just about every other old show has been seen…

      This is the worst cold/sinus infection I’ve ever had. My hubby was hoping today I’d be better, but I’m not…one word…miserable!!
      Maybe tomorrow…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. We are finally seeing signs of spring. But along with rapid melting came rain and now the worst flooding I can ever remember. Odd as it seems Nebraska has a huge volume of miles of rivers and streams and most are out of their banks. The western part of the state had a horrid blizzard while we in the eastern part had floods. So many animals either drowned or froze. It will all get fixed because that is what we do…..but boy it will take a while.
    It was fun to read about the “closet”.. a beautiful piece. George will have it looking amazing.
    That was a great BD present.?
    Do the sinus rinse and you will be better fast!

  4. Hi Kathie,
    I saw your pictures of the flooding
    ..I’m so sorry for your son…and his house being under water!!!
    I have been doing the sinus rinse thing and still it stays!! Ugh!!
    I bet I’ve sneezed at least 500 times in the last 3 days…double ugh!!
    Thanks Kathie,
    Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Your sinus problem sounds like what my son and daughter-in-law just had, and they too were using sinus rinse but it wasn’t enough. My son came out last week to paint my kitchen wall but he said he felt horrible all that day and the next. It seems to be something going around. When he was still feeling bad the second day, my daughter-in-law put lavender essential oil in her diffuser and he said his headache was gone in about a half hour.

    I’m so sorry to hear what Kathie and her family are going through. My church choir director is from Nebraska and still has family there. I’ll be checking with her to see how they are doing. Prayers for all those going through weather-related problems everywhere.

    I definitely do remember Gumby and Pokey. My grandkids had a show on TV one time with Gumby and Pokey. I’m not sure exactly what it was.

    Kit does look very nice in her outfit with the checked sash and embellished sweater. I love the fabric in the dress. Very nice Susette. I love Julie’s psychedelic dress and her hairdo. I used to wear my hair like that all the time in the late 1960s.

    Joy’s kids are around the same age as mine. My daughter will be 38 next month and my son was 36 in October. My son has two children, my grandson who is 8 1/2 and my granddaughter who was 7 on New Year’s Eve. My daughter has a son 17 months. My step-grandchildren are 29 and 19. I also have three great-grandchildren who are the same ages as my youngest grandchildren. Keeps me feeling young.

    I hope you are feeling better very soon.

    1. Hi Barbara,
      I’m so miserable and the tylenol wasn’t making things any better, so I just tried this concoction of warm water, apple cider vinegar and honey that I found on Pinterest…it’s supposed to make a difference in your sinuses…I sure hope so..
      I’m glad you found a few things to smile about today.. I might have to see if there are any videos of Gumby and Pokey…I’d like to hear their voices again to see if they sound like I think they did…
      Ate you getting any Easter dresses made for your girls? I hope to get in my sewing room soon !!
      Thanks Barbara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Hi Jeanne. First off, I wanted to tell you how beautiful your new armoire is. I just love it, and I’m sure you do too! Well I agree that Kit’s dress is really cute with the orange sash and the little sweater. The sash just ties everything together, doesn’t it? The Gumby and Pokey toys are just so cute and the perfect size for The AG dolls. I remember having a Gumby and a Pokey when I was a kid, but I don’t remember the TV show. I’ll have to look and see if there’s anything on YouTube.

    1. Hi Carolyn,
      I’ve just been vegging out all day mostly on the couch. I think I’ll take a look too, and see if there are any Gumby and Pokey videos to watch…
      I’m glad you like the armoire…we have it ready to be set up so my hubby can make some shelving inserts just to set inside.
      Thanks Carolyn
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. The dress I loved then was the DVF wrap dress. Everyone had a knock-off version of that too.
    I was in the hardware store and thought of George. I was looking at baby chicks. They had Buff Orphingtons, mentioned in DL Sayers’ Busman’s Honeymoon.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      We were looking at the baby chicks in Rural King the other day… George has some new baby Old German Owls but I haven’t been out to see them yet.
      Oh I loved the Diane Von Furstenberg dresses too. I never owned an original one, but made some from her pattern…
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Wait a minute. I thought you had separated the male Old German from the females. Did he sneak back into the coop?? 🙂

  8. YouTube has several Gumby and Pokey videos. I remember watching them on our black and white television on Sunday mornings when I was a kid. I didn’t know Gumby was green until my parents bought a color tv and let us watch it in their bedroom one Sunday.

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