Are your dolls dressed in their Christmas dresses yet?

Just wondering… who has their dolls all “dolled up” and ready for Christmas? Since I make and sell my creations, I never have a group picture of my girls showing off their dresses… BUT… I do have lots of pictures of dresses I’ve made in the past… Would you like to see some of them? Most of you have probably seen them before, but maybe I’ll find a new one you may have missed…

This will just be a slide show, so just sit back with your cup of coffee or tea and enjoy!

All I can say about some of these pictures is, “You’ve come a long way, baby!” So many of them show my doll looking like she is about to fall over and I “clearly” didn’t know about cropping back then… :o)

Most of them you should be able to click on and they will enlarge.

Maybe I can show you the rest of them tomorrow…

Hope you saw something new! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

23 thoughts on “Are your dolls dressed in their Christmas dresses yet?”

    1. Thank you Oksana,
      I’m glad you enjoyed looking at my past creations! Thanks so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    So many lovely styles! I particularly am loving the blue/black combos–not strictly “Christmas” but so dressy and elegant!

    I don’t have my girls ready for Christmas yet, but will need to do that soon! Maybe tomorrow. Today I had a laser treatment on one eye–after cataract surgeries in April, one lens capsule developed some cloudiness, and the laser treatment “cuts” an opening so more light can get into the eye, and I will be seeing mroe clearly again! It’s a common thing to have happen, and all went very well.

    1. Thank you Charlotte,
      If you mean that royal blue and black flocked dressy dress…. a lady bought that one and was going to use if for the Inaugural Ball when Obama was sworn in as President. It somehow makes Wren look very fat around the middle in my pictures, but it didn’t look at all like that in person. It’s funny what a camera captures.
      I hope your eyes are much better now…I’m afraid I’m facing that sooner than I had wanted. :o(
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh yes, I do remember a lot of these, but I never saw, or at least don’t remember seeing, that pretty red dress, 4th picture down. While it is a simple dress, it is displayed so well, with the lace background. I also love the picture above that, the little furry snowsuit in blue and white, just precious!

    Is that Ten Ping in the green print dress? Never saw that before either!

    Got a lot of shopping done yesterday, and I am ready to start decorating the family room tree. I still need to get out to buy some odds and ends, then to start wrapping packages, the list seems endless of all the things to do yet! I try to do my baking closer to Christmas, because, well, I think you might already know! 😉

    1. Thanks Linda,
      That red dress is being modeled by Bitty Bethany. I couldn’t remember if it was a Valentine’s dress or a Christmas dress and when I switched my computer from Windows 7 to Windows 10, all of the dates on my pictures were changed. I’ve slowly been getting them corrected, but I wasn’t sure about that one so I just included it.

      That light mint green dress is shown on An Mei…she was the same size as 7 1/2″ Riley Kish. I still have some of that fabric in 2 different colors.

      It was a funny, I read your comment earlier today and knew “exactly” what you meant by waiting until it was closer to Christmas to make your goodies… I’m guessing it’s because you’ll have it eaten up if you make it too early??? I was in Walmart this afternoon and when I passed by the Mint Oreo cookies, I instantly thought of you! :o)

      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Lovely dresses to peruse. That little fireplace mantel with the hanging socks is a very cute prop. Do you still have it?
    Nobody dressed around here. But, I did unpack a big box yesterday and found the beautiful set of Fostoria iridescent/amber glasses that belonged to my mother in law. From the 30’s I believe. All washed now, but where to store is the problem. And hopefully on to another box today.
    My newest Meadow Dumpling, is still waiting patiently for me to install her eyes. But, while she waits, she is listening to the new little radio prop we have acquired. Walgreens had these sweet vintage look radios this year for only $5.00, and they really play. They are maybe 3×5 inches and would be great for AG’s or any doll set. I was so lucky a friend found them and sent me one as we don’t have a Walgreens nearby.
    Loved Paula’s lost doll story yesterday and Marilyn’s cereal box spoon arrival.
    Find anything interesting thrift shopping?
    And on to the busy season ahead.

      1. HI Joy,
        Yes, I still have that little fireplace and haven’t gotten it out this year… Waaaa… I want to make more Christmas dresses. I was just getting started. Maybe I could make them and have a One day listing… :o) ya think???

        Oh how fun finding the box of Fostoria…maybe you can use them for your Christmas dinner?

        I forgot which Dumpling you were waiting on…Giggi?
        I just saw one for sale on the My Meadows Fan Club site… *sigh* I think she’s already spoken for… it’s probably a good thing, because I was ready to send a PM when I saw someone already had… did I *sigh* already??? She was the honey skin tone and so pretty! Oh dear me… Joy, you have got me so hooked on them… *sigh* again!

        I went to Walgreens today and I saw the little radio’s too! They are adorable.. I carried one around for a while but then I put it back… maybe I’ll wait and see if there are any left after Christmas… it was so cute, but I thought that $5 might go better toward fabric… *sigh* again…

        Momma thought it was too cold to go out shopping…the wind chill was 23 degrees so we decided to do it another day when it was a little warmer.
        Thanks Joy,
        Blessings, Jeanne

          1. HI Ingrid,
            Yes, I still love you… I hope you enjoy her! You’ll have to give me your honest opinion of her and maybe I can stalk the forum and get the next one. She sure looked adorable. What a wonderful Christmas present you just bought yourself!
            Love you, truly I do! ~ Jeanne

  4. I always love seeing the “fashion shows” you share with us. Especially the Christmas and seasonal outfits. Many of the fabrics used are so elegant. The Kirsten outfits are so colorful and the lace used is beautiful. I have a newer Kirsten but seldom get her out. I need to make a connection for her with the other girls somehow. The little red/snowflake jumper on the dark haired girl is precious. I would have loved wearing thst when I was s little girl!

    1. HI Paula,
      Thank you so much Paula! I love looking at the Kirsten sets too. It’s always so much fun to mix and match those kinds of dresses for Kirsten.
      That little girl with the snowflake jumper on is 18″ Katie Effanbee. I don’t think they make her anymore…and I sold her years ago. She had hard body and was fun to sew for.

      I wanted to ask if it was okay to share your pictures you sent me? I think everyone would love them???

      Thanks Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Glad the ensemble sold last night. Someone got a real bargain, though. I see dresses I haven’t seen before every time and can’t believe I hadn’t see everything. What a wonderful collection. We still think a book is in order. You’ve got it all ready to go with the stories.

    Thanks, Joy, for the tip about the little radio. Believe it or not, I bombed out of here to Walgreens at 8:30 and they had three of them, one for me and one each for the younger grandchildren. It’s soooo cute. So I was as second in line at the post office at 8:40 but there were 20 people when it opened at 9 a.m. Had to make it quick as I’m scheduled for cataract surgery at 10:30. Thanks for getting me out extra early to get the radio

    I had a Dorian Gray experience with the right eye. I was trying to still wear my glasses, but at the hairdresser’s, took off my glasses and met up with reality. I hadn’t clearly seen my face in probably 15 years and didn’t realize it through the fog of the cataract. I’m still trying to get used to me. It’s not easy. No one ever mentioned that as a side effect of surgery. Nice to be able to see colors clearly, too. My advice: Have it done sooner than later.

      1. Hi Susette,
        I was glad to see the Regency dress sell too.. It’s getting too close to Christmas to have to list things a second time. I still have a little bit of time left… but not much!

        I hope your cataract surgery went well… I think I’m overdue for it… your story gives me courage though. Your thoughts about seeing yourself clearly for the first time in a long time made me laugh. I hope by now things have really cleared up and you are seeing just fine. I’m sure I’ll have the same thoughts when I have it done.

        I was thinking as I was stuck in town by a train… George needs a new hearing aid (Reuben chewed up the one his brother Larry gave him) :o( and I need new eyes… What a pair we are… :o)
        Thanks Susette,
        Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I’m back, well sort of… I decided I would try messing around with my daughter’s discarded computer until her new one comes and I get mine back. I’ve managed to get it working sort of. , at least for small amounts of time.
    That’s for the tip about the radios, Joy. I’m heading out tomorrow and will check them out. I have a small cathedral style radio (think The Waltons) that came as a freebie with some old time radio shows. It’s ideal for the 1930’s. I use to use it for convenience when running down to do laundry. Now it’s ideal for my dolls, especially 1930’s.
    No dolls dressed around here for Christmas or doll decorations. It sadly didn’t happen last year and this year doesn’t appear to be too promising either.
    All those dresses are lovely. I really like the one Kirsten is wearing holding the little straw angel and the sage and plum on Felicity.

    1. HI Laura,
      I’m glad you figured out at least a little bit of how to get back online and join in the chatter about cataracts and radios! :o)
      I hope you manage to snag one of the radios at Walgreen’s tomorrow.

      Those little ornaments came from a place called Bishop Hill, in central Illinois. They dress up the whole town for a St. Lucia night and these ornaments came from a little store selling a whole set of about 12 or 14. I used them for years with my dresses.
      Thanks Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. No Christmas dresses yet, but I looked at my AGs and realized many were looking pale, so I found the chalk and now everyone looks rosier and more ready for Christmas. I have the St. Lucia’s outfit and crown, so that’s next.

    I do love these slideshows. There’s Nyssa’s silver dress — that fabric was such a pain to work with. Nyssa had a lot of beautiful dresses. Such fun to see all the Kish dolls again. Lark looked good in anything she put on. Linda’s right about that red dress.

    I saw a couple of pictures that illustrated what you said about cropping. Your photography always showed the outfits to advantage, but you have really become expert. Some of those backgrounds really set the dresses off. It might be time to try backgrounds again. It was a lovely slideshow, and thank you for it.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      Yes, I ALMOST wanted to comment on that silver dress of Nyssa’s.. there is no other way to explain it except it was such a pain to work with It really was!!

      As I looked back at those pictures, I was thinking the same thing about the backgrounds… I might have to give them a try again…Even if I just used some vintage lace draped in the background…that might be something different. Maybe something new for the new year!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Hi Jeanne,
    I always love your photo blogs! I so admire your work. It never disappoints. I don’t recall the black and blue gown on Nyssa, it’s beautiful. I’m sure the winner was very pleased. I promise to share pics of my new doll : ) Happy almost Friday!

    1. Thanks Ingrid,
      I somehow think everyone MUST be tired of seeing the same old dresses, but I forget I have new readers all the time joining in so they are new to them…
      Oh good, on showing your new doll…and yes, as I said above, I still love you!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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