Pretty Pollyanna…

Please Note:
Patsy Tonner’s dress set, “Christmas Cheer” ends tonight on Ebay. You can see it by clicking the picture of her at the right side bar or you can click HERE.

I know you were expecting ornaments, but my day was interrupted by details for our Married Couples Christmas party. It’s going to be December 13th and I have LOTS to do to get things ready. Plus my computer was not cooperating so I spent way too much time trying to get emails and a letter composed… I had to wait for Rebecca to get home to get it sent.. it even gave HER fits! :o)

PLUS… my little gold set for Navi…this one…

…was sadly lost in the mail, so I’m having to make it over for the winner. :o(((( That’s my really sad face!

I’ll have to show you something I made for a friend… She wanted a dress for one of her dolls…and asked me probably a year and a half ago. I kept putting it off, because I wasn’t quite sure how to tackle it… I made the skirt months ago, but the top was a bit more complicated so I kept procrastinating… It wasn’t just any dress, but a Pollyanna dress. Remember Haley Mills in the movie?

I tried to make her sailor suit as close to the movie version as I could… and used Kirsten as my model. This is what I ended up with… Sorry it’s not ornaments, but maybe you’ll like this… Once I finally got my nerve up and decided on how I was going to make it, I worked on a little bit each day until finally it was done. She was very pleased!!!

Well, if I can get Navi’s dress set finished up, I’ll see you tomorrow… if not, I might have to show you something else…

Thanks everyone,
Blessings, Jeanne

18 thoughts on “Pretty Pollyanna…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, I’m so sorry that Navi’s outfit got lost in the mail! How frustrating for both you and the buyer!! It’s nice of you to make another one for her, though, and I’m sure she’ll love it.

    The Pollyanna outfit is just perfect! I think you really nailed it, with the style, fabrics, etc. We love watching that movie from time to time. Not sure how many times we’ve seen it, but let’s just say “several”!!!

    Hope you have time to get your ornaments started tomorrow!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I was so sad when the buyer sent me that email letting me know she hadn’t received Navi’s sweet little set. I just got back from the Post Office and sent off Set #2. Hope this one makes it! :o)
      I’m hoping to get my ornaments on the tree, but it’s been snowing and sleeting outside today and it’s really dreary, so I don’t think my pictures would be very good. Maybe it will be sunny tomorrow…
      Thanks for your compliments on my Pollyanna dress. I enjoyed it…when I was all done… not so much when I was “thinking” about making it… but I do love how it turned out too.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Oh Jeanne, you certainly had “one of those days” yesterday! I can’t imagine how badly you felt when you found out Navi’s dress was lost in the mail! I think I would have cried, you and the buyer both, too! Good thing you had extra material, or do you? I hope it gets found, returned to you, and then you can sell another one!

    The sailor dress you made for your friend is just adorable! You did a wonderful job of lining up the pleats and checks, no small feat! The braiding was done to perfection too, well, why not, if Jeanne Marie makes it? Of the five pictures together above, the dress matches the middle on perfectly!

    I love sailor dresses, and perhaps you might make one to sell? Samantha would look so cute in one, even Rebecca, and as we can see, Kirsten too! They are so timeless and can fit a variety of dolls. I can even see Molly in one!

    I need to get the living room tree decorated, so that’ s my number on job today! Looks like another good day for staying in!

    1. HI Linda,
      I was pretty sick over the little lost Gold dress set. It was so dainty and sweet and to think it’s somewhere in a corner or laying in a ditch somewhere or that someone maybe opened it, took out the candy treat and threw the dress away, makes my a little ill. It was tracked to their post office, it was accepted an on a mail truck, it was out for delivery and then it just stopped. It shows on the tracking it’s still waiting for the delivery scan…
      The lady has a camera pointing to her mailbox so she knows it wasn’t taken… just somewhere between her house and her post office, it got lost. :o(
      But I just mailed off the new one a little while ago… let’s hope it gets there.

      I’m glad you liked my Pollyanna dress. I was pleased with it..ONCE I finally got it finished. I was so bad at putting it off for so long.

      I do love sailor dresses and I “might” attempt one one of these days…but not for a while.

      Was it sleeting in St. Louis today? It was here, for just a little while and the snow has been coming down off and on all day. It’s pretty when it’s all fluffy and just kind of floating down from the sky. I did go out because I had to mail my package, but the roads were fine.

      It’s kind of dark out today, so I may get my tree ornaments on, but probably not a good day for taking pictures. Maybe if I put them on, I can take pictures if the sun is shining tomorrow morning.
      Thanks Linda… Hope you get your tree decorated.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Sadly, I have to make this quick. So sorry to hear Navi dress got lost. I have had lost mail show up even after tracking lost it a week or so later. The Pollyanna dress is lovely. That is one of my favorites.
    Unfortunately, I’ll be off the computer for a few days again. I didn’t bother with the whole story last week. My computer was only not working for part of one day last week and I was able to fix it quickly myself. My daughter’s computer went down the same day and with her anxiety and necessary therapy for it, she ended up with my laptop for the rest of the week. Now her computer is really, truly dead and my mom is going to buy her a new one (early Christmas gift), but until it arrives, she gets mine. I hope I’ll be back by this weekend. I hope you get things on your end fixed.

    1. HI Laura,
      We have checked the tracking on the lost dress and it was on the mail truck, out for delivery, but the mail lady never scanned it for the buyers house… so it either got lost in her truck or she knocked it out on the ground somewhere, or she delivered it to the wrong house but didn’t scan it, or she kept it herself. ???

      Being out of a computer is disastrous around here… I can only do so much from my phone, so I depend on mine too. I hope you soon get all your computer issues fixed soon.

      Thanks Laura,
      Have a nice week,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. We’ll look forward to hearing from Laura this weekend. Life is easier with computers.
    I liked Linda’s idea of making more Pollyanna outfits, different from the original by adapting by era and fabric. This one should remain one of a kind. More details about the scarf would be fun — it looked like one piece in front until I looked carefully. The two check sizes is true to the original and I’m not sure I would have noticed.
    Like everyone else, I’m sorry about Navi’s dress. I once sent a present, including warm socks and my leftover Halloween candy, to a family of friends. I sent it in early November. They received it in May and were happy to eat the candy then. We never found out where it went on vacation.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      It might be a while before I attempt another sailor dress. It really took a lot out of me… mostly my fault for committing to something and then making her wait SO long. I don’t like to operate that way. There is “someone” else I have done that too and I hope to get it finished too!
      I can only hope that her dress will arrive, although I don’t know what she’ll do with 2 outfits… it would be nice to get one back and sell it.. cause as it stands, I’ve made 2 sets for $72… not much profit in that. :o(
      That’s a funny story about your Halloween box of candy arriving in May! Maybe Navi’s dress will show up one of these days! Maybe the winner has 2 dolls and she could have twins. :o)
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Oh, I love this outfit! And Pollyanna too. In fact, the movie was filmed right here in Santa Rosa not too many blocks away from here. The sailor look is adorable, and it would work for almost any holiday. I would love to see one in a Meadow Dumpling or Twinkle size.

    So sorry for the lost outfit. What does tracking say? I have just discovered a fun thing, Informed Delivery by the USPS. I’m sure everyone else already knows about it, but if not, you sign up, get a password, and all of your incoming mail for the day is photocopied and sent to you in advance of delivery. It is free. So, I now know if a bill is coming, a package that day, or a letter from a friend. That way, nothing remains be left on the porch aka dolly for me, and I can watch for the mail person more prudently.
    Glad to hear some are decorating, your party has a date, and that Laura’s daughter is getting a new computer. Will your sister be making gifts again this year for the office party? They have always been quite amazing. We’re still freezing here until we break down and call in an expert to fix the beast in the attic.

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet compliments on “Pollyanna’s” dress, Joy! Kirsten loved modeling it too! :o)How fun that the movie was filmed close to where you live! I might attempt another one “one” of these days… but not before Christmas. I’ve run out of time… and I’m sick about not getting more done.
      I like that idea about the informed mail… I haven’t heard of that… we could use it to “distract” our hubby’s “if” we know a doll is being delivered that day… They should use that in their advertising perks! ;o)

      Oh Joy, I”m so sorry your heat is still not fixed yet… it would have to have been fixed if you lived here…it’s been in the teens here…

      I don’t know what Cindy is doing for gifts this year… Her daughter, Erin, has been selling those cut out log slabs with the white chalk writings on them… Maybe I can find them and put a picture of them on my blog.
      Thanks Joy,
      Stay warm if you can…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Dear Jeanne, oh dear, it sounds like the postal elves were being mischievous again.
    Here is my story. I ordered a Christmas CD one year. It never came. I got in touch with the vendor. He sent me another one. It was after Christmas but at least I had it. Then the next Christmas when I went to get my mail, there was a package. I was thinking, “hmmmm, what is this? I didn’t order anything.” Sure enough, it was the FIRST CD which had found it’s way to me a year later.

    I love the sailor dress. I loved Hailey Mills. I think I saw all of her movies. She was so classy.

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      I’m not sure exactly what was the problem with Navi’s dress but I just sent off the second one, so we’ll try again.
      I was waiting in the line at the post office to mail Navi’s dress and read your comment. Maybe the dress will arrive in time for Easter. If she has 2 dolls… it might be cute!
      That has got to be a strange feeling, knowing that something you ordered was lost for a whole year! wow…
      I’m glad you liked “Pollyanna’s” dress!
      Stay warm,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. I am so sad for you. I can’t believe Navi’s dress has been lost. How nice of you to make another for her rather than just refunding her money. I know I’d rather have the outfit than the money myself. I absolutely love the “Pollyanna” outfit. I loved all the Hailey Mills movies, especially “Parent Trap”. Those sailor outfits with the midi blouses were always some of my favorites. All of my dolls either have or have a pattern for sailor dresses. It’s one of my all-time favorite looks. My LD pattern even has a cute hat. Haven’t made that one yet.

    Hope to get to my village today. My son and hubby put the leaves(2) in the table for me today. As I said this one is different than my previous table. With the leaves in it is a foot longer than before. Oh goody! I can buy more buildings.

    1. HI Barbara,
      I was just at Walmart, looking in the Christmas aisle and spotted their little village houses and things to go with them. I thought of you as I was looking at them. I love the little lamp posts and the kids making the snowballs. I loved the bottle trees and the carolers.

      Thanks for your compliments on my Pollyanna dress set. It was a long time in getting finished but nice to see completed… even for me!

      Have fun setting up your village… remember… pictures when you get it set up! :o)
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. That’s an amazing set you made in my book, duplicating the Pollyanna dress! Wow! The double sets of trim on the collar would have given me pause at promising to do it.

    Hard to believe it got lost in the mail this quickly. You certainly are kind to make a duplicate. You sound just as busy as you are every year and I hope you get plenty of help with the party. Be sure to have someone take a picture of you and George at this couples event. We rarely see you, let alone you two together, although we know you always are!

    1. HI Susette,
      Thanks for your kind words about Pollyanna’s dress. It definitely had some tricky elements about it…and that trim was one of them… how to pivot at the corners, to be exact!

      We normally have our party at a restaurant but this year we decided to have it in our church basement and have everyone bring some kind of dish to share…. this way, the ones that have kids can come, because we are providing babysitting, and it won’t cost as much as going to the restaurant. I’m trying to do a little toward the party every day… so far I have 8 couples who have responded to my email…

      I’ll try to remember to get a picture at the party…
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. PERFECT rendition of Hayley’s costume!
    Your client must be so thrilled ❤️

    Sad to read the Twinkles outfit is AWOL.. it may still show up.. crossing my fingers that it will be found:)

    1. HI Shara,
      Thanks so much for your kind compliments on my Pollyanna dress. My friend was thrilled!

      Yes, the littlest package I’ve mailed all year and it goes missing… it’s probably under the seat in the mail truck…although my buyer said her hubby went down to their post office and they said they already looked in the truck… Maybe, just maybe it will show up..
      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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