Perhaps these are some of Felicity’s “relatives…” just kidding…

I had to do some things with my momma today and didn’t get any sewing done, but fortunately for me, Susette sent me some pictures of a Reenactment of the Revolutionary War in Southern California back in February. Since I was in the process of making Felicity’s dress, I thought this was perfect timing and decided you might like to see those pictures too. The costumes are so well done and I think you’ll enjoy them…

I do believe this lady is Felicity’s great great Aunt… isn’t she beautiful?

…oh and let’s not forget the men… they look pretty dapper too! :o)

Oh, and “SOMEBODY” here got a new dolly. I’ll show you her pictures and see if the new owner wants to fess up… We’re all going to be a little bit jealous though….She is beautiful… Mika and Lian can be long distance cousins! :o)

Well, that’s it for today… I’ll see you on Monday… Have a great weekend!
Blessings, Jeanne

15 thoughts on “Perhaps these are some of Felicity’s “relatives…” just kidding…”

  1. The reenactment pictures are fabulous! Thank you, Susette for sending them! And Felicity’s great aunt——-beautiful! I cannot imagine dressing up like that for everyday activities in the summer heat! Our ancestors get a lot of respect from me!

    I do remember seeing people dress up like that in Williamsburg, and with the localized setting of the place, it was so charming! It was like stepping out of the 21st century back into time.

    I do remember “someone” saying the other day that she received a package from Maine! Not saying who, though! What a lucky lady! Beautiful doll!

    1. Hi Linda,
      Yes, aren’t the pictures fun to look at… I zoomed in to see the details. I love Felicity’s “Aunt” and think she is such a pretty woman!
      I would love to someday make it to Williamsburg! *she swoons* just thinking about it! :o)

      Yes, some little dolly went to a really nice home!!! :o) Lots of sisters to play with!
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Charlotte Trayer

    Oh, my, what wonderful costumes those folks have on in Susette’s pictures!! Yes, that one lady looks lik she could be related to Felicity.

    I’ll have to send you a picture of a picture of me some day, Jeanne–back in 1976, for the Bicentennial, I made myself a Dolly Madison-style dress out of floral satin! My husband was so impressed, he insisted I get my portrait taken! I still have the dress, but I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to get it zipped up any more.

    Oh, my, Mika is just GORGEOUS!! Okay, ‘fess up, who’s the lucky momma?!

    1. HI Charlotte,
      I can’t WAIT to see the picture of you in your Dolly Madison dress! Please do send it my way!!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Thanks so much Jeanne for sharing Susette’s great photos. The yards and yards of fabric and embellishments too. No wonder Scarlett used those velvet curtains.
    I would love to see a photo of Charlotte wearing her special dress.
    And little Mika now resides here. She has very soft hair and is a little reserve. Unlike a couple of other little ones I know. She told me though to say hello to Lian and hopes to meet her in person some day. 🙂
    Happy weekend!

    1. Aha! I knew you would come out to tell us it was you!!! Mika is just the sweetest thing and she is so fortunate to go to such a wonderful home with lots and lots of sisters of all ages!
      She doesn’t look like she’ll be zooming around on that scooter like Tella was!!!
      Have lots of fun with her!
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Charlotte Trayer

      Congratulations, Joy! I have two Asian beauties myself, with Pearl being painted by Magalie, too. I also have Mariko, rehomed from someone else; she was painted by Dianna.

  4. Dear Jeanne, I love the re-enactment photos. I do think that the beautiful lady is Felicity’s distant aunt. I bet her name was Felicity and she was named for her.
    I was going to guess that Charlotte was the mama of the beautiful Little Darling as I know, from ning, that she really loves them.
    Joy, she is adorable. If you are a member of ning, please post there so others can see her. I wonder what the “other person” said about the new addition to the family (chuckle).
    I am still in Doll Bliss from the convention and our Doll Club is having a Doll Show tomorrow. A dolly weekend. Yeaaaa!

    1. HI Dorothy,
      I’m sure that lady is Felicity’s aunt! :o)
      Nope, it’s not Charlotte, this time…just another mama who loves the Little Darlings! Joy!

      What will you do at your doll club… everyone bring their new dolls or show off outfits you have made or bought for your dolls? It sounds fun whatever you do!
      Thanks Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Dear Jeanne, our doll show is a doll sale. We have vendors from southern PA and MD who come every year. We hold it at the Expo Center in Lebanon, PA.
        I don’t have any dolls to sell. I am always on the lookout for nice outfits for my dolls though. I am going halfway through so I help with clean up.
        At our monthly doll club meetings (UFDC chapter), we have speakers (usually club members) who talk about something educational that is doll related. I made a presentation earlier this year about the Door of Hope dolls from China. I had so much fun! Who knew one could learn about the world through dolls?

        1. HI Dorothy,
          Oh, I hope your Doll clubs doll show is a big success and I hope you find lots of fun things for YOUR dolls to wear.
          Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Congratulations, Joy, on a very beautiful doll. She’s going to enjoy being part of your household. Magalie does beautiful work, and you deserve it.

    I do especially like the pictures of the red-haired woman who probably is related to Felicity. I also really love that striped saque-back gown. I’ve always wanted one. Maybe one of my AGs should have one instead.

    This has been another lovely blog entry. Monday we may see Felicity nearly finished. Do you think Lian should be next, in honor of Mika? Or because so many LD people would love to see a new LD outfit.

    1. HI Marilyn,
      I bet Joy isn’t getting anything done today or since Mika arrived… it’s so much fun when a new doll arrives!
      I made a saque back dress one time for Felicity but it was in my very early days and I don’t have a picture of it. I can’t even remember it… I just know I made one.

      Well, Felicity might be all ready to go on Ebay Monday, but I promised that Ten Ping would be next… Maybe Lian can be after her. It’s been a while for Lian and I’ve missed seeing her model!
      Thanks so much Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Congrats Joy on the beautiful doll. She is gorgeous. I agree Magalie does beautiful work.
    I like the pretty dresses especially the striped one. It just seems to stand out and remind me of Felicity. The outfit is coming along nicely Jeanne. Can’t wait to see the entire set.

    1. HI Carole,
      I had some company today so I haven’t made it back into my sewing room yet, but I’m hoping to soon! We’ll see how much I can get done and get this set finished up…
      Thank you Carole,
      Blessings, Jeanne

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