Nyssa wants to show you her new Bohemian dress…

Good Monday morning to you all. I hope you had a wonderful weekend and found some time to relax. I did…and part of my time was spent sewing…probably my favorite way to relax!

I worked on Nyssa’s dress and bet you’d like to see what I got done. I’m anxious to show you.

But before I do… I wanted to remind you that Rebecca’s (or Addy’s or your favorite doll) “Autumn Splendor” Civil War dress ends this evening on Ebay. You can see it by clicking on the picture at the right side bar, or you can click HERE.

Okay…now back to Nyssa’s dress. First I want to show you the pattern I used. Nyssa isn’t a toddler or a child so I wanted to make her something a little more grown up. I had seen this pattern before and liked it, so I bought it and thought I’d share it with you.

It’s a bohemian style dress and has lots of possibilities with scraps and small pieces of fabric. It’s designed by Luminaria Designs and you can find Erica’s things on Ebay under her seller name… luminariadesigns. The link below is for the pdf pattern I bought.


There are pants and a hat that can be made from this pattern too… (come back tomorrow to see what I made!!)

I very seldom have to look at directions when sewing something, but this was new and Erica told me upfront she used some unconventional methods. I thought I better read the directions and see if she “maybe” sewed the “way” I did! :o)

The pattern really isn’t that hard when you get finished with it and look back, but Erica uses some different sewing methods that took a little figuring out. Everything fit well on Nyssa’s body, but it was some of the directions that I had to read and re-read. Once I understood how she meant for it to go together, it worked just fine.

Here is a page of what her directions look like, just so you know…

After I finished Nyssa’s dress, I thought about how the dress was constructed and think I might have a few ways of streamlining some of the steps that I could share with Erica. It’s her pattern so she might not want to make any changes, but when I make this again, I’m going to do the steps “my” way to test them out…just to see if it makes a difference.

But all that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t buy her pattern…it’s wonderfully feminine and Nyssa loves her new dress very much!!! Me too!

Want to see it so far? You’ll have to come back tomorrow for the rest of it…you wont want to miss it!!

I apologize for my pictures… when I took them it was 11:30 Sunday night and they “looked” good on my camera, but my lighting is WAY WRONG, so you’ll have to excuse the way they look. I promise I’ll do better next time…

The sleeves and the ruffles are torn so the frayed edges show…

The back closes with snaps and buttons.

Nyssa likes this dress very much!!

I laid her down and her coloring was much better from the light above shining on her sweet face…

I thought you’d like to see the inside of the dress… it’s as neat as can be…

Okay, here’s one more picture of Nyssa…and she wants to remind you to come back tomorrow to see what else goes with her new dress.

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

20 thoughts on “Nyssa wants to show you her new Bohemian dress…”

  1. Her dress is Almost as I’d imagined, Jeanne! I Love the combination of fabrics, and the style of dress, also. I do have to say, though, I’m not a fan of raw torn edges, but that’s just me. (Too many years as a 4-H sewing judge, maybe?! LOL) I know it’s a very popular look for certain styles, and that’s fine, it’s just not for me.

    Now, what else might there be?! Hmmm…..I would guess a hat of some kind, or perhaps a bag. Can’t wait to see!!

  2. I love the overall look. It looks very much like it was dedigned for Nyssa. I like the fabric combos. All together, it does make me want to come back tomorrow to see more (I would want to anyway but Nyssa’s dress gives me something to look forward to).
    Hope you have a good day!
    Take care —

  3. I LOVE Nyssa’s new dress, Jeanne! So vintage and just perfect for a doll like Nyssa! Unlike Charlotte, I just love the torn edges, they make the dress look so unique and different. How in the world did you get the torn edge so straight? Mine would be all over the place!
    The instructions, well, yes, sometimes the way things are described take a bit of time to figure out, and then when you “get it”, you wonder what the problem was in understanding !
    The inside is just perfect! I can’t understand how everything matches up for you on the inside, when for me, well, let’s just say, they don’t!
    A big, floppy hat would be just the thing for this darling outfit! Can’t wait until tomorrow!

    1. On the torn edges, Linda, she probably tore all the way across the fabric (makes for a smoother tear) and then pressed them so they’d be nice and even.

      As to how things line up, it’s just a matter of working at it, taking time (as I know Jeanne does) to make sure everything is Just So–and picking out and redoing if it’s not! I’m the same way. I did buy an outfit from Jeanne, about a year ago, I think, for my Ten Ping, and it is just as perfectly made up close and in person as it looks in the pictures! I wouldn’t hesitate to order from her again, if there was something that caught my eye!

  4. It’s a beautifully made dress, Jeanne. I too really like the Luminaria patterns. Nyssa looks stunning in the fabric chosen and the dress that has come forth from your skilled hands. I too am interested in how you’ll “dress it up” more. Have fun sewing and creating!


  5. Just lovely, Jeanne. I like the ruffles on the bottom of the skirt as well as on her sleeves. It reminds me of a casual fun dress to wear for any occasion Nyssa might want to do. Shop at the market, going out with friends in the evening and just hanging out with her kitty cat in the garden. I’d sure love a dress like that for myself. Elegant and comfortable. Love the two material prints together.

  6. Well, I told you I had sneak peeked the pattern and found it wonderful. Erica has some lovely patterns. Nyssa looks fabulous in this close to being finished ensemble. I know the boho look is very popular, but you’ll have to put me in the Charlotte T. group. I wonder if it would be even possible to make the pattern with the edges finished? Maybe if using very fine fabric. My brain is ticking. Can’t wait to see this wondrous fashion completed and look forward to the accessories. I can picture Nyssa in a meadow (your yard) carrying a bouquet of fall leaves or flowers. Hair flowing in the wind. Barefoot too!
    Can’t wait for the next episode.

  7. Happy Monday!
    You were a busy girl. Love, love that pattern. Wonder if it is too grown up for a Little Darling? Maybe in a younger looking print. The torn edges look like they belong on that style and I’m sure your creative mind is whirling with accessory ideas!
    You should sell some of your patterns too! You are awesome at directions and easier ways to construct your dresses.
    I’m sitting next to a big bouquet of roses …..September bring on the nicest blooms. Hope they will last all week!

      1. Oops, so sorry about posting the same thing twice. For some reason it wasn’t displaying at all for me so I thought it hadn’t posted the first time.

  8. Dear Jeanne, the dress is lovely. It is kind of how I imagined it but I didn’t imagine the three tiered skirt. Nyssa looks enchanting in the dress.
    I agree with Joy. I can see her in a garden, maybe with a flower in her hair. I can’t wait to see what else you are creating.

  9. What a lovely pattern. I will admit I’d like to have seen the middle row of the ruffles made of the white-based fabric. Maybe lots of lace. As you’ve seen when I finally get around to sewing, that’s the way I finish the inside of bodices. It takes very tight reinforcement stitching on the arm-hole selvages and a lot, lot of clipping and hand stitching to get the bodice arm edges lined so there are no raw edges. But it’s worth the effort even if it doesn’t “show.” Can’t wait to see the finished ensemble and accessories. So glad you are sewing again.

  10. Nyssa could model that one barefoot or in boots or ballet slippers. She looks lovely already, I’ve seen that pattern in multi-color for AGs on Etsy, but it’s sold, so the link won’t work. The dress was done in rainbow shades and the pants version in earth shades. They are fun, but the black version is more elegant. The dress is elegant inside and out.
    I wrote this morning that I could get the blog but not this entry at 7:30. Fortunately someone reminded me to check again. It ws definitely worth it.

  11. Really a perfect dress for Nyssa. I will admit I’m not normally a fan of frayed edges either, but in this case, they work. Nyssa looks very much like a gypsy with her mane of raven hair flowing down around her shoulders. I think she should model this one barefooted and she definitely needs a kitty as a accessory. I will admit I absolutely love those gypsy vardo wagons with curved doors and round windows. Adorable!

  12. I do like that pattern. There are so many ways you can customize it for different looks, and it fits Nyssa very well. I’ll be back tomorrow to see what else you have done with it!

  13. I love your use of Erica’s pattern and this dramatic fabric.! I also love that you used a sweet tonal white fabric for the bodice lining. Can’t wait to see the finished outfit! REALLY wonderful, Jeanne!

  14. Jeanne I love the dress. The colors make it look elegant. It looks very versatile as it could be dressed up or worn casually. Nyssa looks good in it with her hair down. Can’t wait to see what you add to it.

  15. I love Luminaria patterns and have my favorites saved on my wishlist. I just love the Bohemian/Gypsy look of this pattern and dress. Like I said before I love this black print and the accent fabric you chose for the dress.

    Personally I think the torn edges add just the perfect Bohemian touch to the dress and keeping it small is the key. I can’t wait to see the finish outfit and think barefoot is the way to go. I envision her with a narrow headscarf and maybe a distress bucket in hand. Now you make me wish I own a doll this size.

    Nice to see you back in your room, sewing and relaxing.

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