Dolls and Dresses and Dreamy Dessert…

My day was busy from the time my feet hit the floor this morning until now…it’s 12:49 and I’m just now writing tomorrow’s post… I had intentions of showing you another doll, but that didn’t happen, so I’m going to share a few things from some of my readers. I hope you’ll find something that makes you smile…or maybe become inspired…

Marilyn shared a fun link that was filled with all kinds of Victorian doll dresses. I tried to open them and see them up close, but apparently when the dresses were sold, the pictures were taken off. Too bad…as I’d loved to have examined them more closely.
I still think you might enjoy them… Just look at all those SOLD tags underneath…

Victorian Antique doll dresses

Then I received a fun email from Joy… about a mini cake decorating session… I was blown away by this… You HAVE to see this…

Mini Unicorn Cake

Joy also sent me some pictures of the lace she received from a relative and the 2 Storybook dolls she picked up at an estate sale…

Okay, who drooled over that lace? Some of it was in a box that said 1901. Now didn’t those dolls make you smile?

Well, that was short and sweet but I hope you smiled!

See you soon,
Blessings, Jeanne

12 thoughts on “Dolls and Dresses and Dreamy Dessert…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, the dresses were just lovely, and some really interesting variations on what I would normally expect as “Victorian” styles.

    But, that unicorn cake….just beyond wonderful!!! First, I LOVED that little kitchen and all the to-scale cooking/baking tools. Then there was the mixing of the cake–one wonders how she determined the proportions to use for a cake so small!! Then the baking–I’m assuming they were actually baked in a real oven, as I’m sure a dolly-sized one wouldn’t go up to 350°! Unless it was one of those on the order of the old Easy-bake ovens, with a light bulb to provide enough heat to bake a cake that small.

    And then that cake!! Now, I am Really impressed–not only did she use rolled fondant for some of the layers, but all the little trims and things she did, it was nothing short of amazing! I was happy to see I could share it on Facebook, because that’s just what I did!!

    Thank you, Joy, for sending those photos of the gorgeous laces you “inherited”, as well as your two sweet dollies. I so enjoyed looking at them! I see there is some tatted lace in the assortment to the left of that picture–I’m assuming it’s something that one of your relatives/ancestors made? I have done a Little tatting in the past, and have always loved tatted laces, so that caught my eye first. But, really, the whole collection is just amazing!

    Yes, Jeanne, this post definitely made me smile!! Thanks.

  2. I loved the antique doll dresses. I just kept saying Oh Wow Oh Wow. Such details. I’m glad Marilyn sent that link to you and that you shared it with us.

  3. If you go to Jenny’s Mini Cooking at the bottom of that unicorn video, it will take you to her site where she has other videos of a variety of cute tiny treats to view. All are pretty amazing to me.
    I’m going to have to spend some more time looking at all of those wonderful antique doll dresses from the site Marilyn sent. I briefly checked out the accessories and there are some lovely pieces for dolls like a desk, screen, etc.
    Charlotte was right about the tatting. That piece is a tatted collar done by my grandmother Bess. 🙂

    1. Charlotte Trayer

      Thanks, Joy–I’m going to have to do that. I’ve put the link on my Facebook page, and will “save” it so I can find it again when I’m not so tired!

  4. How fun to see this so early in the morning, Jeanne! I can’t get over the darling, teensy little kitchen with that adorable unicorn cake! Thanks Joy, for sending that, and the pictures of the gorgeous laces you received. What a treasure! Are you going to use them, or just admire them in the box?
    And the Nancy Ann storybook dolls! I had some similar like them when a child, and now I have a small one for my Molly doll. It seems like everyone who was a child in the 40’s had one or two.
    Several friends I know seem to be having trouble getting onto your website, Jeanne. Have you figured out what is going on with it yet?

    I loved seeing those gorgeous Victorian dresses in the link Marilyn sent. Now, THAT,s what Samantha should be wearing! I wonder what they cost,but I will tell you right now, they are way over what I could or would pay!

    1. I could get to the blog site at various times, but could only see yesterday’s entry, not today’s, until about 10:20. Very strange.

  5. Nikki sent me another doll dress picture, this one from Ebay so now we know what one might cost. Maybe some of us will be inspired for Christmas dresses. I’m going to hope Jeanne is the inspired one and I get to see what she makes.

    I loved the cake. I want the kitchen. I do wonder about that oven, where it came from and how it works.

  6. Oh I loved those antique doll dresses. Thanks so much for sharing them. The antique laces are pretty awesome too! I didn’t get a chance to watch the cake video, but I’ll look at it tonight when I have a little more time. Thanks everyone for sharing all the pretties!

  7. The Victorian doll dresses were indeed lovely. Samantha tells me she would have been happy with any of them. I was able to make them bigger! I have a double click mouse and I’m on a laptop, so I did a right hand click on the dress picture and chose “open image in new tab’. Open the new tab at the top and the picture is much bigger. Here’s a few random ones:

    The mini unicorn cake was amazing, and that kitchen, it has running water!! I wonder about the oven as well. How something that small can bake. I WANT that kitchen!!
    Thank you, Joy, for sharing it. Your laces are exquisite. What a beautiful thing to inherit. You could display them is those conservation boxes like the ones I’ve seen where I get my photo albums from. Yes, i still take pictures on film with my 35mm camera.
    Your little Valentine storybook dolls are adorable. What a wonderful find. What a sweet vignette they would make.

  8. The little kitchen and the making of the unicorn cake was amazing!! The talent of some people!! Thst was so cool. Thanks Joy. Also, your find of the two Storybook dolls is wonderful. You have to wonder what child or adult owned them before and who it was that cherished them.
    The laces are beautiful. Especially since they belonged to a relative. Those types of items from family always mean a lot. It’s basically part of family history.
    What a fun post, Jeanne. Thanks!

  9. Oh, the Victorian dresses were fabulous. Thanks Laura and Marilyn. Such detail. I can’t say this enough, the talent of some people is simply amazing and that always includes our very own Jeanne’s talent and creativity!

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