My three smiles on Sunday… :o) :o) :o)

Hi everyone,
It’s not going to be much but I just wanted to check in and show you the three things that made me smile Sunday afternoon!

My neighbor has two of the prettiest lilac bushes growing in her yard and I can see them from my kitchen window. Sunday, after church, we brought my mom over to see what was happening in the kitchen and as we were standing by the window, I saw my neighbor walking across my yard toward my back door with a big bouquet of those lilacs. That was the first smile. They are beautiful and look wonderful sitting on my new countertops in front of the window.

Of course I took the opportunity to ask Rebecca if she’d like to come in and see what we had done so far in the kitchen. She loved it all and it was fun to watch her eyes glance at the ceiling, then Chandi, then the countertops, the cabinets, the pantry…she loved it all. That was smile number two.
Then she said, “It’s hard to remember what it used to look like…did you take pictures of the way it used to be?”
I told her that I had, and you’ve all seen them. I’m personally ready to put that old kitchen to rest. The new and improved kitchen is SO much nicer!!!

The third thing that made me smile is this…

…Shelves in my new pantry and my pans and crock pots all nestled in their new home… I used Polycrylic on the shelves so they are nice and slick and easy to clean…

(Marilyn, my Savory pan is down on the bottom…I’ll show you soon.)

I told you it wasn’t much, but just wanted to say hi. I hope you had something that made you smile over the weekend.

See you when I can,
Blessings, Jeanne

32 thoughts on “My three smiles on Sunday… :o) :o) :o)”

  1. I love your pots and pans pantry. It is quite wonderful, and the shelves look great.
    I love lilacs too but it will be a few more weeks before our’s are ready to bloom.
    I’m glad you had so many smiles yestetday.
    Hope you have a great day today!
    Take care —

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I am loving my pantry filled with mybpans. In fact, this morning when I got up, I had to go to the kitchen and see if I still liked it…yep! I did!

      As I walked into the kitchen I got a whiff of the lilacs and smiled again!
      Thanks Charlotte,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Nothing can beat the aroma of spring lilacs, Jeanne! My neighbor also has a beautiful bush, just loaded with blooms, and they are the real deal to me when spring arrives, as it finally has with the last few beautiful days we have had. I have lilac scented candles I burn every morning in spring just to make the start of my day a sweet smelling one!!

    Your pantry shelves are just wonderful! I wish I had the room for my pots and pans, plus crockpots in one space like that. Most of my pots and pans are in the drawer at the bottom of my stove, crockpots in places I find they can fit in. Your set-up is way better!!

    1. Hi Linda,
      I just love the smell of these lilacs in my house too. They really are fragrant! Rebecca said I could pick some anytime I wanted! :o) She even sent my mom home with a bouquet!

      It all is working out like I had hoped…I started at the bottom with my least used pans, or the heaviest ones, then my crock pots…S,M,L, then my skillets and sauce pans and last my smaller pans. I put the pans on the shelf and then allowed a little room to get them out before marking for the shelf above it. It worked out great. I think it’s going to be a great addition to my kitchen.
      I think I’m going to put my baking sheets and cake pans in the top section…
      Thanks Linda,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. Just as I was thinking, “Which one is the Savory pan?” you answered my question. The lilacs are beautiful on your countertop, and so is the vase. What a nice gift, and how pretty the lilacs would look with your new purple and blue kitchen things from a few days ago. Is you old sink selling? Have you found the one you want for your new kitchen?
    It is good that you have all these pictures of the old kitchen and the many people who have worked on the transformation. Many thanks for today’s pictures.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I’ll show it soon…but you can also Google it if curiosity is getting to you! :o)
      I DID sell my sink on Saturday!!! A young couple was redoing their kitchen and wanted it! She said, “You just gave me my Mother’s Day present!” I told her,”You just gave me a new kitchen faucet!”
      A man is supposed to come from Tennessee tomorrow to pick up the oven and stove top! I hope he still comes…
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I love the pan pantry. It is hard to remember the old but who would want to when the new is so lovely. Praying today will bring even more smiles.

    1. Hi Gloria,
      I am loving my pans all in one place…and not having to get down on my knees searching in the back of stacked up pans to find what I’m needing! It’s wonderful!
      Yes…let’s forget about the old and think only of the new…
      Thanks Gloria,
      Love you, Jeanne

  5. Oh so wonderful….thanks for sharing your smiles, Jeanne.

    My smiles came each time I hung out laundry….to see the bunches of daffodils blooming here and there….the scillas, upcoming violets, forsythia and impending red buds…Spring is glorious. I’m glad you’re having smiles too. The generosity of your neighbors is definitely a smiler too!

    Blessings and prayers.

    1. Thank you Becky,
      Oh, don’t you just love clothes dried outside on a clothesline? Your yard sounds wonderful and beautiful with colors galore!
      That would make anyone smile! :o)
      Thanks Becky,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. How funny. Seeing your crock pots reminded me that I just brought home a couple of old ceramic inserts from long burned out pots that were buried behind the garage covered with redwood debris. Father in law had drilled holes in the bottom, and they were piled up with the old garden pots. Their brown color will make a great display of some annuals. Good use I think.
    I somehow thought your pantry was going to be for food, but pot storage, all within view, is wonderful.
    Thanks for sharing the lovely lilacs and your kitchen update. Looking forward to the next installment.

    1. Hi Joy,
      I hope you get some new things planted in your old pots!
      I have a food pantry just to the left of my frig…it actually is just past that divider section that separates my dining room from my kitchen. It used to be a doorway…”off the dining room that went to a bathroom” we changed it to a food pantry in the dining room side and split it in half, so the back half of the walk through is a linen closet in the master bathroom. ..much better use of the space.
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Hi Jeanne – Love looking at your pot / pan pantry; that will sure make finding just the right pot really handy. Your post is making me think about changing mine around from food to pans. I love lilacs too, ours are not anywhere ready to bloom but the weatherman is promising 80 degrees tomorrow so probably everything will pop at once.

    I too had something to smile about and I am hoping you and / or readers can give me some advice. After being on a Little Darling wait list FOREVER , I finally was notified that I can make the 1st deposit! I do not own nor have I ever seen a Little Darling in person – just all your wonderful pics and those on Pinterest. So I am wondering are there any hints or tips that I should be aware of??

    Thanks to all

    1. Congrats on your new dolly to be.
      Depending on who is going to paint for you, go to their site and view all of their past creations. If you like one, then you can tell the painter that you would like one like that or with a particular wig. You can also see other dolls on various painters sites or on pinterest that you have seen. Just save the photos and when the time comes, you can pull out the photo you like most and request a replica of that particular LD. The artists will try to match your request. I’ve never failed to love any of the LD’s I’ve received. Each is so special. So happy for you. And time to start on a wardrobe and shoes so your little one will be quite in style upon receiving.

      1. Thanks Joy – yes I have collected LOTS of photos. They are very photogenic little girls! Do they come with a French manicure or do I have to request it (I don’t want to sound uninformed or pushy!) and should I request that the wig be lightly glued in case I want to change them out?
        Thanks for your help Joy

        1. Hi Leigh,
          I think most of the artists do a french mani/pedi as a general rule. It’s nice to have the wig glued down lightly st rhe top just to hold it in place. Being your first doll, you’ll probably want to just enjoy her the way she comes to you…at first…then look out, very time you see a wig, you’ll want it…trust me…I speak from experience…
          Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Hi Leigh,
      I already know I made the right decision about getting this pantry for my big pans, crock pots , steamer, pressure cooker, etc. It is going to be great to open the doors like a refrigerator and get out what you need super easily.

      I see Joy have you some great advice about the Little Darlings…I couldn’t have said it any better!
      Thanks Leigh…congrats on the start of something wonderful…you’ll love the Little Darlings!!!
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Hi Jeanne – I too didn’t know the old roasting pan I have is called a savory pan. I have a small and large one. Just roasted a yummy chicken in it on Sunday!
        Yes, I can’t wait for that box to appear! Thanks for your help.
        Also can’t wait to see the next photos on your kitchen and of course you spotlighted in heels!!
        Have a wonderful day.

  8. So happy for you at the way your new kitchen is evolving!
    Cant wait for the “reveal” photos showing you in a ruffled apron, high heels and cooking gourmet meals:)!


    1. Hi Shara…
      Oh yes, I’ll be sure to dig put my best apron and my highest heels!!! NOT!!!
      But I do plan on making some great meals in here!!! …starting with that aqua cake!!! :o)
      Thanks Shara,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. So funny, Shara…………..”ruffled apron and high heels””………..I don’t think we will find Jeanne cooking like that!

  10. So that’s what the roasting pan is called, Savory. Didn’t everyone’s mother have one of those when I was a child? Interesting that it even has a name. Great lineup for your cooking pots and pans. It’s such a great kitchen design. I know you love it already. Congrats on the sales. That sink is a treasure and so nice that it’s going to a good home. Have fun painting.

    1. Susette, I just had to Google and see a Savory pan. We just got rid of one at one house, and I’m sure there is another hiding somewhere. I remember them from childhood too. I’ve never used one for cooking at all. My mother in law used to cook a turkey in it though. Me, I just put it in a plastic bag. Bad me. 🙁 I do use my cast iron pot for roasts though. Love that thing. Had it about 42 years now. Memories…

    2. Hi Susette,
      I wouldn’t trade my Savory pan for anything. It absolutely makes the best pot roast you’ve ever had… and barbecued chicken. ..

      I do love my kitchen now…Kevin and Keith left and I think we’re on our own now…Kevin said to call him if we run into any problems…but I think we can figure out the rest…
      It looks so wonderful in here now…we both can hardly believe it…
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Charlotte Trayer

        I didn’t realize those were called Savory Pans! We always called them enameled (or speckled, I think) roasting pans. I have two, a small one, which I do use now and then, and what I think is the next-to-largest size, which holds maybe a 15-18 lb. turkey.

        Here I was thinking your Savory pan was some real exotic or fancy thing…!!!

        1. Hi Charlotte,
          No, they aren’t exotic or fancy pans but they sure are wonderful…
          Thanks, Jeanne

  11. Those are all smile-worth events. Lilacs don’t grow here, but I imagine they smell wonderful, and the bouquet looks pretty in your kitchen. Hooray for a pantry with shelves to store all the pots and pans! Don’t you love an organized kitchen? I know I do.

    1. Hi Carolyn,
      My cabinets were so ratty before I actually hated having my pans and dishes in them. I already am enjoying just seeing my pots and pans in their new home… it will be a real joy to work in this kitchen.
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. Charlotte Trayer

    My lilacs aren’t Quite blooming yet–they are “purpling up”, and getting ready to burst, but it’ll be another couple of days anyway.

    However, my little orchid plant, which our son and his girlfriend gave me for Mother’s Day in 2015 is Loaded with blooms!! Eight so far, and I think three more buds!!

    Apparently it doesn’t know about my red thumb (red is the opposite of green on the color wheel, so….)! LOL I give this thing two ice cubes a week, and that’s all! Just like the directions said. I’m amazed it’s actually lived longer than a few months, let alone bloom! (It bloomed last year, too, but not this profusely.)

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      I bet you can hardly wait to see your orchids and lilacs in full bloom…they sound wonderful. Send pictures to me if you like!

      I like your idea of watering with ice cubes!
      I might try that as I have a red thumb too…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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