Meet Chandi… my FABULOUS $3 yard sale find!

Do you like yard sales? I do, I do, I do… and have even been on the 100 mile yard sale down in Missouri quite a few times. My hubby and I usually find enough things to make it worth the trip and have fun piling them all on the table when we get home to see just what all we got.
I’ve found some pretty neat items… like my blue cabinet in my living room… it was an ugly, dirty, cob webby mess when my hubby brought it to me but I loved it even from the picture he took and sent to me on my phone. (he was in another town picking up some stuff for our church yard sale when he saw it…) It looked like this when it arrived at my house…


…and after a nice chalk paint job (Cindy’s help mostly) she looks like this…(It’s not quite that blue, but it’s the best color from my pictures…


The doors open and it looks like this…


You can read the whole post about it being painted HERE.

I found this very detailed lamp at a yard sale down in Springfield, MO, when I was visiting Deb… I showed it in “My Favorites” post one time. The little chalk doggie was a yard sale find too! :o)


I’ve been pretty successful at finding great things for my house. I found Chandi 3 years ago, in September, 2015. The yard sale was in the “ritzy” part of town… well, that’s what we call it…the nicest houses and usually they have great stuff for sale. Chandi was $3.00 and it was love at first sight, but she has been in a box ever since. I didn’t know how or where to display her. :o( I finally found a place to put her…

This was the day I brought her home. Did you think she was A DOLL???



Chandi… short for Chandelier, found a place on my ceiling… and I LOVE her there… looking at me every time I walk under her and smiling back at me. She was SUPER glad to get out of that box. I know this will be “picture overload” but I HAVE to show LOTS of pictures when a new girl at my house makes her debut!!!

My hubby and I put her up the night before Easter. She’s quite heavy, being all brass and I was the one holding her on top of a ladder while my hubby worked on getting the wires connected. We have 9′ ceilings in the kitchen so she makes quite a statement!

She looks especially pretty with her lights on. I painted the candle parts with white spray paint and we got new clear LED bulbs. The medallion at the ceiling is new too… I painted it to match the white ceiling…

I don’t have my kitchen finished yet, so I just focused on Chandi for now, but later, I’ll show you a really nice shot of her against my walls and newly painted cabinets. Sorry, just a few more…these were taken with my phone…

She even has some bling (prisms) that she might put on when she wants to get “really” dressed up for special occasions! :o)

Well, that’s Chandi… I hope you like her. She’s quite dressy in the middle of my kitchen renovation project… but she makes me very happy right now!

See you when I can,
Blessings, Jeanne

22 thoughts on “Meet Chandi… my FABULOUS $3 yard sale find!”

  1. What a prize. She certainly adds character and interest to a room that already had character and interest. I’m glad she’s out of the box and I hope you have a nice long-handled duster that you reserve just for chandi. This makes the over-the-sink light challenging, but I’m sure you’ll find the right thing. What a surprise for us. This is a great post. Many thanks.

    My brother-in-law came through his surgery and his bad reaction to drugs just fine. His physical therapist is very pleased with where he’s starting. This is a nice answer to a lot of good prayers. We thank everyone for their efforts.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      Oh good, I’m glad you think she’s worthy of being called a prize. I thought so the moment I saw her in the box!
      Cindy said she would help me figure out what to put over the sink for a light. I trust her and if she says it can happen I believe her.
      I’m glad your brother-in-law is doing well also. I’m sure you all must be very relieved and happy with the good reports!
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Chandi is a beautiful addition to your kitchen! She adds a bit of bling and best of all, she makes you happy.
    More snow and ice is in my forecast for today. Hoping the roads aren’t too bad for the commute to work.
    Hope you have great day!
    Take care —

    1. Hi Charlotte,
      Chandi does make me happy…and I could use a little happy in my week!!!
      I hope your snow didn’t amount to too much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. What a beautiful statement Chandi makes to your kitchen, Jeanne! I love the medallion around her too, and she just makes the whole ceiling glow with brightness! You have certainly given your farmhouse kitchen some glamour with this very elegant fixture. I can’t wait to see her in all her glory when you have the cabinets up and step back to take it all in.
    What is going over the sink? And are you having under the counter lights? You certainly are getting closer to the finish line, and the wait is getting exciting for us. Isn’t it fun when you get to see things you have picked out, all come together and work out perfectly? It seems like a dream come true!

    Did you get a storm last night? We certainly had one, and I saw on the radar that Carbondale was right in it’s path after it blew through here. Luckily, no damage here, and I’m hoping the same for you.

    1. Hi Linda, I’m glad you like Chandi as much as I do because I think she’s pretty special. George picked out the medallion and I think it looks nice up there. I’m like you… I can’t wait to get my cabinets painted and see what she looks like in a “group picture” with everything behind her. :o)
      I’m not sure exactly what’s going over the sink but some sort of light and we might put lights underneath the cabinets. I’m not exactly sure. We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.
      We did get those storms last night but fortunately we didn’t get the possible tornado that hit 15 or so miles from us in a little town called Energy.
      We just got lots and lots of wind and rain. Hope you guys were safe.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. Chandi is beautiful.. a lovely lady from another era who is now loved again… if only she could talk:)
    Total score!!!

    1. Thanks so much Shara,
      She IS a lovely lady in my kitchen! I bet she “could” tell some stories!
      So glad you like her!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Chandi brings enchantment to your (in the process) newly refurbished kitchen. How special she is and even more so when everything is finished. You could have a fête in your house and she would be amongst the glamourous there. Thank you for sharing your lovely find (I recall that posting) with us again, now in her place of honor.

    Prayers, hugs,

    1. Hi Becky,
      Oh yes…I LOVE that word…enchantment! That’s just what she brings to my kitchen!
      I’m so glad you like her!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. Love it, love it, love it! Add the bling, add the bling. I can’t wait to see Chandi with her prisms at least for a photo. So do you have the upper cabinets painted already? Boy you have been busy. Will be wonderful to see what paint color you decided upon.
    A new dolly and her little friend arrived here. She was born in 1992. She is tall at 19 1/2″. Little friend only about 8″. And of course, now I am on a shoe hunt. AG shoes are way too wide for her unfortunately. She also needs an outfit as hers is a bit wild.
    Weather has been so nice and warm. Short sleeves and shorts, but today only in the 60’s and rain expected tomorrow. Such is spring. 🙂
    Looking forward to the continuing saga of “The Kitchen Remodel!”

    1. Hi Joy,
      I’ll have to get some new wire for the prisms before I can show you… I’m glad you think she’s pretty. :o)
      No, my upper cabinets aren’t painted yet…they aren’t even primed yet…but I did get my new wall primed today…and we got all the wood hauled off the back porch. I pulled 6 garden carts full of wood to the back of the property.

      Ok…you know the drill…new doll? New pictures! :o) I hope you are enjoying them…
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Dear Jeanne, you fooled me. I did think it was a doll (smile). I am delighted that you found Chandi to brighten up your space. You have been working hard on your kitchen. Putting her in place is your “crowning” achievement!

    1. Hi Dorothy,
      Well, I got at least one who thought Chandi was a doll!
      I really am enjoying her up above me. I finished priming the new wall and it already looks better in here…and I think Chandi likes it too!
      Thanks so much, Dorothy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. What a wonderful find and now Chandi can show herself off and her elegant bling ! I love what Shara Smith said…I totally agree with her. You’ll have to make up stories for Chandi !
    Your lovely, lovely kitchen is moving right along. The ceiling is just beautiful and Chandi is the icing on the cake.
    It’s neat when one finds treasures at yard sales. That’s so much fun.
    I sound like a broken record but can’t wait to see more pictures as your kitchen progresses.

    1. Thank you Paula,
      I’m so glad everyone likes her…a chandelier is not something I ever thought would be in my house, but it’s not a super fancy one, so she works.
      Very slowly my kitchen is taking shape…and I’m loving it!
      Thanks for your kind words!
      Blessings, Jeanne

  9. I was so happy to see you had posted the blog today, and here I am being the last to post. Chandi is a great addition. Did I see cabinets all up on the stove wall now? Ready for paint. Great progress. Thinking of you and your family.

    1. Hi Susette,
      Yes, my cabinets are up on the walls…just waiting to be primed. This might be the slowest kitchen renovation in history, but eventually I’m getting there.
      Thanks so much Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. I love the chandelier! I bought one at an estate sale, and it’s in my dining room. I just wish I had higher ceilings like you do, but you don’t get high ceilings in a 1970 ranch. Hubby and I are headed to a flea market this weekend. It’s not 100 miles, but it is about 30 miles, so maybe I’ll find something wonderful. I’m so happy your kitchen is progressing. Speed doesn’t matter, as long as you reach the finish line.

    1. HI Carolyn,
      Congrats on finding your bling for your dining room! I hope yours makes you as happy as mine does! High ceilings are kind of fun… except to paint!
      Oh, I hope you find lots of fun treasures on your 30 mile yard sale this weekend!
      It’s a good thing it’s not a race to get my kitchen finished right away… I’d be stressed to the max!
      Thanks Carolyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Were you were saving this April Fool’s fun for a special reveal, Jeanne?! Yes, I did think your surprise was a new doll, but I was just as excited to discover Chandi is the “crowning jewel” of your kitchen remodel. She is lovely and like any lovely lady, it seems she has more than one look. 😉 I’ll look forward to seeing her “bling” in future photo shoots. The pretty medallion George chose for her lends just the right amount of presence to highlight your wonderful bead board ceiling. The total effect is eclectic farmhouse charm! A special find for a special remodel. I wonder what other surprises you have in store?!

    Although it was too late for me to comment last evening when I read your blog, I wanted to say how much I enjoyed yesterday’s photos of festive dolly dresses and delicious-looking desserts! Thank you for that wonderful Easter Monday show, Jeanne, and thank you to Linda, Susette, and Joy for sharing their wonderful photos with us. I hope to see photos of Joy’s new “mystery” dolls sometime soon, too. The pictures everyone shares help forge a connection between all of us in “Jeanne’s Friendship Circle.” What a blessing!

    1. Thank you Anne,
      I was wondering if any more of you ladies thought maybe I got a new doll… nope, just a light! But I seem to really love her, “almost” as much as a doll! :o)
      I’ll have to get her “bling” out and see about that wire and take some pictures. Oh, I love it… Eclectic Farmhouse Charm… Cindy told me to just use what I love! So far…so good! I’ll try to use a little restraint!

      It was fun looking at everyone’s dolls dressed up, wasn’t it? I have found myself looking at those My Meadow dolls a little too much since Joy showed her… yikes. I don’t think there is any chance of me getting one, but they are very adorable. I really need to stick with what I’ve got!

      This morning George asked me if I had read any more in the Devotional book you sent? I told him I had finished it. He said, “Honey, it’s a devotional book, you’re only supposed to read one a day…” I told him it was too good and I couldn’t put it down.. I am going to read it again and again… I just love it! I think I’m going to go back through each page and write down the very special way she words some of her sentences and have them in one big paragraph and read them often! Thank you again so much!
      Blessings, Jeanne

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