I’m LOVING my new beadboard ceiling!!!

Sorry, I’m back to “sawing” again today instead of “sewing!” It’s just one of those things that’s probably going to be happening until I get my kitchen finished. (The good news is, I got 3 long boards out of my sewing room!!!) I don’t think you’ll mind…at least I hope you don’t! I also hope you love the looks (so far) of my beadboard ceiling.

My hubby was supposed to be taking it easy and HE WAS…but he still wanted to help Rebecca and me put up the long white trim boards that will cover the sections between my beadboard sheets. I told him he could help as long as he didn’t strain…and he said he’d be good!

I used my tiny little round stickers with butterflies and bunnies and Easter eggs on them to mark where the studs were. Once you put the trim boards up you had no idea where they were, so I put the stickers up beside where the studs were while I could see the tiles between my beadboard sheets. It made it very easy for my hubby to know where to put the trim screws. (Clever girl I am!) :o)

If you click on the pictures, they will enlarge.

The papers hanging at the end are up there to keep me from getting white paint on the new boards we are putting on that wall with the window.

The 1″ x 4″ pine trim boards were 13 feet long going long ways and the 8″ wide boards at the ends are 16 feet long. It really does take 3 people to handle them…especially when they are over your heads. Here are a couple views of the ceiling as it’s getting prettier every day.

The wall over my sink, looking out the window, was the wall that we took the boards down from and cut the worst part of the glue adhesive off the ends. Then we swapped the shorter length to the wall where my frig is. Here are those boards, just on a new wall…

I took another picture of them tonight… just because I’m loving them…They look really nice… it was fairly easy to put them up, especially since they were only 10 feet long.

I’ve got lots of holes to spackle and I need to touch those up after they are sanded…but it’s getting there…It will be nice when the entire ceiling is all finished…then we can move down the walls and “figure out” what we are going to do… paint, stain?

I had to go steam a wedding dress for a young lady who is getting married on Saturday. Then I stayed a little while and helped decorate the church. I got home kind of late and just wanted to spend some time with my hubby, so this is all I have for today!

I LOVED all your comments about the Show and Tell post… You all have the best stories and are SO kind to one another! :o) I did pick and winner and will try my best to get that gift out tomorrow, but no promises… I went to town this evening and forgot to take it with me… oops!

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

28 thoughts on “I’m LOVING my new beadboard ceiling!!!”

  1. How beautiful the ceiling looks, Jeanne! I know you are so proud of the fact that it was a family oriented project and that makes it VERY special to you. It looks like almost everyone has helped, except Kristoffer, so you should have him come over and put in a screw or two, so you can say EVERYONE had a hand in it! Just think how bright and pleasant your kitchen will look even on the gloomiest of days!
    Know that you are in the thoughts and PRAYERS of all of us today! George has the admiration of all of us and we hope things turn out in his favor today. Hugs!

    1. Hi Linda,
      We are really liking the ceiling, and yes, Kristoffer did help us with one of the long boards. The only one who hasn’t had a hand in helping with our kitchen is Deb. I’ll be sure and save something for her… :o)

      We are still waiting for him to be taken to surgery. He was an add on so we’ll be last… he’s thirsty…and I’m hungry!
      Thanks for your prayers Linda.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  2. Don’t you feel better every day about the way the kitchen is looking? I really like the boards on the refrigerator wall. Are these some that you reversed and are now using the side that was facing away from the kitchen? You’ll have a main light fixture in the middle of the kitchen and one above the sink. Someone told me that’s what Pinterest kitchen pictures are showing. Have you chosen the fixtures? This is a lot of work, but it’s starting to show that it’s going to be worth it.

    Linda is right — we want things to go well for George today — and what’s good for George is also good for Jeanne. You’ll spend the day with our thoughts and prayers all around you.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I do like my new to be kitchen very much. Sometimes I just find myself staring up at my new ceiling. We took the boards off and used them the same way…just flipped the ends around. The ends where the glue was is now sanded and I’m hoping to maybe even out the color with stain.
      We are still waiting for him to be taken to surgery…his doctor just told us he’s going to keep him in the hospital over night.
      Thanks Marilyn,
      Blessings, Jeanne

    1. Thanks Shara,
      I couldn’t wait to tell my hubby what you said!!!! :o)
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  3. What a glorious looking ceiling…you’re almost there. I’m so glad for you, all of you that this task is slowly making it’s way to completion.

    And, of course, prayers for George, all of you today.


    1. Thanks Becky,
      I can’t wait for the cross slats to be put up…I want to see one square completed!!
      Thanks for your prayers.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  4. I can see why you wouldn’t want pot lights sticking through the beautiful bead board ceiling. Can’t wait to see the lighting fixtures. Thanks for the pictures. I like seeing the progress.

    Thinking of you all day today and saying a prayer, Susette

    1. Thank you Susette,
      I can’t wait to see the difference my new ceiling makes when it’s all finished… as for the light fixture…I’m going to see if a $4.00 chandelier that I bought at a yard sale will work. Cindy thought it might work. We’ll see!
      Thanks Susette,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  5. Oh the ceiling is looking very nice. The beadboard is so pretty up there. The brightness of the white is so clean looking and bright. Looking forward to more renovation pictures.

    Many thoughts and prayers for all of you.

    1. Hi Paula,
      Yes, I like the brightness of the new white ceiling too! It was so drab and ugly looking before.
      There’ll be lots more pictures to come, so keep watching.
      Thanks so much Paula,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  6. I honestly can’t believe how wonderful that ceiling looks. It ties in the farmhouse roots yet is perfectly modern too. Now here is a question I must have answered before I show the progress photos to other person. Why did you leave the gaps between the beadboard? I know George used a spacer between them to help in lining them up, but why didn’t you just put them together and then put the long trim boards on top? I know there is a reason. Also, what did you do to the beadboard where you had to cut pieces to fit? Fill it? Sand? And, did you paint all of the ceiling before putting up the cross pieces? Ok, enough questions, but it looks like their may be some similar ceiling treatment here in the future.
    After getting some ideas yesterday from a lot of you, I guess I do need to do something about my Easter dress rather than put it back in that old cardboard box with the rest of my baby clothes.
    Exciting to know that there are other Natterer collectors in the group. I would love to see photos of them. They are very cute dollies and about the same height as the Little Darlings but a slightly chunkier body shape. They do wear the same size shoes though. A plus.
    Thoughts with you and George today and always.

    1. Hi Joy,
      They just took my hubby to surgery so I’ll try to finish my comments.
      The reason there are gaps is because I didn’t want 3 full sheets (4×8 feet) and 3 half sheets on my ceiling, so I had them cut in half and evenly spaced so I could have 9 half sheets with the trim boards covering up the seams. We got by with less beadboard and the spaces between the pieces let is see where the studs were…at least one way. If we had just covered up the entire ceiling with the beadboard we would have had no clue where to screw up the pieces. Our attic above the kitchen ceiling is open an unfinished and we didn’t want to take all the tiles off the ceiling and have all that insulation laid on top fall down.
      Maybe it was a silly way to do it, but I actually think it was the right way.

      My huby is in surgery now so I’m just waiting…
      Thanks Joy,
      Blessings, Jeanne

      1. Ok, I knew there was a good reason. And depending on our measurements, that may be the way to go. I can see how much thought went into getting everything to line up so well. And the fill in pieces at the end? How did you match them up so well? Did you have to do filling to hide the edges? or ? Because it looks so great.
        Hoping George is out of surgery and doing fine. Take care of yourself too please.

  7. Charlotte Amaro

    Your beadboard ceiling looks wonderful!! I love the look with the trim boards. Very good idea using the stickers to keep track of the location of the studs.
    Keeping you in my thoughts.
    Have a good day!
    Take care –

    1. Thanks Charlotte,
      I’m so glad you like my new ceiling! I’m really enjoying craining my neck and looking up at it everytime I walk through there.
      Blessings, Jeanne

  8. Dear Jeanne, your ceiling gets an A+! I love the sticker idea. I think you should sell that concept to the HGTV people (smile).

  9. That ceiling is a great look. All shiny and light. Great job!
    Praying for the appt today to be good. Hugs,

    1. Thank you, Kathie,
      My hubby even admitted that he loves the ceiling…even with all the work “I asked of him!”
      Blessings, Jeanne

  10. Wonderful work, Jeanne! The beadboard ceiling makes the kitchen look so fresh and clean and expansive, yet retains that original farmhouse charm. Using your Easter stickers as stud markers was very clever, and your solutions for swapping the shiplap were ingenious, too. It’s inspiring to see your progress. Looking forward to the next step.

    Keeping you and George close in thought and prayer today, Jeanne. May all be well.

    1. Oh Anne,
      I love that term…”Farmhouse Charm!” It made me smile! Thanks for your compliments…
      Thanks so much,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  11. Missed the show and tell yesterday, but got caught up today. How wonderful to see all the pictures. Joy, your dress is just beautiful. How wonderful that you still have it after all these years.. Your doll is precious also, looks like she is a lovely little Irish Colleen.
    Love, love Molly’s musical dress, Susette. Very clever design.
    Your sister certainly is talented, Jeanne. Christmas music is appropriate year round, I would say. We many times watch Christmas movies is July while starting any homemade gifts.
    Wow, a beadboard ceiling!! Your kitchen will be so fresh and bright and such a joy to cook in.
    Keeping George in thoughts and prayers.

    1. Thank you Laura,
      I really am loving my new ceiling!!!!!
      Also glad you got caught up on all the goodies from yesterday. I love sharing a variety of things with everyone.
      Thanks so much, Laura,
      Blessings, Jeanne

  12. Hi Jeanne,
    Your ceiling looks so pretty and it’s not even done yet. I can’t wait to see it completed. I’m sure you have tons on your mind today, I see where you mentioned that they want to keep hubby over night. My prayers are with you both.
    I just wanted to add I was looking for some info on the The Pleasant Company/American Doll company today and came across this article. I found it interesting and thought I’d share it.
    Written by Erin McCarthy Sept 10, 2015
    Hugs and Blessing to you and George

    1. Hi Ingrid,
      I can’t wait for my ceiling to be finished either, but I’m loving it just the way it looks now…so pretty!!!
      I’m going to look up that article you linked to…thanks so much for your prayers.
      Blessings, Jeanne

    2. Many thanks for that article. I’ve read several but this is the best.

      I’m glad George is staying in the hospital for the night and hope that you aren’t driving back and forth. I spent the night when my mom went into the hospital. I had a highly uncomfortable chair and my feet were so swollen in the morning that I could barely walk. Find a better solution.

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