Like father, like daughter…

It’s a good thing many of you tell me you enjoy reading my blog posts even when they’re not about sewing or dolls or something related… because this post isn’t about any of those… it’s about my day but it does have a happy ending… maybe we’ll do sewing tomorrow…

Rebecca has been looking for a car since she started working at the hospital… something more reliable and newer than her little red sports car… (her 24 year old sports car, mind you…a Nissan 240 SX). She wanted a Nissan Exterra or a Pathfinder or something like those sporty SUV’s you see everywhere. Well, she found one online a few days ago and she and her dad were going to check it out today. It was 2 hours away from us and I wasn’t sure I would feel like going, but I decided to go anyway. It was a long trip and we actually had a good time in the car. There was lots of flooding halfway between the place and where we live so we had to make a detour that took another hour…so the place ended up being 3 hours away… ugh!

INSERT: My mom called me when we were on the way and said she needed some groceries… and a hamburger! :o) I hadn’t been over there in 7 days since I was hit with the crud. I told her I’d bring her some stuff when we got home…and I did! I just got home from there…

We got to the car dealership finally, and took the Chevy Blazer for a test drive, and then Rebecca had to decide…”Is this really the car you want to spend your money on?”

Well, how about we look it over real well, dad… I just couldn’t resist! (I later showed her the 3 pictures I had taken and she said, “Are those going to end up on your blog?”) But of course!

Right there in the middle of the dealership parking lot, they both got down on their backs with a flashlight and were looking under the car for things… you know… car things that you’re supposed to look for! :o) I’m not sure if they found what they were looking for…

I only took 3 pictures today… well, only 3 that turned out… we were traveling too fast over the bridge to capture how high the water level was and the fields just looked blah in my pictures, so I’m using my 3 “good” pictures for this post… my 2 favorite people who work on our cars..

Rebecca can hold her own when it comes to working on cars.. she changes her own oil, spark plugs, tires, fixes broken door locks, changes headlights, fixes twisted seat belts that get stuck, changes wiper blades, does bondo, has painted her own bumper before, changes out her blinker lights, tints windows, and probably a few other things I’ve forgotten…

Maybe there’s something to spending so much time with her dad, laying on her back and holding up that flashlight! Ya think?

She ended up getting the car for $1900 less than what they were asking… OH…she’s also good at researching what she wants and then negotiating! Of course while the salesman went to ask his boss about the last $900 she wanted off, her dad and I prayed for the price she wanted.. when he came back… she got it!

Don’t you just love a happy ending?

Maybe I’ll have something to share tomorrow that Addy will be happy about! We left at 10:00 this morning and it’s now 11:00, hence the “human interest” post! :o)

See you tomorrow,
Blessings, Jeanne

11 thoughts on “Like father, like daughter…”

  1. Another day in the life of Jeanne Marie! Well, that’s interesting to see that your daughter and her daddy have a bond that goes beyond the usual daughter/daddy activities! For sure, you will never have to worry about Rebecca not being able to hold her own or be able to handle things in life that a mother worries about! I could NEVER do all the things Rebecca does, I just don’t have whatever it is to be interested in how things work and fixing them! Rebecca rocks! And congratulations to her on her new car!
    We are seeing high water here too, although things are getting better, but gosh, it’s been terrible for a lot of people around here.

  2. And we thought Rebecca was wonderful and talented and capable before. We had no idea. Congratulations on a daughter that’s even greater than we thought. It’s wonderful to see George flat on the ground too — does that look like a cancer patient to you? That was a long, tiring, very good day, and you got groceries for your mom as well and proved that you were getting back on your feet. An excellent post proving that doll clothes are nice, but life is bigger than even a very nice sewing room.

  3. What a productive day! George is a wonderful father to teach his daughter how to do all those repairs, and Rebecca is just as great for being willing to learn what is usually regarded as “guy stuff.” You enumerated hundreds of dollars worth of repairs which add up to thousands over the life of a vehicle. What a nice choice she made, a good-looking car. Successful bargaining is an art and I’ve come to believe it might be an inherited trait.

    No, her Dad doesn’t look like a cancer patient. You must be feeding George very well for him to be able to maintain his weight throughout the treatments. And faring well through a long, long day on a trip like that! Your whole family is amazing! Everyone rest up today.

  4. I really enjoyed this blog. Father, mother and daughter on a mission! Rebecca is such a lovely girl and very self sustaining. The more you tell us about her, the more I love her. She is a strong, kind young women with so much potential ahead of her. She and George certainly have a wonderful bond. I’m glad George feels well enough to help her too. Yay!

    Her car is cool too. My son will be looking for an SUV as well one of these days too. The SUV’s are popular for what all they can carry. Friends, groceries, traveling items…and on and on.

    You are a good daughter too, Jeanne. Your mom has wonderful children who care for her and who make sure she is safe. Bless you.

  5. idreamofjeannemarie was back in my mail this morning. 🙂
    Wow, nothing like a 6 hour road trip! So glad Rebecca has a new car. Love the inspecting the car pics. And you still recovering, after that day long trip, gets the groceries for your mom. Did she get her hamburger? You are amazing.
    I’m excited because I finally have a tracking number for my Mini Maru Chad who is supposed to be released from customs jail on Wednesday. Will be my first boy buddy for my LD girls. Wonder how long he will take to arrive. Nothing like watching tracking updates.
    Looking forward to seeing the work progress on the new dress. Always a treat to see one emerge. Kind of like a butterfly. 🙂

  6. Charlotte A.

    Of course we enjoy hearing about non-sewing topics. I kind of think of your posts like having a cup of tea in the morning and chatting with a friend. Sometimes we talk about sewing and that is great, and other times we talk about anything and everything else and that is great too!
    I had a Blazer and liked it very much. It was still running well when I sold it. It was about 20 years old and rusty but it ran very well. Tell Rebecca congratulations on her new vehicle!
    Hope you have a good day.
    Take care.

  7. I liked this post. My dad was an excellent mechanic, and even though he’s gone, I still enjoy doing my own car repairs. I think I feel closest to my dad when I’m under the hood of a car. No doubt Rebecca will have the same wonderful memories when she’s my age! Kudos to good dads like George who teach their daughters life skills.
    I had to smile at your mom’s request To bring a hamburger when you brought the groceries. Too funny.

  8. Hi everyone,
    I’m going to do a group comment because I’m trying to get some sewing done. I had a meeting tonight for a wedding picnic so my time has been limited. I’m thinking you’d rather see some progress.
    I’m glad you enjoyed the post about Rebecca and her dad…my hubby reminded me of one thing I forgot to add to Rebecca’s list…she changes her own brakes! I think that must be a biggie!!
    I guess I never spent enough time on my back under a car with my hubby, but I was probably inside sewing! :o)
    I have spent a lot of time as my hubby’s assistant on our fixer upper house though…I can tell you where just about anything is in Lowes.
    Stay tuned for some pictures of Addy’s dress tomorrow!
    Blessings, Jeanne

  9. Anne Johnson

    Like Father, Like Daughter

    A smart young woman (and a bright, rising star)
    Had a promising job, but needed a new car

    She wanted something bigger, and more reliable, too
    Maybe a sporty SUV — she had looked at a few

    So she did all her homework and found one online
    It was just what she wanted and looked quite fine

    She said, “Dad, would you take me and help me inspect it?”
    And of course he agreed, feeling honored and respected!

    They lived in Illinois where there’d been lots of rain
    But they headed on out through some flooded terrain

    Momma went along, too, tho’ recovering from “the crud,”
    And they made several detours around the water and mud

    When they arrived at the dealership, a test drive they took
    But the girl was still cautious, and she gave Dad a look

    So down on their backs they slid under the car
    With flashlights they looked for what might be “subpar”

    Dad had trained the girl well, she knew just what to look for
    And she checked the parts thoroughly with her dad as her mentor

    Finding nothing at all that could cause them distress
    The girl was quite close to her new car success

    She had researched her price and knew just what she’d pay
    She made a good offer, and her parents began to pray

    He checked with his boss, then the salesman said, “Yes!”
    The girl purchased her car with the utmost finesse

    Congratulations, Rebecca, on your new Chevy Blazer
    And congratulations as well to the parents who raised her!

    1. Oh Anne, that is just too good… I might have to share it…
      I read it out loud to George and he loved it…
      It really was wonderful!
      Thanks so much…
      Blessings, Jeanne

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