Happy 4th of July from my dolls…

Just a quick reminder…(OOPS! No it doesn’t end tonight but in the early morning hours tomorrow!) the Sally Stanley Smocking Pleater ends this evening…(again) I was so disheartened the sale fell through with an International bidder a few days ago. We’ll see what happens this time around.

Here is the link to this listing… Sally Stanley Smocking Pleater

I know today is the day we celebrate when the country severed their political connections with Great Britian. They declared their independence from Britian by signing the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. The Declaration of Independence summarized the colonists’ motivations for seeking independence. I’m so thankful they did that! I’m very happy to live in the country I do, and I’m so thankful for the freedoms we have. I don’t take it lightly and hope we stay a free nation for a LONG LONG time.

I also know dolls dressed up in red, white and blue outfits have NOTHING to do with our freedom, but since this is a dolly blog, we LOVE EVERY chance we get to show off our dolls. At least I think we do???

I had a few of you who didn’t make it in yesterday’s dress show, but I’ll show the pictures you sent me before I show a few of the archived outfits I’ve made over the many years I’ve been sewing.

First up is Joy! She’s sweltering in the California heat… it was 103 and she braved getting her dolls outside for a photo shoot.

This is what she sent me…

These are the dresses I made for the Sew Along this year. July Joy’s sort of vintage swimsuit outfit is reversible. It’s already heating up much too quickly and the sun was almost on the bench, but it’s the best I can do in this heat. Today is supposed to be cooler at 103, but it’s so hot now, I think it may be even hotter.
Hope you have a wonderful 4th,

I’m leaving this space open in case this gets figured out… I haven’t been able to load joys’ girls pics.

These are a couple pictures from Laura…

Hi Jeanne,
if you have space, here are a couple pictures of my Marsaili for the 4th of July.
She and her pets are heading to the parade. Then a cuddle with her teddy.

Now a few from my archives…

Here are a couple of my favorite dresses!


Now do you want to see the whole post about them… They are perfect for the 4th and I LOVED making them! click HERE!

Well I hope that makes your day go BOOM! Have a wonderful day!
I will see you tomorrow… maybe keep an eye out for more auctions on Ebay… I’m trying to keep at it!
Blessings, Jeanne

26 thoughts on “Happy 4th of July from my dolls…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    Well, I had a reply all written, with details of favorites, etc., and then suddenly my wifi went out and I lost it! I have a new set-up (the phone company went to fiberoptics for landlines–ugh) and this is the first real difficulty I’ve had with wifi. I finally reset things, and still had a bit of a wait before if finally came back. Phew!!

    Anyway, I loved seeing all the cute outfits and dolls. Joy, thanks for sharing your sew-along outfits–I think I like the white dress the best. And Laura, your Marsaili is as cute as can be with her little bear pal (Boyd’s bears?). Jeanne, I think you probably already know which ones are my favorites among yours, although that has a tendency to change sometimes!

    Happy 4th, everyone!

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Thank you, Charlotte! Yes, it’s a Boyd’s Bear. To be honest, I wasn’t all that familiar with them ( know Steiff, of course), but when I just happened to see this little guy in a YouTube video of someone’s house I needed to track him down for my dolls for many patriotic holidays.

  2. Linda in St. Louis

    More fun today! Oh my goodness, Joy, your weather! It’s raining here and so we are stuck inside, but we can enjoy your dolls looking so darling in those outfits! My favorite is also the white dress, it looks so comfortable and cool, plus feminine too! What a job to dress and fix all those dolls up! Thank you so much for showing us how talented you are!

    Laura, Marsaili looks so cute in her little red wagon with all her furry friends! I guess she is waiting for the parade to start?

    Jeanne, I love all the red, white and blue dresses you have made through the years! My favorites are Lian and Ten Ping, with their triple ruffed dresses! Those two sister dresses at the end also are a favorite of mine! My sister and I always got matching dresses, but she always got my “old” one too when she grew into it, much to her dismay!! Since we were only 17 months apart, that happened quite a lot!

    Happy Fourth, everyone!

  3. Susette from Southern California

    That’s quite a collection to sew for your dolls, Joy. I like the idea of items being reversible. You are a very an accomplished seamstress! Thanks for sharing your wonderful dolls in their 4th of July outfits. It’s nice to see yours and Laura’s dolls on the RRFF websites too.

    Laura, your RRFF doll is beautiful. Thanks for sharing her and her bear with us.

    Here’re I was thinking you didn’t sew many holiday-specific outfits, Jeanne, except for Christmas. Such a lot of outfits for so many different sizes of dolls! And each one an original not to be duplicated. Your creations are truly very special. Thank you again for the ones that I have. Happy Fourth of July ! 🥰 🇺🇸✨💥🌟💫☄️

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Thank you, Susette! It’s great that you, Joy, and I are all over on RRFF fan club as well. It gives us an extra place to share our doll photos. 😺

  4. Linda in St. Louis

    Oops, it was my intention to thank all of you, and Jeanne, for the nice compliments on my dolls from yesterday, but it slipped by when I wrote the above. I do appreciate it, and love it when I see others show their dolls too! After all, that’s why we are here, to celebrate our hobby and to see Jeanne work her wonders!

  5. As some would say, what alot of 4th of July eye candy! Wow!!
    Joy, what a group of lovely girls all ready for the fireworks. Well, maybe not in this heat. They can at least have a party with their 4 th of July hats as well as a picnic. I too like the white dress and also the far white striped dress with the sail boats and the second to the last outfit with the blue, navy and red striped on the bottom. They’re all cute and ready to celebrate.

    Laura, Marsali looks so cute in her wagon. And of course, she’s holding her kitty! She’s ready to go in the parade with her doggie and bear in his star costume! Too cute.
    Thank you, Joy and Laura!

    And Jeanne, what an amazing collection of all your red, white and blue outfits- too many to pick as favorites. I have to say the sisters at the end and the song 🎵 are the best. Such a great idea when you made them.
    What a fun group of pictures for today! I’m sure all the girls will be celebrating !
    Everyone have a great 4th of July!!

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Thank you, Paula! Yes, of course Marsaili is holding her sweet kitty!😸 The parade should be fun.

  6. Karen from Kentucky

    Nice job on making the dresses, Joy! My favorites are the 2 on the right.

    Marsaili looks very sweet with her little pets. The wagon ride looks fun.

    It’s great seeing all your 4th if July creations, Jeanne! I wonder who is the second doll? She is pretty.

    Thanks for sharing, everyone! Happy 4th of July! Stay cool!

    1. Hi Karen,
      The doll in the 2nd picture is Janie, one of my Little Darlings. Her wig is removable so I can change her looks pretty easily.
      I’m glad you enjoyed the slideshow!
      Thanks Karen
      Blessings, Jeanne

  7. Jeanne, thank you for sharing all of these beautiful pictures today
    I hope you and hubbs and the dolly girls have a super enjoyable day
    I hope your dear readers have a spectacular fun day!!!
    Hubbs and I are driving down to celebrate with our new neighbors we will be living with in about 6 months! Music BBQ and just relaxing, mostly indoors because bugs love me

  8. Sissy Lingle on the GA coast

    Wow, my eyes are spinning with red, white, and blue! Joy, I am so happy to see your dolls and the cute outfits. I love the reversible vintage swim suit!
    Laura’s cutie with the bear picking out of a star…so cute! I hope she has fun in the parade, too!
    Jeanne, Your collection of photos is so amazing! I wonder how many years are listed there.
    Happy Independence day to all of you! God Bless America!

  9. Joy in northern CA

    Thanks Jeanne for getting my pictures posted. Sorry the clarity isn’t better, but something isn’t working right when I send them to my computer from my phone. Thanks too for the nice comments everyone. My poor dollies were just kind of plunked down without much thought because I was trying to keep them out of the sun for a picture. Looks like we’ll continue with the high heat until Monday. That’s a long time. But, at least it cooled off last night.
    Laura’s, Marsaili, looks so cute with her Ted friend and pets riding in style to the parade. Love it.
    Jeanne’s, parade of dresses she has made are all remarkable and have such delightful details. Funny, but the first one, on her LD, is my favorite today. The sundress look would be perfect for the weather we’ve been having. She looks so cool. 🙂
    This week, I’ve been wishing for a pool. Dream on Joy. But, I still haven’t made that dolly pool I keep talking about. Seems like this would be a good time to get it together and do something constructive. Barbara’s dolly pool came out so well and is such a fun photo opportunity that I may have to find all of the things I’ve gathered and do some construction here. We’ll see, if I don’t melt first.
    Hope everyone has a great holiday today. We plan on barbecuing a small tri tip before it is excruciatingly hot, and I’m making potato salad to go with it along with green salad. Simple dessert, French vanilla ice cream with raspberry sauce.
    Happy 4th everyone. 🙂

    1. Laura in Ohio

      Thank you, Joy! French vanilla with raspberry sauce sounds delightful. You need a few blueberries on top. Stay safe in the heat!

    2. Barbara in SE Texas

      Thanks for the nice comment on my swimming pool, Joy. My first venture into doll collecting started with my BAB Bunny and a small bunny that was part of a BAB Mother’s Day ensemble several years ago (my bunny, Felicity, just had her 20th birthday). I used to change their clothes a lot but haven’t so much lately so hubby says the bunny girls are telling him they feel neglected. So the other day I put them in their bathing suits and set up the pool and they were in it all day. They totally enjoyed themselves but with 18″ Felicity in the pool there really wasn’t much room for more than little bunny, Freida.

      1. Joy in northern CA

        Wow, think we need a pic of the pool with those lucky enough to enjoy it. Still haven’t started on the pool yet here, but maybe. 🙂

  10. Thank you to all that shared pictures! They are really eye candy. They make a real holiday parade we can see over and over.
    On the “sisters” dresses I love the simple puff sleeves.
    Happy 4th all!

  11. Laura in Ohio

    Lovely pictures, Joy! I see you have a couple of RRFFs most recent offerings. I love the white eyelet dress on Eliana and the flowered one on the end. The sailboat one is lovely. They are all wonderful. Great job on July Joy’s outfit. I see they have a picnic to enjoy. Watch out that their sweet pup doesn’t steal all the sandwiches.

    So many pretty dress to enjoy, Jeanne. I like Janie’s, Kirsten’s, Lian’s with the star buttons, and the sister dresses.

    Thank you for sharing my photos! Happy Independence Day to all my sofa sisters!! 🎆🎇🇺🇸🧨🗽🥰

    1. Joy in northern CA

      Ha ha, didn’t even think about the pup snatching picnic affair. I should be more aware. Thanks for your nice comments.

  12. Barbara in SE Texas

    Joy, I love all the sew along dresses. So pretty. Everyone looks so nice and they actually look cool. No indication that they were in a hurry to get out of the heat. And your setting is great. Hard to believe you were in a rush. Hearing you talk about the steps for the sew along was a little overwhelming for me. I never did figure out how it all worked. I guess it helps f you do it and things fall into place in your mind. I thought at first you just made one outfit but then from what you were saying and what I read, it’s a little more involved. Maybe next year.

    Laura’s Marsaili is such a pretty doll. She looks so sweet and feminine. I love all her pets. So cute. And the wagon is great and a perfect size for her to enjoy the ride to the parade.

    Wow, Jeanne! So many absolutely beautiful holiday ensembles. I wish I had my Lark when you were sewing for her. I’ve loved everything I’ve seen that you made for her. I haven’t sewn for her much but am getting ready to make her a cute summer outfit then maybe a dress or two. The dress she came in is so fancy she doesn’t wear it much. The sister dresses at the end are very pretty. So many different styles and use of fabric and trims I enjoy looking at all the outfits again and again.

    David finally got this truck back from the infirmary yesterday. It was there for a month. I mentioned once that someone had backed into us in the Wal-Mart parking lot and did some serious damage to the passenger side of the bed. Fortunately there was no damage to the axle but the pick-up that hit us was pretty big so things could have been worse. But the man’s insurance company was a pain in the neck and kept trying to get the body shop to fix the panel rather than replace it, which would have not looked very good. Finally they agreed to a price. That’s one of the reasons it took so long. The other was the shop was repairing a lot of vehicles that were caught in the hailstorm in Bellville. David was patient but it happened in May, he couldn’t get it in the shop until early June and it just came home yesterday. He is over the moon.

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