A glimpse of my Thrift Shop…

Sister time today at our local Thrift Shop… Some “younger generation” kids have changed things up a bit and made it a pretty great place to shop! They are in the process of buying the building next door and will have twice the space! They can sure use it! We had a fun time looking at things and thought you might like to see for yourself… I’m somewhere in the building… did you spot me? Actually in 2 pictures.

Speaking of pictures, if you click them they will enlarge.

I will see you Monday!
Blessings, Jeanne

7 thoughts on “A glimpse of my Thrift Shop…”

  1. Charlotte Trayer

    What a great thrift shop that is! I’ve never seen so many umbrellas and parasols in my life! But they sure look pretty, hanging from the ceiling like that. The one I particularly noticed was the retro Simplicity one with the ladies in vintage fashions (2nd picture). I have several of the “retro Simplicity” things they came out with a few years ago, including a similar umbrella.

    Didn’t see a lot of dolls–a few, but not a lot–but I did see you at the foot of the stairs, quite clearly, and I think an edge of you in the next picture below that one.

    So, the burning question: what did you buy?!!

  2. Good thing they are buying the space next door. They must be thriving!
    All of these photos show me a wide and wild collection of so many treasures.
    Yes, I found you, I know you had a great time with your sisters

  3. Joy in northern CA

    Well, that’s some thrift shop. I guess you would need to be there to find anything because it is overloaded to me. I did like seeing the discount days posted. I’d be there Wednesday, and maybe Thursday, if I took along other person. Like Charlotte, I spotted the Simplicity umbrella of a couple of years ago. Glad she has one because it is so cute. Loved searching for Waldo, AKA Jeanne with her great blue bag. So, did you guys find any treasures? I would love to know what came home with you and sisters. Did Cindy find anything for her sales space?

  4. Yes, that’s one crowded shop. Lots of umbrellas and parasols, to be sure. the Simplicity umbrella is very cute. I love the wall of cassette tapes and CDs, the ceiling of records, and the other wall of VHS tapes. I also spotted you. So what did you and your sisters find?

  5. Susette from Southern California

    I certainly agree with Laura about the wall decorations using recording equipment of all kinds. That’s one stylish mannequin. I see you’re showing just a glimpse as no cooking or tableware. Someone is an artful decorator using the umbrellas, petticoat chandelier and signs. Yes, let’s see if anyone found a bargain.

  6. Barbara in SE Texas

    Wow! That’s a lot of stuff to see. I’m still checking things out, but I did find you Jeanne. I know you couldn’t have left empty handed so can’t wait to see what you and your sibs bought.

  7. Dorothy in PA and the World

    Dear Jeanne, I am echoing the Sofa Sisters. I saw the Simplicity umbrella. It was so cute. I also found you! Thanks for sharing your fun sister day with your “other” sisters (laugh). We enjoying going along on your adventures.

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